ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY University Health and Safety Committee Constitution. (Reviewed 23 March 2011) 1. Title. The name of the committee shall be ‘The Anglia Ruskin University Health and Safety Committee’. 2. Responsibility. The committee shall be responsible to the Board of Governors and are responsible for the ongoing review, development and implementation of the University Health and Safety Management System 3. Terms of Reference. The aim of the Committee shall be to promote involvement between the management, staff and students of the University in instigating, developing and carrying out measures to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of employees and others represented by the Committee. Its main functions are listed in the APU HSMS (Safety Management System) AR-RMD-SMS13, appendix 2. 4. Membership. General. The number of management representatives shall not exceed the number of employee representatives. Any changes to the nominated representatives should be agreed by the committee and notified, in writing, to the Secretary. Management Representation will be as follows; Chairperson. (The Secretary and Clerk) 1 Director of Estates 1 SMG representatives, Deans of; Science and Technology or senior representative Institute of Health and Social Care or senior representative Dean of Students 2 Head of Security 1 Representatives of Campus Panels (Director of Student Services) 2 TOTAL 1 8 Employee representatives will be nominated by recognised Trade Unions so that each area or activity is properly represented, where there are insufficient trade union representatives other members of staff will be able to join provided the union waives the right to that place. The Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 require consultation on health and safety matters with groups or grades not represented by a Trade Union, therefore the employee representative section has been extended to include a representative of the Senior Management Group. Student Representatives will be nominated by the Student Unions Employee/Student representation shall be as follows; NATFHE UNISON Senior Management Group Student Union Total 3 3 1 1 8 Ex-officio. Representatives of the Risk Management Department. All committee members shall be required, as a condition of membership, to undertake training as per the University Safety Management System, ARU-RMDSMS13, appendix 6. 5. Officials. The Chairperson shall be the member of the Vice Chancellors Office with the responsibility for Health and Safety. The Vice-Chairperson shall be elected from members of the committee. The Secretary & Clerk will appoint the committee Secretary. 6. Quorum. The quorum shall be three management and three employee/student representatives. 7. Record of Attendance. The names of members attending shall be recorded in the Minutes and every member attending shall sign the Attendance Sheet provided for that purpose. Attendance at meetings shall be monitored by the Chair and in the event of non attendance write to the delegate requesting clarification of their reason for non attendance or failure to arrange suitable replacement. 8. Attendance of Specialists. Subject to agreement, and provided the Secretary is notified in advance, specialists may be invited to attend meetings to advise on particular matters. 9. Observers. Any member of staff, not being a member of the University Health and Safety Committee, may attend meetings of the Committee. Such an observer does not have a general right of audience or the right to vote but may address the Committee or its Sub-committee by consent, and providing the item has already been taken up through the appropriate channels. (E.g. through line managers etc.) 10. (a) Procedures. The Committee will meet once per semester or more frequently where circumstances warrant it. A yearly programme of dates will be prepared, agreed and circulated in advance (b) Facilities will be given to employee representatives to meet prior to the full Committee upon request (c) Agenda items giving adequate written details are to be submitted to the Secretary at least ten working days prior to the next meeting (d) Agenda and related papers will be sent to members at least five clear working days before each meeting (e) Minutes of the proceedings of each meeting shall be circulated to all members of the Committee within ten working days after each meeting. Copies of the minutes shall be available for inspection on the Intranet. (f) Matters brought to the attention of the Committee by Safety Representatives shall normally already have been taken up with local management. (g) The Chair, or any three members of the committee may request a special meeting of the committee, provided the request is in writing and the specific reason for the meeting is given. (h) The Committee may establish Sub-Committees of the Committee as necessary. (i) All members of the committee will be released from their normal duties to attend meetings of the committee. Travelling expenses will be paid in accordance with the University travelling and subsistence policy. (j) A copy of the minutes will be sent to the Board of Governors.