File: JHCCA BLOOD-BORNE CONTAGIOUS OR INFECTIOUS DISEASES The attendance at school of students who suffer from or have been exposed to bloodborne diseases which are infectious or contagious, such as, but not limited to, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Acquired Immunodeficiency (AIDS), AIDS Related Complex (ARC), Hepatitis B or C, and which may be transmitted by the exchange of body secretions, shall be determined by the Superintendent on a case-by-case basis. The student may be excluded from school and school related functions pending the Superintendent's decision. The privacy rights of the student involved shall be respected in accordance with Virginia law. The Superintendent shall adopt regulations setting forth the procedures to be followed to effect this policy (see Administrative Directive - JHCCA-3/09). Upon learning that a student may have been exposed to or has a condition related to a bloodborne contagious or an infectious disease, the Superintendent/designee will consult with the student's parent(s) and attending physician regarding the student's health condition and convene immediately an advisory team to recommend a course of action. The advisory team should include a representative of the Public Health Department, the student's attending physician, and such other persons as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent. Pending the recommendation of the team and action by the Superintendent/designee, the Superintendent/designee may take accommodating measures to modify the student's activities and attendance at school, including granting period(s) of limited attendance or excused absence, with special instructional arrangements. All persons who possess any privileged medical information about students subject to this policy shall be required to treat all proceedings, discussions, and documents as confidential information, not subject to further disclosure except as permitted by law. Individuals will be informed of the situation on a "need to know" basis with written consent of the parent/guardian, except as otherwise provided for by law. The parent(s) of the student and the student shall be advised of special services and procedures which may be available under federal and state law, including, but not limited to, Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act. Such procedures and services, if any, will be made available in coordination with the recommendation and the action of the Superintendent/designee. A student may appeal any action of the Superintendent/designee by filing an appeal with the Chairman of the School Board. The Chairman shall convene a meeting of the School Board and provide expedited consideration of the appeal. The decision of the Board shall be considered final. (continued) 3/09 RCPS ROCKINGHAM COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD File: JHCCA (Page 2) Adopted: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Legal Refs: Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, §§ 22.1-271.3, 22.1-272, 32.1-36.1, 32.1-45.2 Cross Refs: Rockingham County Public Schools Administrative Directives: -Blood-borne Contagious and/or Infectious Diseases, AD-JHCCA-6/09 -Administrative Guidelines for Health Care of Students, AD-JHC – 7/01 Rockingham County Public Schools Blood-borne Pathogens Exposure Control Handbook EBAB Possible Exposure to Viral Infections JHCC Communicable Diseases 3/09 RCPS ROCKINGHAM COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD