May 2014 Developmental Disabilities Administration Fact Sheet: STATE SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENT PROGRAM Overview Eligibility Requirements Authority Budget Rates Partners Oversight The State Supplementary Payment (SSP) Program provides state-only cash awards in monthly installments to approximately 2,000 children and adults so that they may purchase necessary services and supports. There are no restrictions requiring recipients to spend funds on specific services or programs. Individuals who: Are enrolled as clients of the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA); and Are approved to receive a state supplementary payment in lieu of a DDA funded program or services and receive: o Supplemental Security Income (SSI) cash assistance in the month in which the DDA state supplementary payment is issued; or o Social Security Title II benefits as a disabled adult child and who would be eligible for SSI if they did not receive these benefits. RCW 71A, Developmental Disabilities Chapter 388-827 WAC, State Supplementary Payment Program FY 2013 Expenditures: Expenditures are located in budget unit H58, Program Indexes 1821, 1822, 1823 $7,359,831 General Fund-State N/A DDA works closely with the Social Security Administration and Department of Social and Health Services Economic Services Administration and Children’s Administration to ensure that Washington State meets its minimum Maintenance of Effort (MOE) requirements for continued federal funding. Other partners include individuals receiving services, parents, advocacy organizations, counties and service providers. External: State Auditor’s Office Social Security Administration Internal: DDA Quality Control and Compliance (QCC) coordinators meet with the SSP Program Manager and regional coordinators to review client files for accuracy. DDA Case Resource Managers work closely with clients and service providers to ensure that individuals who contract directly with their providers receive quality services. WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL & HEALTH SERVICES PAGE 1 OF 2 Information Contact Developmental Disabilities Administration Mark Eliason, Chief, Office of Program and Policy Development 360/725-3452 Email: Website: WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL & HEALTH SERVICES PAGE 2 OF 2