Give Thanks-Give Food Join us this holiday in giving back to the community. This food will go to the Blackwater Ministerial food pantry in Davis and remember every bit counts! Drop Boxes Located at: Location: -St. John’s Lutheran Church in Davis. -Friends of Blackwater Office at the Buxton and Dates: -Every Sunday until 11/16/2015 -Everyday until 11/16/2015 Landstreet Building in Thomas. -Shop and Save in Davis -11/15 : 10 am – 2 pm11/16: 4 pm - 7 pm -St. Thomas Aquinas -Everyday until 11/16/2015 Catholic Church Rectory- in Thomas and Parsons - Every Sun., Mon., Thurs., Fri., & Sat. -The Highland Market in Davis. Requested Items: Sponsored by Friends of Blackwater 304-345-7663 Buxton and Landstreet Bldg. 2nd floor above Gallery, 571 Douglas Road in Thomas. - Canned Vegetables (Green Beans, Corn, Sweet Potatoes, White Potatoes, Greens, peas, etc.) -Boxed Potatoes and Rice -Tuna in a can -Canned milk -Juices -Cereal in smaller boxes -Boxed Pasta Mixes (Macaroni, etc.) -Cans of soup -corn bread mix -Cans of Gravy (Turkey, Chicken) -Cans of Fruit (Apple, Cranberry, Cranberry Sauce, Pineapple, Applesauce, etc.) -Any non-perishable food that you are able to donate.