HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 WEEK ONE Date Thurs 1/24 Fri 1/25 (Reduced due to ER) Plans Disc class packet Start Major Env’tal Problems (create 16 square sheet of paper, write major environmental problems in each one, convert to mind map) HW: Get forms signed (due Mon) Collect forms Finish Major Env’tal Problems Mind Map (present and display) Ecolog due on Monday! 1 HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 WEEK TWO Date Mon 1/28 Plans Collect forms Discuss and collect Ecologs Start Ch 1.1 PP – Stop and Think Resources Act Tues 1/29 Collect late forms Finish Ch 1.1 PP and Start 1.2 PP – Tragedy of Commons Blog (due Tues 2/5), Risk Assessment Act (need scissors), AWSOTD Video Pt 2 Finish Ch 1.2 PP – Dev v. Dev. Vortices Act, Hans Rosling Video, 7 Billion People, Ecological Footprint Act Wed 1/30 Laptops Thurs 1/31 Fri 2/1 Coll & disc Ecological Footprint Act – highest initial number of planets (why?), lowest initial number of planets (why?), biggest drop when adjusting lifestyle (why?) Disc Science Safety Acknowledgement & show Lab Safety Rap Ch 2.1 PP on Experimental Design – late to class problem, CO2 exp’t (Assign different tables to determine problem in the form of a question, hypothesis as an if/then statement, independent and dependent variable, control group and experimental group, constants, how to ensure the validity of the data) Disc Salinization Problem and design experiment Set up Salinization Lab – do everything except mix water and seeds Start Ch 2.2 PP - John Snow Act 2 HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 WEEK THREE Date Mon 2/4 Laptops Tues 2/5 Laptops Wed 2/6 Thurs 2/7 TAKE FIRST LUNCH Fri 2/8 Plans Disc and Collect Ecologs Seed Lab (Day 0) - mix seeds and water Finish Ch 2.2 – summarize John Snow Act with video clip and handout Ch 2.3 PP Start Decision Making Model Act (Each group will research issue then create poster that briefly explains problem, dmm table with values and consequences, and group’s final decision.) 1) Fracking in NC 2) Offshore oil drilling on NC Coast 3) White street landfill expansion in Greensboro 4) Sludge application to fields 5) Proposed gas station 6) Environmental education center 7) Mountains-to-Sea Trail expansion 8) Hwy 119 By-Pass Check seeds (Day 1) Finish DMMs and Tragedy of Commons Blogs Check seeds (Day 2) Present DMMs and hang in hallway Review Game Ch 1 & 2 Check seeds (Day 3) Ch 1 & 2 TEST Ecology Review CW Puzzle Start Ch 8.1 PP Check seeds (Day 4) Finish Ch 8.1 PP Population Estimation and Growth Simulation Lab – need beans, markers, calculators Return tests SOMEONE MUST TAKE SEEDS HOME (Days 5-6) 3 HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 WEEK FOUR Date Mon 2/11 Tues 2/12 Wed 2/13 Plans Check seeds (Day 7) – share data and clean up Discuss Seed Germination Lab Report (due Wed 2/20) Coll Population Lab Disc & coll Ecologs Ch 8.2 PP Start Coyote Case Study Finish Coyote Case Study (coll) Start Ch 9.1 PP BRING CALCULATORS TOMORROW! Finish Ch 9.1 PP Power of Pyramids Lab – need calculators, rulers & colored pencils! Thurs 2/14 Laptops Ch 9.1 PP on Demographic Transition Demographic Transition Lab – need computers, rulers & colored pencils (due Fri) Fri 2/15 Laptops Show “People Bomb” while students complete Power of Pyramids and Demographic Transition Labs (coll) and work on Seed Germination Lab Reports (due Tues) 4 HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 WEEK FIVE Date Mon 2/18 Tues 2/19 Laptops Wed 2/20 Plans PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY Coll Seed Lab Reports and complete Peer Evaluations Disc & coll Ecologs Ch 9.2 Group Projects (Problems of Rapid Growth, Thailand’s Pop Plan, China’s Pop Plan, India’s Pop Plan, ICPD Goals and Progress) – need laptops, markers, roll of paper, yard sticks View Ch 9.2 PP while students present Population Trends “China’s One-Child” and Two-Child Policy” Videos – complete List of Positives and Negatives (coll) Thurs 2/21 Finish Ch 9.2 on dropping fertility rates and possible stabilization at 9 billion by 2050 Ch 10.1 PP Disc NC Endangered PP Project (students may find partners and choose category) Return Papers Review Game Fri 2/22 TAKE FIRST LUNCH Laptops Ch 8 & 9 TEST Work on Endangered PP Project 5 HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 WEEK SIX Date Mon 2/25 Laptops Tues 2/26 Laptops Wed 2/27 Thurs 2/28 Fri 3/1 Plans Coll & disc Ecologs Ch 10.2 PP Continue Endangered PP Project Ch 10.3 PP Complete Endangered PP Project – email final PPs to me & bring backup copy on flash drive Endangered PP Presentations with peer evaluations Disc Common Characteristics and Common Threats of Endangered Species Return tests Start Ch 11.1 PP through Watersheds – tie flood plain zones into wetlands Wetland Debate – review case and character backgrounds (prepare for tomorrow) “Water: To the Last Drop” Part I Wetland Debate – 5 minutes to discuss with like characters; each character gets 3 minutes to argue case and 2 minutes to answer questions; group must come to consensus and write plan on paper with all members’ signatures (coll); share actual outcome Finish Ch 11.1 PP – jar of gravel, wax pencil, funnel, & water bottle 6 HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 WEEK SEVEN Date Mon 3/4 Laptops Plans Disc & coll Ecologs Start Ch 11.2 PP – Freshwater Usage Sorting Act Bolivian Water Case Study Tues 3/5 Wed 3/6 Thurs 3/7 Fri 3/8 Tues 10/25 Wed 10/26 Thurs 10/27 (MEDIA CTR) Fri 10/28 (MEDIA CTR) Research Three Gorges Dam Pros & Cons for HW Continue Ch 11.2 PP Take Virtual Tour of Drinking Water Treatment Plant Show “Story of Bottled Water” Disc Three Gorges Dam Pros & Cons, view video, then write your opinion beneath table (collect) Assign Tapwater Ad (due Tues) SET UP EUTROPHICATION LAB! Finish Ch 11.2 PP - clips of Reverse Osmosis & Spragg Bags Start Ch 11.3 PP through Opening Slide of Water Pollution (tie into Eutrophication Lab) Eutrophication Lab (coll) Continue Ch 11.3 PP through Sludge Treatment “Reclaiming the Neuse River” – P&S (coll) Collect Consent Forms & $2 Continue Ch 11.3 PP through Ocean Pollution Start Fecal Coliform in Antarctica Case Study (finish Part III for HW) Finish Tapwater Ad for HW Collect Consent Forms & $2 Collect Tapwater Ads and hang them in hallway – gallery walk Complete Fecal Coliform in Antarctica Case Study (collect) Complete Ch 11.3 PP Return papers Review Game Collect Consent Forms & $2 Ch 10 & 11 TEST I & D #13: Nuclear Wastes (due Wed) Discuss and begin Alternative Energy Source PP Project Collect Consent Forms & $2 Start Ch 17. 1 PP through Coal Work on Alt Energy Source PP Project Collect Consent Forms & $2 Return tests Finish Ch 17. 1 PP Work on Alt Energy Source PP Project 7 HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 WEEK ELEVEN Date Tues 11/1 Wed 11/2 (REDUCED TO 1 HR DUE TO ER) Thurs 11/3 (MEDIA CTR) Fri 11/4 Plans FIELD TRIP TO WWTP 200 word reflection w/ WC on what you learned – due Wed Collect reflections Ch 17.2 PP on Nuclear Power Discuss & coll I & D #13: Nuclear Wastes Disc FREEDM Center (Show videos from website) Handout Photo Releases (due Thurs 11/10) Assign Preview Vocabulary Sheet to work on in MC (due Mon) Finish Alt Energy PowerPoints Present Alt Energy Source PP w/ Peer Reviews 8 HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 WEEK TWELVE Date Mon 11/7 Plans Coll FREEDM Photo Releases Coll & disc Ecologs Finish Alt Energy Sources PP Pres (Hydrogen Power) Show Mike Strizki Video Clip Disc FREEDM Vocabulary – show ice packs and hand warmers to demonstrate endothermic and exothermic rxns, show “Electricity and Magnetism” video to current terms (not enough time to do light bulb comparisons – save til tomorrow) Return papers Review Game (Brain Savvy) Tues 11/8 Ch 17 & 18 TEST I & D #20: Free-Market Env Wed 11/9 Finish FREEDM Vocab on Lightbulbs – do “Which Bulb is a Better Buy?” Act, then (NETBOOK pass out Light Bulb Comparison table (collect Vocab Sheets & Photo Releases) Cap & Trade Card Simulation – need index cards CART) Show “Story of Cap and Trade” & disc student thoughts Coll I & D #20: Free-Market Env Ch 12.1 PP through Secondary Pollutants – need to “put a name with the face, so to speak” facebook Pages for Primary Pollutants – template in assignment folder online Thurs 11/10 Coll FREEDM Photo Releases (NETBOOK Finish facebook Pages for Primary Pollutants CART) 9 HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 10 WEEK THIRTEEN Date Mon 11/14 (NEED iBOOKS) Tues 11/15 (NEED iBOOKS) Wed 11/16 (NEED iBOOKS) Thurs 11/17 (NEED iBOOKS) Fri 11/18 Plans NEED HOT AND COLD WATER QUICKLY Coll & disc Ecologs Present Primary Pollutant facebook pages Continue Ch 12.1 PP through Temperature Inversions – temp inversion demo Smog City Activity (finish for HW if needed) Collect Smog City Activity Ch 12.1 PP on Regulations on Air Pollution DustBusters Act Start discussion of DustBusters Results SET UP PROBEWARE LAB FOR ACID RAIN! Finish disc of DustBusters and tie into Ch 12.2 PP on Effects of Air Pollution on Health and Indoor Air Pollution/Sick Buildings Ch 12.3 PP on Acid Rain through pH scale Start Acid Rain Lab – explain LoggerPro 3 and how to use probeware Return tests Continued Acid Rain Lab & collect from those who finished Tracing Acid Rain Act (due Mon) NC FREEDM Systems Center VISIT Need 9 tables cleared (2 with electrical access), ICE and Photo Releases Send student with cart to meet crew at 9:40 am! HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 WEEK FOURTEEN Date Mon 11/21 Tues 11/22 Plans Disc & Collect Ecologs Finish Acid Rain Lab/Finish Tracing Acid Rain Act/Answer FREEDM Follow-Up Questions Disc FREEDM Follow-Up Questions Finish Ch 12.3 PP on Acid Rain Disc and collect Tracing Acid Rain Ch 3.2 PP on Atmosphere – up to Layers of Atm Layers of the Atmosphere Act (disc using Ch 3.2 PP & collect) Finish Ch 3.2 PP on Atmosphere Ch13.1 PP on Climate Objectives Eight Essential Questions about Climate – each table will teach on Mon 11/28 NO ECOLOG DUE ON TUES 11 HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 WEEK FIFTEEN Date Mon 11/ 28 Tues 11/29 Wed 11/30 Thurs 12/1 Fri 12/2 Plans NO ECOLOG DUE TODAY - choose anti-GCC article from past year for your Ecolog next week! Eight Essential Questions about Climate – 30-minutes to finish then start presentations (show video clips/animations on convection currents, coriolis, el nino) Finish Eight Essential Questions about Climate Ch 13.2 PP on Ozone Layer Ups and Downs of Ozone Graphing Act (due Thurs) Greenhouse Effect Probeware Lab (complete for HW) Work on Ozone Layer Act while waiting during lab Collect Ups and Downs of Ozone Graphing Act & Greenhouse Effect Lab – use PP images to review ozone depletion in spring and effect of atmosphere and heat trapping gases on warming and cooling of atmosphere Ch 13.2 PP on Global Climate Change up to data evidence Ice Bubbles Act – work as table – discuss and keep Finish Ch 13.2 PP on Global Climate Change Start “An Inconvenient Truth” w/ questions (keep) – FF thru political and life history sections Finish “An Inconvenient Truth” w/ questions (coll) – FF thru political and life history sections Return papers 12 HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 WEEK SIXTEEN Date Mon 12/5 Tues 12/6 Wed 12/7 Thurs 12/8 Fri 12/9 Plans Collect and discuss Anti-GCC Ecologs Review Game Ch 12 & 13 Test I & D #12: Green Cars (REPLACE NEXT YEAR) GIVE OUT LAB SUPPLY SLIPS & BAGS FOR SOIL SAMPLES!!! Ch 14.1 PP Start Land Use Planning Project Wetland Mitigation Debate – discuss issue; assign stakeholders roles, students should become familiar with issue by Wed Wetland Mitigation Debate – review issue; stakeholder discussions; table discussions; group proposal on paper; ask groups to present proposals; discuss postscript Wetland Mitigation Debate – quickly finish presentation of proposals; discuss postscript Ch 14.2 PP Disc and collect I & D #12: Green Cars (REPLACE NEXT YEAR) Work on Land Use Planning Project Return tests Quick Presentation of Land Use Plans – hang in hallway Ch 14.3 PP through deforestation – show “Goods from the Woods” Start Research on Oak Clear-Cutting Debate – need one-page of research w/sources by Mon ( NO ECOLOG) 13 HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 WEEK SEVENTEEN Ch 15 TOO RUSHED DUE TO UPCOMING BREAK – REVISE PPs and CONCENTRATE MATERIAL! Date Mon 12/12 Tues 12/13 Wed 12/14 Thurs 12/15 (iBOOKS) Fri 12/16 (iBOOKS) Plans Oak Clear-Cutting Debate – collect research and opinion Finish Ch 14.3 PP Start Soil Lab – set up samples for drying, set up soil texture jars, soil pH jars, and soil flocculation jars – discuss clean-up Ch 15.1 PP on Feeding the World Ch 15.2 PP through Soil - soil tube sample, box of soil samples Soil Lab – complete soil tests and share data (due Thurs) Finish writing down Soil Lab Data Quickly highlight Ch 15.1 PP through Ch 15.2 – from “Ecology of Food” to “Modern Agriculture” “Food, Inc.” w/ P&S (coll) Collect Soil Labs Ch 15.2 PP to Sustainable Agriculture Discuss Organic Farming Plan Bring in Organic Foods on Mon for Extra Credit!!! Ch 15.3 PP Continue Organic Farming Plan Bring in Organic Foods on Mon for Extra Credit!!! 14 HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 WEEK EIGHTEEN Date Mon 12/19 Tues 12/20 Plans Coll and disc Ecologs Eat Organic Foods while watching “Store Wars” and “Meatrix” Finish and Present Organic Farm Plans Return papers Review Game Ch 14 & 15 TEST Iss & Dec: Pay As You Throw Programs (due Wed 1/4) 15 HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 WEEK NINETEEN Date Tues 1/3 Wed 1/4 Thurs 1/5 Fri 1/6 Plans Ch 14 PP (modified from APES PP) Cookie Mining Lab Disc Exam Schedule Disc & coll Cookie Lab Ch 19.1 PP thru landfills - “Story of Stuff” & Layers of the Landfill Notebook Disc & coll I & D #23: Pay to Throw Programs Return tests Decision Making Model Act on “NC Megadumps” - work as individual, disc with table, make group decision, disc as class, use projector to display one person’s chart, share state’s final decision w/ info on Solid Waste Management Act of 2007 (coll) Finish Ch 19.1 PP on ways to dispose of trash Ch 19.3 PP on Hazardous Wastes “Garbage” Video - Problems & Solutions (coll) 16 HONORS ENVIRONMENTAL LESSON PLANS ~ K. McCLURE ~ SPRING 2013 WEEK TWENTY Date Mon 1/9 Tues 1/10 Wed 1/11 Thurs 1/12 Plans Disc & coll Ecolog Trash Sorting Activity (set up trash can with compostable cup, plastic bags, plant clippings, aluminum can, drink box, etc.) Ch 19.2/19.3 PP on Reducing Wastes (solid and hazardous) Finish Ch 19.2/19.3 PP on Solid Waste Options Discuss Exam Details – 150 MC questions (< 10 questions each from Ch 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 (focus on mining), 17, 18, & 19 counting 75% and 1 cumulative essay counting 25%) curved to 100; bring textbook, #2 pencils, & notebook paper EXAM REVIEW (Charades/Pictionary/Password/Crateball/Brain Savvy) Return all work EXAM REVIEW (Charades/Pictionary/Password/Crateball/Brain Savvy) Return all work EXAM 17