Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works ENGINEERING GUIDELINES AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS & DRAINAGE WORKS Subdivision/ Project/Stage FLP/ENG/Plan Owner/Developer ________________________________________________ Representative ________________________________________________ Telephone __________________ Engineering Consultant ________________________________________________ Authorized Representative ________________________________________________ ___________ Date of Submission Facsimile ________ ________________ Authority to submit Function Layout Plan/Engineering Design plans and documentation and certify compliance with Council standards and guidelines Print Name __________________ Signed _________________ Telephone __________________ Facsimile ________________ Postal Address __________________ Email _________________ __________________ Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 1 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works TABLE OF CONTENTS PREAMBLE PART I - FUNCTIONAL LAYOUT PLAN A. B. C. D. PRINCIPLES WHAT IS TO BE SHOWN ON THE LAYOUT PLAN SUPPORTING DOCUMEMNTATION DETAILED FUNCTIONAL LAYOUT PLAN PART II - ENGINEERING DESIGN A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. INITIAL REQUIREMENTS SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS FOR CHECKING WORKS SPECIFICATION DRAWING REQUIREMENTS FACE SHEET LAYOUT PLAN ROAD RESERVE AND PAVEMENT WIDTH ROAD LONGITUDINAL SECTION CROSS SECTION PAVEMENT DESIGN DETAILS OF INTERSECTION, COURTS AND SHARP CURVES INTERSECTION DESIGN DRAINAGE CARPARKING AND TRAFFIC – GENERAL PAVEMENT MARKING AND SIGNAGE PUBLIC LIGHTING LANDSCAPING CHECKING AND SUPERVISION FEES FINAL SUBMISSION OF DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL AS-CONSTRUCTED DRAWINGS AND D-SPEC SUBMISSION OTHER REQUIREMENTS PART III - CONSTRUCTION AND ACCEPTANCE A. B. C. D. E. F. SUPERVISION TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ACCESS PRACTICAL COMPLETION AND DEFECTS LIABILITY PERIOD FINAL CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR WORKS ON COUNCIL LAND PREAMBLE Brimbank City Council issues planning permits under the Planning and Environment Act, 1987 and Subdivisions Act, 1988 for developments and conditions may require assets such as roads, drainage, landscaping works and other works to be constructed or installed by the developer. This document sets out the policies and guidelines for the design and construction of assets from concept design to the issue of statement of Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 2 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works compliance of the subdivision and hand over of constructed assets to Council for future care and maintenance. PART I - FUNCTIONAL LAYOUT PLAN A. PRINCIPLES Council will require the development of a Functional Layout Plan as a Condition 1 of planning permits associated with staged subdivision development and therefore it will require endorsement by Council’s Town Planning Department. A Functional Layout Plan is to be developed subsequent issue of the planning permit as a process to assist in the planning of road and subsequent to drainage infrastructure, physical layout, topographic and traffic management considerations so as to assist in the subsequent completion of detailed Engineering design. It is Council’s intention that subdivision functional / layout issues will generally be resolved during the development of the Functional Layout Plan but accepts that once the plan is endorsed minor adjustment may be necessary should issues arise during detailed engineering design. Note: B. 1. In preparing a Functional Layout Plan, consideration must be given to Brimbank’s subdivisional design guidelines and standards in PART II – ENGINEERING DESIGN of this document. 2. Council requires four (4) A1 copies of any documentation (including the Functional Layout Plan and supporting documents) to be submitted to the Planning Department. 3. Before approval of the Functional Layout Plan a road safety audit may be required. 4. A road safety audit will be required for any bridgeworks and any road safety barrier installation. 5. To assist Council officers in the checking of the plans, the functional layout plans must be provided, to scale, as hardcopy A1 plans. Digital versions of the plans may be provided, however, the hardcopy plans will be the basis of the checking. 6. Amendments in resubmitted drawing, as a result of Council’s comments or consultant’s own amendment shall be marked by 'Cloud’ for the case of identification and completion. The ‘Cloud’ shall be removed in the final submission to Council for approval. 7. If incorrect information is supplied (e.g. existing features) Council reserves the right to require changes to the functional layout and or detailed engineering plans at anytime. WHAT IS TO BE SHOWN ON THE FUNCTIONAL LAYOUT PLAN The Functional Layout Plan must show: 1. Topography, including contours of the land and adjacent land and scaled 1:1000. Contour intervals to be sufficiently clear to show Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 3 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works topography of the development area. C. 2. Show how drainage is proposed to be managed, both into and out from the subdivision. 3. The subdivision layout, including: a. Lot arrangement, b. Road layout, c. Intersection boundaries and road reserve widths. d. Road widths e. Paths, for example: Cycle ways on road and off road (including links to external areas) Location of existing / proposed and future shared pathways Footpaths 4. Connections into existing / proposed /future development e.g. roads, paths, drainage etc. 5. Drawing number and revision number (this assists in tracking changes and comments) 6. Road names or some identification (e.g. Road A) 7. Intersection treatments and LATM devices (existing and proposed) 8. Lot numbers 9. Existing and proposed drainage network including special features such as overland flow paths, outfall drains, water quality facilities including lakes, ponds or water sensitive urban design (WSUD) mechanisms 10. Vehicle crossing locations 11. Service reticulation (i.e. sewer G,T,W etc). These details are to be shown as overlays on the plan. Offsets to property boundaries are to be shown on the plan or as a table of space allocation offsets. Note that Council will not accept services running parallel under Council assets, e.g. roads and footpaths. 12. Any existing and proposed features (e.g. pylons, gabions, ret walls, vegetation) 13. Show parking bays & indicate on street parking spaces 14. Location of existing and (pedestrian and school) 15. Locations of proposed and future bus routes, bus stops and bus bays 16. Any encroachment into existing Reserve/Park/Heritage Land. proposed road crossing facilities SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION The documentation that is to accompany any Functional Layout Plan is to include the following: Overall Development Plan (Town Planning approved) Copy of planning permit Locality plan Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 4 of 37 Trim 15/24188 D. Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works Traffic assessment including:- Traffic volumes, intersection analysis (e.g. Sidra) - Road hierarchy - Future and existing bus routes - Cycle path network and strategy - Design speeds - Critical sightlines (modified T and bends) - Indented car parking requirements where on street parking is not available with 30m from the allotment Typical cross sections showing kerb types / services layout / path locations etc. Master drainage plan (minor & major) showing upstream and downstream catchments. Include cross section analysis at critical points. This documentation needs to be in sufficient detail to determine such things as whether road widths are sufficient to convey flood flows and provide for any freeboard requirements. Any other previous agreements and supporting documentation Detailed Functional Layout Plans (see below) for traffic treatments and intersections. Geotechnical Report on slope stability analysis, if applicable. Details with calculations on the WSUD system (bio-retention system, rain garden, swale etc.) sufficient for the determination on the size of the system. DETAILED FUNCTIONAL LAYOUT PLAN A Detailed Functional Layout Plan scaled at 1:250 must be provided for each traffic treatment e.g. speed hump, road restriction etc and each intersection and show the following: Mounting strips Lane widths Reservation (road) widths Sightline assessment where applicable Vehicle tracking paths (bus, truck, garbage, car turning, where applicable) Bus bays and bus stops Vehicle crossings Kerb radii Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 5 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works Design speeds Footpaths, shared paths & perambulator crossings Storm water pit locations Kerb profile (i.e. offsets, geometric shape) Highlight any clear zone design issues at critical locations (egg. culvert crossings, power poles, etc.) Drawing number and revision number Encroachment into Reserve/Park/Heritage Land (Approval from Authority required) Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) system Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 6 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works PART II - ENGINEERING DESIGN A. INITIAL REQUIREMENTS The consultant is to ensure: 1. The works proposed are those as set out in the permit requirements and to follow the endorsed Functional Layout Plan (FLP). 2. Road locations and dimensions are as per sealed plan and/or FLP. 3. Easement locations and sizes are as per sealed plan. 4. Footpath layout is as per approved Town Planning Permit layout generally as follows: B. Footpath on one side of road reserve at courts (access places) and extended driveways Footpaths on both sides for all other roads – access streets, collector roads and industrial subdivision roads etc. 5. A copy of subdivision plan to be submitted with the construction plans. Note: the engineering plans will not be approved until the plan of subdivision has been certified. 6. All existing dams, watercourses, marshland areas, trees, buildings, and other structures, applicable flood levels, fillings, etc are to be shown on subdivision title plans. 7. The details shown in item 6 above are to be included in the construction plans. 8. Details of buildings, other structures etc. on abutting land within 20 metres of proposed development to be shown on the construction plans. 9. Vehicle crossing locations are to be approved. 10. No services shall run parallel and directly under Council’s assets i.e. footpath or drains. SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS FOR CHECKING: The following documents are required when submitting engineering drawings (construction plans) for checking: 1. Two (2) x A1 sets of Engineering plans. Only ‘Final Issue’ and signed plans will be accepted (apply to first submission and resubmission). 2. Electronic copies of Engineering plans in Adobe Acrobat compatible ‘PDF’ and AutoCAD 2005 compatible ‘DWG’ formats. 3. A copy of the Functional Layout Plan. Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 7 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works 4. Complete set of drainage computations including derivation and description of all factors, coefficients and a scaled and coloured catchment plan indicating internal flows and external contributions. 5. Catchment plan and floodway strategy (1 in 100 years). The floodway strategy is to include external catchments impacting on the development and the safe and responsible conveyance of flood waters downstream. 6. Certified structural computations where applicable. 7. Please note that engineering plans submitted by consultants must be: Signed by a Senior Officer of the consultant as having been checked and approved Show the revision number, issued date on the title block One (1) set of specifications if alternative specification is proposed to Council’s Standard Specification for Roads and Drainage Works in Land Developments. 8. A copy of the soil report and recommendations from a N.A.T.A. registered geotechnical consultant is to accompany the submission indicating pavement design (make up). Council standards indicated in this document are a minimum requirement only. 9. An accurate engineer’s estimate is to be submitted (for all works to become the responsibility of Council). A copy of the spreadsheet to be provided in Excel compatible format. 10. Consultants / Developers should obtain approval from service authorities for shared trench premises and provide Council with a copy of these agreements. 11. All amendments in the resubmitted amended plans, either from Council’s comments or Consultant’s own amendment, shall be ‘Clouded’. C. WORKS SPECIFICATION 1. All works to be constructed in accordance with Council’s Standard Specification for Roads and Drainage Works in Land Developments (same as VicRoads’ Contract Specifications) which consists of three parts: The first two parts, Council General Clauses and Project Special Clauses set out the intent of the specification, Council requirements and roles / responsibilities of developers (and their representatives) and Council (and Council representatives). The third part is the technical specification for roads and drainage works and is based on VicRoads' standard specification modified to suit Council's needs. A copy of the specification is available upon request. 2. The consultant should prepare the project specification for the subdivision development and shall accord with Council’s standard Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 8 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works specification. The consultant should specify the relevant schedules for the materials and testing requirements etc for checking and approval in the plan checking stage. 3. D. If an alternative specification is not submitted and approved by Council, Council’s Standard Specification for Roads and Drainage Works in Land Developments shall apply. Where necessary and appropriate Council Officers shall determine and nominate the materials requirements, testing requirements and other materials and workmanship information as necessary during the plan checking stage and as needs arises on site during construction. DRAWING REQUIREMENTS Drawings shall comply with the following: E. 1. Plans must be prepared in A1 size. 2. Construction plans must include: Face sheet Layout plan Road / street Longitudinal Section Road / street Cross Sections Intersection details Drainage Longitudinal Section and Pit Schedule, Longitudinal Sections are to show existing and proposed services including levels. Details sheet Street lighting plan Traffic management plan (e.g. traffic diversion during works, traffic calming measures, traffic signal plan, etc.) Plan of Subdivision Environmental Management Plan (EMP). FACE SHEET This drawing shall include: 1. Drawing index 2. Locality plan 3. General notes including Council requirements 4. Any relevant notes from Authorities Place the following notes in General Notes: All works to be carried out in accordance with the specifications approved by the Brimbank City Council, Brimbank City Council Standard drawings and to the satisfaction of the Surveillance Coordinator or his representative. Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 9 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works No trees and shrubs are to be removed unless prior approval has been obtained from the relevant authority. Where works are in the vicinity of existing services, these services are to be located prior to the commencement of works. All vehicle crossings, drainage pits, pram ramps, bollard etc, shall be constructed as per Councils standard drawings unless otherwise specified. Council’s Surveillance Coordinator must be notified in writing, no less than seven (7) days prior to the commencement of works. Submit application for construction access to site for approval by Council’s Surveillance Coordinator before commencement of any works. Contractors are responsible with respect to safety of work on site and appropriate legislation. Footpaths are to be offset 25mm from the property line and as per standard drawing S350. VicRoads’ Roadwork Signing Code of Practice which complies with Australian Standard 1742.3-2002 is to be adhered to during construction works (or any subsequent later version). Where drainage pipes are located within nature strips, the trench shall be backfilled with compacted 20mm Class 3 crushed rock up to a level where the 45deg. influence line from the B.O.K. intersects with the nearest trench side. Service conduits are to be provided under footpaths extending into allotments - location to be marked on the footpath and kerb. No services shall be installed directly under and parallel to Council’s pavement and footpath without Council’s approval. AG drains to be provided behind all kerbs and should have suitable outlet. Refer to Council’s Standard Drawing S110 for backfill material etc. Some works may require special consideration egg. VicRoads Standards. Conduits are to be clearly marked on kerb and footpath for easy identification. All service trenches under road carriageways, footpaths, vehicle crossings and other road structures are to be backfilled with 20mm Class 3 crushed rock in accordance with Section 706 of Council’s Standard Specification for Roads and Drainage Works in Land Developments. All services must be constructed prior to the construction of kerb and channel. Provide CCTV for completed drains as per Conduit Inspection Reporting Code WSA 05-2008 Version 2.2 prior to Practical Completion or Statement of Compliance, whichever is earlier. TMP to be submitted to Council’s Surveillance and/or Traffic & Transport section 7 days prior to commencement of works for acceptance. All steel grated cover shall be hinged and lockable type. All drainage pipes 225mm and above shall be spigot and socket type and rubber ring jointed reinforced concrete pipe. Streeting Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 10 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works Street lighting shall be LED 18W for standard fitting and LED 16W Toorak/Toorak Alpha for decorative non-standard fitting. The drawings, “MUST NOT BE SCALED/MEASURED” from hard or digital copies. Minimum earthworks filling requirements for all road works: a) Road filling works shall be in accordance with Section 204 of Council’s Standard Specification for Roads and Drainage Works in Land Developments. b) Type A Fill is required for the last 200mm layer under road pavements, footpaths, vehicle crossings, nature strips and other road structures. c) Type A material is specified in Section 204 of Council’s Standard Specification for Roads and Drainage Works in Land Developments (equivalent to the latest version of VicRoads’ Contract Specifications) and shall have maximum swell of ≤1.5%, maximum permeability of 5 x 10-7 cm/sec, maximum boulder size is 75 mm rock with no other grading requirements, and with 99% of standard compactive effort (scale A of Table 204.131). d) Nature strip widths shall be finished off with 100mm thick of top soil material recovered from stripping prior to the construction of earthworks or other imported topsoil to comply with Council’s landscape requirements. Fill material to be imported to site will be subject to the following controls: 1. Borrow material for filling works is to be signed off by a suitably qualified independent environment scientist to be clean fill to meet EPA definition. The scientist must be recognized by EPA to undertake such a job. a) The independent environment scientist is to certify the source or sources of borrow material to meet the EPA definition of clean fill suitable for road construction. The scientist is to oversee all testing, frequency of testing, etc. to meet EPA requirements for clean fill. b) The scientist is to ensure that only the certified clean fill material is used. Transportation dockets are to be issued for each truck load. Date and time of loading and arrival on site are to be recorded. c) At the end of borrow filling, a report is to be submitted to Council by the independent scientist detailing the testing carried out leading to the approval of the source or sources. d) The report is also to include copies of all the transportation dockets and summary of the required borrow volume. e) In the report, the scientist is to sign off the completed borrow fill works for EPA requirements for clean fill works. 2. Borrow material filling works is to be signed off by a suitably qualified independent qualified (NATA registered company) geotechnical engineer to be Type B fill to meet BCC specification for Type B fill material. a) The geotechnical engineer is to approve the source or sources of the borrow material that meets Type B fill (including minimum 2% CBR). b) The geotechnical engineer is to carry out all the testing at the site or source(s) as required in Section 204. Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 11 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works c) The engineer to ensure that only the certified Type B fill material is used. Transportation dockets are to be issued for each truck load. Date and time of loading and arrival on site are to be recorded. d) At the completion of the filling works, the engineer is to submit a separate report to Council to verify all borrow material filling works meet the Type B specification. e) In the report, the geotechnical engineer is to signoff the completed borrow fill works that meet Type B specifications. 3. Prior to the commencement of the borrow material filling, both the scientist and geotechnical engineer are to inform Council surveillance of the approved sources or sources of borrow material and submit testing results verifying the acceptance of the material. F. LAYOUT PLAN 1. Scale for layout plan should be 1:500 2. Level datum (T.B.M.) using A.H.D. and north point are required to be shown. T.B.M’s are to have AMG coordinates. 3. Show location and AHD level of permanent survey marks. 4. Natural and finished surface levels must be shown on every corner of every lot. Slope of the land to be indicated by arrow, minimum lot grade is to be 1:80. 5. The finished surface levels at the back of residential allotments are to be designed in accordance with Rescode section 56.09 so as to ensure that overflow is directed to the major drainage system i.e. the road reserve. The back of the lots (from the road reserve) are not to contain a valley shaped arrangement. 6. a) The construction plan N.S. levels are to agree with the sealed plan natural surface levels, if available. b) Easements on construction plans are to agree with sealed plan of subdivision. 7. Set out information on layout plan or on construction plan is to be sufficient, clear and allow accurate setout on site. Lot corners and set-outs must relate to MGA (Map Grid of Australia). Layout must provide adequate horizontal and vertical control. 8. Offsets to drainage in easements to be shown to center of drain. 9. Show alignments and offsets of all services (particularly sewers in easements) on layout plan - note: engineering plans will not be approved until service authorities and Council approve of alignment and clearances. Service offsets and locations shall be in accordance with typical cross-sections specified by the Street Works Coordination Committee Code of Practice or as agreed with the service authorities and Council. 10. Drainage layout a) Longitudinal drainage pipe alignments are not permitted to be located under road pavements and kerbs but shall be located behind back of kerbs. Road reserve widths are to be widened to accommodate the larger diameter pipes behind back of kerb and other services within the road reserve. Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 12 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works (i) None longitudinally under kerbs. (ii) Acute intersection angles between lines at pits are not permitted. (iii) Curvilinear pipe alignments are not desirable and are to be used only in exceptional circumstances. If used, radii must comply with manufacturer’s recommendations. (iv) Potential conflict with other services. b) Drainage pits in road reserves to be located by C/L chainage and if located other than behind the kerb, offsets to be shown. c) Drainage pits are to be provided at intersection of drainage lines and changes of direction of drainage line. 11. Side entry pits to Council’s Standard Drawing no. S 200 - lintel and concrete cover with circular insert. 12. All pits in the pit schedule are to make reference to Council’s Standard Drawing Number (or if required VicRoads Standard Drawing number). 13. All drains to have an outfall. Council does not permit blind drains pending development of successive stages, i.e. Under ground drains to have an outfall to an underground drain not open channel. 14. Where road works are truncated pending development of further stages, a temporary A.G. drain shall be installed across the end of works, to prevent seepage of water into the pavement, along with a concrete edge beam and a ‘No Road’ sign. AG drains are to drain to an appropriate point of discharge egg. drainage pit. 15. All pipes are to be spigot and socket type, rubber-ringed jointed. Ensure that the socket does not extend into pavement boxing. No plugs are allowed in the rubber ring jointed spigot and socket type pipes. 16. A plan showing all services shall be included. All services are to be provided to each lot, including municipal reserves, and sufficient conduits should be provided for future installation of services. If service locations are not finalized, three conduits (G, W, T,) are required for each lot including municipal reserves. 17. Where a subdivision is proposed to join an existing fully constructed road, existing conduits should not be left inaccessible. 18. Vehicle crossing locations : a) Should be one for each lot. Where the side boundary meets the front boundary with an angle of between 80° and 100° the vehicle crossing is to be perpendicular to the front boundary (refer Council standard drawing S320). Where the angle is less than 80° or greater than 100° a turning template (20 km/hr) must be used and generally the vehicle crossing is to be aligned to be parallel with the side boundary. b) Vehicle crossings are to be clear of bends, intersections, easements and other obstructions and shall comply with AS 2890.1 – 2004. c) Vehicle crossings should be located clear of traffic islands allowing suitable turning circles in and out of crossover. d) Provide a 4.0m wide industrial strength vehicle crossing to all Council Reserves. e) Vehicle crossing widths to be consistent with intended use of the property e.g. industrial use truck turning templates. f) In industrial allotments, vehicle crossings are better located in Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 13 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works the centre of the blocks. g) Double vehicle crossings are to be used where the distance between single vehicle crossings is less than 1.5 metres. 19. Proposed school crossings to be correctly located and constructed to VicRoads current Traffic Engineering Manual Volume 1 - Traffic Management Standards and Guidelines and appropriate approvals obtained. 20. Parking signs to be appropriately located, manufactured and installed to the current Australian Standards AS 1742.11. 21. Signage and line marking to be as per current AS 1742.1 and AS 1742.2 and VicRoads Traffic Engineering Manual Volume 2 - Signs and Markings. 22. Street name signs to be shown on plan and conform to the appropriate City of Brimbank standard drawings, and in accordance with the current AS1742.5. 23. Street naming and location is to conform to the functional use of the road, e.g. Place, Court, Way, Crescent, Avenue etc in accordance with the current AS 1742.5. 24. Extent of all filling to be shown on the layout plan (whether proposed filling or filling that has previously been placed). Compaction of all filling is to be to the applicable Australian standards and notes are to be included on the plan. 25. Existing and proposed or finished surface levels to be given at corners and ridges of all filled areas. The proposed treatment of filling close to boundaries is to be shown, including abutting existing or future development. Details are to be given as to measures to prevent runoff entering abutting properties and measure for structural stability. 26. Footpath locations are to be in accordance with Council requirements and approved path strategy. All footpaths should be located abutting the property boundary. Where footpaths are exposed to traffic movements the footpath concrete section is to be increased to a minimum of 150mm thick. 27. Footpaths are to be 100mm thick continuously reinforced concrete in accordance with Council Standard Drawing S 350. 28. All pedestrian facilities such as footpaths, ramps including Perambulator crossings or kerb ramps, shared paths, bus stops, bus shelters and other walkways shall be designed to satisfy DDA requirements. Hazard and directional Tactile Ground Surface Indicators (TGSI’s) at all pedestrian facilities are to be designed and installed in accordance with AS 1428.4.2002 (or any subsequent later version). 29. AG drains to be provided behind all kerbs and have suitable outlet. AG drains to be 100mm dia. with filter sock (S110). 30. Any proposal for brick paving, "Stamped" concrete, "Faux" brick, etc. must receive prior approval from Council with regard to type, colour, and standards before submission of engineering drawings. 31. Bollards are required where there is risk of vehicles accessing Council reserves or traffic management purposes as required by Council, to be specified to BCC Standard Drawing S 515. Recycled bollards will be considered. Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 14 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works 32. Fencing is required between private properties and Council reserves and at drainage outlet structures. Check Town Planning Permit conditions related to fencing (including fencing to reserves, VicRoads soundproof fencing requirements, etc). The type and location of fencing is to be specified on the engineering drawings. 33. Clear zones requirements are to be met for the protection of vehicles. Obstacles, batters, culverts are to be located outside the required clear zone. An appropriate clear zone for any runoff of vehicles is to be accommodated abutting the road, in accordance to VicRoads guidelines. 34. SEC sub-stations, if provided, require a detailed plan showing relevant above and underground drainage, surface levels and typical cross sections. 35. Council requires that barrier kerb and channel is used for all kerbs. Semi-mountable kerbs are only to be used for such areas as medians, central islands, roundabouts and other traffic management devices. Mountable kerbs are to be used at traffic islands where signage is not used. 36. Lot protection - Roads and allotments are to be designed such that the allotments are to be protected with minimum 300 mm freeboard against 1 in 100 years flooding. 37. Traffic calming devices are to be provided in accordance with appropriate Australian Standards & VicRoads Traffic Engineering Volume 1. 38. Traffic (splitter) islands are to be provided at all bends: a. The traffic island design should occupy the unused pavement area between vehicle swept paths. Appropriate offsets on the approaches to the traffic island are to be provided in the design. b. Minimum width of traffic island shall be 600 mm at the narrowest end and the width is to vary uniformly to take up unused pavement in the swept paths design. c. Around a corner bend, a break within the traffic (splitter) island treatment may be necessary to allow access to the corner allotments for a car to be driven into the allotment vehicle crossings and be reversed out and driven away. d. Kerb types for traffic islands: SM type profile is to be provided where: The tracking path of the largest designed vehicle (within design parameters of the treatment) traversing the bend is clear of the traffic island. The provision of traffic signs are within the traffic islands and clear of vehicle overhangs. The width of the traffic islands is greater than 1.2m. M type profile kerb is to be used where: The traffic island width is less than 1.2m. No traffic signs are to be located in this M type island. Tracking paths may require some vehicles to mount the traffic island. 39. At residential developments, mounting strips and concrete annulus shall be included at traffic management treatments to accommodate Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 15 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works large vehicle tracking paths. A minimum width of 0.80m mounting strips are to be provided at the outer kerb lines generally between TP’s or greater depending on tracking paths at all roundabouts and modified T intersections. A minimum width of 1.2m concrete annulus is to be provided at roundabout central islands. The concrete annulus and mounting strips shall be 200 mm thick concrete with 2 layers of SL82 (top and bottom) reinforcement, 32 MPa strength concrete, bedding of 100 mm compacted thickness of Class 2 crushed rock and dowelled to kerbs with 450 mm long Y 12 bars at 300mm centers. The preferred finish of the mounting strips and annulus is stenciled brick pattern and burnt orange or red colour. 40. At industrial developments, only the central annulus at roundabouts is required and the outer mounting strip may not be required depending on size of roundabout and tracking paths of largest design vehicles which are to negotiate the roundabout. 41. The design and approval of traffic management treatments (TMT’s) affecting bus services routes (public and school) will also be subject to the following: Where TMT’s are located along an existing or proposed bus service route, consult and obtain written approval from the Department of Infrastructure, Victoria (DOI) and the operating bus company. Where TMT’s are located at future bus routes and on a school bus route, only DOI is to be consulted for approval. Where TMT’s are located on a school bus route, consult DOI for its advice and feedback (and approval if necessary). 42. Concrete in-fills are to be provided at splitter islands and traffic islands of traffic management devices and roundabouts. The concrete infill shall be 200 mm thick concrete with 2 layers of SL82 (top and bottom) reinforcement, 32 MPa strength concrete, bedding of 100 mm compacted thickness of Class 2 crushed rock and dowelled to kerbs with 450 mm long Y 12 bars at 300mm centers. The preferred finish is stenciled brick pattern and burnt orange or red colour. 43. Indented car park bays must be constructed with reinforced concrete as per Councils Standard Drawing S 525. Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 16 of 37 Trim 15/24188 G. Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works ROAD RESERVE AND PAVEMENT WIDTHS 1. Road reserve and pavement widths and road locations must comply with the following, in priority order: A plan that has been endorsed as part of a planning permit requirement, including a Functional Layout Plan; An approved or endorsed Development Plan; This section of the Guidelines & Specifications for the Design and Construction of Road and Drainage Works. 2. Council will not accept underground services running under and parallel to footpaths and road pavements. 3. Only barrier kerb and channel is to be used unless otherwise agreed by Council regardless of road classification. 4. In addition to the considerations above, consideration must be given to instances where the nature strip width or the road reserve width needs to be wider in order to accommodate: all underground services including larger diameter drains and sewer within the naturestrip area, footpaths or shared paths, provision for wider footpaths near schools, shops and other activity centres, the storage and collection of garbage and recycling bins, traffic management measures e.g. islands at bends swept paths of vehicles, particularly service vehicles and Council’s garbage trucks. provision for vehicles to enter and exit properties (tracked paths are to be provided to prove that vehicles are able to access properties), particularly for Connector Roads and entry treatments, provision for dedicated right or left hand turns or a central median and to provide for a stormwater overland flow path. Road pavement widths for bus routes are to comply with and be accepted by Public Transport Victoria. Underground services within the naturestrip area are to be backfilled with compacted crushed rock to the 45 degree influence line with the base of Council’s footpaths and kerb and channel, in accordance with Council’s specifications. 5. 6. 7. Underground services within the naturestrip area are to be backfilled with compacted crushed rock to the base of indented carparking bays and vehicle crossings, in accordance with Council’s specifications. 8. Typical cross-section should match previously approved or existing sections of the same road. 9. Road pavements widths are to be determined based on use (e.g. bus route), traffic flow and on street parking requirements. 10. General minimum requirements for road reserve and pavements are tabled below: Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 17 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works Road Type DESCRIPTION Minimum Reserve Width Carriageway Width (face to face) 6.0m (including concrete edge strip). Concrete edge strip or kerb to be provided to protect non-paved areas. Residential Access Lane A side or rear lane principally providing access to parking on lots with another street frontage i.e. visitor parking for each property must be available in the abutting street. Traffic volumes 200vpd or 20 properties maximum. Maximum length 100m. 7.0m minimum, to allow access to a garage at the rear property boundary. Should allow for buffer strips if abutting boundary fences. Residential Rear Laneway No adjoining parking available – Alternative 1 Where: traffic volumes 200vpd or 20 properties maximum; maximum length 140m; properties only adjoin the laneway and no other road; the properties may front a “paper road”; vehicle access to properties is from the laneway; visitor car parking is provided in the laneway; bin collections are from the laneway. 10.0m minimum. 6.0m (including concrete edge strip). Concrete edge strip or kerb to be provided to protect non-paved areas. Kerb to be provided with indented parking bays (one bay per lot) and provision for bin collection. Residential Rear Laneway No adjoining parking available – Alternative 2 Where: traffic volumes 200vpd or 20 properties maximum; maximum length 80m; the properties only adjoin the laneway and no other road; the properties may front a “paper road”; vehicle access to properties is from the laneway; no carparking is to be provided in the laneway; no bin collections are from the laneway; 90o indented carparking and bin collection can be provided at both ends of the laneway in the adjoining streets. 7.0m minimum, to allow access to a garage at the rear property boundary. 6.0m (including concrete edge strip). Concrete edge strip or kerb to be provided to protect non-paved areas. 90o indented carparking and provision for bin collection must be provided at either end of the laneway in adjoining streets. Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 18 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works Road Type Residential Access Place DESCRIPTION A minor street providing local residential access with shared traffic, pedestrian and recreation use, but with pedestrian priority. Traffic volumes 300vpd – 1000vpd or 30 to 100 properties. Minimum Reserve Width 15.0m minimum. Carriageway Width(face to face) 6.0m minimum where there are properties on one side of the road. Footpath on one side of the road. 7.3m minimum where there are properties on both sides of the road. Footpaths are to be provided on both sides of the road. 4.5m. No kerb, drainage central to pavement. A hardstand (per Council standards) is to be provided for visitor parking for each property. Residential Extended Driveway Road type is as per Access Place (above). However, the maximum length of pavement is 30m. 11.5m minimum. Residential Access Street 1 A minor street providing local residential access with shared traffic, pedestrian and recreation use, but with pedestrian priority. Traffic volumes 1000vpd – 2000vpd or 100 to 200 properties. A minor street providing local residential access with shared traffic, pedestrian and recreation use, but with pedestrian priority. Traffic volumes 2000vpd – 3000vpd or 200 to 300 properties. Court bowl treatment must be provided at road terminations at courts or Access Places. 16.0m minimum. 7.3m minimum 18.0m minimum. 7.5m minimum 29.0m minimum for Access Place. 29.0m minimum for Access Street. Traffic volumes 3000vpd – 7000vpd or 300 to 700 properties Traffic volumes 7000vpd – 10000vpd 20m minimum Court bowl shall be able to accommodate the full U Turn of Council’s 9.8m long garbage trucks with minimum court bowl diameter of 21m. Separate indented car parking spaces are to be provided for allotments abutting the court bowl. 11.7m minimum including on-street parking 2 x 7.0m minimum with a central median of 3.3m minimum. Residential Access Street 2 Residential Court Bowl Residential Connector Street 1 Residential Connector Street 2 Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 25m minimum Page 19 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works Road Type Industrial Subdivision Road Industrial Court Bowl DESCRIPTION Two-way industrial traffic with parking both sides. Minimum Reserve Width 20m minimum Carriageway Width(Face to Face) 11.7m minimum Two–way industrial traffic with provision of central median to aid turn movements. Court bowl treatment must be provided at road terminations at courts or access places. 25m minimum road reservation width at typical entry treatments of main roads/streets creating central median 40m minimum Road pavement – 2 x 6.7m wide Central median – 3m minimum BOK to BOK. Design shall be able to accommodate the full U Turn of 19m long semitrailers with minimum court bowl diameter of 32m. Note: Road pavement widths for bus routes are to be accepted by the Public Transport, Victoria. Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 20 of 37 Trim 15/24188 H. I. Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works ROAD LONGITUDINAL SECTION 1. Information required on Longitudinal Section a) Natural Surface for both building lines, b) Proposed top of kerb levels, c) Grading to be shown as (-) or (+) percent (to two decimal places). d) All vertical curve lengths, B.P.s. and ‘e’ values to be shown. e) Show continuation of grading for abutting existing or future extension of road, for distance of 30m beyond stage of works. f) Scales required - Horizontal 1:500 Vertical 1:50 2. Minimum grades allowable on kerbs is 0.50% including peaks and troughs of V.C.’s., maximum grades allowable on kerbs is 18%. 3. Maximum allowable change of grade is to be 1.0%. Vertical curves are required for changes of grades greater than 1.0%. 4. Vertical curve levels are to be given at min 5m intervals. 5. Cross sections are to be provided at TP's, changes of grade and at intersection of property lines with maximum spacing of 20 metres. 6. Superelevation is required on Primary and Secondary Arterial Roads; however, it is not required on Collector Roads or Local Streets. 7. All low points to have double S.E. pits. Particular attention being given to low points at the end of court bowls, where a double S.E. pit and a floodway for the overland relief of 1 in 100 A.R.I. flood waters are required to be provided i.e. captive low points are not acceptable. Low points are not acceptable on kerb returns. 8. Pit spacing and number are to be designed to meet flows and grades, as per AR&R 1999 or latest edition. 9. Datum R.L. must be given on the axis of long section. 10. Location (chainage) and R.L. of high and low points to be shown and endorsed accordingly. CROSS SECTION 1. Service offsets and locations shall be in accordance with typical cross-sections specified by the Street Works Co-ordination Committee Code of Practice or as agreed with the service authorities and Council. 2. Required scales for cross sections - Horizontal 1:100, Vertical 1:50. 3. Finished levels are to be given at the following locations, back of kerbs or lip of kerbs, centre lines, building lines, front of footpath and N.S. levels at building line. 4. Datum is to be shown on each cross section. 5. Cross section cross-falls are to be within the following limits: Footpath : Desirable 1:30 Nature Strips : Between front of footpath and top of kerb: Minimum 1:30 Maximum 1:10 Note: Any cross-fall greater than 1:10 must be checked individually for driveway access with vehicle template. Pavements : Minimum 1:50 Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 21 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works Batters : Maximum 1:20 Desirable 1:36 Maximum 1 in 3 (cut), 1 in 5 (fill) 6. One-way cross fall pavements should be raised 25mm at the centre line from a straight bone between lips of channels. 7. Cross sections are to be provided at Tangent Points (T. P.’s), changes of grade and intersection of property lines with a maximum of 20 metres. 8. On at least the first section of each sheet the section boxes are to be labeled (i.e. Offset, Design Surface Level, and Existing Surface Level) and notations indicating cross falls and widths (i.e. pavement, footpath, nature strip, batters). 9. Allow 300mm wide berm behind kerb or footpath before batter. 10. Reverse fall on footpaths are not permitted. 11. Service conduits and A.G. drains are to be shown in accordance with Standard Drawing No. S110. 12. Provision for Size 7 asphalt to be used in court bowl heads and where manual placement is required. Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 22 of 37 Trim 15/24188 J. Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works PAVEMENT DESIGN 1. Low traffic residential road pavements are to be designed in accordance with Report APRG No. 21 – A guide to the design of new pavements for low traffic. Other road pavements are to be designed in accordance with Austroads Pavement Design – A Guide to the Structural Design of Road Pavements (or Vic roads Technical Bulletin no.37). All pavement design must be supported by approved traffic figures and the estimation of design ESA’s must include construction traffic and garbage truck loadings. 2. Shown below are Council’s minimum pavement standards (based on a minimum subgrade CBR of 3%, maximum swell of ≤1.5%, maximum permeability of 5 x 10-7 cm/sec). Insitu sub grades not meeting this requirement will need sub grade improvement as directed by Council’s Surveillance Co-ordinator. a) Laneways i. Rigid concrete pavement: in accordance with Cement & Concrete Association of Australia - Guide to Residential Streets and paths 200mm thick reinforced concrete to be provided for extended driveways up to 30 m long: ref-Concrete roads guideline Reinforced with 2 layers of SL82 top and bottom with 40mm covers top third 32 MPa concrete 100mm compacted thickness of 20mm Class 2 crushed rock bedding Expansion joints at 15 m maximum intervals Contraction joints of not more than1.5 to 3 metres intervals ii. OR Flexible pavement in (c) below. b) Residential Extended Driveways i. Rigid concrete pavement in (a) above, OR ii. Flexible pavement in (c) below: c) Residential Access Places and Streets 25mm Consolidated depth: 10mm asphalt Type N 35mm Consolidated depth: 14mm asphalt Type N Bituminous Prime 140mm Consolidated depth: (in two equal layers) 20mm (nom) Class 2 crushed rock 110mm depth: 20mm (nom) Class 3 crushed rock Consolidated 310mm Pavement Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 23 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works d) Residential Local Streets 25mm Consolidated depth: 10mm asphalt Type N 35mm Consolidated depth: 14mm asphalt Type N Bituminous Prime 140mm Consolidated depth: (in two equal layers) 20mm (nom) Class 2 crushed rock 150mm Consolidated: depth(in two equal layers) 20mm (nom) Class 3 crushed rock 350mm Pavement e) Residential Distributor Roads 25mm Consolidated depth: 10mm asphalt Type N 35mm Consolidated depth: 14mm asphalt Type N Bituminous Prime 140mm Consolidated depth: (in two equal layers) 20mm (nom) Class 2 crushed rock 150mm Consolidated: depth(in two equal layers) 20mm (nom) Class 2 crushed rock 100mm depth: 20mm (nom) Class 3 crushed rock Consolidated 450mm Pavement f) Industrial Subdivision Roads 30mm Consolidated depth: 10mm asphalt Type N 50mm Consolidated depth: 14mm asphalt Type N Bituminous Prime Bituminous Prime 220mm Consolidated depth: (in two equal layers) 20mm (nom) crushed rock 150mm depth: 20mm (nom) 3% cement treated Class 3 crushed rock in two equal layers Consolidated Class 2 450mm Pavement Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 24 of 37 Trim 15/24188 K. Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works DETAILS OF INTERSECTIONS, COURTS & SHARP CURVES 1. Scale for details to be 1 in 200. 2. For kerb returns at least four kerb levels are required i.e. at quarter points. 3. Consultants must provide contours (at 0.05 metre intervals) on all of the intersections, court and curve details. 4. S.E.P.’s in radials are not permitted. S.E.P.’s shall be clear of pram crossings and driveways and not located in kerb returns. 5. Setting out details, (including intersection angle) radii and tangent points must be shown. 6. Standard size of radii for standard T intersections are Residential areas : minimum radii 8m to BOK Industrial areas : minimum radii 15m to BOK 7. Pram crossings in all court bowls to be appropriately specified and shown, particularly where shared footways inter-connect court head treatments. 8. Corner splays at residential allotments require 3m by 3m corner splays. 9. All traffic management devices (traffic signals, roundabouts, modified T’s, road humps etc) require a sign schedule and line marking plan. 10. Court bowl design for courts: Residential area – Court bowl treatment must be provided at road terminations at courts or access places. Court bowl shall be able to accommodate the full U Turn of Council’s 9.8m long garbage trucks with minimum court bowl diameter of 21m (to back of kerb). Separate indented car parking spaces are to be provided for allotments abutting the court bowl. Industrial areas - design shall be able to accommodate the full U Turn of 19m long semi trailers with minimum court bowl radius of 15m (to kerb lip). 11. Roundabouts to have SM3 type kerb on central islands. 12. At intersections, roads alignments are to meet at right angles. Industrial Subdivision Roads Splays at T Intersections and cross roads with property lines at 9013. degree corners shall have a minimum length of 15 m at hypotenuse. Corners abutting roads with sweep bends and modified T intersections shall have a minimum splay of 20 m. 14. For internal roads with low and slow two-way traffic conditions only: Curves at L shaped corners and modified T intersections must allow for bi-directional traffic along the priority road and shall be designed to have radius to allow turning speed of 15 to 20 km per hr (Two 19m semi-trailers passing in opposite direction). Other curves shall be designed for appropriate speeds under normal conditions 15. Central traffic islands shall be provided on the appropriate approach to the bend to discourage traffic from cutting the centre line. (Refer to F36d for type of kerb to be used). Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 25 of 37 Trim 15/24188 L. Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works INTERSECTIONS DESIGN Intersections are to be designed to appropriate standards. Signalization of intersections may be required to satisfy design criteria and other safety considerations. Roundabouts and modified T intersection are to be provided along road networks as traffic management devices where appropriate: a) Modified T intersections at Residential developments b) Modified T intersections at Industrial developments c) Splitter islands are to be provided at all the 3 approaches at modified T intersections. Modified T intersections are to be designed to accommodate Council’s 9.8m long garbage trucks’ sweep paths for all possible turns. The design speed for cars at modified T intersections shall be up to 25 km/hr for within residential streets and 35 km/hr at collector roads. The vehicle crossings to allotments at the vicinity of the splitter islands are to be designed and located not be in conflict with the operation of the splitter islands. Mounting strips are to be provided at the curves/kerb lines from TP to TP or greater if required depending on tracking path. Splitter islands are to be provided at all the 3 approaches at modified T intersections. Modified T intersections are to be designed to accommodate 19 m long semi trailers sweep paths for all possible turns. The turn paths of the (priority route) bend shall be designed to meet the 15 to 20 km/hr semi trailer turn paths speed template of Austroads Design standards. The turn paths for the priority route and the side road (minor route) shall be designed to meet the 5 to 10 km/hr semi trailer turn paths speed template of the Austroads Design standards. The vehicle crossings to allotments at the vicinity of the splitter islands are to be designed and located not be in conflict with the operation of the splitter islands. Roundabouts Roundabout design shall be in accordance with Austroads Part 6 – Roundabouts. Residential developments Roundabouts must accommodate Council’s 9.8m long garbage trucks’ sweep paths for all possible turns. Design truck speeds shall depend on function of the road. The provision for turning of 19 m long semi trailers shall also be considered in the design of roundabouts. Concrete annulus and outer mounting strips are to be provided to accommodate the wheel paths of semi trailers. Provide SM2 kerbing between TP’s for the design of the roundabout in lieu of B2 kerbing SM3 is required for the central island. Industrial developments Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 26 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works Roundabouts must accommodate 19m long semi trailers sweep paths for all possible turns. Design truck speeds shall depend on function of the road. The concrete annulus of minimum 1.2 m wide is to be provided at the central annulus. No mounting strips are required. Provide B2 kerbing throughout. Note: On designated bus routes all traffic management treatments shall be designed to accommodate ‘Ultra Low Floor’ buses without mounting the kerbs. d) Signalized intersection The design and installation of the traffic signals at signalized intersections are to be approved by VicRoads. The function layout of the intersection is also to be accepted by VicRoads. The consultant/developer is to provide Council with the Memorandum of Consent from VicRoads for the installation of the traffic signals. The consultant/developer shall liaise with VicRoads to install and commission the signalization works. The developer/consultant is to fund the 10 year maintenance cost of the signalization installation and provide the payment to VicRoads directly. Note: Where located at bus routes, the design of intersections must accommodate all the swept paths of the ultra low floor (ULF) bus in the bus routes with no mounting of the kerbs. The design speed of the ULF buses to determine the swept paths is 10 to 15 km/hr. M. DRAINAGE 1. The design of underground drainage and major overland flow drainage in subdivision developments must provide for the drainage of future upstream developments. 2. Underground and major overland flow drainage must be connected to approved outlets or outfalls. No blank drainage outlets will be allowed. 3. Outfall drainage for both underground and overland flow must to be provided for the total stage development when the initial stage subdivision is submitted. Each stage must have an approved outfall. 4. Temporary catch drains are required between development of stages to protect roadwork and properties from overland flows. a. Underground Drains 1. In accordance with the overall master plan of the development (see Functional Layout Plan in Part I), design documentation for each subdivision stage of the development to be submitted shall include: A coloured scaled and contoured plan showing the catchment areas contributing from within and outside the sub-divisions. Engineering Services Connections to approved outfalls downstream including any Melbourne Water documentations. Pipe design calculation incorporating hydraulic grade October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 27 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Engineering Services lines (HGL) analysis calculations are also to be included to achieve the minimum freeboard at drainage pits is 300mm. All drainage pipes shall be spigot and socket type and rubberring jointed reinforced concrete pipe. For pipes 150mm or less other materials will be considered. Pipe class is to be selected (designed) in accordance with applicable Australian Standards taking into account the laying and backfill specifications, overburden, construction loadings and other imposed loads. Underground drains (minor flows) are to be designed in accordance with in accordance with Australian Rainfall and Runoff – 1999 or later edition for the storm recurrence intervals of: 1 in 5 years ARI for residential developments 1 in 10 years ARI for industrial and commercial developments All lots are drained to an underground drain, consideration maybe given in difficult situations for house drains connections to kerbs at the uppermost end of drainage catchments. Provision is to be made for property dishes at the front or rear of the properties. Underground drainage must not be designed to be under pressure i.e. design flow not greater than capacity of pipe running just full. Property inlets must be shown on layout plans. Property Inlets - 1m from low boundary. House Drains - 5m from low boundary (1m if it is a small lot i.e. frontage < 10m) House drains under vehicle crossings are to be avoided (if unavoidable the drain is to be of sewer class quality and strength). Drainage lot controls are to be considered and are to meet the following criteria: Maximum grade of pipe is 1 in 100. In Industrial Subdivisions, cover of pipe is 600mm and minimum diameter is 300mm. In residential subdivisions, cover of pipe is 450mm and diameter is 150mm Longitudinal sections shall be given for all drainage lines. All services must be shown with levels and clearances detailed. The hydraulic grade lines (HGL) are to be plotted in the longitudinal sections. Grades flatter than 1:500 are to be avoided due to problems in laying. Absolute minimum velocity through steel reinforced or fiber reinforced pipe is to be 0.6m/s. Absolute maximum velocity through pipe 6m/s. Where velocity exceeds 6m/s, corrugated pipes should be used. Consider manufacturer’s specifications. Note: These are partial flow velocities based on pipes flowing with zero head. Pipe sizes to be shown and invert levels to be given at pits. Minimum pipe size allowable 225mm diameter (easements and nature strips. Minimum pipe size allowable under road pavement is 300mm diameter. The drainage pipe class must be designed in accordance with October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 28 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works current Australian standard for taking into account loading, trench and backfill conditions etc. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Cover for pipes under roads to be a minimum of 150mm below top of sub grade levels. Minimum cover for drains in nature strips laid parallel to and behind back of kerb is to be 600mm. Minimum cover for elsewhere in the nature strip and in easements is to be 300mm. Cover to underground UPVC drains to comply with AS/NZ2032-2006 or latest edition. Recommended minimum cover for UPVC pipes - See page 4-81 Hardies textbook of pipeline design. Drainage pits and other services pits are to be clear of driveways. Anchor blocks are to be used where pipe grades are greater than or equal to 1 in 10 - see Standard Drawing Nos. S120, S125. Rainfall intensity (I) should be calculated in accordance with Chapter 2 or Australian Rainfall & Runoff – 1999 or the latest edition. The drainage computations should either be in accordance with the Australian Rainfall & Runoff – 1999 or the latest edition, or the VicRoads - ‘Road Design Guidelines’ Method (Part 7 - Drainage) - (Provide H.G.L. design with computations). The following parameters should be followed A. Minimum Roughness Values for Colebrook – White Equation (Ks) & Manning’s Equation (n) n value Ks (mm) Corrugated metal pipe 0.027 * Reinforced pipe 0.013 0.60 P.V.C. pipe 0.009 0.015 F.R.C. pipe 0.010 0.015 concrete (*consultant to provide values from manufacturer) B. Coefficient of Runoff ‘C’ For residential allotments only C = 0.50 For medium density residential C = 0.70 For high density residential C = 0.80 For industrial developments C10 = 0.85 For paved or roofed areas C = 0.90 For permanently grassed areas C = 0.33 C. Pit Head Losses For VicRoads ‘Road Design Guidelines’ Method (Part 7 Drainage) – 1996. Losses to be allowed for Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 29 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works 1. Pit entry 2. Velocity change allowed) 3. Change of direction 4. Depth of pit and drop across pit to be designed to prevent excessive heading up in pit - (minimum pit drop is 75mm). (negative head loss not For AR & R method - (Australian Rainfall & Runoff): Losses to be allowed for 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 1. Entrance loss 2. Exit loss Reduction of pipe sizes downstream is only allowable for diameter (D) greater or equal to 600mm. Pipe down-sizing is for one pipe size only, i.e.: 600 down to 525. Pit spacing for road and easement drainage on reasonably flat grades Maximum spacing : 75m On steep grades, maximum spacing shall be 45m. Check capacity of S.E. pit – provide closer spacing, double S.E. pits or grated S.E. pits if necessary. Double side entry pits maybe required at all low points (depends on catchment area), with provisions for the overland relief of floodwaters and blockage factor. Refer to VicRoads ‘Road Design Guidelines’ (Part 7 - Drainage). Provide pit capacity and capture computations. The width of flow within the K&C and pavement cross fall shall not exceed 1.5 m (for minor storm flow). Heavy duty Gatic covers or equivalent to be used for all pits within the road reserve in industrial/commercial subdivisions. A drainage pit must be constructed at the junction of two Council underground drains. 26. Outfall drains a. Melbourne Water or relevant authority approval is required to discharge into main drains or water courses. Provide details including end wall requirements. b. Suitability of any temporary outfalls - (including safety fencing). c. Check if easement has been obtained if the outfall is outside the limits of the subdivision. d. Erosion protection - Refer to VicRoads ‘Road Design Guidelines (Part 7 - Drainage) and Melbourne Water requirements. e. Melbourne Water approval is required for Main Drain traversing the sub-division. f. The outfall drain is to be located as close as possible to the creek water level and rock chutes at outfall drains (if provided) are not to contain a length greater than 5m. 27. Note that where drainage pipes are located within nature strips behind the back of kerb (BOK), the trench shall be backfilled with compacted Class 3 crushed rock up to a level where the 45º influence line from the BOK intersects with the nearest trench side. Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 30 of 37 Trim 15/24188 b. Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works 1 in 100 years ARI Major Flows Design 1. 2. c. Design major flow (1 in 100 years ARI) drainage to provide overland relief floods within the subdivision development taking into account all contributing drainage areas, contributing from within and outside the subdivision. Effects on the low side of the subdivision to be taken into consideration and dealt with appropriately. In accordance with the overall major flows master plan (see Functional Layout in Part I), major flows drainage plan shall be submitted for each subdivision stage of the development. The major flows drainage plan submission must include the following: A scaled, contoured and coloured catchment plan. Include the upstream catchment areas impacting on the stage of subdivision. Provide design calculations such as HECRAS modeling. The flow paths from upstream catchments, through the development and subdivision stage and downstream connections are to be shown. The major flows along roadways, spillways, channels and other flow paths are to be designed to meet safety limits. The major flow drainage plan is form part of the overall master plan for the entire development. The overall major flows master plan should be updated as the development is progressed. 3. Majors flows must be contained within the road reserve and all allotments shall have a minimum freeboard of 300mm. Lots shall be filled and finished to surface levels of 300mm minimum above designed flood levels. Maximum height of water‘d’ in the road, to be less than 50mm above the top of kerb, for ARI = 100 years. d max x V < 0.4m²/sec. 4. At areas where high water flow levels at roadways are more than 50mm above the top of kerb: A restriction to be placed on title (Plan of Subdivision) advising of the flood level and floor level (300mm above flood level) applicable to the affected allotments may be required by Council. The applicable flood level and floor level is to be indicated on each affected lot on the engineering plans. 300mm minimum freeboard is to be provided to protect the affected allotments. Flows at the roadways shall be designed to meet Melbourne Water safety criteria, as a minimum, i.e. Daverage x V < 0.35m²/sec. Retention Retention in the form of retarding basins, enlarged underground pipes and other underground structures will be required where Council’s existing outlet drainage has insufficient capacity for the development, or as required by Council. Council will allocate the permissible discharge where retention is required. d. Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 31 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works Where proposed to be incorporated in the drainage design the provision of WSUD shall be in accordance with: Melbourne Water document - WSUD Engineering Procedure: Storm water Australian Runoff Quality – A guide to Water Sensitive Urban Design e. N. Gross Pollutant Traps (GPT’S) GPT’s shall be manufactured units and installed on site. GPT design requirements are: GPT units are to be designed and selected to collect gross pollutants for 1 in 3 months ARI flows. Higher flows of lower frequencies are to be bypassed. Generally, pollutants larger than 5mm need to be collected. Collection of sediment of size larger than 0.125mm will be requested where appropriate. Selected and proposed manufactured GPT units are to be approved by Council. The storage volume capacity of the GPT unit is to be designed to meet the loading rate criteria as shown in Table 8.1 of Australian Runoff Quality – A Guide to Water Sensitive Urban Design (Institute of Engineers Australia 2006). The maintenance frequency of the GPT is 4 months. GPT units must be able to facilitate or support suction (vacuum) cleansing by Council’s maintenance truck. For maintenance, Council’s truck requires parking such that the distance between the rear corner of the truck and the GPT unit opening cover is 1m. Where necessary a heavy duty vehicle crossing and parking bay are to be provided for truck access to the GPT unit. Engineering drawings must show the actual locations of the GPT unit opening and the orientation of the park bay and industrial crossing. The engineering drawings must show the lines and grades of the GPT unit, inlet pipes and bypass details. Bollards incorporating lockable barriers must be provided to deter undesirable parking at the truck park bay. Lockable barriers must be operated using Council’s standard padlock. The padlock is to be issued by Council and the cost is to be borne by the developer. CAR PARKING AND TRAFFIC GENERAL 1. Car parking Engineering Services Car park dimensions must be in accordance with Council standards and Town Planning requirements. Generally, one on street car parking space is to be provided for each allotment. Where on street parking fronting the allotment is not possible, an alternative indented car parking bay is to be provided for that lot outside the lot frontage or within 20m of that lot. Maximum longitudinal fall allowable : 0.5% Maximum transverse fall allowable : 2.0% Where pavement is graded to fall to vehicular crossing, a grated October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 32 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works 2. Traffic a) b) c) d) O. drain is required at crossing interface for drainage. Minimum pit size within allotments/car parking areas to be 900 x 600. Allow for concrete infill if nature strip space between indented park bay and footpath is narrower than 0.5 m. Barrier kerb (B1) is to be provided adjacent to footpath to prevent vehicles from mounting footpath. All traffic devices are to be lit (public lighting provide) in accordance with current AS/NZS 1158.1 Lighting Standards, VicRoads and Council requirements (minimum 5 Lux). "No Road" signs and signboard to be offset to face on coming traffic lane at the end of the road terminations. "No Through Road" sign to be installed at the start of any no through road. All roads shall terminate with a court bowl or hammerhead. No abrupt road endings are accepted. Provide temporary sealed turning facilities to facilitate the full U turn or three point turn for Council’s garbage trucks at residential streets. Provide temporary sealed turning facilities to facilitate the full U turn for 19.0 m long semi trailers garbage trucks at industrial subdivision roads. 3. Outfall drainage for both underground and overland flow must to be provided for the total stage development when the initial stage subdivision is submitted. Each stage must have an approved outfall. 4. Temporary catch drains are required between development of stages to protect road works and properties from overland flows. PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SIGNAGE 1. All line markings shall be Long Life Pavement Markings All transverse lines including other markings i.e. Arrows, Diagonal and Chevron markings messages on pavements. Marking of parking and loading areas and kerb markings to be installed in Trowel on Degadur. Cold-applied plastic pavement marking material used shall be a Poly Methyl Methacrylate resin based pavement marking material conforming with the colour, luminance and bead content requirements of the current AS 4049.2, Thermoplastic Road marking Materials, and which is approved by VicRoads. Longitudinal line to be installed in Thermoplastic Material. Thermoplastic pavement marking material used shall comply with the requirements of the current AS 4049.2, Thermoplastic Road marking Materials, and which is approved by VicRoads. 2. Traffic Signage Signage – All regulatory and hazard directional signs to be installed in Class 1 reflective material and all warning signs to be installed in Class 2. Reflective material to approved current Australian Standards – 1742.1, 1742.2 and 1742.3. All Street Name Signs to be installed to Council Standard Street name design with Class 1 reflective sheeting in accordance with Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 33 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works Standard Drawing S 510. Note that S 510 has been revised and the suburb name is included beneath the street name and the blade depth is 150mm. P. Q. PUBLIC LIGHTING 1. Street and public lighting construction plans are required to be submitted to Council for acceptance. 2. The final accepted public lighting design plans is to be issued to Council prior to the issue of the Statement of Compliance or the Final Certificate of Completion for the subdivision whichever comes first. 3. Standard power authority approved poles, lights and fittings are to be used only. All poles must have impact absorbing qualities (frangible or slip base; application to comply with appropriate standards). 4. Council's policy is that it will not accept additional costs in maintenance or tariffs as a result of the erection of street lighting with sub divisional development, beyond standard (i.e. what would normally be expected) unless the power company may also accept the ongoing responsibility for non-standard decorative poles and fittings subject to agreement by Brimbank City Council and developer to the Power Company's conditions. 5. Lighting output in accordance with the AS/NZS 1158.1-1997 and on traffic management devices must be a minimum of 5 Lux and designed in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards. 6. Declared Arterial Roads. Roads that are declared as arterial roads shall be designed and installed to VicRoads standards and requirements which shall be separate from the Council’s street scheme. The developer/consultant is to arrange the registration of power consumption metre for the VicRoads public lighting under the name of VicRoads. 7. Future Declared Arterial Roads For new roads which are strategically earmarked as arterial roads shall be designed and installed to Vic roads standards and requirements. The lighting output should be designed to arterial road status and the poles should be installed to suit any future road works and duplication of road. Light poles should be located clear of road side hazard situations and in accordance with Traffic Engineering Manual Volume 1, Traffic Management Edition 2, September 1997 Chapter 6. 8. The developer is to arrange with the power authority to switch on the street lights following the issue of Statement of Compliance. 9. The street lighting shall be LED 18W LANDSCAPING Wetlands, Reserves, Open Spaces and Street Planting Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 34 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works 1. Landscaping of municipal reserves, provision of wetlands, street planting and landscaping of other open spaces in accordance with the requirements of the planning permit issued for the development may be required to be created as Council assets. 2. Where landscaping works are created as Council assets, separate landscaping plans are required to be prepared and submitted for checking and approval by Urban Design. 3. Structural certification of design will be required prior to approval of landscape plans. Structural certification of the construction of buildings, structures, retaining walls, etc. is required prior to Practical Completion. 4. The 3.25% subdivision design checking and supervision fees apply for all landscape works as for civil works. Corporate Signing for Parks, Reserves and Open Spaces in Brimbank City Council Larger and notable areas that are designated and named as a park, reserve or an open space shall be properly signed in accordance with Council’s policy on Corporate Signing. Further details of logo design, size, text and colour patterns and manufacture specifications are available on request. R. CHECKING AND SUPERVISION FEES SUBDIVISIONS 3.25% design and checking fees as per the Subdivisions Act 1988 applies. An initial fee payment equivalent to 2% of the estimated cost of construction works (0.75% - checking fee; 1.25% - half of the supervision fee) is required before the approval of engineering drawings is given. The remaining 1.25% (half of the supervision fee) of the estimated construction cost is required prior to issue of the Statement of Compliance or Practical Completion whichever is the earliest. NON SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENTS For non-subdivision works arising from the Town Planning permits issued under the Planning and Environment Arc 1987, checking and supervision fees inclusive of GST payable are to be paid before approval of the engineering drawings and calculated as per current User Fees and Charges under Councils Annual Budget (available from Council’s web site). Note: this is separated from consent under the Road Management Act. S. FINAL SUBMISSION OF DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL The final construction plan is to be "Construction Issue" in order to reduce confusion with superseded plans. Hard copies of the plans (2XA1, 1XA3), digital copy of plans (CD) in PDF format and two (2) sets of specifications (if appropriate) are to be submitted for approval by Council. (Refer to Section B2 & C for details of approval. Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 35 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works T. AS-CONSTRUCTED DRAWINGS, D-SPEC AND FINAL CONSTRUCTION COST Prior to the issue of the Statement of Compliance or the Final Certificate of Completion for the subdivision whichever comes first; Council requires the following to be submitted for acceptance: 1. As-constructed drawings The consultant is to submit copies of the "as constructed" engineering roads and drainage drawings by a CD/DVD in the following format: One (1) x PDF file and one (1) x AutoCAD DWG file (recent version) with AMG zone 55 Grid Co-ordinates stored in compact disk(s) or equivalent. If the plans’ as-constructed finished levels exceed significantly from the tolerance specified by Section 407.23, plans shall be amended to reflect the true levels on site. 2. CCTV of drains CCTV Video recording of completed drains shall be provided prior to Practical Completion or Statement of Compliance, whichever comes first. 3. D Spec Information As constructed stormwater information in accordance with D Spec - As Constructed Digital Stormwater Drainage Data Specification in MapInfo Native Format (preferred format) or MapInfo MIF/MID is to be submitted and accepted by Council’s Asset & Spatial Information Coordinator. 4. Permanent Survey Mark Information Details of PSM including co-ordinates and reduced levels shall be provided in the drawings. 5. Final Construction Cost A final accurate construction cost in the form of schedule of quantities and rates is to be submitted to Council for the following reasons: For Council to record constructed assets accurately. To determine the remaining checking and supervision fees to be paid to Council. U. BONDING AND PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE Bonding and Public Liability Insurance Cover are required: Where works including any temporary works are proposed on existing public roads. The bonding and public liability insurance protection is to be submitted to Council before the approval of the engineering drawings is given. When performing outstanding and other works on Council roads and land following the issue of the Statement of Compliance. The bonding and public liability insurance protection is to be given to Council before the Statement of Compliance is given. Bonding to be lodged with Council is to be bank guarantee or cash bond. The bond value is to be 150% of the value of the works and the value is to be accepted by Council before the bond is lodged. Bank guarantee must not nominate a termination date. Note: 5% maintenance bonds are separate and required when Statement of Compliance is requested before Final Completion is reached. Public liability insurance must be minimum $20 million cover. The public liability insurance policy is to list Brimbank City Council in joint names with the policy holder (the developer). Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 36 of 37 Trim 15/24188 Engineering Guidelines And Specifications for the Design & Construction of Roads & Drainage Works PART III - CONSTRUCTION AND ACCEPTANCE A. SUPERVISION All construction works are subject to the inspections and supervision control of Council’s Surveillance Coordinator or his representative in accordance with the approved construction drawings and Council’s Standard Specification for Roads and Drainage Works in Land Developments. A copy of the specification is available upon request. B. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ACCESS The developer or his agents is to make an application to Council for approval by the Surveillance Coordinator where temporary construction access to a subdivision development from an existing public road is required. The application is to include schematic temporary works drawings and a traffic management plan prepared by a suitably qualified engineer. Council may impose bonding and public liability insurance conditions when granting approval for the temporary access. C. PRACTICAL COMPLETION AND DEFECTS LIABILITY PERIOD All completed roads and drainage works are subject to a defects liability period of 12 months. The Certificate of Practical Completion will be issued by Council’s Surveillance Coordinator once the works have reached completion. Provide CCTV of Completed drains prior to Practical Completion or Statement of Compliance, whichever is earlier. Note: Defects liability periods for landscape works are longer as per planning permit conditions. D. FINAL CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Council will accept the roads and drainage as finally completed for Council take-over for future care and maintenance following the satisfactory completion of the defects liability period. Once accepted as finally completed, Council’s Surveillance Coordinator will issue the Certificate of Final Completion. E. STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE When requested, Council is prepared to grant the Statement of compliance for the subdivision no earlier than when the subdivision works are practically completed suitable for the Certificate of Practical Completion to be issued by Council’s Surveillance Coordinator and subject to the following: The lodgment of 5% maintenance bond to Council. Only asphalt wearing course and streetscape/landscape remain as outstanding works and a bond for the remaining works is required. The bond value is to be accepted before the bond is lodged. Council accepts the proposed timetable to complete the outstanding works. Council is protected with public liability insurance for the outstanding works to be performed on Council land and roads. Proof documentation is to be submitted. Provide CCTV of Completed drains prior to Practical Completion or Statement of Compliance, whichever is earlier. Note: Council’s preference is to grant Statement of Compliance for Subdivisions when the final completion of the all subdivision works is reached (i.e. when all the completed subdivision works are accepted by Council for future care and maintenance) as prescribed in the Subdivisions Act 1988. Engineering Services October 2015 | Revision 8 Page 37 of 37