Curriculum Policy Our curriculum offers a combination of innovation, personalisation and nurture. It also mirrors mainstream schools curriculum particularly in terms of English and maths. Below is a summary of how our curriculum operates in key stage 2/3 and key stage 4. KS4 Curriculum The curriculum at KS4 includes a core curriculum and a strong emphasis on personalised learning, including a range of options, practical vocational learning, online learning and enrichment. Learning will be supported by Eden, The Heights and external providers. Programmes of study and accredited qualifications will ensure that when a student acquires a qualification at the appropriate level, they can progress to a range of other meaningful programmes and accredited courses. Personalised Learning and Progression Pathways While the above table shows our whole curriculum offer, the actual programme of learning followed by each individual student will be tailored to their learning abilities, needs, aspirations and capabilities. For example, students who are capable of achieving 5+ GCSEs at A*-C including English and Maths will follow a programme which could include English (1 or 2), Maths, Science (2), Vocational (1 or 2), and additional GCSEs (1 or 2) such as Science, PE or Business Studies. These students would be able to achieve 6-9 GCSEs including English and Maths. The opportunity to take other qualifications (eg: Science ((GCSE) and languages) will be provided by buying in provision from our partner schools. Students who aim to follow a level 2 course or Apprenticeship post-16 would follow an appropriate Level 1 course which could include English (Functional Skills or GCSE), Maths (Functional Skills or GCSE) Science (BTEC), at least 2 Vocational qualifications and additional learning such as community action. Many of our students will have “spiky profiles” which would make a mixture of Level 1 and Level 2 courses appropriate. The use of ASDAN and PROJECT accreditation (eg for PSHCE, Citizenship and PE) gives us more flexibility to accredit at Level 1 or Level 2. A detailed breakdown of KS4 programmes by subject, including progress towards accredited qualifications is shown in the attached KS4 Curriculum Map. Gaps in content in core subjects where some knowledge or skill required for future progression has not been secured in the past will be addressed through opportunities for accelerated learning, such as in English and Maths, for example through supported online learning and 1:1 tuition. Progression and continuity in Literacy and Numeracy will be secured through specialist teaching of English and Maths and reinforcement of literacy and numeracy across the curriculum under the leadership of specialist Leaders of English/Literacy and Maths/Numeracy. A variety of curriculum initiatives such as enrichment activities for all, PSHCE and Religious Education and VALUES and COMMUNITY based activities will encompass accredited life skills and experiences across the curriculum. Many of these curriculum opportunities will be delivered through collapsed timetable themed days, Citizenship lessons and through cross curricular links during structured regular timetabled opportunities during the day and activities outside the normal school day. The PSHCE and PE programmes will contribute to an accredited award such as the ASDAN Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE). Key Stage 4 schemes of work in all subjects will follow a common structure, broken down into units. For each unit, the following aspects will be clearly identified: Unit title Number of sessions Learning Objectives Typical GCSE/BTEC/NVQ grade/contribution to accredited qualification Business/Employer links Literacy/Numeracy/ICT links PSHE and RE The teaching of PSHCE and RE will be delivered through the following: Daily morning Assemblies The timetabled PSHCE programme The Project-Based Learning programme (Edexcel Project & CoPE) Collapsed timetable theme days and enrichment activities for all such as Art, Music and Drama events focused on particular values, cultures and faiths In addition to the regular curriculum, Eden School will adopt a whole-school approach to the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) curriculum. This will promote the five social and emotional aspects of learning: self-awareness; managing feelings; motivation; empathy; social skills. Key Stage 4 Curriculum offer Core Curriculum 0 Number of Sessions (per week) 50mins 1 2 3 English Maths ICT 1:1 (assessment, target setting, independent learning review) Extended Curriculum Science PSHCE PE Citizenship/Careers carousel Vocational Learning Hair & Beauty, Childcare, Sport & Leisure, Creative Media, Horticulture, Outdoor Education, Business Studies Enrichment/ Experience based Project based learning tailored to individual interests and community action Break 4 Organisation/ Accrediting body Lunch 4 4 2 5 x 30 mins Edexcel/OCR Edexcel Edexcel 2 1 1 1 Edexcel CoPE/Project CoPE/Project CoPE/Project upto 12 (combined with project based) Various Upto 12 (combined with Vocational) CoPE/Project 5 6 0850 0900 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Arrival & Breakfast Thursday Registration Tutorial 1:1 0930 1020 1110 1130 GCSE/FS Maths PE GCSE/FS English GCSE/FS English GCSE/FS Maths Construction Structured activities on offer GCSE/FS English PSHE GCSE/FS English GCSE/FS Maths Citizenship/ Careers / H&S carousel An example of a KS4 pupil timetable 1305 1355 Construction ICT/ Computing Science Science ICT/ Computing Structured activities on offer GCSE/FS Maths Friday 1220 Work Experience Construction