Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm presents Pinellas County Community Health Improvement Plan Collaborative Engagement May 23, 2013 Real-Time Record Click here to download a word document of this Real-Time Record ...................................................................................................... Click here to download The Excel Goals Charts 1 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Building Pinellas County’s 2013-2017 Community Health Improvement Plan Vision: Healthier People in a Healthier Pinellas Registration and Activity 8:00am – 8:20am 8:20am – 8:35am 8:35am – 8:55am 8:55am – 9:15am Grab a coffee, find a seat and add your Agency’s Name to one or more of the “Alignment Walls” at the front of the room. Each wall represents a Pinellas County Health Priority Area, including Goals: Access To Care Behavioral Health Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Healthy Communities & Environments Welcome, Claude M. Dharamraj, MD, MPH, FAAP Introductions and Session Objectives Invite participants to introduce themselves and share examples of Agency Alignment in each of Pinellas County’s Health Priority Areas. Celebrate/leverage Early Successes/Achievements made in the CHAT (Community Health Action Team) Work Teams: Access To Care Behavioral Health Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Healthy Communities & Environments Build the 2013 - 2017 Action Plan for each Health Priority Area Working in Teams: 9:15am – 11:30am 11:30am– 12:00pm Access To Care Behavioral Health Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Healthy Communities & Environments For each of the Goals/Strategies, build a 2017 Action Plan, including: Activities, Coordinating Agencies, Partner Agencies, Timeframes, and Process Measures. Wrap Up a Productive Morning with Highlights & Next Steps. 2 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Registration and Activity 8:00am – 8:20am Grab a coffee, find a seat and add your Agency’s Name to one or more of the “Alignment Walls” at the front of the room. Each wall represents a Pinellas County Health Priority Area, including Goals: Access To Care Behavioral Health Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Healthy Communities & Environments Andrea Henning, Executive Director, Collaborative Labs, St. Petersburg College: Welcome! My name is Andrea Henning. I’m part of the Collaborative Labs. I am going to hand it over to Dr. D. to kick off a great morning. 3 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Dr. Claude M Dharamraj, MD, MPH, FAAP: Good morning! Thank you so much. It’s nice to see so many of you here to finalize on many months of work. As I said, this has been a long term journey to address the health problem in Pinellas County. I hope all of you had access to the assessment activities. This will be used to set priorities, coordinate and target resources, and outline strategies and structures to promote health. This is not the health department’s strategic plan. There is only so much we can do. This is the local public health system. We put our self in the center as public health. I’m sure you will find yourself in one of these bubbles. We look at the public health system as all of us together. We use the MAPP, Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships, and I am glad, all those boxes have been done. Last time we met we looked at Community Themes and Strengths, where are we in the map, today we are trying to make a plan, and the next phase we have to act. This is our progress. 4 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm We started in 2011, then in 2012 we did some collaborative planning, we had an intern from USF, then we convened the CHAT. In 2013, we did the assessment and got a little help so we could print and distribute the results. In 2013, where we are now, we are going to implement and evaluate the plan. And then we start the cycle again. We have to adjust according to need. This has to be readdressed. These are the people who gave their time and met on the CHAT team. We identified 4 health priority areas, access to care, behavioral health, health promotion and disease prevention, and healthy communities and environments. Health promotion and disease prevention, this is the most important. All of the prevention can be done by any of us. Then of course the place we live is very important. Access to care, these are the people that came and put in a lot of work. 5 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm I put myself in Behavioral Health, then health promotion and disease prevention. This is a little bit where we look at community health. Healthy Community, we have to go to work. We hope that we will finalize the plan. Then we ask you to sign up under each of the four priorities. What we need, is how are we going to meet the goals? We need action plans and a little step. I should have thanked the Collaborative Labs on this journey. I love public health and this is my life. I could not do this myself. But what can 700 people do for 1 million? Only a little bit. Andrea: It is a delight to welcome you all. For how many of you is this your first time to step foot in the Collaborative Labs? Wow, welcome. You have hopefully in your hands two documents so far. One document has our agenda. We are going to be out of here at noon or earlier. The key to our success is the right stakeholders in the room and we have done that with all of you here. Then you have a second handout, the four health priority areas under which you see the goals and the priorities. I know you are in a specific health priority area but we wanted you to see all of them. Here’s what we will accomplish in a few hours. We are going to identify the overall agency alignment with health priorities. In a moment I will have you introduce yourself and say where your agency aligns. Then we will pause and celebrate some early successes. In the labs we like to celebrate and leverage successes. We will then deploy into teams and build a 2017 tactical plan. Each team will have one goal you will be focused on at a time. By noon, you’ll walk out with a plan, identify tactics, champions and success metrics. I feel the energy and excitement around that. We have PJ in the back, he’ll be running the technology and taking your pictures. Then we have Trish on keyboard, she is capturing all the wisdom in the room today and she’ll put together the Real-Time Record which encapsulates all the great work you do here today. Then we have Jonathan, he’s already started his masterpiece in a vision mural, and you’ll see it all here by noon. No pressure, Jonathan. Let us take a moment and start here. Access to care, can you briefly introduce yourself and share with us a few words about how your agency aligns with the priority? 6 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm 8:35am – 8:55am Introductions and Session Objectives Invite participants to introduce themselves and share examples of Agency Alignment in each of Pinellas County’s Health Priority Areas. Access to Care Alignment Walls Equal Access to Health Care Services and Providers Department of Health – Pinellas provider – medical homes for uninsured/low income Pinellas County Health and Human Services – contract primary care services, specialty care, mobile medical unit St. Petersburg Free Clinic – Access to adult uninsured St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital – free well-child physicals and immunizations through our mobile medical clinic DOH Pinellas – Breast and Cervical cancer screening for uninsured women, family planning services on sliding fee scale Homeless Leadership Board – Coordination and planning Moffitt Cancer Center – Connecting Community to Health Resources and Agencies – Increasing Access Pinellas Kidcare Coalition Depart of Health – Pinellas – Increase access to dental care All Children’s Hospital Tampa Bay Healthcare Collaborative Patricia Boswell: Clinical Service Provider of the Health Department, we provide medical and dental care. Geni Trauscht: Pinellas County Health and Human Services. We do contract services for community health, we have the mobile medical unit. 7 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Kate Kennedy: From St. Joseph’s Childern’s Hospital Children’s Advocacy Center, we offer free physicals and immunizations through our mobile medical clinic. Beth Houghton: Executive Director for St. Pete Free Clinic, we treat adults that don’t qualify for anything you have heard of or can’t pay sliding fee scales. We work with the health department a lot and collaborate on large scale events. Erika Harris: Moffitt Cancer, I am here on behalf of the outreach team, they do education if we can’t we connect them to resources that can. Moffitt tries to help where ever they can. Wendy Loomas: I’m Wendy Loomas, Department of Health in Pinellas, we provide screening for women who are uninsured. Susan Finlaw-Dusseault: Homeless Leadership Board, we provide coordination of care. Christina Vongsyprasom: Pinellas County Health Department, we are looking to increase access to care. Angela Pelegrini: 211 Tampa Bay Cares, we provide referrals for low income for health and mental health. There has been some conversation that 211 will be the centralized access to health for the country. Judi Vitucci: Healthy Start for Pinellas, Kidcare coalition’s goal is to get kids insured in Pinellas County. Carrie Hepburn: Tampa Bay Health Care Collaborative, we work to collaborate and advocate for the healthcare-underserved, and connect them with resources. Denise Groesbeck: Director for Research at JWB, works with 211 to connect people who need services to services. We’ve been involved in a planning activity from a place based initiative. We’ll be doing a study on the at-risk areas. 8 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Use of Health Info Technology to Improve Collaboration Department of Health – Pinellas County – use of direct secure messaging and health information exchange and utilizing one E-app USF Health – Paperfree – HItech, HER/EMR – DSM & HIE Marisa Pfalzgraf: IT Director for Health Department, we are involved in direct secure messaging and health information exchange. Gary Hendrickson: Program Director for USF Health, Paperfree Florida,we are working on implementing Paperfree across the country. Reduce Infant Mortality & Morbidity Maternal & Child Health – Home Visiting – DOH Pinellas JWB – Advocacy/Planning/Funding Florida Department of Health – Health Department – Home visiting to interconceptional women, home visiting to pg women and infants health education All Children’s Hospital Healthy Start Coalition of Pinellas Operation PAR Jane Bambace: Director of Maternal and Child Health for the Health Department, our goals fall into every area, we increase access to care, we work with women to get them healthy and to go to the doctor, we provide counseling, weight management classes. All sorts of things with mothers and babies. Mike Stone: With JWB, we were involved with the coalition here and felt it was important we provide funding to the Healthy Start Program, I think having been involved, the idea that you should have access to health before you get pregnant might prevent some issues. 9 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Behavioral Health Alignment Walls Increase Access to BH Services SEDNET/PCSB – training, facilitate connections BayCare Behavioral Health – Centralized access, primary care integration Homeless Leadership Board – Coordination and planning JWB – Funding and planning Florida Department of Health – Referral and counseling services Peace 4 Tarpon TICI Operation PAR Ed Monti: BayCare Behavioral Health, increase access to 4 county area, primary care integration, we’ve been doing that for 18 months. Summer Lott: Directions for Living, we provide a variety of services, mental health substance abuse services, and child health. We have been health providers for the homeless community. We are trying to be where our residents are and bridge the gap to disparities. Jackie Griffin: Operation Par, using moms as a model to assist the communities charge to work with to expanded services. Dr. Andrea Blanch: I live in national center for trauma inform care emerging a national model to address the underlying issues that lie under our problem. Tarpon, there is a revolution in our understanding of behavioral health issues, we are understanding trauma in childhood – we are finding we can make our services much more accessible that haven’t used them in the past. 10 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Reduce Substance Abuse Among Children and Adults Public Defender – reduce incidence and effects of abuse of prescription drugs WestCare – Adol. and Family Prevention, Education/Family Counseling JWB – Funding/Planning DrugFree America Fnd. – Education, Advocacy, Research SEDNET/PCSB Peace 4 Tarpon TICI Healthy Start Coalition of Pinellas – Pat + Program Operation PAR Florida Department of Health – Health Department – Home visiting services to pregnant women and families Substance exposed newborn task force LiveFree Liz Roosevelt: WestCare Gulfcoast Florida, we have 30 slots for at-risk youth and 200 long term care. We try to break the cycle. Lynne Carr Columbus, D.O.,: Gulf Coast Pain Management, here to give you some input from the physician side. Peggy John: Pinellas County Schools, Pinellas County is one of the few districts that support a health education program from K – 12. We are very proud of the intervention program called Face It. Students have the option, instead of being suspended, to go to sessions with their parents at night. Sylvia Raymond: Drug Free America Foundations, I work on special projects and we have an online national journal that is research based. We work on education for substance abuse. Our ultimate goal is to prevent drug abuse. Comment: SEDNET, project manager, helps children and families navigate health care system. 11 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Reduce Violence Among Children & Families DOH – Pinellas – Home Visiting for pregnant women SEDNET/PCSB R’ Club Childcare Inc. JWB – Funding/Planning/Advocacy Drug Free America FND – reducing/preventing drug abuse which directly correlates to violence Peace 4 Tarpon TICI LiveFree Alexis Diamond: I’m with R club. We provide before and after care at about 42 sites, total. We work with families and children in many of these areas. Comment: Everybody probably knows substance abuse correlates with violence. 12 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Alignment Walls Increase % of Adults & Children Who are at Healthy Weight UF/IFAS – Pinellas County Extension – Outreach and education in community R Club Childcare Inc/Aligning w/a healthier generation Moffitt Healthy Kidz Program – Moffitt Cancer Center USF Health Patient Portal & Patient Education All Children’s Hospital Pin. Co. Ext – Nutrition Education. One Bay: Healthy Communities Florida Department of Health – Health Department Home visiting Weight Management Classes Healthy Start Coalition of Pinellas Inc. YMCA – Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Program in after school care Peace 4 Tarpon TICI Robin Saenger: Founding Director Peace4Tarpon, we recognize the link between physical issues. High rates of trauma before the age of 18 are linked to cancer, autoimmune, and diabetes. By looking at the underlying issues we can prevent, instead of looking at the top down. There is a link to violence creates more violence. It makes no difference whether you witness or experience it. Deb Shaffer: Department of Health in Pinellas County, we have a fantastic tobacco prevention. We have students working in SWAT. We have installed outdoor fitness centers in parks that are free of charge, and increased ways to become healthier. Nan Jensen: Pinellas County Extension, Community Health Outreach, we are an extension of the University of Florida. We provide nutrition education and are hoping to expand our program. 13 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Rocio Bailey: Pinellas County Extension, Community Putting Prevention to Work. We had lots of providers to encourage policy changes to encourage healthy behaviors, worksite wellness, and the YMCA to encourage healthy eating and behaviors. Kellie Gilmore: All Children’s Hospital, Community Outreach, I am the one who wants to keep the kids out of the hospital. We work with families to maintain healthy weight. We have started prenatal health programs, not just for while she is pregnant, also the entire time after pregnancy, and how it effects the whole family. Lynda Leedy: One Bay, Healthy Communities, we are focusing on 8 counties to increase the percentage of residents who are at the healthy weight by 10%. Peggy Johns: Pinellas County has a variety of areas where we are improving the physical activities, we created an instrument to observe the PE teachers , and have aligned the curriculum to that. Tracy Enright: Healthy Start. Summer Dodge: YMCA, healthy eating and physical activity program. The Y is offering Diabetes Prevention Program to help combat chronic disease. 14 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Increase Behaviors that Improve Chronic Disease Health Outcomes Lynne Klasko: Moffitt Cancer Center, work with organizations to provide cancer education and services to get access to care. Department of Health – Pinellas – Tobacco Program HEDIS Measures include preventive services in provision of primary care GulfCoast North Area Health Education Center – Tob. Cessation Homeless Leadership Board Planning and Coordination All Children’s Hospital Pin. Co. Ext. – Nutrition Education Moffitt Cancer Center YMCA Peace 4 Tarpon TICI Nicole Kelly: Gulfcoast North Area Health Education Center, we offer free tobacco cessation services. Increase Protection Against Spread of Infectious Diseases Department of Health – Pinellas – Vaccine promotion, STD/HIV education and prevention St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital – Immunization’s Education All Children’s Hospital – immunizations, Back to School physicals Beth Houghton: St. Pete Free Clinic. We have a comprehensive program for diabetes, education based model. We’ve had wonderful results for dropping A1C levels for our patients. We are doing that in collaboration with Dr D. and the health department. Gayle Guidash: Disease Control Division, as we are aware the best way is by immunization. Kate Kennedy: In addition to physicals, we provide immunizations for free. We try to emphasize the optional vaccines. We have a high rate of parents who choose to get the Gardasil - Every family that comes on the mobile clinic is educated on asthma, carseats, and healthy eating. 15 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Health Communities and Environment Alignment Walls Integrated Planning and Assessment Department of Health – Pinellas – Planning issues JWB – Strategic Alignment and planning/advocacy, building community partnerships Homeless Leadership Board – planning and coordination Healthy Start Coalition of Pinellas Mike Stone: I put us down, we are in the process of being accredited. We have a broad reach in the community. I think we play an important role in what we can bring to the table , not always funding, but how we can coordinate the use of our partnerships. Gayle Guidash: Environment health, we don’t have a lot of regulation, so we bridge the gap about how to protect and control their environment. We want to start helping with policy change. Judi Vitucci: Healthy Start has 240 community partners, we have a 5 year plan. Encompass the factors that cause mortality. Denise Kerwin: Director of Continuing Education, St. Pete College, training is also provided for the department of health, we are the networking and we want to be the community. We are always willing to work on training and grants and community needs. We are involved in the community health worker initiative. We want to thank you for using us as your networking and agency go to. Joe Baldwin: Juvenile Welfare Board, we are working with a lot of partners on how to get data and use it to look at need and tie it to supply. We are heavily involved and look forward to providing the data that is necessary to move us along. 16 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Increase Access to Nutritious/Affordable Foods Department of Health – Pinellas – WIC – Advocate for farmer’s market accepting EBT/Food stamps Pinellas County Extension – FM, Gardens, Nutrition Educ. Homeless Leadership Board Coordination and Planning All Children’s Hospital – Nutrition Education programs for families Pinellas Schools Food Services – Nutrition Education, Breakfast, Lunch, Afterschool: Snack, dinner, summer meals – breakfast and lunch Rocio Bailey: One of the goals we had was to increase the access of healthy foods to low income areas. We provided technical support to produce stands so they could accept the EBT program. Then everyone has access to the farmers market. We started a farmers market in Clearwater, and the acceptance of SNAP and EBT. We are working with the School to Farm program which educates people on urban agriculture that teaches people how to grow their own food. Art Dunham: Pinellas County Schools, we are responsible for lunch and breakfast for students. For students that stay into the evening, we are offering dinner. We will provide that starting in August, we offer summer meals to students, we anticipate over 8 thousand participants this summer. We work with USDA and the Department of Agriculture. We are happy to be here and work with you. Dr. D.: With WIC checks they can only buy certain healthy foods. Nutrition education is important to early proper nutrition. 17 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Increase Access to Safe Physical Activity Department of Health – Pinellas – find the fun website supporting fitness zones City of Largo – recreation programs, playgrounds, trails, pools, fitness zones, 2 – 5k’s JWB – Out of school time activities R Club Childcare Inc All Children’s Hospital – Safe Routes to School Peggy Johns: Under the Community Putting Prevention to Work program, the City of St. Pete and Pinellas County Schools are really reaching out and having collaborative arrangements to have the playgrounds open. Pinellas County has more joint use agreements than anywhere else. Dr. D.: This is to tell you the CPPW is led by the health department is ending in June, being the city of all of that was, to try to change the environment one by one, you are not going to achieve the goal, so the policies change the environment. All of the organizations are a pure example of community collaboration. And the last thing is Find the Fun website. We couldn’t put our name on it. My feeling is that I care who the dollar can reach, the community, not if we are on it or not. That’s ok, as long as they were able to access that site. I think this is the kind of initiative when we work together it doesn’t’ matter if we are mentioned. Greg Brown: Parks Superintendent for City of Largo, we got some of that money. We put in exercise equipment for 14 and older, under 14 likes it too. We have community gardens throughout the city, and Play Unplugged, which teach families to get away from the digital babysitters and get out and play. Mike Stone: I think we are so blessed to have the green space. Access is one thing but the utilization is great. We should appreciate the community from that perspective. Through Coordinated Childcare we have physical activity, social and emotional development. Kellie Gilmore: Safe Routes to School program, we worked closely with the department of transportation on this. We just had a conference call with a physician in Texas about kids who walk to school, the kids improve their fitness levels. We know how important it is, adding that extra walk made a big difference. Rhonda Abbott: United Way Suncoast, Tampa Bay Network to End Hunger really was a grassroots effort in people who were interested in hunger in our region. It is the coolest grassroots effort in addressing hunger in a regional manner. 18 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Dr. D.: There is a couple people who have not spoken. Please introduce yourselves. Bob Costello: BayCare, we touch all areas. We have been part of the assessment process. Elizabeth Rugg: Suncoast Health Counsel, we helped to develop the Diabetes Equity Project. Maria Roberts: Livefree!, we are currently going through a merger process across the bay. Lindsey Carson: Early Learning Coalition, we serve 18 thousand children per year. Tom Biniak: Public Defender’s Office. Lolita Dash-Pitts: We have youth gardening camps that are seasonal. The kids come and use the gardening for the curriculum for the summer. Then they can go back and let their families know what they have learned. Thometta Brooks: Center for Equal Health in partnership with USF, they have a cancer disparity grant, they utilize community health workers which is also a part of this assessment process. Cheryl Kerr: Program Director for Human Services at St. Petersburg College,we are honored to be invited and participate. Lisa Martinez: Hispanic Outreach Center. Ge Vang: Lealman and Asian Neighborhood Family Center Dale Watson: Pinellas County Health Department. Managed a team of 5 community health advocates, they reduce the rate of no show appointments and address the issues of why people aren’t showing up. Courtney Hendrickson: The Haven of RCS, Domestic Violence Center, strong outreach program. Samantha Staley: Department of Health, I will be starting with immunization on 6/1, I am here to learn and improve. 19 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Build the 2013 - 2017 Action Plan for each Health Priority Area Working in Teams: 9:15am – 11:30am Access To Care Behavioral Health Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Healthy Communities & Environments For each of the Goals/Strategies, build a 2017 Action Plan, including: Activities, Coordinating Agencies, Partner Agencies, Timeframes, and Process Measures. 20 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Andrea: Ok, we are running a little behind, but the good news is we do not lack alignment. If we were ahead of schedule that would make me nervous. We would like you to infuse your successes and get to work. PJ if you could bring up the excel document they will be working on today. You’re already assigned to a workgroup. You will find your name next to a work group and you will find a team number. There are 12 teams, 4 priority areas, there are goals. For those of you who are in the access to care areas as well as the behavioral health alignment teams 1-3 and 4-6 you will be in the Forest. Those of you who are in health promotion and disease prevention you’ll stay here. Healthy communities and environment, you will be in the Water lab. First you will go to your designated team area, appoint a keyboard savvy person, you will have your goal area, add your name if it’s not here, then scroll down to the strategies, identify activities, a coordinating agency, partner agency, timeframe and process measure. You are going to spend 50 minutes in your specific area. This is a 2017 timeframe, 4-5 year timeframe. After 50 minutes we will do a speed dating scenario, if you are in Team 1, you have your cluster, and Team 1 goes to Team 2, 2 to 3, and 3 to 1. Then the original team comes back to view the different perspectives of the other teams. Any questions? Comment: Can we add partner agencies who are not here? Comment: Yes. I think that would be ok. 21 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Comment: We will be available to help answer question you have. Rebecca: We will have CHAT members that can help you too. Andrea: We don’t have formal breaks programmed; feel free to take breaks as needed. Deanne: I will be working with Health Promotion & Disease Prevention and Healthy Communities and Environment. Team 1: Access to Care 22 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm 23 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Team 2: Access to Care 24 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm 25 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Team 3: Access to Care 26 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Include Hispanic and other minority women 27 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Team 4: Behavioral Health 28 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Team 5: Behavioral Health 29 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Concern that increasing awareness (seems too limited) may not reduce use – feel there may need to be more activities that get to the issue of why youth are using drugs. 30 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Team 6: Behavioral Health 31 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Team 7: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 32 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm 33 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Team 8: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 34 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Also contact: American Cancer Society BayCare (Morton-Plant Mease, St. Anthony’s) American Heart Association Community Health Centers Southwest Cancer Colab. Sanderlin Center Susan G. Kohmen Florida Blood Services (Cholesterol & BP) 35 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Team 9: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Do personal success stories fit with immunization campaign?? 36 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Team 10: Healthy Communities and Environments Objective. 1.1.1Combine activities 3 and 4; include all community municipalities (esp. Dunedin ) Objective 1.1.2, Activity 1 – data partnership created by 2014; continual integration and accessibility of data by 2017 37 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm 38 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Team 11: Healthy Communities and Environments 39 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Strategic 2.2 – Duplicate After –School meals to include St. Pete Rec. Centers, add recipes/education for learning how to cook differently with fresh produce, promote/educate for plant based diet 40 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Team 12: Healthy Communities and Environments “Walking recreation bus” to local recreational centers (summer) (Good Idea not sure about implementation) Add bike clubs to partners w/ aux rangers Neighborhood Associations Examine the need for this activity 41 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm 42 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm 11:30am– 12:00pm Wrap Up a Productive Morning with Highlights & Next Steps. Andrea: Everybody grab a seat, let’s wrap up the morning. We will start with the first area, immediate next steps, follow up? Gary Hendrickson: We decided we are going partner with the Harris Corporation and campaign to get everyone connected. Summer Lott: I was in the Access to Behavioral Health Group. There is a lot to focus on it. I can think of working on focusing on a trauma informed lense. Also, integration between primary and specialty care with behavioral health care. Mike Stone: We need to have a Peace for Pinellas Initiative. Collective impact we have to have everyone be aware of that. Work has been done for years. If we can bring people together around those issues we can expand out to other communities. Dr. D.: Regarding immunization, the school and health department are working together for the immunizations, working with technology to prevent double entry requirements. DoH and Doe together. Rhonda Abbott: In promoting healthy habits and lifestyles, focus through early education and increase healthy foods and helping families learning how to purchase healthy food. Linda Leedy: We did suggest we can contact our counties to write a 5 year comprehensive plan and ensure there are health elements in that plan. Rocio Bailey: We are going to continue to promote farmers markets with NPO and PSTA through social media. Greg Brown: Increasing the number of safe routes to school and the miles of trails. We added a safety impediment, increase awareness. 43 727-341-3139 Collaborative Engagement – May 22, 2013, 8:00am – 12:00pm Tim Burns: Some of the things we were talking about under behavioral health was a lot of good strategies to align and coordinate with other plans out there as well. We are trying to address a symptom, and end up creating another one. It’s a matter of taking a look at the pieces and figuring what to net. It’s a matter of holding that level of engagement. Andrea: You are kind of dedicated to one work team area, if you can add value, please come up and write your name to that specific goal area. Jonathan, speak to the masterpiece. Jonathan: This piece, as I was listening to the comments this morning, was inspired. We needed a road so I said we need a responsibility piece and then I broke it down into things we need to stop doing and the things we need to start doing and the access to health care. I’ve never seen a crack pipe but I put it in, I’ve seen the movies, I assume that’s how it looks. Things we can stop doing, violence. We had fun with that. I believe all 12 areas are highlighted. Let’s get rid of the negative and start with the positive. Not that doctors are negative, but the attempt is prevention. Andrea: This will be included in your record tomorrow. Please sign in if you didn’t. It’s been a great privilege to support you all. Melissa: We will be very busy over the next month. We have an internal deadline at the end of June. We will have one more meeting on June 12th to collectively look at all of this. For everyone else, we will contact you to get further information and feedback. Of course it’s an action plan so we will be revising and changing and asking for input over the next 5 years. Thank you! 44 727-341-3139