Preston Park Calculation Policy 2011 Year Group Number Addition& Subtraction Nursery To recognise and use numbers 05 To recognise and use numbers 020 To use mathematical concepts in their play To add and subtract numbers to 10 using concrete apparatus, fingers Introduce the +, - and = symbols. Use addition and subtraction in day to day problem solving 1 more than, 1 less to 10 using concrete apparatus Rapid recall of number bonds to 5 Rapid recall of number bonds to 10 Doubling and halving numbers to 10 using concrete apparatu s, fingers Near doubles to 10 Reception Year 1 To recognise and use numbers 050 To add and subtract numbers to 30 using concrete apparatus and number lines. To begin to use written methods using the symbols +,,= representing groups using drawings and/or numbers Use addition and subtraction in day to day problem solving Mental addition (putting big number in your head 1st) Commutativity in addition 5+3 = 3+5 1 more 1 less mentally 10 more 10 less using a number square for any number between 0-20 Using a number line to work out missing numbers in sums e.g. 5+__= 7 Number Bonds Multiplication Division Sharing out fruit/ milk/biscuits at snack time Repeated addition using concrete apparatus Counting forwards and backwards in 1’s and 10’s Counting forwards and backwards in 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s through chanting and in role play scenarios. To recognise multiplication as repeated addition using concrete apparatus. Practical problem solving of equal groups Sharing of fruit at snack time Setting out tables in role play Sharing resources fairly Introduce the concept of sharing into 2 equal groups( 1 for me 1 for you)using concrete apparatus. Sharing of fruit, cubes, sweets. Introduce the concept of sharing into two or more equal groups using concrete apparatus. Common misconception Reversal of numbers. Model how to form numbers correctly. Subtraction does not follow the rule of commutativity. Starting from the biggest number when adding and subtracting. Confusion of addition and subtraction. Preston Park Calculation Policy 2011 Year Group Number Addition& Subtraction Number Bonds Multiplication Division Common misconception Year 2 To recognise and use numbers 0-100 Subtraction does not follow the rule of commutativity. To add and subtract numbers to 100 using number lines adding any two numbers. 10 more 10 less mentally and using a number square to identify patterns from any number 0-30 Bridging through 10 Commutativity in addition 50+3 = 3+50 Partition into 10’s and 1’s and recombine Adding on 9 or 11 by adding 10 and adjusting by 1. Using a number line to work out missing numbers in sums e.g. 12+__= 22. Start with 10 more 10 less and then move onto other numbers Find a small difference by counting up e.g. 42-39=3 Rapid recall of number bonds to 20 Halving and Doubling numbers to 20 Near doubles to 20 Counting forwards and backwards in 1’s, 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s and 10’s through chanting. Use concrete apparatus and numbers lines to introduce & consolidate concept of multiplication. Introduce the ‘x’ symbol. Introduce arrays using counters and record Commutativity – 3x5 is the same as 5x3 Understanding division as grouping . Using known times table facts to support division (inverse operations). Sharing equally using concrete apparatus and written methods. Repeated subtractions using a number line or beads. Starting from the biggest number when adding and subtracting. Confusion addition subtraction. of and Using knowledge of odd and even numbers to know if there is a remainder when sharing. Preston Park Calculation Policy 2011 Year Group Number Addition& Subtraction Number Bonds Year 3 To recognise and use numbers 0-500 Using a number line to work out missing numbers in sums e.g. 32+__= 52 Add a near multiple of 10 to a 2-digit number e.g. 39+19 = 35+20-1 Use pencil and paper (vertical method/column method) for addition and subtraction with 2 digit numbers. Find a small difference by counting up e.g. 102-97=5 Subtract mentally a near multiple of 10 to and from a 2 digit number 78-49 is the same as 78-50+1 Rapid recall of number bonds to 50 Rapid recall of 10 more 10 less from 1100 Doubling and halving numbers to 50 mentally Know family of numbers e.g. 9+1=10 90+10 =100 Multiplication Rapid recall of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10 times tables Division Common misconception Refer to division as grouping not sharing. Repeated subtraction using number line. Dividing with remainders reminding children that odd numbers have a remainder. Using known times table facts to support division (inverse operations). Subtraction does not follow the rule of commutativity. Preston Park Calculation Policy 2011 Year Group Number Addition& Subtraction Year 4 To recognise and use numbers 0-1000 Year 5 To recognise and use numbers 0-1000 Using a number line to work out 754-86=668 Add a near multiple of 10 to a 2-digit number e.g. 39+19 = 35+20-1 Use pencil and paper (vertical method/column method) for addition and subtraction with 2 digit numbers. Find a small difference by counting up e.g. 5003-4996=7 Subtract mentally a near multiple of 10 to and from a 2 digit number 78-49 is the same as 78-50+1 Use known number facts and place value to subtract 9215=77. Find a difference by counting up e.g. 80062993=5013 Subtract the nearest multiple of 10 or 100 then adjust. Use known number facts and place value to subtract 6.1-0.4= Pencil and paper procedures for 754286=468 using a number line or the vertical method. Number Bonds Rapid recall of number bonds to 100 Multiplication Division Rapid recall of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 times tables Introduce multiplication grid methodpartitioning and recombining. Rapid recall of number bonds to 1000 Rapid recall of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, 12 times tables. Multiplication grid method-partitioning and recombining. Introduce the term ‘rearrange the number’ in place of ‘borrowing’. Dividing with remainders reminding children odd numbers have a remainder Using known times table facts to support division (inverse operations). Pencil and paper procedures. E.g. 72divided by 5=50 divided by 5 and 22 divided by 5. Introduce the method chunking to the children. Common misconception Rules of rearranging the number. Children need to understand the partitioning and recombining method. Rules value. of place Children may forget to recombine when Pencil and paper partitioning. procedures for sums such as 257 divided by 7. Children may forget to add the number that has Short division. been carried over. Preston Park Calculation Policy 2011 Year Group Number Year 6 To recognise and use numbers 01000 Addition& Subtraction Find the difference by counting up e.g. 0.50.31=0.19. Subtract to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 then adjust. Pencil and paper procedures for sums such as 6467-2684=3783 Using the vertical method/number line. Partition into hundreds, tens, ones and decimal fractions and recombine. E.g. 35.8 divided by 7.3= Using the vertical method to add sums such as 124.9+ 117.25. Commutativity= exchange, substitution. Number Bonds Rapid recall of number bonds to 1000 Halving Doubling Multiplication Division 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, 12 times tables to be revised for rapid recall. Pencil and paper procedures for 977 divided by 36 is approximately 1000 divided by 40. (Rounding) Multiplication grid method-partitioning and recombining. Chunking method Short division. Common misconception Children may forget to recombine when partitioning.