Shoulder and Thorax Review Questions

Shoulder Girdle and Bony Thorax Review
Instructor Questions – Followed by questions provided by campus students 2012
1. Which functional classification of articulations are synovial joints?
a. diarthrosis
b. synarthrosis
c. amphiarthroses
d. piarthrosis
2. Which evaluation criterion indicates that the humerus is properly positioned for the AP
a. The epicondyles are superimposed
b. The lesser tubercle is seen in profile
c. The greater tubercle is superimposed over the humeral head.
d. The humeral head and greater tubercle are both in profile.
3. What is the name of the anterior superior fossa of the scapula?
a. subscapularis
b. infraspinatous
c. supraspinatous
d. anteriorspinatous
4. When performing the AP projection of the scapula, the central ray should be directed toward
what point in relation to the coracoid process?
a. 2 in lateral
b. 2.5 in medial
c. 2 in inferior
d. 2.5 in superior
5. How many degrees and in which direction should the central ray be directed for the PA axial
projection of the clavicle?
a. 15-30 degrees cuadad
b. 15-30 degrees cephalad
c. 25-35 degrees caudad
d. 25-35 degrees cephalad
6. In a PA projection, what patient position best demonstrates the left ribs?
a. RAO
b. LAO
c. RPO
d. LPO
7. In the superior inferior axial projection of the shoulder, how many degrees should the CR be
angled toward the elbow?
a. 20-25 degrees
b. 30-45 degrees
c. 5- 15 degrees
d. no angulation required
8. Which of the following describes radiographic imaging of the AC joints?
a. SID 40 inches
b. CR 1 in below the mid clavicular line
c. completed with and without weights
d. requires bilateral oblique positioning
9. Interchondral joints between ribs 9-10 are classified as which of the following?
a. freely moveable
b. fibrous syndesmosis
c. synovial gliding
d. immovable
10. When imaging the sternum, how should a patient with a deep chest be positioned?
a. less angulation
b. more angulation
c. no angulation
d. images in LAO position
11. Which of the following defines pectus excavatum?
a. protruding chest
b. normal chest
c. sunken chest
d. lobulated chest
12. Which of the following ribs should be demonstrated upright and with full inspiration?
a. upper ribs
b. lower ribs
c. axial ribs
d. diaphragmatic ribs
13. When imaging the ribs below the diaphragm, the lower edge of the IR should be placed at
which anatomical landmark?
a. xiphoid process
b. iliac crest
c. pubic symphysis
d. rib angle
14. In a AP projection, what patient position best demonstrates the left ribs?
a. RAO
b. LAO
c. RPO
d. LPO
Shoulder and Thorax Review Questions
Campus Students 2012
All of the following are parts of the sternum EXCEPT:
a. Xiphoid process
b. Body of the sternum
c. Manubrium
d. Costal cartilage
e. Sternal angle
Ans: d
The sternal ends of the clavicle are supported by which structure of the sternum?
a. Xiphoid process
b. Manubrium
c. Jugular notch
d. Body of the sternum
Ans: b
When the heart shadow is used for background density when radiographing the sternum, which
positions are preferred? (Select all that apply)
a. Lateral
b. PA Oblique
c. LAO
d. RAO
Ans: b,d
With what part of the vertebral column do ribs articulate? (Select all that apply)
a. Spinous process
b. Transverse process
c. Vertebral body
d. Shaft
e. Transverse foramina
f. Costotransverse joint
g. Spinal column
h. Costal cartilage
Ans: b, c, f
Rib 12 is which of the following? (Select all that apply)
a. True rib
b. False rib
c. Floating rib
d. There is no 12th rib
Ans: b, c
True or False. Rib 5 radiographs should be taken at the end of expiration.
Ans: False
What bones connect at the AC Joints? (Select all that apply)
a. Clavicle
b. Scapula
c. Sternum
d. Humerus
Ans: a,b
What is the SID for the AC joint AP view?
a. 48”
b. 40”
c. 72”
d. 60”
Ans: c
When imaging the trauma shoulder with the patient in supine position, at what angle is the AP
axial projection directed?
a. 35 degrees cephalic
b. No angle
c. 15 degrees cephalic
d. 35 degrees caudad
Ans: a
10. A patient has an anterior dislocation of the humeral head; where on the scapular Y view does
the humeral head appear?
a. Inferior to the acromion process
b. Inferior to the corocoid process
c. Inferior to the coronoid process
d. Inferior to the SC joint
Ans: b
11. In the AP projection of the shoulder, in internal rotation, what anatomy of the humerus is
visualized in profile?
a. Greater tubercle
b. Intertubercle groove
c. Lesser tubercle
d. Acromion
Ans: c
12. Which of the following apply to ribs:
a. There are 7 pairs of true ribs
b. There are 3 pairs of floating ribs
c. False ribs are directly attached to the sternum
d. The head of the rib is attached anteriorly
e. True ribs are attached to the sternum and the vertebra
Ans: a,e
13. When imaging the lower ribs, what breathing technique should be instructed?
a. Inhalation, diaphragm moved superior
b. Exhalation, diaphragm moved superior
c. Normal breathing
d. Exhalation, diaphragm moves inferior
Ans: b
14. True/False In a PA position of the ribs, the side that is affected should be on the IR.
Ans: False
15. The sternum is approximately how long?
a. 5 in
b. 6 in
c. 7 in
d. 8 in
Ans: b
16. External rotation of the shoulder puts what bony projection inprofile?
a. Greater trochanter
b. Medial epicondyle
c. Greater tubercle
d. Lesser tubercle
Ans: b
17. In what position should the patient be placed to best demonstrate the affected SC joint?
a. Head turned toward the affected side
b. Head turned away from the affected side
c. Head in the center
d. Chin resting on the chest
Ans: a
18. For the PA oblique projection of the sternum, what degree of body rotation is utilized?
a. 5-10 degrees
b. 15-20 degrees
c. 45-50 degrees
d. 25-30 degrees
Ans: b
19. What patient position shows the glenoid cavity best?
a. Scapular Y
b. Trans-thoracic lateral
c. Grashey Method
d. PA
Ans: c
20. In what radiographic position does the patient need to be placed for a PA image of the
a. RAO
b. LAO
c. RPO
d. LPO
Ans: a
21. Why is suspended respiration utilized when imaging upper ribs? (Choose all that apply)
a. The diaphragm is contracted
b. The diaphragm is relaxed
c. Increased contrast
d. Increased grey scale
Ans: a,c
22. What type of joint is the sternoclavicular articulation?
a. Synovial hinge
b. Fibrous saddle
c. Cartilaginous pivot
d. Synovial gliding
Ans: d
23. For bilateral procedure of the SC Joint examination, how should the patient head be
a. Toward the affected side
b. To the left
c. To the right
d. Resting on the chin
Ans: d
24. True/False The clavicles should be demonstrated in their entirety for an SC Joint examination.
Ans: False
25. How many degrees should the patient be rotated for the oblique projection of the SC Joint?
a. 10-15 degrees
b. 15-20 degrees
c. 45 degrees
d. 60 degrees
Ans: a
26. What anatomic structure appears lateral to the crest of the scapular spine?
a. Glenoid fossa
b. Coracoid process
c. Scapular notch
d. Acromion
Ans: d
27. During an AP projection for the scapula, what breathing instructions should be given to the
a. Hold on inspiration
b. Hold on expiration
c. Normal slow breathing
d. None of the above
Ans: c
28. All of the following are criteria for the scapular Y, EXCEPT:
a. Superimposed glenoid cavity and humeral head
b. Scapula in AP positioning
c. Acromion projected laterally
d. No superimposition of the scapular body over the bony thorax
Ans: b
29. The clavical articulates with all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Manubrium of the sternum
b. Acromion process
c. 1st costal cartilage
d. Coracoid process
Ans: d
30. What affect does the axial view have on the image of the clavicle?
a. Easier for the patient
b. Foreshortens ribs
c. Demonstrated genoid articulation
d. Clavicle isolated from ribs and scapula
Ans: d
31. In order to demonstrate the true anatomic curvature of the clavicle, what projection should be
a. Lordotic
b. AP
c. AP axial
d. Both a and c
Ans: b
32. What type of joint is the shoulder?
a. Synarthrodial
b. Diamphiarthrodial
c. Diarthrodial
d. Amphiarthrodial
Ans: c
33. A lateral view of the acromion, scapula, and coracoid process make up which view?
a. AP projection internal
b. PA projection internal
c. Y view
d. AP projection external
Ans: c
34. Which structure of the rib articulates with the transverse process of the vertebrae?
a. Head
b. Tubercle
c. Shaft
d. Facet of vertebral end
Ans: b
35. On an AP axial projection of the clavicle, where should the CR enter the patient?
a. Mid clavicle
b. 2 “ below the clavicle
c. SC joint
d. 2 “ above clavicle
Ans: b