Cove School District Regular School Board Meeting Tuesday, October 21, 2014 Page 1 of 3 Board Members Present-Brett Moore, Patty McClure, Scott Spears, Julie Culver-Witten, Meg Moore Others Present-Mat Miles, Bruce Neil, Kelsey Stitzel, Trevor Leithner, Bailey Hill, Kim Gilsdorf, Lisa Murchison, Mike Boquist, Lisa Boquist, Patty Lindsey, Andy Lindsey and Jason Gorham. Call to Order-Chairman Brett Moore, called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Agenda Approval- Agenda approved with addition of 10c) Discussion f-Policies, 10f) Action Approval of Fiscal Contract with IMESD, 10g) Action to hire a half time position for the office with no objection of the Board. Good of the Order- Lisa Murchison reported that College Night was a great success with numerous students and parents in attendance. This was held at EOU. Patron Comments-Patty Lindsey expressed frustration with the MSFB schedule changes. Bruce explained his procedures for confirming games. He does so on Monday and sometimes does not hear back from the ADs until Tuesday or Wednesday. He hopes that winter schedules will not have as many changes. Consent Agenda- Brett recommended that we move the approval of the minutes from the meetings of August 19th and Sept 23rd, until our next meeting, in order to give the Board time to review them thoroughly. Also, the possibility of having the minutes posted on the web site after approval. FFA/Student Body-Trevor reported as the V Pres of the FFA chapter. He reported that the Fall Festival grossed $2K and they have a balance of $3.2K in their account. At Homecoming this week, the chapter will have a BBQ feed. He also presented a calendar of the upcoming FFA events for the year. Bailey Hill reported as Student Body V Pres. He said the Homecoming Dance was held last weekend with more students attending than in the past. He gave the itinerary of events for Homecoming week. The student body will have contest dress up day for Homecoming. Super indent-Bruce reported the school's performance rating of Above Average under OAKS. Last year was the last time OAKS would be used as performance rating testing. Overall, the district was higher than the state average, with the exception of Grade 4 reading and math, Grade 7 reading, Grade 8 Science and Grade 11 writing. This year Smarter Balance tests will be used, with the Achievement Compact Goals to be the standard. Bruce presented the District's Achievement Compact Goals. The Board asked that we move the Graduation Rate to 100% instead of 90%. This is percentage established as a Board goal Bruce will do so. The busing situation has been a challenge for the football team. The team players have had to miss about 30 minutes of class in order to accommodate the bus route and transporting the team to Union on Mondays and Tuesdays. Bruce hopes to get another "Type 20 Bus" for the district. Bruce Flatt has been ill and not been available to help in obtaining a short bus. Bruce will contact Mid Co directly to see about getting a bus. Bus #2 has been used for route and transporting students for football. InterMountain ESD- No representative present for report Charter Council-Julie reported 2 new members are needed, no meetings have been held. Principal-Mat reported Bailey understated what he and the Student Body officers are doing. He said the last Pep Assembly was very good and the students are enjoying the activities the Student Body are doing. He said the ASB leaders are go getters and he appreciates their drive and enthusiasm. The end of Oct is the end of the quarter. He said he is monitoring grades closely. Wendy Gorham, Lacey Baird and Mat met with the Josten's year book advisor. Lacey is the editor of the yearbook and will be heading up the class in the second semester to put the yearbook together. He also stated, most of the teachers have their syllabuses completed. The format is a little different for each but they are very good. Financial-Kim reported and explained the reports presented which were prepared by the ESD. All accounts payable have been processed. Checks written for the month of September were presented. Kim was asked by the Board, to present us with a list of checks written in August. She said she would. Kim stated they didn't have any problems with the payroll and process accounts payable every two weeks. If teachers have used their funds to make purchases they can reimbursed sooner. The Board requested a Meal time report be presented at future meetings. Kelsey said she would have it. Discussion of hiring a person to help in the office with Kelsey was discussed. Also, to have their packets available before the meeting. Kelsey will work on this. DiscussionFiscal Contract with IMESD- The Board reviewed the contract presented by ESD for fiscal services. The Board would like to include a clause to include a statement regarding the contract could be terminated with 60 days notice by both parties. AG Phone System-Bruce reported that phone system is up and working. District Credit Card-Scott was wondering if there was another District Credit Card, for the teachers to use, if it would have help with less POs and book work. Kim, from ESD, explained they can get payables done twice a month which should help. Bruce said the Ag instructor had a card and he had one. At this time no action on this item. Board Goals-Patty presented two goals and objectives she had written up. Brett would like the Board to review these and present other goals to Patty for her to compile. Meg stated there should be a goal regarding the building facilities. Brett said Mike Becker had not yet toured the old gym. He would contact Mike again about doing that. Also, a goal regarding how to notify community members about School and Board activities. Ways to do this include a link established with the Cove Community Assoc. and the City of Cove from our web site. Policies-Meg stated she had sent a list of the policies that Board had made changes in, to Bruce for his submission to OSBA for changes. The Board asked Bruce and Mat to get input from CEA regarding the policy dealing with restraint and HIV, HBV, and AIDS. Action Achievement Compact-At the Board request, Bruce to change the graduation rate of 100% from 90%, Meg made a motion to approve Achievement Compact Goals as presented with the change (stated above) and Julie seconded. Motion approved unanimously. Administrative Assistant- Scott made a motion to authorize the hiring of an employee on a half time basis, to help in the office. This would be a temporary position as of now. No benefits would be included. Meg seconded and the motion was approved unanimously. Future Agenda Items-Board Goals, Policies, Mat and Bruce's Goals, Charter Member applications, hiring of Janitor, JV Basketball Boys Coach, Type 20 Bus Board went into Executive Session and then into open session at 9:44. Meg made a motion to adjourn and Julie seconded, with motion passing unanimously at 9:46 pm. _____________________________ Board Chairman ______________________________ Superintendent