CHAPTER 1:Theories, writers, and references for “Finding

Communicating the New: Methods to Shape and Accelerate Innovation
by Kim Erwin
CHAPTER 1:Theories, writers, and references for “Finding the
conceptual center”
Further Reading & Resources On “knowing what you know”
John Bargh, “The Automaticity of Everyday Life” (Advances in Social Cognition, Vol X)
 offers an explanation of 95% unconscious brain activity
Peter Turchi, Maps of the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer (Trinity University Press, 2004)
 introduces the topic of writing as exploration and “unspeakable data”
Emory University Professor Lawrence Barsalou, “Grounded Cognition: Past, Present and Future,” in
Topics in CognitiveScience 2 (2010), pages 716–724, and
 provides an overview of the emerging field of grounded cognition
Further Reading & Resources On models, boundary objects, and prototypes
Hugh Dubberly’s work on models and their role in creating The New:
 a collection of insightful and inspiring articles and visualizations
Kenneth Fleischmann, “Boundary Objects with Agency: A method for studying the design-use
interface” (The Information Society 22, 2006, pages 77–87)
 relates the idea of boundary objects to the design world
Kaj Koskinen, “Metaphoric boundary objects as coordinating mechanisms in the knowledge sharing
of innovation processes” (European Journal of Innovation Management 8, Issue 3, 2005, pages
 relates the idea of boundary objects to the challenges of collaborating across disciplines
Stephen Few, Now You See It (Analytic Press, 2009)
 a useful summary of how we think we our eyes
Colin Ware, Visual Thinking: for Design (Morgan Kaufmann, 2008)
 a more detailed look at the eye-brain connection
Further Reading & Resources On writing
Daniel Chandler’s writing at
 explains the theory of linguistic relativity and the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
Parviz Birjandi and Somayyeh Sabah, “A Review of the Language-Th ought Debate: Multivariant
Perspectives,” (2002) in BRAIN: Broad Research in Artifi cial Intelligence and Neuroscience 3, No. 2.
 a more complex take on the language-thought debate
© 2013 by Kim Erwin. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Communicating the New: Methods to Shape and Accelerate Innovation
by Kim Erwin
CHAPTER 2: Theories, writers, and references for “Framing the work”
Further Reading & Resources On language
Hugh Musick,“A Linguistic Model of Innovation (Use your Words),” at
 a terrific essay on the topic
Alfred Korzybsky, Science and Sanity, Fifth Edition (1995 by the Institute for General Semantics)
 influential theories about the role of language, miscommunication, and human suffering
Em Griffin, A First Look at Communication Theory (McGraw-Hill), a chapter is available online at
 an introduction to using communication to illustrate the abstract
Wendell Johnson, ETC: A Review of General Semantics, on the Institute for General Semantics
website, at
 applies the theories of communication and the abstract to psychology
Further Reading & Resoureces On metaphor
George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, Metaphors We Live By, (University of Chicago Press, 2003)
 a user-friendly look at the power of metaphor
Andrew Ortony, “Why Metaphors Are Necessary and Not Just Nice” (Educational Theory 25,
Number 1, 1975, pages 45–53).
 lays out three communicative qualities of metaphor
William J. J. Gordon, Synectics: Development of the Creative Capacity (Collier Books, 1961)
 a classic work that puts forth the principles of “making the familiar strange” and “making the
strange familiar”
Further Reading & Resources On visual metaphor
Charles Forceville, University of Amsterdam, “Adventures in Multimodality” blog/website
 important scholarship on pictorial/ visual and multimodal (any combination of text, pictures,
sound, music, motion) metaphor
Further Reading & Resources On mantras and catchphrases
Farhad Manjoo, True Enough: Learning to Live in a Post-Fact Society (John Wiley & Sons, 2008)
 explores using stories, languages, and political catchphrases to influence national dialogues
and elections
© 2013 by Kim Erwin. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Communicating the New: Methods to Shape and Accelerate Innovation
by Kim Erwin
Further Reading & Resources On wicked problems
Horst Rittel, “On the Planning Crisis: Systems Analysis of the ‘First and Second Generations’ ”
(Bedriftskonomen 8, 1972)
 introduces the concept of wicked problems
CHAPTER 3: Theories, writers, and references for “Targeting your
Further Reading & Resources On mental models
Gail Fairhurst and Robert Sarr, The Art of Framing: Managing the Language Of Leadership (JosseyBass, 1966).
 influential work on the concept of mental models
Further Reading & Resources On culture
Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation of Cultures, (Basic Books, 1976)
 a classic collection of articles on the subject
Further Reading & Resources On the “Organization as Culture” framework
Michael Pacanowsky, with co-author Nick O’Donnell-Trujillo, “Communication and Organizational
Cultures” (The Western Journal of Speech Communication 46, Spring, 1982, pages 115–130)
 coverage of Geertz’s model and the study of organizations, typology of vocabulary, stories,
rites, and rituals
Harrison M. Trice and Janice M. Beyer, “Studying Organizational Cultures through Rites and
Ceremonies” (The Academy of Management Review 9, Number 4, 1984, pages 653–669)
 defines key terms, such as “culture”, in the context of an organization and advocated for the
study of rites and ceremonies
Further Reading & Resources On Frederick Taylor and time/motion studies:
Frederick W. Taylor, The Principles of Scientific Management (Harper Bros., 1911, pp. 5–29)
 an interesting historical look at the rationale for standardizing production methods and for
framing workers as a components of a system
Further Reading & Resources On creating “pull”
John Hagel III, John Seeley Brown, and Lang Davison, The Power of Pull (Basic Books, 2010)
 puts forth a proposal that businesses and individuals shift their mindset around information
© 2013 by Kim Erwin. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Communicating the New: Methods to Shape and Accelerate Innovation
by Kim Erwin
CHAPTER 4: Theories, writers, and references for “Introduce new
Further Reading & Resources On rejecting the “transfer” model and embracing the role of
experience in learning
Robert T. Craig, “Communication” (Encyclopedia of Rhetoric, ed. T. O. Sloane, Oxford
University Press, 2001, pages 125–137) and “Communication Theory as a Field” (Communication
Theory 9, Issue 2 1999, pages 119–161)
 well-known and award-winning articles
J.P. Gee, “Digital Media and Learning as an Emerging Field, Part I: How We Got Here” (International
Journal of Learning, 2009, 1 (2):13–23.
 information about situated cognition
Lawrence Barsalou, and “Grounded Cognition: Past, Present
and Future” (Topics in Cognitive Science 2, 2010, pages 716–724)
 a short, interesting overview of the field
Further Reading & Resources On the role of emotion in attention and memory
Joseph LeDoux, The Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life (Simon &
Schuster, 1998)
 a good overview of memory formation and recall
Elisabeth Kensinger, “Remembering emotional experiences: The contribution of valence and
arousal” (Reviews in the Neurosciences 15, Issue 4, 2004, pages 241–251)
 a more technical look at memory formation and recall
Elisabeth Kensinger, with co-author Daniel Schacter, “Processing emotional pictures and words:
Effects of valence and arousal” (Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 6, Issue 2, 2006,
pages 110–126)
 discusses the role of pictures and words in emotion
CHAPTER 5: Theories, writers, and references for “Expand the
Further Reading & Resources On Consumer Insight Maps
Kim Erwin, “Consumer Insight Maps: The map as story platform in the design process” (Parsons
Journal for Information Mapping, Winter 2011)
 discusses how to create and structure visualization of qualitative consumer datat
© 2013 by Kim Erwin. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.