Group Final Outline Ed. 385 - UWSPEDUC385-585

1. Opening game – ‘it’s in the bag’- Mike (15 min) (Room 310)
2. Advisor (15 min)
a. Definition- Linzy
b. Advisory vs advising-Linzy
c. Purpose and goal- Linzy
d. Stages of advisory- Mike
e. Suggested topics-Mike
3. Break (5 min)
4. Mock advisory time – communication (40 min)
a. Tanks-Linzy (Room 310)
b. Middle name line up and telephone game- Mike (Room 322)
5. Challenges discussion-Mike (5 min)
6. Rachel Reinders- Linzy introduces
7. Break (5 min)
8. Content PowerPoint (15 mins)
a. Definition- Brittany
b. Teacher Teaming
a. Types of Teaming (Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary, and
b. 6 C’s of Teaming-Emily
c. Typical Team Meeting- Brittany and Emily
c. Student Teaming-Brittany
9. Create A Team- Emily (10 mins)
a. Team name and mascot
b. Teaching Philosophy
10. Blocking Behaviors-Brittany (15 mins)
a. Scenario
b. Discussion and Content
11. Discussion of good and bad teaming-Brittany and Emily (5 mins)
12. Break (5 mins)
13. How do I fit into a team? Activity-Brittany and Emily (5 mins)
14. Pros and Cons Activity-Brittany and Emily (10 mins)
15. Conclusion Activity-Brittany, Emily, Linzy, and Mike (10 mins)