Haley Janowitz Microbiology 202 Dr. Ken Keiler April 19, 2015 What’s My Pet? : Analyzing and Defining the Characteristics of an Unknown Microbe Description and Results from Various Tests: When analyzing the morphology of my pet’s colonies I found that it grew in milky white, perfectly round, smooth, almost translucent colonies. After analyzing the Gram stain I could see extremely tiny, round cells that were purple in color and stuck together in pairs usually. Figure 1: Originally plate streaked with my pet Figure 2: Gram-stain of my pet at 100x magnification Janowitz 2 From the Gram-stain I could conclude that my pet was Gram-positive, but I conducted a few other tests to confirm this conclusion using McConkey and EMB agar plates. These plates selective for Gram-negative bacteria because only microbes with a cell wall can survive in the presence of the bile salts and crystal violet in McConkey Agar and eosine and methylene blue dyes in EMB Agar. (1) They are also differential mediums meaning that they can show the ability of the microbe to ferment lactose. On McConkey agar a fermenter will grow hot pink, while a non-fermenter will grow white, possibly light pink. On EMB agar a fermenter will grow shiny green and opaque, while a non-fermenter will be uncolored and translucent. (1) Table 1: Results of test for Gram-negative bacteria McConkey Agar No growth Hot pink and opaque Negative control No growth B. subtilis *This test was repeated twice just for precision Pet E. coli experiment Positive control EMB Agar No growth Shiny green and opaque No growth Considering my pet did not grow on either McConkey or EMB agar, as well as the fact that the Gram stain showed it to be purple, I can conclude that my pet is in fact a Gram-positive species. An assay was completed to determine whether my pet could grow on salt concentrations of 7.5% as well as its ability to ferment Mannitol. A Mannitol salt agar was used that was selective for growth on salt and differential for identifying fermenters of Mannitol. A fermenter would lower the pH by releasing organic acids turning the phenol red in the agar yellow. A non-fermenter would not change the pH leaving the surrounding area red. (1) Table 2: Data ffrom Mannitol Salt Agar assay Pet S. epidermidis S. aureus (only looked at; did not actually test) E. coli Experiment Positive control/nonfermenter Positive control/Fermenter Negative control No growth Thin, filmy white growth; red agar Creamy white growth; bright yellow agar No growth It seems from this assay that my pet could not tolerate the salt conditions of 7.5% so it is inconclusive on whether it can ferment mannitol sugar or not. In order to further test the inability to grow on salt, I tested my pet on agar plates of salt concentrations 0.85%, 3.5%, 7.5%, and 15%. Janowitz 3 Table 3: Results from salt concentration assay Salt Concentration NA (no salt) Growth 0.85% Control for growth without salt Control for growth without salt Experiment 3.5% Experiment 7.5% Experiment 15% Experiment T-soy (no salt) Normal growth; colonies similar sized to original plate Normal growth; colonies slightly larger than on NA Less growth than T-soy and NA; smaller colonies Less growth than 0.85%; very small colonies No growth except where streaked on too thick No growth This test revealed that my pet could not tolerate high salt conditions, which is likely the reason the mannitol salt plates had no growth. Also my pet is not really very picky as far as whether it grows better on Nutrient Agar (NA) or Tryptic-Soy Agar (Tsoy), but just because the colonies are bigger on the T-soy that is the one with which I continued to streak. In order to determine which sugars my pet could ferment, as well as whether it has the ability to grow anaerobically, a few assays were run including Phenol red tubes, Oxidation/Fermentation Agar, and streaking a plate for growth in an anaerobic chamber. The Phenol red tubes consisted of either glucose, sucrose, or lactose media with little tubes upside down in the liquid. Each solution had phenol red indicator in it. If the bacteria fermented that particular sugar they would release organic acids that turn the solution yellow, or orange if they slightly ferment it. They could also ferment it and release gas, which would be collected in the upside down tubes. If they were nonfermenters, the solution would remain red. The Oxidation/Fermentation tubes test for the bacteria’s ability to ferment and/or oxidize glucose, as well as grow anaerobically. They have bromothymol blue as an indicator so they start green, but when the bacteria process glucose the tubes turn yellow in the presence of organic acids. Also one tube has a layer of mineral oil on top meaning that if the bacteria grow in that tube they can survive without oxygen. (2) Table 4: Data from Phenol Red tube assays Lactose Pet Some Acid 1 bubble of gas Orange E. coli B. subtilis M. lateus Acid Gas Yellow No acid No gas Red No acid No gas Red Sucrose Acid No gas Yellow No acid No gas Red Some acid No gas Orange No acid No gas Red Glucose Acid No gas Yellow Acid Gas Yellow Acid No gas Yellow No acid No gas Red/Orange Janowitz 4 Table 5: Results from Oxidation/Fermentation tube assay Presence of Acid Pet No color change, but it grew in both tubes E. coli P. fluorescens Yellow throughout Yellow top only Anaerobic/Aerobic Both Motility No Both Aerobic only Yes Yes Table 6: Results for anaerobic growth chamber Growth; smaller colonies Growth No growth Pet E. coli P. fluorescens My pet is a strong fermenter of sucrose and glucose and a moderate to weak fermenter of lactose. It also was able to grow in both Oxidation/Fermentation tubes, even though it neither fermented nor oxidized glucose, and it grew in the anaerobic chamber, although the colonies were smaller. This most likely means that my pet is a facultative anaerobe, which allows it to switch its metabolism between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. (3) The Oxidation/ Fermentation tubes also test another characteristic of microbes known as motility. The agar was semi-solid meaning that if the bacteria are motile then they can disperse and/or swim to the top near the oxygen if that is their preferred/necessary method of respiration. My pet did not seem to be motile at all; however, another two assay was conducted to determine motility. Both a double well plate (one side water agar, the other side GYE agar) with filter strips bridging the wells, and semi-solid agar plates were used to test motility. The microbe was either inoculated on the water agar side of the double well plate or in the center of the semi-solid agar. If it grew on the nutrient side (GYE) or in a large ring around the point of inoculation, then the microbe is motile. Table 7: Data on bridge plate and semi-solid agar assays Bridge Plates Pet Experiment Growth on water agar P. fluorescens Positive control Growth on GYE agar M. luteus Negative control Growth on water agar Semi-Solid Agar No movement from point of inoculation Large ring of growth away from center No movement from point of inoculation *Repeated the bridge plate assay with my pet because the first time it didn’t grow on either side Since my pet only grew on the water agar plate and at the point of inoculation, it is a most likely a non-motile species of bacteria. A few other tests were conducted to understand other qualities of my pet. A plate was streaked and incubated at 50OC producing much tinier colonies that were closer together. Its optimal growing conditions seemed to be a 28OC on T-soy agar. Another test Janowitz 5 was to see if my pet would grow and/or infect a pepper and an onion. After streaking these vegetables with the microbe, they appeared dried out, but not particularly “sick.” When I streaked from the pepper onto another T-soy plate I got colonies with the same morphology and color as my pet so I concluded that it can grow on vegetables, but for the short amount of time that it existed on them it isn’t pathogenic. It is possible that the vegetables could have developed a disease later, but initially the vegetables were not harmed. A dilution was also done on a liquid culture of my pet to see how many colony forming units per milliliter there are. Using the seventh dilution, I calculated 1.9 x 109 CFU/mL. The last set of assays conducted was to understand what bacterial resistance my pet has. Because my pet is Gram-positive I tested a variety of antibiotics including ones that inhibit peptidoglycan synthesis, protein synthesis, and enzymatic pathways. If the bacteria are not resistant it will form a large ring of clearing around the antibiotic disc. If it they are resistant then they will grow closer, or ever right up to the disc. Table 8: Data for Antibiotic Resistance assay Antibiotic/Treatment Plain (negative control) Penicillin Cephalothin Ampicillin Tetracycline Minocycline Doxycycline Erythromycin Nalidixic Acid Sulfamethoxazole Trimethoprim Cloramphenicol Clindamycin Radius of Clearing 0cm 0.75cm (outer)/ 0.47cm (inner) 0.40cm 0.80cm (outer)/ 0.49cm (inner) 0.75cm 1.60cm 1.32cm 1.38cm (outer)/ 0.45 (inner) 0.98cm 1.20cm 1.05cm 0.88cm My pet was most susceptible to the inhibitors of protein synthesis, specifically Minocycline, because they had rings with the largest radii. The inhibitors of peptidoglycan synthesis were the most resisted antibiotics by my pet, especially Cephalothin. They even had double rings; the inner ring clear and the outer ring more turbid, meaning that some bacteria were more resistant than others. This is possibly because the bacteria don’t have a cell wall so it is easier for the protein synthesis inhibitors to get into the cell and disrupt normal functions. Janowitz 6 Classification: Domain: Bacteria Phylum: Firmicutes Class: Bacilli Order: Lactobacillales Family: Streptococcaceae Genus: Lactococcus Species: lactis (4) L. lactis is classified as a Gram-positive bacterium that typically is used in the production of cheese and other dairy products. (4) It is a non-motile cocci that has colonies with a medium sized, white, translucent morphology. (5) L. lactis is capable of growing anaerobically, although it mostly grows aerobically, and it is able to ferment glucose, sucrose, and lactose. (4) L. lactis can also ferment mannitol sugar, but it does not grow as quickly. (4) Most strains show variable resistance to antibiotics, but for the most part are susceptible equally susceptible. (5) The optimum growth range is between 20 and 35oC, and growth is typically inhibited beyond 39oC with an upper limit of 53oC in some species. (6) Using this information, I was able to identify my pet as L. lactis. I was able to rule out all the Gram-negative bacteria on the list (E. coli, X. campestris, P. ananatis, and P. fluorescens) as well as K. rosea because of the obvious colony morphology and color. I also ruled out B. subtilis and M. luteus based on the observation that my pet is has cocci cell morphology and it can ferment a variety of sugars. (7) That left just S. epidermidis and L. lactis. My pet failed to grow on Mannitol salt agar as well as a variety of salt concentrations, where growth is a key characteristic for several varieties of Staphylococcus. Despite the fact that my pet only marginally fermented lactose, a key characteristic of L. lactis, I determined that it must be L. lactis. The selectivity of salt is a much more reliable test than the Phenol tubes because other conditions can effect the pH of the medium and therefore the color of the phenol indicator. Aside from these characteristics, my pet matched the colony and cell morphology descriptions, the lack of motility, optimum growth conditions, and the classification as a facultative anaerobe of L. lactis bacterium. My pet was not highly resistant to any one antibiotic, and any differences may not be statistically significant. L. lactis is also capable of growing on plants, but it is non-pathogenic, which seemed to be the same as my pet. (4) Due to the acute similarities of the characteristics of my pet, and the characteristic of L. lactis, I can confidently classify my pet to be Lactococcus lactis. Others who have L. lactis: Nobody else in the class has identified as having L. lactis as their pet. Janowitz 7 Works Cited 1. Microbiology 202. (2015). Pet Microbe 1: Lab Guide. In Piazza. Retrieved from https://s3.amazonaws.com/piazzaresources/i49z7te1tfc1zq/i58cvrh46113pd/PetMicrobeGuide.pdf?AWSAccessKey Id=AKIAJKOQYKAYOBKKVTKQ&Expires=1429485446&Signature=CTIb5h SXvK8ys7vQMgJMz8TA%2B%2FI%3D 2. Microbiology 202. (2015). Pet Investigations. In Piazza. Retrieved from https://s3.amazonaws.com/piazzaresources/i49z7te1tfc1zq/i6fpwsfxlq2lt/PetInvestigations2.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId =AKIAJKOQYKAYOBKKVTKQ&Expires=1429491442&Signature=EFUIMN LchFBc%2FYqvczJ8gmp1FRY%3D 3. "facultative anaerobes." A Dictionary of Biology. 2004. Retrieved April 19, 2015 from Encyclopedia.com: http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1O6facultativeanaerobes.html 4. Lactococcus lactis. (2012, January 13). Retrieved April 21, 2015, from http://microbewiki.kenyon.edu/index.php/Lactococcus_lactis 5. Elliot, J., & Facklam, R. (1996). Antimicrobial Susceptibilities of Lactococcus lactis and Lactococcus garvieae and a Proposed Method To Discriminate between Them. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 34(5), 1296–1298-1296–1298. Retrieved April 20, 2015, from http://jcm.asm.org/content/34/5/1296.full.pdf html 6. Toqeer Ahmed, Rashida Kanwal and Najma Ayub. (2006). Influence of Temperature on Growth Pattern of Lactococcus lactis, Streptococcus cremoris and Lactobacillus acidophilus Isolated from Camel Milk. Biotechnology, 5: 481488. 7. Bacillus subtilis. (2013, March 5). Retrieved April 21, 2015, from https://microbewiki.kenyon.edu/index.php/Bacillus_subtilis