2012-13 Tennessee District Strategic Planning Template District Name: Accountability status: Analysis of last year’s final results: Goals for 201213 school year: Dyer County School System Intermediate Areas of Greatest Progress: 7th grade Math +9.7, Algebra I +4.9, 3rd grade Math +7 Areas of Greatest Challenge: Closing the gaps in English II – ED vs. Non-ED and All vs. BHN; Closing the gaps in Math 3-8 – SWD and Non-SWD will be the two main goals for the Dyer County School District. These two areas of challenge are necessary because they are the primary reasons Dyer County School District was labeled as intermediate. By closing one of the additional gap closures in 2011-12, the district would have been exemplary. Underlying Reasons for Progress: Underlying Reasons for Challenge: Accelerated Math, Discovery Education English II – very likely that students in Formative Assessments, District the ED subgroup correlate with BHN. Benchmark 9 week tests, Great Teachers The challenge will be coordinating the activities between the two gaps. The goals for the Dyer County School District are based on the 2011/2012 achievement data. The district was labeled as intermediate because a majority of the AMOs were met but a majority gap closures were not met. However, individual subgroups did not decline in a majority of areas. Goal 1: Closing the gaps in English II – ED vs. Non-ED and All vs. BHN Goal 2: Closing the gaps in Math 3-8 – SWD and Non-SWD Plan for this school year: Key strategies to achieve goals: Goal 1: Closing the gaps in English II – ED vs. Non-ED and All vs. BHN 1. Strategy: Discovery Education will be used at Dyer County High School to track students in closing the gaps in English II. Implementation Plan: Teachers and students will be using probes and assessments through Discovery Education (Thinklink). Desired outcomes: The gap in English II- ED vs. Non-ED and All vs. BHN will close as designated. Projected costs and funding sources: District Cost for the Dyer County School District is $ 42,000. Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2012-13 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: The gaps in English II will be closed by applying focus to the areas of concern. Specific gaps will accounted for in Discovery Education through assessment reporting and probe specific assignment. Discovery Education reports will help teachers focus on specific gaps in student achievement. All EOC classes will have formative assessment data that will drive the differentiated instruction provided through Discovery Education 2. Strategy: Departmental Meetings Implementation Plan: Collaborative meetings will be held at a minimum of every other week. Desired outcomes: Increased achievement and gap closure for all students. Projected costs and funding sources: Use of Discovery Education as previously mentioned $42,000. Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2012-13 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: Collaborative meetings in the English department will be held at a minimum of every other week. Professional development from NIET Best Practices will guide teachers into providing better instruction. Results of formative assessments will be discussed then used to address the needs of all students including the sub-groups. Pacing guides will be revised to promote optimum student growth. Teachers will align the material taught to more closely mirror questions from the state item sampler and practice tests. Teacher-made tests will be designed to be more compatible to high stakes tests. 3. Strategy: Tutoring Program Implementation Plan: Dyer County High School will utilize school tutoring and peer tutoring during class and learn block to address students’ specific standard deficiencies. Projected costs and funding sources: $5,000 and extended contract Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2012-13 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: The Tutoring Program will be utilized to help decrease gaps while focusing on targeted bubble students in English II. Desired outcomes: The Tutoring Program will help close the gaps in English II specifically in ED vs. Non-ED and All vs. BHN. Goal 2: Math 3-8 – SWD and Non-SWD 1. Strategy: After School Program Implementation Plan: The After School Program will be utilized to help decrease gaps in SWD and Non-SWD in Math 3-8. Desired outcomes: Gap closure Projected costs and funding sources: $288,000- 21st Century Grant; @$20,000- Title I Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2012-13 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: The after school program will begin in September 2012 at five elementary schools and two middle schools. The focus of the after school program will be reading/language arts and math. Teachers in the after school program will monitor student outcomes through Discovery Education, Accelerated Math, and Voyager V-Math. Student progress will be facilitated from the after school program to the regular classroom. Gap closures in the subgroup SWD will be emphasized. SWD that are considered to be on the bubble of proficiency will receive prescribed interventions. The prescribed interventions will be based on the results of multiple measures that include Discovery Education, Accelerated Math, and Voyager V-Math. 2. Strategy: Star Math Implementation Plan: Star Math Desired outcomes: Gap closure Math 3-8 –SWD and Non-SWD Projected costs and funding sources- 40,000 Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 201213 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: The implementation of Star Math will take place as a new initiative in the Dyer County School District. Teachers will receive individualized classroom designs for each period of their day. Individual classrooms will be built and function around the Star Math design. Students will be benchmarked for progress and with the help of the Star program have individualized instruction in the classroom. The overall goal will be to close the Math 3-8 –SWD and Non-SWD. 3. Strategy: Implement Test Talks/Goal Setting with students Implementation Plan: Teachers will set goals with students Desired outcomes: Gap closure Math 3-8- SWD and Non-SWD Projected costs and funding sources: $2,000 IDEA funds Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2012-13 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: Each teacher will meet with each student to discuss test results and to set personal goals based on progress monitoring data and Think Link results. Students will be rewarded for meeting goals. The district will create 9 -week benchmark math assessments grades 1-8 that are aligned with the TCAP standards and the focus standards. After data is collected and analyzed, the teachers and instructional coaches will brainstorm alternative methods of teaching standards not mastered. Using the subgroup report from Discovery Education, the teachers will identify specific gaps in order to focus on closing the achievement gap. Key benchmarks for progress on strategies: Benchmark: 9 week district benchmark math assessments 3-8 Discovery Education Formative Assessments in K-12 in all EOC classes. STAR reading/math Timeline: Every 9 weeks 3 times over the course of year 3 times over the course of year