Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 1/36 Information content on the carbon cycle brought by the CARBONES project Table of content 1 Introduction ____________________________________________________________ 2 2 Information about fossil fuel emissions ______________________________________ 3 3 4 5 6 2.1 Compared products ________________________________________________________ 3 2.2 Horizontal & vertical spatial distributions of CARBONES IER data _______________ 4 2.3 Temporal distributions _____________________________________________________ 5 Information on ocean fluxes from OCVR system _______________________________ 7 3.1 Information about pCO2 spatial and temporal distributions ______________________ 7 3.2 Evaluation of the OCVR ocean flux ___________________________________________ 9 Evaluation of the net surface fluxes from the CCDAS __________________________ 13 4.1 Approach: product used for the evaluation of CARBONES ______________________ 13 4.2 Global annual totals _______________________________________________________ 14 4.3 Long term means _________________________________________________________ 15 4.4 Inter-annual variability ____________________________________________________ 18 4.5 Seasonal flux variations ____________________________________________________ 22 Evaluation of land gross carbon fluxes ______________________________________ 23 5.1 Evaluation at the site level __________________________________________________ 24 5.2 Evaluation at global scale from MTE estimates ________________________________ 25 Evaluation of land carbon stocks___________________________________________ 29 6.1 Product used for the evaluation _____________________________________________ 29 6.2 Results of the comparison __________________________________________________ 29 7 Conclusions and perspectives______________________________________________ 34 8 References _____________________________________________________________ 35 1 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 2/36 1 Introduction The objectives of this deliverable are to analyse the information brought by CARBONES on the carbon cycle in terms of carbon fluxes and carbon stocks at several spatial and temporal scales. These concern the study of: The global net annual carbon balance by apportioning between key regions of the globe like North America, Europe, North Eurasia, the Tropics and key ocean basins The inter-annual variability of the sub-continental regions and ocean basins The trend in the net carbon uptake of the lands in comparison with that of the oceans The spatial distribution of the forest carbon stocks compared with “observations” mapped globally (produced by CARBONES) The analyses were planned initially to take into account the uncertainties of the inverted fluxes from CARBONES-CCDAS (error propagation) in order to discriminate between robust signals and other ones. However, this report will not cover all the above-mentioned objectives, given some delays in producing the final 20 years carbon flux and stock re-analysis. Moreover, we stress on the fact that the report mainly evaluates the last version of the CARBONES product (Version V2.0 but also in some cases version V1.0) against other independent flux/stock products. It is indeed very difficult to present the information content of a given carbon product that combine observation and models (CARBONES) as “true” information without comparing the estimated quantities with other independent estimates. It is indeed impossible to establish the true fluxes at regional to global scales, given that there is no direct measurement of such quantity. Note also that we consider fossil fuel emissions (WP300) and ocean flux estimates from ocean pCO2 data (further used as prior in the Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation System) as CARBONES products. Given that significant progress has been made for these two fluxes, we discuss the information content of these products with respect to the carbon cycle (especially the temporal variations). When making the evaluations of the above-mentioned CARBONES products, the uncertainties in both CARBONES and other products are not considered yet, because of lack of time. However, a specific report will analyse independently the estimated errors on the carbon fluxes derived from the CCDAS. Finally, we stress again that this report: shows the potential of the evaluation exercise conducted within CARBONES should not be considered as the most advanced answer to the above scientific questions but rather a new “contribution” to the overall knowledge. The outline of the report is as follows: We describe in section 2) the information content on carbon cycle about fossil fuel emissions. Then, the ocean products are evaluated in section 3. The net surface fluxes of CARBONES 2 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 3/36 are confronted to those derived from direct inversion systems and from global dynamic ecosystem models (DGVMs) in section 4. In section 5, the CARBONES land carbon gross fluxes are compared to estimates from machine learning algorithm that uses observations from water, energy, and carbon fluxes. The CARBONES land carbon stocks are evaluated in section 6. Finally, conclusions and perspectives are presented in section 7. 2 Information about fossil fuel emissions 2.1 Compared products CARBONES CCDAS considers new global spatial and temporal resolved CO2 emissions based on EDGAR v4.2 and time profiles developed by USTUTT (see CARBONES deliverable D300 for details). The spatial resolution of the CARBONES fossil fuel emissions product (called hereafter IER data) is at 1°x 1° with an hourly temporal resolution. This product is derived from annual EDGARv4.2 CO2 emissions by using country, sector, year, month, day and time zone specific monthly, weekly and daily time profiles. The temporal variations of IER products are compared to the existing other ones, which are defined as follows: The emissions of dioxide from fossil-fuel combustion and cement production reported in Andres et al. (2012). The spatial resolution of the product is 1°x 1° with a monthly temporal resolution. This product is called hereafter Andres. The emissions of fossil fuel CO2 emission inventory at global scale from a combination of a worldwide point source database and satellite observations of the global nightlight distribution (Oda and Maksyutov, 2011). The product used for this exercise is 1°x 1° with a monthly temporal resolution and for only the year 2008. The product is called ODA. The emissions from the University of Beijing (hereafter PKU) at global scale are also considered. PKU uses a 16 sub-national disaggregation method (SDM) applied to establish a global 0.1°×0.1° geo-referenced inventory of fuel combustion (PKUFUEL) and a corresponding CO2 emission inventory (PKU-CO2) based on 18 upon 64 fuel sub-types for the year 2007 (Rong et al., 2012). The emissions used in the CarbonTracker model-data fusion system: (see The product is based on CDIAC country total using EDGv4.0 spatial distribution and standard temporal profiles. 3 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 4/36 In what follows, we first describe the novel IER products derived for three altitudes, and then monthly variations of IER data are confronted to Andres, ODA, and PKU fossil fuel emission products for few regions. 2.2 Horizontal & vertical spatial distributions of CARBONES IER data Besides spatial and temporal resolved emissions, it is also important to consider the effective emission height, which significantly influences modelled concentration values (Pregger & Friedrich 2008). In particular it is crucial to separate: 1. Emission at the surface mainly from transport and residential sectors. These emission will be emitted in the lowest level of the transport model 2. Emission from power plant that are still injected in the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) but directly mixed within the PBL because the injection is made though “high chimney”. This corresponds to part of the industrial sector. 3. Emission from aviation above the PBL in mid troposphere. Most existing global spatially and temporally resolved fossil fuel emission models do not consider effective emission heights at all or not sufficiently enough. As a consequence, the application of effective emission heights is a major improvement of the fossil fuel emission modelling on the global scale. The report describing the CCDAS evolution (D420) displays the considered effective emission heights based on air quality model from EMEP and specific assumptions. JRC, responsible for the EDGAR emissions, delivered within the framework of CARBONES also the emissions from aviation distinct into “Take-Off and Landing”, “Climb and Descent” and “Cruise”. Therefore it was also possible to apply emission heights to the subsectors of aviation, which is also an innovation for the fossil fuel emission modelling. This last distinction will be crucial for the Carbon Data Assimilation System with respect to the atmospheric CO2 data. The results based on the current time profiles for the three emission heights classes are shown in the Figure 2.1. According to the actual results the highest absolute values occur at the middle altitude. This is the case in particular because the emissions from the energy industry as well as the emissions from the industrial combustion are effectively emitted between 92m – 781m. Besides, the hourly shift between the different regions in the current version of the fossil fuel emissions is studied and corrected (not shown). A direct evaluation of this vertical splitting of fossil fuel emissions in terms of impact at atmospheric CO2 stations is only undergoing. Especially we will evaluate the “improvement” of the simulated concentrations. 4 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 5/36 Figure 2.1: Spatial distributions of fossil fuel hourly emissions) for the 16th of January 2008 at 14:00 hours in a 1°x1° resolution in [Mg/h] and at 3 altitude levels: < 92 m (right), between 92 m and781 m (middle), and > 781 m (left). 2.3 Temporal distributions Figures 2.2 and 2.3 display the temporal variations of IER fossil fluxes together with the estimates from Andres, ODA, PKU, and Ctracker at global scale and for two continental regions. This analysis of the temporal variations indicates: At global scale, IER data compared well with Andres data, with however a larger seasonal amplitude obtained in the IER-CARBONES product than ODA and Andres but similar to that of Ctracker. ODA product for 2008 is in good agreement with Andres but the phase of the seasonal cycle for both product is slightly different than IER-CARBONES. The PKU yearly data (evenly distributed over the year) for 2007 is smaller than the other flux estimates given that it does not include “bunker” fuel and air planes. Note that Andres total flux is also slightly smaller than IER total, given that it does not include “bunker” fuel. The main differences after correction for differences in fuel categories included in each product concern the temporal variations. Given the significant effort brought by IER to construct varying temporal profiles, we believe that the CARBONES product brings new information to the carbon cycle through the temporal disaggregation of EDGARv4.2 spatial product. Over Europe, IER data gives the strongest seasonal amplitude, similar to Ctracker product and significantly larger that both Andres and ODA product. In this case, given the detailed analysis and the large collection of temporal profile data made by IER, we can be confident that such large seasonality is probably more realistic and that the CARBONES product brings new information. Note that Ctracker provide a slightly different phase for the seasonal cycle than IER. 5 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 6/36 Over Eurasia, IER presents a larger amplitude than ODA and Andres but smaller than Ctracker that uses similar temporal profile as for Europe. Whether one product is more realistic that the other one still need to be evaluated against local proxy data. Overall the IER-CARBONES product provides new information with seasonal amplitude around 30% to 50% depending on the considered regions and that these variations will be crucial for the assimilation of atmospheric observations. Figure 2.2: Temporal variations of the fossil emissions from ODA, Andres, IER (CARBONES), and PKU products for the globe. 6 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 7/36 Figure 2.4: Temporal variations of the fossil emissions from ODA, Andres, IER, and PKU products for Europe (left), and Eurasia (right). 3 Information on ocean fluxes from OCVR system The Ocean Carbon Variational Reanalyzer (OCVR) is used to produce a twenty years global ocean carbon flux reanalyses. OCVR is a neural network framework developed by CLIMMOD. As input variables, it uses observations from satellites and/or model outputs (as for instance sea surface temperature, mixed layer depth, wind speed, etc), which control at the first-order the surface ocean pCO2. Furthermore, a variational data assimilation scheme incorporates efficiently recent sets of raw pCO2 observations to adjust for the trend and to take into account extreme events like El Niño. The spatial and temporal resolutions of the system are adjustable. The system then uses supplied atmospheric CO2 (Globalview product) concentration to calculate air-sea flux according to a selectable exchange parameterization (e.g. Liss et Merlivat 1986, Wanninkhof 1992, Takahashi 2009 etc). The system is described in more details in previous reports (D410 and D420). The fluxes that are produced by OCVR are further used in the CCDAS as prior ocean fluxes. 3.1 Information about pCO2 spatial and temporal distributions Figure 3.1.1 displays the spatial variations of pCO2 for three years for the month of January, from the OCVR system. Results show the spatial variations of pCO2 for the selected monthsyears. The classical spatial pattern is obtained with low pCO2 at high latitudes and high values in the tropics. However, the new information brought by CARBONES concern the 7 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 8/36 inter-annual variability (IAV). Indeed most optimization systems are using so far a climatology field with no year-to-year flux variations (such at Takahashi et al. products). In the example below, we see that 2009 has a larger high pCO2 over the tropical Pacific than the other years. Figure 3.1.1: Global pCO2sw (in micro-atmosphere) maps from OCVR are shown and for simulations relevant for January 1990, 2000, and 2009. 8 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 9/36 As already discussed in the D420 reports, the temporal variations of the OCVR pCO2 data over the 1989-2009 periods at selected ocean locations outperform the Takahashi standard climatology estimates (i.e. using a fixed growth rate of pCO2). Over the Equatorial Pacific, we clearly see an improvement in the OCVR product compared to the “scaled climatology” with a drawdown of pCO2 during the 1998 El Niño period and with a seasonal cycle much less pronounced than Takahashi and more in line with the observations. 3.2 Evaluation of the OCVR ocean flux We now try to evaluate the estimated air-sea fluxes from OCVR. We present here a first comparison of OCVR product with few other “independent” ones. These are: 1. The result from the Takahashi (2009) flux climatology 2. The results from an ensemble of “Ocean Interior Inversion” from Gruber et al. 2009. These estimates combine information on DIC measurement in the ocean and ocean circulation model (ocean inversion) 3. The results from Steinkamp (2012) that were produced at ETH, one partner of CARBONES. These fluxes correspond to the estimates from an atmospheric inversion combining the “ocean interior inversion” product and the information content of atmospheric CO2 data using a classical atmospheric inversion with the transport models from the TRANSCOM inter-comparison exercise. 4. The results from five Ocean General Circulation Models (OGCM) that were used and compared within the recent RECCAP synthesis, as part of the Global Carbon Project. These models comprise different ocean physical models and biogeochemical models (see table 3.1 below). Table3.1: List of OGCM used to compare with the CARBONES ocean product. Model Ocean model BGC model Forcing Bergen MICOM (isopycnic) HAMOCC NCEP CSIRO OGCM P-based NCEP LSCE NEMO PISCES NCEP 9 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 10/36 UEA NEMO PlankTOM5 NCEP WHOI CCSM BEC NCEP The figure 3.2 compares the mean seasonal cycle over the 1990-1999 period from the estimates1, 2, and 3 (OCVR results are in red) for and ensemble of 11 ocean basin (TRANSCOM regions). Major features from this analysis are: As expected, for most basins the seasonal cycle of OCVR fluxes is close to that of the Takahashi climatology. The southern ocean and the north Pacific present the largest deviations from the climatology. Further analysis need to be done to evaluate the level of improvement brought by OCVR. As for the mean fluxes, the OCVR results are generally in good agreement with the results from the ocean interior inversion, with a mean global sink slightly larger than Takahashi 2009. The large seasonal variations obtained in the Steinkamp 2012 product, from the atmospheric inversion, are partly incompatible with our OCVR product, especially in the mid to high latitude basins. Such results, would indicate that the atmospheric CO2 data tend to impact the seasonal ocean fluxes in a way that may be incompatible with the raw ocean pCO2 surface data. These results will be investigated in a paper under preparation. 10 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 11/36 Figure 3.2: Mean seasonal air-sea flux estimates from OCVAR for the period 1990-1999, for 11 regions, compared with independent estimates (see legend in the figure). We now focus on the year-to-year air-sea flux variability. Figure 3.3 compares the annual air-sea flux for several “latitudinal scale” regions and one specific basin obtained by the OCVR system and the five OGCM models presented above. The major features of OCVR are: A smaller global uptake during the period 1998 to 2002 compared to the early 90s and late 2000s, not present in most OGCM (except one). A pronounced increased of the global ocean uptake after 2002 up to 2009, that is not present in the OGCM models. The increased uptake after 2002 is mostly explained by the northern ocean (north of 30°N) and to a lower extend by the southern ocean (south of 30°S). The tropical ocean present nearly no trend during the 20 years periods, with a mean release of carbon around 0.6 PgC/year. The tropical ocean shows a decrease of the carbon source in 1998 linked to the El-nino conditions, a feature captured by some OGCM but not all. Such tropical variation in 1998 is 11 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 12/36 dominated by the contribution of the tropical Pacific Ocean, mostly affected by El-Nino conditions. Overall the main feature brought by the assimilation of surface pCO2 observations into a statistical ocean model (OCVR) concerns the trend in the ocean uptake after 2002. The mean carbon sink for the different ocean basins across the 20 years remains similar to what has been estimated by most approaches. Whether the increased global trend from 1.4 PgC/year in 2002 to 2.6 PgC/year in 2009 is real or an artefact/bias of the OCVR model is the main question. Possible sources of biases are: i) the non uniform coverage of the raw pCO2 data over time which could thus bias the neural network performance towards fitting preferentially a given period and thus introducing a temporal bias; ii) the non uniform coverage of the raw data over space with more observations over the coastal area at the end of the period. These crucial points are under investigations and will be discussed in a paper presenting OCVR system (Kane et al.). Figure 3.3: Comparison of the air-sea fluxes for different ocean regions estimated by CARBONES OCVR re-analyses (prior flux used in the CCDAS) with the fluxes from 5 Ocean General Circulation Models used in the RECCAP synthesis. 12 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 13/36 4 Evaluation of the optimized surface fluxes from the CCDAS 4.1 Approach: product used for the evaluation of CARBONES The CARBONES products are compared to two different types of approaches: The results from classical recent atmospheric inversions following the synthesis performed for the RECCAP exercise (Peylin et al., submitted to Biogeocsciences). We use twelve participating standard atmospheric inversion systems and associated key attributes are listed in Table 1. Further details on these systems can be found in Peylin (2012) with a general description given on the TransCom website ( The results of 8 Dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs) also compared within the RECCAP exercise (sitch et al., submitted to Biogeosciences). These data are not published yet and the figures including their results should not be distributed yet. We used the results of DGVMs to evaluate the inter-annual variations of CARBONES flux product only. We considered that these model fluxes do not provide better information than atmospheric inversions for the mean carbon uptake. In what follows, we discuss CARBONES land and ocean fluxes in terms of annual totals, long term means, and inter-annual and seasonal variations with regard to those derived from the ensemble of standard inversions (and from DGVM for the IAV). The results discussed here correspond to version V1 of CARBONES and the ocean fluxes are thus those from OCVR further corrected after the assimilation of atmospheric data. Global patterns of the results derived from the ensemble of the standard inversions are first given and those from CARBONES are then confronted. We will only give the main characteristics of this ensemble of results, with an emphasis on the CARBONES results when they significantly differ from the envelope of the direct inversion inferences. More detailed discussions on the following rich information on carbon budget from the standard atmospheric inversions are given in Peylin et al. (2012). Indeed, the differences due to the different set ups (e.g., fossil emissions, meteorological forcing used, biomass burning, the inversion systems themselves, etc…) of the direct systems are not discussed here. All different “inversion estimates” have used different fossil fuel emissions so that a direct comparison of the natural fluxes, which should be considered as a residual flux, are biased. The systems that have used more fossil fuel emissions should have a larger land/ocean carbon sink to match the atmospheric growth rate. In order to cope with that problem we applied a correction to all products: we took the total estimated flux (natural + fossil) and then subtract a common fossil fuel emission (EDGAR v4.2). In the remaining we thus compare the so13 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 14/36 called “fossil corrected fluxes”. Note that the EDGARv4.2 correspond to the emissions used by IER to derived the CARBONES fossil fuel product. Table 4.1: Inversion systems used to compare with CARBONES product with their key attributes. “MM” denotes monthly mean. IAV indicates inter-annual variations used for meteorological forcing. 4.2 A LSCE1 Inverse System Lsce_an_v2.1 B LSCE2 Lsce_var_v1.0 C CCAM D MATCH E CTRUS C13_CCAM_LAW C13_MATCH_Rayner Carbontracker_US F CTREU G Carbontracker_EU Jena_s96_v3.3 H I J K Rigc_Patra JMA_2010 TRCOM_mean Nicam_Niwa RIGC JMA TRC NICAM No regions Grid-cell (96x72) Grid-cell (96x72) 146 116 156 156 Grid-cell (72x48) 64 22 22 40 Obs MM # of observing stations 76 IAV trans port Yes 1988-2008 Raw 128 Yes Rachel Law Peter Rayner Andy Jacobson Wouter Peters Wouter Peters Christian Roedenbeck 1992-2008 1992-2008 2000-2008 MM MM Raw 73 CO2, 7 C13 73 CO2, 7 C13 No No Yes 2000-2008 1996-2008 Raw Raw 117 53 Yes Yes Prabir Patra Kazutaka Yamada Kevin Gurney Yosuke Niwa 1993-2007 1985-2008 1995-2008 1988-2007 MM MM MM MM 74 Yes Yes No Yes Contact Philippe Peylin Time Period 1996-2004 Frederic Chevallier Global annual totals Figure 4.1 displays for each inversion the posterior estimate of the natural global total fluxes (land plus ocean), and the global fossil fuel fluxes. The year-to-year variations of the global total flux (land plus ocean) reflect the variations in global atmospheric CO2 growth rate. As expected, they are robust across the different inversions, with large fluctuations associated with the occurrence of El Niño and La Niña conditions. For instance, in 1998, and to a lesser extent in 1994, the strong El Niño condition led to a small carbon uptake by the land and ocean ecosystems. Significant differences in prescribed fossil fuel emissions are noteworthy. The JENA fossil fluxes are larger than other inversions (~0.45 PgC/yr), and consequently that inversion requires more uptake to match the atmospheric CO2 growth (note that this is taken care with the “fossil correction” we described above). CARBONES product compares well with these independent estimates and provides a similar global picture. First, we should notice that the assimilation of atmospheric data (step 4 of the sequential approach) does not change too much the ocean fluxes compared to results of the OCVR model (used as prior in step4). Thus, the monotonous increase of ocean uptake obtained from CARBONES after 2002 is a new feature, not present in all other inversions. As noticed above such feature is crucial and need to be confirmed by independent proxy. The land ocean partition of the global carbon fluxes is directly affected by the results of the OCVR system and we thus obtain a lower land carbon sink in the early 90s and late 2000s compared to the other atmospheric inversion systems. 14 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 15/36 Figure 4.1: Annual mean posterior flux estimate of the individual inversions and CARBONES (in black). Shown here are a) natural “fossil corrected” global total carbon exchange, b) fossil fuel emission, c) natural “fossil corrected” total land, and d) natural total ocean fluxes. 4.3 Long term means Since the ensemble of the standard inversions has been run for different time periods, a common time period that allows reducing the inter-comparison timespan when calculating multi-year means, was selected. Thus, the 2001-2006 period was chosen. Figure 4.2 displays the total fluxes for the globe and three latitudinal bands as well as the partition between the land and ocean. From the perspective of the long-term mean, the land (fossil corrected) and ocean have similar values for total uptake, around -1.5 PgC/yr. 15 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 16/36 Figure 4.2: Mean natural fluxes for the period 2001-2006 of the individual inversion posterior fluxes (exception for LSCE_ana system which is averaged over 2001-2004) and CARBONES (in black). Shown here are total (first column), natural “fossil corrected” land (second column) and natural ocean (third column) carbon exchange aggregated over the Globe, the Northern hemisphere (roughly > 25N), the tropic (roughly 25S-25N) and the southern hemisphere (roughly < 25S). Numbers in parenthesis represent the mean flux and the standard deviation across all inversions. 16 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 17/36 Except for JENA inversion, which has much larger uptake on land and smaller uptake by the ocean (both compensating), and NICAM which gives the smallest land uptake (~ -0.5 PgC/yr) compensated by the largest ocean sink (~ -2.5 PgC/yr) CARBONES is at the lower end of the results range. In details, global total flux from CARBONES is slightly lower than results obtained from most of the direct inversions, which is explained by the lower carbon uptake of the land either at Northern latitude or in the Tropics. This lower uptake from the land is compensated by the relatively large uptake of the ocean at global scale. The North and South oceans contribute to this large uptake, while a lower uptake is found over the tropics. The large carbon uptake of the ocean, derived from CARBONES CCDAS, can partly be explained by the large uptake observed from 2002 as shown in Figure 4.3.1b. Overall CARBONES confirms the results from the inversions that were solving the fluxes at high resolution (JENA, LSCE, CTRACKER systems) with a nearly neutral tropical land budget and a very small southern land source. We briefly investigate the long term mean natural fluxes within continental/basin-scale subdivisions for a breakdown of the northern hemisphere into three selected continental/basinscale regions: North America, Europe, North Asia (Figure 4.3). These three land regions show a significant carbon sink, from nearly -0.5 PgGtC/yr over Europe to -1.0 GtCPgC/yr over North Asia. A large spread among the results from the different inversions is obtained. For the three selected regions, the standard deviation reaches around 0.5 GtCPgC/yr. CARBONES results are one of the lowest carbon sink for these regions and especially for North Asia. However, if we compare only the 5 fives estimates from the left (JENA, LSCE_var and the two CTRACKER systems), CARBONES results do not appear as outliers. These estimates come from standard inversions that solve for fluxes either at the resolution of the transport model or for a large number of regions, which avoid the so-called “aggregation error” associated to the other estimates that solve for a restricted number of flux-regions. These technical details are discussed in Peylin et al. 2012. Overall, CARBONES with the use of FluxNet data and MODIS-NDVI thus decrease the carbon uptake over North Asia compared to LSCE_var inversion that uses the same atmospheric transport model. The main changes of the sequential optimization (step 1 and 2), related to a decrease of the growing season length in ORCHIDEE (through MODIS-DVI data) and the decrease of the amplitude of the seasonal cycle of NEE for north ecosystems (through FluxNet data), lead to a stronger reduction of the carbon sink in North Asia compared to Europe and North America. These results are under investigation and will be published with the 20 year CARBONES flux reanalysis (Peylin et al., in preparation). 17 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 18/36 Figure 4.3: As for Figure 4.2, but for three continental/basin-scale regions: North America, Europe, and North Asia. 4.4 Inter-annual variability Figure 4.3 shows the inter-annual variability of land and ocean fluxes for the northern, tropical and southern aggregates. The results represent annual means with the individual model long-term means removed (a long-term mean defined over the entirety of the submitted model timespan). We refer to these as inter-annual carbon exchange anomalies (hereafter IAV). 18 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 19/36 Figure 4.4: Annual mean smoothed average (smoothing window of 3 years) of the individual participating inversion posterior flux estimates. Shown here are land fluxes for northern, tropics and south regions as well as for the global total, for land and ocean. 19 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 20/36 All the standard inversion systems tend to exhibit greater IAV on land versus ocean (Figure 4.4), particularly in the tropical latitude band. Within the land aggregates, the tropical land exhibits the greatest amount of inter-annual variability while in the ocean similar interannual variability is seen in the different ocean basins (note that for the southern ocean the scale is different than for the two other latitude bands). Note that in the southern ocean a large part of the IAV is associated with the 1997/1998 time period, in which several model inversions show large anomalies, though of differing sign. Overall, CARBONES results are in agreement with the IAV produced by the ensemble of inversions. In details, CARBONES exhibit a large negative IAV in the Southern land. This feature mainly arises over South America during the 1997/1998 period, which seems to be compensated by the large positive IAV obtained in South Asia (not shown). The large biomass burning fluxes observed during the 1997-1998 period and considered in the CARBONES optimization may explain these results. Further analysis will be conducted to evaluate whether other observational evidences support the different flux IAV in CARBONES for the southern land. As a direct consequence, CARBONES produces a smaller flux IAV over the tropical land than the other inversions. Such feature is a direct consequence of the flux optimization with larger IAV in the southern land. The results from version V3 (under analysis) with a correction of the parameters of ORCHIDEE in step 4 (assimilation of atmospheric CO2 data) will confirm or not if such reduced tropical land IAV can be supported by the current ORCHIDEE processes. A second aspect of the evaluation of CARBONES product was performed against the results of DGVMs that comparable to the one used in our CCDAS. In the set of DGVMs a standard version of ORCHIDEE was also used following the specific protocol applied to all DGVMs. Figure 4.5 provides for “big latitudinal bands” and the northern hemisphere split into the three continental regions the annual flux variations, after subtraction of the mean flux over the 20 years period (i.e., the flux IAV). Major features are: First the CARBONES product significantly differs from the ORCHIDEE DGVM version, indicating that the MODIS-NDVI, the FluxNet data, and the atmospheric data led to significant changes in the model IAV signal. For the latitudinal breakdown, we obtain IAV signals that are compatible with the DGVM ones but with slightly lower IAV over the tropics, especially from 1999 to 2004. The tropical positive anomaly en 2005 is significantly larger than the DGVMs. Over the northern land, CARBONES IAV is slightly smaller that most DGVMs with a significant increase of the land carbon sink in 2004, remaining the following years. For the northern breakdown, North America, Europe, and North Asia all show relatively similar flux IAV. CARBONES provides similar results than the DGVMs for Europe and North America in terms of phase and amplitude, while over North 20 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 21/36 Asia the phase of the IAV varies between all estimates. More in depth analysis are needed to attribute these IAV to underlying processes. Overall, if CARBONES does not change radically our knowledge on the land carbon flux IAV, it will provide new insight on the processes than underline these flux variations and these processes are likely to differ from the standard DGVM, given that ORCHIDEECARBONES parameters have significantly changed from their original values. This analysis is however only underway and will be finalized after the duration of the project. Figure 4.5: Annual mean smoothed average of the CARBONES flux estimates (red) compared to the results from 8 land dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs). Shown here are land fluxes for northern, tropics and south regions as well as for the North America, Europe, and North Asia. 21 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 4.5 22/36 Seasonal flux variations Figure 4.6 shows the mean seasonal cycle on land and ocean for the latitudinal aggregate regions. Note that the land and ocean panels use different numerical scales. For this diagnostic we consider the raw natural fluxes and not the “fossil corrected” fluxes, to avoid any spurious monthly flux corrections. The global land seasonality is driven by the northern land with close agreement regarding both the magnitude and phasing of the growing season and dormant season fluxes. Regarding ocean fluxes, the largest differences between CARBONES and the other systems are more pronounced over the South hemisphere. Only details relevant for land fluxes, which largely contribute to the total global fluxes and for the latitudinal aggregate regions are given hereafter: The amplitude of the seasonal cycle of land fluxes over the Northern hemisphere is close to 3 PgC/yr (range needed) and the peak of the growing season is located in July for all inversion systems, including CARBONES. Seasonality for the tropical land is quite low and larger differences can occur across the different systems, including CARBONES. We notice that CARBONES is closer to the LSCE inversions, which reflect the fact that they use both the ORCHIDEE model, and that the atmospheric constraint over the tropic is relatively weak. CARBONES show two peaks: one in March and the other in July, which are not shown by almost all the other systems. This feature is less prominent in the recent version V2 of CARBONES and will be analysed at the final meeting. Seasonality in the Southern Land also shows consistency in terms of phasing though somewhat less than the northern land. Maximum carbon uptake across the models spans the February to April time period. The peak of the dormant season carbon emission varies from June to September depending upon the model. CARBONES follows the ensemble of the inversion systems, but the maximum of carbon uptake occur relatively earlier, i.e., around August, while most of the other systems show this maximum during September to October period. This feature arise from the correction of the phenology parameters with MODIS-NDVI. 22 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 23/36 Figure 4.6: Mean seasonal cycle of the posterior carbon exchange for the individual participating inversion submissions. Shown here are the natural land (first column) and natural ocean (second column) carbon exchange aggregated over the Northern hemisphere (> 30N), the tropic (30S-30N) and the southern hemisphere (< 30S). 5 Evaluation of land gross carbon fluxes CARBONES gross carbon fluxes are compared to: GPP and Reco estimates directly derived from the net flux observations at site level (FLUXNET data) as performed in e.g., Reichstein et al. (2005) by using a flux partitioning method (e.g., Baldocchi, 2003 and Papale et al., 2006; see the dedicated website: Global GPP estimates from data‐oriented approach. The data-oriented method used a Model Tree Ensemble (hereafter MTE) which is a machine learning system builds on an empirical model. Such a model has been applied to the upscaling of eddy 23 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 24/36 covariance measurements (i.e., water, energy and carbon fluxes) from local to continental scales (Jung et al., 2011). 5.1 Evaluation at the site level The CARBONES GPP and Reco fluxes are compared to estimates derived directly from the NEE observations (as performed in Reichstein et al. (2005)). Note that the NEE data were assimilated in the CCDAS in a sequential approach (see details in the report D420). Although not independent, these “data-oriented” estimates provide valuable insights on the ORCHIDEE model performances. Hence, here we evaluate the performances of the model with regard to the optimization of its process based parameters (step 2 of our sequential assimilation approach) through different metrics as described in Kuppel et al. (2012): In this comparison we use the results of a so-called single site optimization to constrain the ORCHIDEE parameters (SS optimization) and a second approach used in CARBONES that considers the observations from all sites of a given Plant Functional Type to optimize these parameters (MS method). Figure 5.1 shows the seasonal cycle of GPP and Reco at two sites for a 2-year time period. We observe that in general the optimizations decrease the seasonal amplitude of GPP and Reco at these sites and as expected are closer to the observations, with a shortening of the period where GPP is significant. Besides, we observe that the model-data fit is generally improved both for Reco and GPP, although more significantly for Reco. More details of these comparisons are given in Kuppel et al. (2012). 24 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 25/36 Figure 5.1: Seasonal cycle of GPP and Reco at a) Hainich and b) Harvard Forest sites, smoothed with a 15-day moving average window. The estimations derived from flux-partitioning of NEE (black) are compared with the prior model (green), the MS optimization (blue) corresponding to CARBONES and the SS optimization (red, see text). The averaged annual fluxes in gC/m² are given between brackets. 5.2 Evaluation at global scale from MTE estimates The global GPP estimates from the MTE model are compared to those obtained from CARBONES project. The comparison is performed over the 1990-2008 period. MTE uses different datasets to upscale GPP from FLUXNET station data: FAPAR satellite observations, the SYNMAP land cover map, temperature observations from CRU and precipitation from GPCC (Jung et al. 2011). The global spatial patterns of GPP from MTE and CARBONES agree reasonable well. Figure 5.2.1 displays the spatial distributions of both the yearly mean GPPs derived from MTE and CARBONES together with their differences over the 1990-2008 period at global scale. Although the two GPP estimates agree reasonably well, differences can be significant in some areas. We obtain a good agreement in boreal regions, while CARBONES gives higher GPPs in mainly agricultural used areas. The largest differences between CARBONES and MTE do occur in South East of Asia in the Tropics, where differences can reach up to 4000 gC/m 2/y at pixel level. The large differences are partly explained by the fact that MTE does not permit extreme GPPs values above around 3500 gC/m2/y as can be seen from Figure 5.2.2. 25 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 26/36 Differences in mean annual GPP are associated to different climate regions. Mean annual global GPP over 1990-2008 period from CARBONES are plotted against MTE stratified by the Koeppen-Geiger climate classes (Figure 5.2.2). The largest differences in mean annual GPP occur in the Aw climate region (equatorial savannah with dry winter). Also, the seasonalities of both GPP estimates are well correlated (not shown), except in some arid and tropical regions where GPP does not show a pronounced seasonal cycle. However, we found large differences over few areas and during particular seasons, e.g., dry period over savannah (not shown). Figure 5.2.1: Yearly mean GPP (gC/m2/y) over 1990-2008 estimated from MTE and CARBONES are shown. The differences between CARBONES and MTE (CARBONES –MTE) are also given. 26 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 27/36 Figure 5.2.2: Mean annual GPP from CARBONES against MTE (1990-2008). The different colours represent the Koeppen-Geiger climate classes used in the MTE estimates. GPP from CARBONES has different sensitivities to temperature and precipitation than GPP from MTE (Figure 5.2.3). The maximum GPP under a specific temperature condition increases in both approaches with higher mean annual temperatures in case of fully humid climate regions (Df – purple, Cf – darkgreen, Af – red; upper panel in Figure 5.2.3). In case of water limited climate regions (ET – blue, BS and BW – yellow, Aw – light red) GPP is clearly below the GPP of fully humid climate regions and does not show this relationship with temperature. Nevertheless, CARBONES reaches under all temperature conditions higher maximum GPP values than MTE. The increase in GPP with increasing temperatures under non-water limited conditions in boreal climate regions is much stronger for CARBONES than for MTE (upper limit at purple colors in Figure 5.2.3). GPP increases also with increasing mean annual precipitation in both approaches (lower panel in Figure 5.2.3). Again, for CARBONES the increase in GPP with increasing mean annual precipitation is much stronger. At a certain high amount of annual precipitation, increasing precipitation does not increase GPP further, i.e. water availability is no longer a limiting factor for GPP. In MTE this point is reached at ca. 1800 mm of mean annual precipitation whereas in CARBONES this point is reached already at a lower amount of mean annual precipitation (ca. 1200 mm). In summary, CARBONES GPP has a higher sensitivity to temperature in boreal regions and a higher sensitivity to precipitation globally than GPP estimates from MTE. 27 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 28/36 Figure 5.2.3: Mean annual GPP from MTE and CARBONES against mean annual temperature (top) and mean annual total precipitation (bottom). The different colours represent the Koeppen-Geiger climate classes as in Figure 5.2.2. The black line is a spline fitted to the upper 95% percentile of the distribution and represents the upper boundary of GPP under different temperature or and precipiation conditions, respectively. This comparison of flux estimates from a data-driven approach (MTE) with a model-data integration approach (CARBONES) should be considered as a first step that will be further 28 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 29/36 improved after the end of the project within an article on the Evaluation of CARBONES 20year flux reanalysis. This will provide a more comprehensive and detailed analysis of CARBONES strengths and weaknesses, although the MTE should not considered as the truth! A non-exhaustive list of the actions planned can be sum up as follows: • Perform the analysis by land cover or plant functional types • Include other data-oriented upscaled estimates (TER, LE, H) • Perform the estimates from MTE with different forcing data sets • Compare CARBONES to other biogeochemical model gross carbon flux estimates (e.g. LPJ, JSBACH) 6 Evaluation of land carbon stocks 6.1 Product used for the evaluation We compared CARBONES biomass estimates to the DLO-EFI products, which are based on FAO data further compiled by ALTERRA, and are available in the database ( This database includes data on forest area, growing stock, increment, harvest levels (scattered info only) and age classes (Europe only), based on historical and recent international assessments and national forest inventory statistics. For detailed description of these data, consult the deliverable D300.1 of CARBONES project. Note that DLO-EFI estimates are yearly data at global scale and cover the 1950-2010 period. In what follows, inferences on forest above biomass of CARBONES are compared to DLOEFI estimates. For CARBONES, two simulations from ORCHIDEE are considered: i) modelled biomass by using the default values of the process based parameters of ORCHIDEE (hereafter ORCHIDEE REFERENCE) and ii) modelled biomass by using optimized parameters (ORCHIDEE OPTIMIZED) that are constrained by the satellite MODIS NDVI data and then with satellite and FluxNet data (the first and second steps of our sequential data assimilation system). Note that we were not able to compare with the version of ORCHIDEE that has been optimised by all three data streams (V3), given the delay in realisation of the last step of the sequential approach (step 4). However, given that only few parameters that control the above biomass were further adjusted in step 4, the comparison below can be considered as the most relevant one. 6.2 Results of the comparison 29 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 30/36 Figure 6.2.1 displays the spatial distributions of the mean annual above ground forest biomass derived from CARBONES and the estimates from DLO-EFI for year 2005. Overall, the two CARBONES estimates agree reasonably well with DLO-EFI data in term of global spatial pattern, but the following differences can be highlighted: CARBONES tends to produce more biomass over North of Europe, Russia, and over tropical Asian regions. CARBONES tends to produce lower biomass in the south part of central Africa. Qualitatively, differences between the two CARBONES estimates (Figure 6.2.1) appear to be relatively small. However, as shown in Figure 6.2.2, the estimates from the optimized ORCHIDEE model represent a better agreement with the DLO-EFI product based on FAO data compared to the reference simulations. Indeed, a lower bias is obtained between the optimized ORCHIDEE estimates and DLO-EFI data. This is primarily the result of a reduced growing season length following the optimisation of the phenology parameters. Figure 6.2.3 shows that the difference in the biomass between the optimized and reference versions of ORCHIDEE is greatest in northern temperate and boreal regions, though there is a general reduction in biomass across all forest PFTs. There is a similar reduction in the positive bias of ORCHIDEE after optimization with both satellite NDVI and FluxNet data, though it has increased slightly compared to the optimization using onl satellite NDVI data. This is due to the fact that the value of Vcmax increases as a result of the optimization with the NEE data, and therefore there is also an increase in biomass. The root mean square errors (RMSE) derived from the three CARBONES estimates against DLO-EFI data remain rather large, and nearly unchanged after optimisation. This demonstrates that there is potentially a structural error, or lack of process representation, in the model that cannot be accounted for by parameter optimization. It is likely that disturbance and forest age need to be properly considered in order to achieve more accurate biomass estimates. Note finally that the comparison is done for one year only, as the change in biomass is rather small across the 20 year period but that further analysis will consider the change between 1990 and 2009. 30 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 31/36 DLO - EFI ORCHIDEE REFERENCE ORCHIDEE OPTIMIZED Figure 6.2.1: Spatial distributions of mean annual forest above biomass derived from DLO-EFI and CARBONES for year 2005. For CARBONES, two products are shown: simulations of ORCHIDEE by using i) the default parameters of the model (REFERENCE) and ii) optimized phenological parameters of the model when constraining them with the satellite NDVI data (OPTIMIZED). 31 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 32/36 Figure 6.2.2: The differences given by the mean bias (top) and the RMSE (bottom) between DLO-EFI and the three CARBONES estimates are shown. The three CARBONES estimates are simulations of ORCHIDEE by using i) the default parameters of the model (REFERENCE) and ii) optimized phenological parameters of the model when constraining them with the satellite NDVI data (optim. with MODIS) and satellite NDVI and FluxNet NEE and LE daa (optim. with MODIS + FluxNet). 32 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 33/36 Figure 6.2.3: The difference in biomass between the optimized and reference (default parameters) versions of ORCHIDEE. 33 Deliverable D610.1 Ref CARBONES-D610.1-REP-LSCE-023-01-00 Date 05/06/2012 Page 34/36 7 Conclusions We presented in this report a first evaluation of CARBONES products against other independent products. This comparison was performed to highlight the information content brought by CARBONES on the carbon budgets at continental to hemispheric scales. These results should still be considered as preliminary as they will be updated with version V2 of CARBONES for the final meeting and possibly version V3 (parameter optimizations in step 4) before the end of the project. Note that a possible revision of this report will be considered before final submission. Overall, CARBONES performs as well as the other products for this current version (V1.0) and bring new features on the carbon cycle, that need further investigations: Fossil fuel emissions with hourly temporal variations appear to be significantly larger that those from other products Ocean carbon fluxes show new IAV with a pronounced increased ocean uptake after 2002 that still needs to be validated or confirmed with other proxies. Net land carbon fluxes follow most standard atmospheric inversion results but with slight differences: the IAV over the tropic is slightly lower in CARBONES than the other products; the net land carbon uptake in the northern continental regions is slightly lower than most inversions, especially for North America; the southern land IAV tend to be larger than in the other products. All these features will be summarized in paper focussing on the analysis of the 20-year CARBONES reanalysis. A favourable comparison against biomass forest data from FAO statistics appears with lower biases after the assimilation of MODIS-NDVI and FluxNet data. As reported in the introduction, this report aims to present the potential of CARBONES products and should be considered as a framework to analyse the results of a Carbon Cycle Multi-Data Assimilation System. 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