JS MEDICAL UNIVERSITY ASTANA Department of Physiology LECTURE Subject: Overview of physiology as a science. Number of hours: 2 Course: 2 Speciality: 051301 "General Medicine" Author: Khamchiev KM Astana, 2010. Discussed and approved at faculty meeting 31, August 2010, the protocol number 2 Head of the Department _______________ Khamchiev KM (Signature) JS MEDICAL UNIVERSITY ASTANA Department of Physiology Lecture № 1. Theme lecture: Overview of physiology as a science. Purpose: To provide knowledge about the basic stages in the development of physiology, the contribution of renowned scientists in the development of physiological science, to formulate the basic principles of formation and regulation of physiological functions, Abstracts of lectures: The Physiology - the science that can explain a man what do his internal organs, while he lives " G. Ratner Introduction. The main stages of the development of physiology Physiology (Greek physiologia; from physis - nature and logos - teaching) - one of the oldest natural sciences. It examines the vital activity of the whole organism, its parts, systems, organs and cells in close relationship with nature. History of Physiology includes two periods: an empirical and experimental, which can be divided into two phases - before and after the Pavlova. Empirical period The first presentation of the individual organs of the body began to take shape in ancient times and are presented in the extant writings of the philosophers of the ancient East, ancient Greece and ancient Rome. In the classical period of the Middle Ages when the church was dominated by scholasticism and pursued efforts of an experienced knowledge of nature, in the development of science has stagnated. In the Renaissance, anatomical and physiological, and natural science research produced by A. Vesalius, M. Servet, R. Colombo, J. Fabrizio, G. Fallopian, G. Galilei, S. Santoro and others, paved the way for future discoveries in the field physiology. Experimental period Physiology as an independent science-based experimental methods of investigation, has its origins from the works of William Harvey (Harvey, William, 1578-1657), which is mathematically calculated and experimentally substantiated the theory of circulation. From the standpoint of the laws of mechanics, scientists have attempted to explain the work apparatus, the mechanism of respiration, kidney function, etc. Enjoyed great popularity the concept of animal-machines which developed Wrens Descartes (Descartes, Rene, 1596-1650), which extended the principle of mechanistic movement and the nervous system of animals. He put forward the idea of reflection as a reflection of the brain "animal spirits" that pass from one nerve to another, and thus developed in the simplest form of reflex arc. (The term reflexus, ie reflected, introduced in the physiology of the Czech scientist I. Prohaska, 17491820.) Using the laws of optics, Descartes tried to explain the work of the human eye. Outstanding achievement of the XVIII century. was the discovery of bioelectric phenomena ("animal electricity"), in 1791 the Italian anatomist and physiologist Luigi Galvani (Galvani, Luigi Aloisio, 1737-1798), which marked the beginning of electrophysiology. Among the founders of Physiology and Experimental Medicine, a distinguished place is a German scientist Johannes Muller (Muller, Johannes Peter, 1801-1858), a member of the Prussian (1834) and a foreign corresponding member Petersburg Academy of Sciences. To Him belong the fundamental research and discoveries in the field of physiology, pathology, embryology. In 1833 he formulated the basic provisions of the reflex theory, which were further developed in the writings of Sechenov and Pavlov. In Russia, laying the foundation of the materialist trend in physiology due primarily to the activities of Alexei Matveevitch Filomafitskiy (1807-1849) founder of Moscow's physiological school. Together with the NI Pirogov, he developed a method of intravenous anesthesia, he studied problems of physiology of respiration, digestion, blood transfusion ("Treatise on blood transfusion, 1848); create an apparatus for blood transfusion, a mask for ether anesthesia, and other physiological instruments. The founder of the neuro-muscular physiology German physiologist Emil Du BoisReymond (Du Bois-Reymond, Emile, 1818-1896), continuing the research started Galvani and Volta, has developed new methods for electrophysiological experiments and discovered the laws and phenomena of irritation galvanotonus (1848). They also formulated molecular theory of bioelectric potentials. Eminent French physiologist Claude Bernard (Bernard, Claude, 1813-1878) studied in detail the physiological mechanisms and significance sokootdeleniya digesting properties of saliva, gastric and pancreatic secretion for healthy and sick body, putting thus the basis of experimental pathology. Outstanding contribution to the reflex theory, which is one of the major theoretical concepts of physiology and medicine, introduced the great Russian scientist, an outstanding representative of Russian physiological school, and the founder of scientific psychology Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov (1829-1905). Sechenov first proposed the idea of reflex-based mental activity and convincingly proved that "all acts of conscious and unconscious life in the way of origin are the reflexes." Generalization of classical studies Sechenov was his work "Reflexes of the Brain" (1863), which Pavlov called the "brilliant stroke of Russian scientific thought." The tipping point is associated with the activities of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (18491936) - creator of the theory of higher nervous activity, the founder of the largest modern physiological school, pioneer methods of research in physiology. Pavlov's research into the physiology of the cardiovascular and digestive systems and higher levels of the central nervous system are classical. In 1897 came the publication of his "Lectures on the principal digestive glands, which were the generalization of research on the digestive system - practically a newly created section of physiology. Proceeding from the thesis "for the naturalist - all in the method of" Pavlov put into practice the physiological studies of chronic experimental method by which it became possible to study holistic, apparently healthy animals. Experiments on the "chronically operated" animals were physiologists and to Pavlov. However, they were not full, either by intention or by the method of execution. Thus, the method of isolation of "the small ventricle, proposed by R. Heidenhain (Heidenhain, Rudolf Peter Heinrich, 1834-1897), depriving an isolated area of innervation. The method of chronic experiment, developed by Pavlov, allowed him to prove experimentally nervism principle - the idea of the crucial role of the nervous system in regulating the functional state and activities of all organs and body systems. Activities of Pavlov and created the scientific school was the era in the development of physiology. Development of physiology at the present stage Together with the anatomy physiology is the main section of biology. Modern physiology is a complex combination of general and specific scientific disciplines, such as: general physiology, the physiology of human normal and pathological, age, physiology, animal physiology, psychophysiology, and others Subject and tasks of physiology Physiology studies the vital processes occurring in the body at all structural levels: cell, tissue, organ, system, hardware and organism. It is closely associated with the disciplines of the morphological profile: anatomy, cytology, histology, embryology, as the structure and function are mutually condition each other. Physiol widely used data of biochemistry and biophysics to study the functional changes occurring in the body, and the mechanism of their regulation. Physiology is also based on general biology and evolutionary theory as a basis for understanding the general patterns. • Physiology was long and complicated path of development, which includes 7 periods (see a lecture on anatomy). As she emerged from the anatomy of the needs of medicine, is gradually expanding its practical value to other sciences: philosophy, pedagogy and psychology. Initial ideas about bodily functions were formulated by physicians and scientists of ancient Greece (Aristotle, Hippocrates), Ancient Rome (Galen), from Ancient China (Huang, Bian Qiao), Ancient India and other countries. The study of body composition conducted simultaneously with the research functions of the body. Methods of Physiology Physiology - this is an experimental science. It uses two basic methods: observation and experiment. Observation - the basic method of learning about and used in any scientific study. Its disadvantage is the passivity of the researcher who can find only the outward aspect of the phenomenon, for example - work (function) of the body. The mechanism of regulation of the body can be determined only empirically. The experiment allows the researcher to create certain conditions in which clarified the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the sludge that phenomenon. The experiment can be acute or chronic. Acute experience (vivisection) allows in a short time to study any regulatory mechanism, triggered in extreme situations for the test organism. Chronic experiment allows for a long time to investigate the mechanisms of regulation in the normal interaction of organism and environment. In animal experiments using surgical techniques - extirpation (removal) or an organ transplant, implantation of electrodes and sensors. Objective method is the method of telemetry, capable of detecting the parameters of the process or phenomenon from a distance. Experimental studies in recent years carried out using sophisticated optical, electronic, electronic equipment, allowing simultaneously explore dozens of functions, their change in the interaction, ie complex. Processing of the resulting data set is using the methods of mathematical statistics and computer technology. Illustrative material: L-OM1-1 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnakova SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 1. VI Skok and MF Shuba. Neuromuscular physiology. Kiev, ed. "Highest School. 1986., 223s. 2. Nozdrachev AD, Bazhenov, Yu.I. etc. Beginning physiology. A textbook for art. Universities. 2001. 3. Pokrovsky and others Human physiology. Textbook. In 2 vols. 1997. 4. Practical classes on "Human and animal physiology." (Iseman, RI, Dyukarev IA, etc.) Novosibirsk. Siberian University Press. 2002. 98. 5. Students' individual work on "Human and Animal Physiology" by computer. (Iseman, RI, Chang-Yushkov NK) Guidelines. Novosibirsk, 1988. 6. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 7. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 8. 3. Iseman, RI, AD Gerasev, MV Iashvili. Physiology of excitable tissues. Novosibirsk, Vol. NGPU, 1999., 125. 9. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. 10. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene in tables and diagrams. Manual. 1991. 11. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 12. Human Physiology. Ed. M. Pokrovsky, GF Korotko, in two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. Test questions (feedback): 1. Name the famous Kazakh scientists who have made a great contribution to the development of national and global physiology 2. What methods of studying the physiology of uses? 3. The role of IP Pavlov in development of physiology 4. Name the features of the development of physiology at the present stage JS MEDICAL UNIVERSITY ASTANA Department of Physiology LECTURE № 2. Lecture theme: The main principles of formation and regulation of physiological functions. Purpose: To provide knowledge about the systemic organization of human functions, form an idea about the mechanisms that characterize self-renewal, selfreproduction, self-control, learn to understand the processes of systemic organization of physiological functions. Inculcate the skills of physiological thinking. Abstracts of lectures: Function is a specific activity of cells, tissues and organs. For example, the function of muscle is reduced, glands - secretion, neurons - the generation and conduction of impulses. Due to changes in the functions the body adapts to changes in living conditions. All functions can be divided into: 1) Somatic (animals), which are implemented through the activities of skeletal muscles innervated by the SNA; 2) vegetative (plant) that are associated with metabolism, growth and reproduction. They are implemented at the expense of the internal organs innervated by ANS. Physiological act - a complex process that is carried out with the participation of various body systems (physiological acts breath, digestion, extraction, respiration, etc.). For example, the physiological act of digestion involves the excitation of sensory divisions of the CNS (visual, olfactory, gustatory, tactile), motor centers (extraction, processing and cooking), the secretory apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract (digestive juices), smooth muscles of the digestive tract (motility, peristalsis) , and intestinal epithelia (absorption). Thus, the act of digestion provided a manifestation of complex and multiple functions at the cellular, tissue, organ and system levels, which are included in the functional system (Fuss) and provide useful outcomes. The process of physiological regulation is the basis of self-gratification needs of a living organism. Needs are met through the activities of control systems - the nervous and endocrine. To meet their needs in terms of changes of the environment the body needs: 1. set specific tasks; 2. achieve the intended result. According to the teachings Anokhin, it is a useful result is a factor in determining the behavior and functional system (Fuss). Fuss is formed as a group of interconnected neurons that provide useful outcomes. The task of the Fuss is identification and evaluation of results. Fuse components are: 1 - a useful result, 2 - receptors 3 - the nerve center, 4 - actuators 5 - ways of feedback messages result of the action. Reflex principle of the CNS. Reflex - a reaction of the organism to changes in external or internal environment, carried out by means of the CNS in response to stimulation of receptors. Types of reflexes: - The biological significance: food, defense, sex, tentative, postural-tonic, and locomotor. - Depending on the location of receptors: eksteroretseptivnye (Receptors of the environment), vistseroretseptory (interoreceptors) - in response to stimulation of receptors of the internal organs and blood vessels, proprioceptors - in response to stimulation of receptors of skeletal muscles, joints and tendons. - The components of the reflex arc: monosynaptic and polysynaptic. - The departments of the central nervous system: spinal, bulbar, mesencephalic, diencephalic, cortical. - Somatic and autonomic. - The nature of the response: motor (motor), secretory, vasomotor and other autonomic. - The duration of response: phasic and tonic. - The reflections of the whole organism: the unconditional and conditional. The clinic investigate tendon and skin reflexes: knee, ankle, plantar, abdominal, and others, as well as sucking, corneal, pupillary. In certain diseases appear pathological reflexes (Babinski, Rossolimo, hobotkovy, etc.). Greater role in the study of reflex activity have Descartes, I. Prochazka, Sechenov, Sherrington, Pavlov. Reflex arc. The structure of the reflex arc consists of the simplest (monosynaptic) variant receptive and effector neurons. More frequently, there is and an intermediate of neurons. This entire path is title of the reflex arc. It consists of: - Receivable receptors (reflexogenic zone); - Afferent fibers; - Sensitive, intercalary and effector neurons; - Efferent fibers; - The executive body. Reflex tonus of the nerve centers. Maintained constant sparse afferent impulses or humoral factors and determines the tone of controlled body (muscle, etc.). Turning off the afferent implies falling tone as the nerve center, and managed body (experience Bronzhesta). Particularly important tonic effect of an oblong, medium-and intermediate brain (the reticular formation). In the simplest single-celled animals a single cell carries out a variety of functions. Complication of the same organism in the process of evolution has led to the separation of the functions of different cells - their specialty. To manage such complex multicellular systems have been enough of an ancient method - transfer of substances regulating vital functions of body fluids. Regulation of various functions in the highly organized animals and humans in two ways: humoral (Latin humor - fluid) - through blood, lymph and tissue fluid, and nervous. Possibility of humoral regulation of functions are limited by the fact that it acts relatively slowly and can not provide immediate responses of the body (fast motion, instant reaction to the extra stimuli). In addition, the humoral going through extensive involvement of various organs and tissues in the reaction (on the principle of "Everyone, everyone, everyone!"). In contrast, with the help of the nervous system allows fast and precise control of various Divisions of the whole organism, message delivery to the exact destination. Both of these mechanisms are closely related, but a leading role in the regulation of functions plays the nervous system. In the regulation of the functional state of organs and tissues involved special agents, neuropeptides, allocated by the pituitary gland, endocrine and nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Currently there are about hundreds of similar substances, which are fragments of proteins and without causing themselves excitation of cells, can dramatically alter their functional state. They affect sleep, learning and memory, muscle tone (in particular, within the asymmetry), cause extensive immobilization or muscle cramps, have analgesic and narcotic effect. It was found that the concentration of neuropeptides in the blood plasma of athletes may not exceed the average untrained person 6-8 times, increasing the efficiency of competitive activity. In conditions of excessive training sessions is the depletion of neuropeptides and frustrating adaptation of the athlete to physical loads. Illustrative material: L-OM1-2 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnakova SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 1. VI Skok and MF Shuba. Neuromuscular physiology. Kiev, ed. "Highest School. 1986., 223s. 2. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 3. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 4. Human Physiology. Ed. M. Pokrovsky, GF Korotko, in two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. 5. Practical classes on "Human and animal physiology." (Iseman, RI, Dyukarev IA, etc.) Novosibirsk. Siberian University Press. 2002. 98. 6. Pribram K. Languages of the brain. Moscow, Progress, 1975., 464s. 7. Students' individual work on "Human and Animal Physiology" by computer. (Iseman, RI, Chang-Yushkov NK) Guidelines. Novosibirsk, 1988. 8. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene in tables and diagrams. Manual. 1991. Test questions (feedback): 1. What is called acceptor result of the action 2. What is the meaning of the afferent synthesis 3. What is the role of afferent feedback 4. What happens when you do not match the real outcome with ARD? 5. What is a reflex? 6. Call the main elements of the reflex arc 7. What is the meaning of the interaction of reflexes? JS MEDICAL UNIVERSITY ASTANA Department of Physiology Lecture № 3. Lecture theme: Initiation. Laws stimulation of excitable tissues. Purpose: To provide knowledge about the features of excitable structures, learn to understand the role of the neuron as an integrative unity of the body, to teach to explain the mechanism of muscle contraction, to be able to sketch the main types of muscle contraction and the mechanism of the synapse. Abstracts of lectures: The human body has a pronounced ability to adapt to constantly changing environmental conditions. The basis of adaptive reactions of the organism is a universal property of living tissue - irritability - the ability to respond to the action of irritating factors changes the structural and functional properties. Irritability have all the tissues of animals and plant organisms. In the evolution of a gradual differentiation of tissues, performing adaptive activities of the organism. Irritability of the tissue has reached its highest development, and transformed into a new property - excitability. It is defined as the ability of tissues to respond to stimulation of specialized response - excitement. Arousal - is a complex biological process that is characterized by specific changes in metabolic processes, heat generation, temporary depolarization of cell membranes and is manifested specialized reaction tissue (muscle contraction, gland secretion separation, etc.). Excitability have the nerve, muscle and secretory tissues, they combine the concept of "excitable tissue. Excitability of the different tissues varied. Measure of excitability is the threshold of irritation - the minimum strength of stimulus that can cause excitement. Less powerful subliminal stimuli are called, and stronger --threshold. Stimulus of a living cell can be any change in the external or internal environment, if it is large enough, there was fast enough and lasts long enough. Classification of stimuli. All the stimuli by their nature can be divided into three groups: physical (mechanical, thermal, sound, lighting, electrical); chemicals (alkalis, acids, hormones, metabolic products, etc.); physico-chemical (change of osmotic pressure, pH, ionic composition, etc.). By the degree of adaptability of biological structures in their perception of the stimuli were divided into adequate and inadequate. Called adequate stimuli for the perception of biological structure which is specially adapted to the process of evolution. For example, an adequate stimulus for photoreceptor is visible light, for the baroreceptors - the change in pressure, for skeletal muscle - a nerve impulse, etc. Inadequate are those stimuli which act on the structure, not specifically adapted to their perception. For example, an adequate stimulus for skeletal muscle is the nerve impulse, but the muscle can be excited, and when exposed to electric current, mechanical shock, etc. All of these stimuli to skeletal muscles are inadequate and their threshold power of hundreds or more times the threshold force of adequate stimulus. Laws stimulation of excitable tissues. Laws stimulation reflect a relationship between the stimulus and the response of excitable tissue. By the laws of irritation are: the law of force, the law of "all or nothing" law of accommodation (Du Bois-Reymond), the law of force-time (strength-duration), the law of polar action of direct current, the law of physiological galvanotonus. The law of force: the greater the force stimulus, the greater the response. In accordance with this Act, operate complex structures, such as skeletal muscle. The amplitude of contractions from the minimum (threshold) values gradually increase with the strength of the stimulus to submaximal and maximal values. This is due to the fact that skeletal muscle consists of many muscle fibers with different excitability. Therefore, the threshold stimuli are responsible only those muscle fibers, which have the highest excitability, the amplitude of muscle contraction in this case is minimal. With increasing strength of the stimulus in the reaction involved more and more muscle fibers and the amplitude of muscle contraction increases all the time. When the reaction involving all the muscle fibers that make up this muscle, a further increase in strength of the stimulus does not increase the amplitude of contraction. The law "all or nothing": a threshold stimuli do not cause the response ("nothing"), on the threshold stimuli arises maximum response ("all"). By law, an "all or nothing" cut the heart muscle and single muscle fiber. The law "all or nothing" is not absolute. First, the stimuli of subthreshold strength does not appear visible reaction, but there are changes in the tissue membrane resting potential in the form of a local excitation (local response). Secondly, the heart muscle, stretched blood, filling her heart chambers, reacts according to the law "all or nothing", but the amplitude of its reduction will be greater than the reduction of the heart muscle is not stretched blood. Law irritation DuBois-Reymond (accommodation): irritant effect of direct current depends not only on the magnitude of the current strength or density, but also on the rate of current rise time. Under the action of slowly rising stimulus, arousal does not occur, since there is adaptation of excitable tissues to the action of this stimulus is termed accommodation. Accommodation due to the fact that the action of slowly rising stimulus in the membrane of excitable tissue is an increase in the critical level of depolarization. By reducing the rate of increase of strength of the stimulus to a certain minimum value of the action potential does not arise. The reason is that membrane depolarization is the trigger stimulus to the beginning of two processes: a fast, leading to an increase in sodium permeability, and thus gives rise to an action potential, and slow, leading to the inactivation of sodium permeability, and as a consequence - the end of the action potential. With the rapid growth drivers of the sodium permeability of time to reach significant size before you come inactivation of sodium permeability. In slow current rise to the foreground the processes of inactivation, leading to an increase in the threshold or eliminate the ability to generate PD at all. The law of force-length: irritating DC depends not only on its magnitude but also on the time within which it operates. The more current, the less time he must act for the occurrence of arousal. Study the dependence of strength-duration showed that the latter has a hyperbolic character (Fig. 3). From this it follows that the current below a certain minimum value does not cause agitation, as if he had not long to act, and the shorter pulses, the less annoying ability they have. The reason for such 'dependence is the membrane capacitance. Very "short" the currents simply do not have time to defuse this capacity to a critical level of depolarization. The minimum amount of current that can cause excitement for unlimited duration of its effect, called rheobase. rheobase, and causes the excitation is called a useful time. Due to the fact that the definition of this time is difficult, introduced the concept of chronaxie - the minimum time during which a current equal to two rheobase, must act on the fabric to cause a backlash. Determination of chronaxie - hronaksimet Darius - finds application in the clinic. Electric current applied to the muscle, passes through the muscle and nerve fibers and their endings are in this muscle. Since the chronaxie of nerve fibers significantly lower chronaxie of muscle fibers, then the study of muscle chronaxie almost get chronaxia nerve fibers. If the nerve is damaged or the death of the spinal cord motoneurons (this occurs when polimielite and some other diseases), then a degeneration of nerve fibers and then determined chronaxie have muscle fibers, which is larger than the nerve fibers. Law of the polar DC: for the closure of the current excitation occurs under the cathode, and on opening - at the anode. The passage of direct electric current through a nerve or muscle fiber causes a change in membrane resting potential. Thus, in the annex to the excitable tissue of the cathode the positive potential on the outer side of the membrane decreases, there is depolarization that quickly reaches a critical level and causes excitement. In the same application to the anode a positive voltage on the outer side of the membrane increases, there is hyperpolarization of the membrane and the excitement is not there. But it is under the anode the critical level of depolarization shifts to the level of the resting potential. Therefore, by opening circuit current hyperpolarization of the membrane disappears, and the resting potential, returning to its initial value, reaches a critical level occurs shifted excitation. Law physiological galvanotonus: the action of direct current to tissue is accompanied by a change in its excitability. When passing a direct current through a nerve or muscle stimulation thresholds under the cathode and adjacent areas is reduced because of depolarization - excitability increases. In the application the anode is an increase in the threshold of stimulation, ie, the decrease in excitability due to membrane hyperpolarization. These changes in excitability at the cathode and anode were called galvanotonus (electrotonic changes in excitability). Increase in excitability at the cathode is called katelektroton, and the decrease in excitability at the anode - anelektroton. With a further step the DC initial increase in excitability at the cathode is replaced by its decrease, is developing the so-called katodick depression. An initial decrease in excitability is under the anode is replaced by its increase - anode exaltation. In the field of application of the cathode is the inactivation of sodium channels, while at the anode of a reduction in potassium permeability and the weakening of the initial inactivation of sodium permeability. Illustrative material: L-OM1-3 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnakova SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 1. Human Physiology. Ed. M. Pokrovsky, GF Korotko, in two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. 2. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 3. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 4. Iseman, RI, AD Gerasev, MV Iashvili. Physiology of excitable tissues. Novosibirsk, Vol. NGPU, 1999., 125. 5. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. 6. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 7. Nozdrachev AD, Bazhenov, Yu.I. etc. Beginning physiology. A textbook for art. Universities. 2001. 8. Basic physiology of metabolism and endocrine system. Ouch. allowance. 1994. 9. Pokrovsky and others Human physiology. Textbook. In 2 vols. 1997. 10. Practical classes on "Human and animal physiology." (Iseman, RI, Dyukarev IA, etc.) Novosibirsk. Siberian University Press. 2002. 98. 11. Pribram K. Languages of the brain. Moscow, Progress, 1975., 464s. 12. Students' individual work on "Human and Animal Physiology" by computer. (Iseman, RI, Chang-Yushkov NK) Guidelines. Novosibirsk, 1988. 13. VI Skok and MF Shuba. Neuromuscular physiology. Kiev, ed. "Highest School. 1986., 223s. Test questions (feedback): 1. What is the threshold of stimulation? 2. What is the meaning of the law of force-time? 3. What is the chronaxie? 4. What is the difference chronaxie of productive time? 5. What stage includes parabiosis JS MEDICAL UNIVERSITY ASTANA Department of Physiology LECTURE № 4. Theme lecture: Membrane potential. Action potential. Reception. Purpose: To formulate the idea of the basic mechanisms of cell theory, provide knowledge about the mechanisms of transport of substances through cell membranes and to teach graphically represent and analyze the phase of the action potential. Abstracts of lectures: The nature of the excitation. The first attempts to develop a coherent theory of "animal electricity" are associated with the name of L. Galvani. He drew attention to the muscles of the drug hind legs frog hanging on a brass hook, when you touch feet to the iron railing of the balcony. Based on these observations, L. Galvani concluded that the contraction of muscles legs due to "animal electricity," which occurs in the spinal cord and is transmitted by metallic conductors to the muscles of legs. This experience is now known as the first experience of Galvani. Physicist L. Volta, repeating the first experiment of Galvani, came to the conclusion that these phenomena can not be considered due to the presence of "animal electricity." Current source according to A. Volta is not the spinal cord, as I thought L. Galvani, a potential difference formed at the contact of dissimilar metals - copper and iron. In response to objections DIG L. Galvani improved experience, the deletion of the metals. He dissected the sciatic nerve of frog legs along the thigh, and then sketched a nerve in leg muscle - muscle contraction occurred. This experience is known as Galvani's second experience, or experience without metals. Later it was observed that muscle contraction in the second experiment of Galvani occurs if the nerve in contact with both damaged and undamaged surfaces of the muscle. Du Bois-Reymond was found that the damaged muscle area carries a negative charge, and the undamaged area - yes. When throwing a nerve to a damaged and undamaged areas of muscle a current, which irritates the nerve and causes muscle contraction. This current was called the current of rest, or shock damage. Du Bois-Reymond, thus the first to show that the outer surface of the muscle is positively charged with respect to its internal content. Consequently, at rest between the outer and inner surfaces of the cell membrane there is the potential difference, which was then called the membrane potential or resting membrane potential. Its value in different cells varies from 60 to 90 mV. Developed several theories of and maintaining the resting membrane potential. In the years 1949-52. Hodgkin, Huxley, Katz and experimentally modified membrane-ionic theory. According to this theory, the resting membrane potential (WFP) is caused by unequal concentrations of sodium, potassium, calcium, chlorine within the cell and the extracellular fluid, and also different permeability for these ions, the surface of the cell membrane. The cytoplasm of nerve and muscle cells contain 30-50 times more potassium ions in the 8-10 times less sodium and 50 times less chlorine ions than the extracellular fluid. Consequently, the resting state there is an asymmetry of concentration of ions inside the cell and in its environment. Cell limits the thinnest membrane - the membrane. The composition of the membrane consists of lipids (mainly phospholipids), proteins and mucopolysaccharides. According to the liquid-mosaic model of the membrane consists of a bimolecular layer of phospholipids, which includes proteins. Some proteins permeate through the membrane, while others are submerged in the thick of it. In the membrane ion channels are formed by macromolecules of the protein permeating the lipid layer. Membrane channels are divided into nonspecific (leakage channels) and specific (selective, possessing the ability to only pass certain ions). Nonspecific channels transmit different ions and are constantly open. Specific channels open and close in response to changes in WFP. These channels are called potentsialozavisimymi. Potentsialozavismye selective ion channels are divided into: sodium, potassium, calcium and chlorine. However, their selectivity is often not absolute, and the channel name indicates only one. Ion, for which this channel is the most permeable. Ion channel consists of the channel (the transport part) and the gating mechanism ("gate"), which is controlled by an electric field of the membrane. In each channel, suggest that there are two types of "gates" - the fast activation (m) and slow inaktivatsionnyh (h). "The Gate" can be fully opened or closed. For example, the sodium channels in a state of rest "gate" m closed, and the "gate" h - open. With a decrease in charge of the membrane (depolarization) at the initial "gate" m and h are open - the channel is in conducting state-Through open channels of the ions move along the concentration and electrochemical gradient. Then inaktivatsionnye "gates" are closed - the channel inactivation-tiviruetsya. As the recovery WFP inaktivatsionnye "gate" opens slowly, and the activation quickly closed and the channel returns to its original state. Mucopolysaccharides, settling in the form of "trees" on the membrane surface, perform receptor functions. In a state of physiological rest the membrane of nerve fibers is 25 times more permeable to potassium ions than sodium ions. The polarization of the membrane at the open potassium channels and the presence of a transmembrane concentration gradient of potassium, due primarily to the leakage of intracellular potassium into the surrounding cell medium. The yield of positively charged potassium ions leads to a positive charge on the outer surface of the membrane. Organic anions - krupnomolekulyarnye compounds which carry a negative charge, and for which the cell membrane is impermeable, attached to these conditions, the inner surface of the membrane negative charge. At rest, there are small streams of potassium and sodium ions (potassium than sodium) across the membrane by their concentration gradient, which ultimately should lead to equalization of the concentrations of these ions inside the cell and its environment. But in living cells, it does not, as in the cell membrane there is a specific molecular mechanism, called the sodium-potassium pump. It ensures removal from the cell cytoplasm and the introduction of sodium ions into the cytoplasm of potassium ions. Ion pump moves ions against their concentration gradient, therefore, he is working with energy consumption. Thus, the emergence and maintenance of the resting membrane potential due to the selective permeability of cell membrane and the work of the sodium-potassium pump. Resting membrane potential creates an electric field. The electric field of the membrane resting potential provides a closed state of AK-tivatsionnyh "gate" of sodium channels and the open-state inactivation tivatsionnyh "gate". Registration of electrical potentials in nerve and muscle fiber or nerve cell showed that the excitation is a change of WFP, there is potential for action. Influenced razdrazhitelya.porogovoy-threshold or magnitude of cell membrane permeability to sodium ions increases. Sodium ions rush into the cell, which leads to a decrease in resting membrane potential - membrane depolarization (Fig. 2). At the beginning of the depolarization is slow. When reducing the WFP to the critical level of depolarization of the membrane permeability for sodium ions is increased 500-fold and exceeds the permeability of potassium ions by 20 times. As a result, the penetration of sodium ions into the cytoplasm and their interactions with anions, the potential difference across the membrane disappears, and then going on the cell membrane charge (charge inversion) - inner surface of the membrane becomes positively charged relative to its exterior. This excess capacity reaches 30-50 mV, then closed fast sodium channels - is the inactivation of sodium permeability) and opens the potassium channels. Begins the process of restoring the original level of resting membrane potential - membrane repolarization. Action potential may be registered in two ways: extracellular - with the help of electrodes attached to the outer surface of the cell; intracellular - with the help of electrodes, one of which is introduced into the cell and the other is located on its surface. When extracellular abduction in a single cycle of excitation (action potentials) distinguish the following phases (Fig. 2): 1. Predspayk (prepotential) - a process of slow depolarization to a critical level of depolarization. 2. Peak potential or spike (including the period of recharging the cell membrane). 3. Negative afterpotential - from the critical level of depolarization to the initial level of polarization of the membrane. 4. Positive afterpotential - an increase of the membrane resting potential and a gradual return to its initial value. When intracellular recording recorded the following states of the membrane: local excitation, the local response (the initial membrane depolarization); depolarization of the membrane (the ascending part of the spike, including inversion); repolarization of the membrane (the descending part of the action potential); osledovaya depolarization (trace corresponds to a negative potential); hyperpolarizing trace-function (corresponds to the positive potential of the trace). Change in excitability when excited. With the development of an action potential is a change of excitable tissues, and this change occurs but the phases (Fig. 2). As the initial polarization of the membrane, which reflects the resting membrane potential, corresponds to the initial state of excitability and, consequently, the cells - a normal level of excitability. During predspayka excitable tissues is increased, this phase of excitability was named the primary exaltation. During the development predspayka resting membrane potential approaches the critical level of depolarization and to achieve sufficient strength of the last stimulus smaller than the threshold (a staff-line). During the development of the spike (peak potential) is an avalanche-like flow of sodium ions into the cell, resulting in a reload of the membrane and it loses the ability to respond to stimuli even excitation-threshold power. This phase of excitability was called the absolute refractory period (absolute nonexcitability). It lasts until the end of the exchange membrane. Absolute refractoriness, ie, the total nonexcitability membrane arises from the fact that the sodium channels at the beginning of a fully open, and then inactivated. After the end of phase exchange membrane excitability is gradually being restored to its original level - the phase of relative refractoriness. She continues to restore the charge of the membrane to a value corresponding to the critical level of depolarization. Since this period, the resting membrane potential has not yet been restored, the excitability of the tissue is reduced and a new excitation can occur only when the action-threshold stimulus. Decrease the excitability of a phase of relative refractoriness is associated with partial inactivation of sodium channels and activation of potassium. Illustrative material: L-OM1-4 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnokov SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 13. VI Skok and MF Shuba. Neuromuscular physiology. Kiev, ed. "Highest School. 1986., 223s. 14. 3. Iseman, RI, AD Gerasev, MV Iashvili. Physiology of excitable tissues. Novosibirsk, Vol. NGPU, 1999., 125. 15. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 16. Nozdrachev AD, Bazhenov, Yu.I. etc. Beginning physiology. A textbook for art. Universities. 2001. 17. Basic physiology of metabolism and endocrine system. Ouch. allowance. 1994. 18. Practical classes on "Human and animal physiology." (Iseman, RI, Dyukarev IA, etc.) Novosibirsk. Siberian University Press. 2002. 98. 19. Students' individual work on "Human and Animal Physiology" by computer. (Iseman, RI, Chang-Yushkov NK) Guidelines. Novosibirsk, 1988. 20. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 21. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. 22. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene in tables and diagrams. Manual. 1991. 23. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 24. Human Physiology. Ed. M. Pokrovsky, GF Korotko, in two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. Test questions (feedback): 1. How will the action potential with increasing concentration of potassium ions inside the cell? 2. Which ions play a major role in the mechanism of excitation of cells? 3. List the main phase of the action potential 4. How to change the excitability of the tissue increases the critical level of depolarization? JS MEDICAL UNIVERSITY ASTANA Department of Physiology LECTURE № 5. Lecture theme: System organization of pathways. Synaptic transmission. Purpose: To provide knowledge about the peculiarities of the structure of synapses, chemical and electrical transmission routes, learn to understand the role of calcium in the mechanism of synaptic transmission, to be able mechanism of the synapse. Abstracts of lectures: Physiology of Nerves and nerve fibers. Nerve fibers (nerve cell processes) perform specialized functions - conducting nerve impulses. In morphology nerve fibers are divided into myelin (myelin sheath coated) and amyelinate. Nerve fibers form the nerve or nerve trunk consisting of a large number of nerve fibers enclosed in a common connective-hull. The structure consists of myelinated nerve fibers and amyelinate. Nerve fibers conducting excitation from receptors in the CNS are called afferent, and the fibers conducting excitation from the CNS to the executive bodies are called efferent. Nerves are composed of afferent and efferent fibers. Nerve fiber has the following physiological properties: excitability, conductivity, lability. Conduction of excitation along the nerve fibers is carried out according to certain laws. The Law of bilateral excitation of nerve fiber. Excitation of the nerve fiber extends in both directions from its place of origin, i.e., the centripetal and centrifugal. This can be proved if the nerve fiber lay recording electrodes at a certain distance from each other, and between them to cause irritation. Excitation will fix the electrodes on both sides of the place of stimulation. Law of anatomical and physiological integrity of the nerve fibers. Conduction of excitation in the nerve fiber is only possible if retained its anatomical and physiological integrity. Various factors affecting the nerve fiber (drugs, cooling, dressing, etc.) lead to a breach of the physiological integrity, ie, to violation of the mechanisms of excitation transfer. Despite the persistence of its anatomic integrity of conduction of excitation in these conditions is violated. Law of the excitation of an isolated nerve fiber. As part of the nerve stimulation to the nerve fiber is distributed in isolation, ie without passing from one fiber to another. Isolated conduction of excitation due to the fact that the resistance of the fluid that fills the intercellular spaces are much lower resistance of the membrane of nerve fibers. Therefore, the main part of the current occurring between the excited and unexcited portions of the nerve fiber, passes through the intercellular slits, not acting on a number of nerve fibers located. Isolated conduction of excitation is important. Nervsoderzhit large number of nerve fibers (sensory, motor, autonomic), which innervate different in structure and function of effectors (cells, tissues, organs). If the excitation of a nerve inside spread from one nerve fiber to another, then the normal functioning of the organs would have been impossible. Nerve fibers in the velocity of conduction of excitation, the diameter of fibers-on, the duration of different phases of the action potential and the structure adopted to subdivide into three types: A, B and C. Type A fibers are in turn divided into subtypes: A-alpha, A beta, A -gamma and-delta. Fiber type and the coating myelin sheath. The thickest of them A - alpha, they have a diameter of 12-22 microns and a high rate of excitation - 70-120 m / sec. These fibers carry the excitement of motor nerve centers of the spinal cord to the skeletal muscles (motor fibers) and from specific muscle receptors to the appropriate nerve centers. Three other groups of fibers Ting A (beta, gamma, delta) have a smaller diameter of 8 to 1 micron and smaller velocity of conduction of excitation from 5 to 70 m / sec. The fibers of these groups are predominantly sensitive conducting excitation from different receptors (tactile, thermal, some pain, receptors of the internal organs) in the CNS. The only exceptions are the gamma fiber, much of which carries the excitement of the spinal cord cells to intrafusal muscle fibers. For fibers of type B are myelinated preganglio-state fiber autonomic nervous system. Their diameter - 1-3,5 m, and the rate of excitation - 3-18 m / sec. For the type C fibers are Remak's fiber of small diameter - 0,5-2,0 mm. Velocity of conduction of excitation in these fibers is not more than 3 m / s (0,5-3,0 m / s). Most of the fiber type C - a postganglionic fiber sympathetic system, as well as nerve fibers that conduct the excitation of pain receptors, thermoreceptors, and some pressure receptors. The mechanism of excitation of nerve fibers. The mechanism of excitation propagation in different nerve fibers varies. According to current concepts of excitation spread along nerve fibers is based on the ionic mechanisms generating the action potential. In the propagation of excitation along Remak's fiber local electric currents, which occur between the excited site, negatively charged, and unexcited, positively charged, causing membrane depolarization to a critical level, followed by AP generation at the nearest point of the unexcited part of the membrane. This process is repeated. Throughout the nerve fiber is the reproduction of the new PD at each point of the membrane fibers. Such an excitation of call and continuous. The presence of the myelin sheath of fibers having a high electrical resistance, as well as sections of fiber, devoid of the shell (nodes of Ranvier) create conditions for a new type of excitation of myelinated nerve fibers. Local electric currents arise between neighboring nodes of Ranvier, since the membrane is excited to intercept becomes negatively charged in relation to the neighboring unexcited interception. These local currents depolyaryazuyut membrane unexcited interception to a critical level and it appears PD (Fig. 4). Consequently, the excitement as it "jumps" through the areas of nerve fiber coated with myelin, from one race to another. Such a mechanism of excitation propagation is called saltatory or abrupt. The rate of this method of excitation is much higher and it is more economical compared with the continuous conduction of excitation, because the state is actively involved not the whole membrane, but only a small tile in interceptions. "Jumping" of the action potential through the area between the hooks is possible because the amplitude of the PD is 5-6 times higher than the threshold necessary to excite the neighboring interception. PD can "jump" is not just one but two mezhperehvatnyh gap. This phenomenon can be observed with a decrease in the excitability of neighboring interception under the influence of some pharmacological substances, such as novocaine, cocaine, etc. Nerve fibers have lability - the ability to reproduce a certain number of cycles of excitation per unit time in accordance with the rhythm of the stimulus. Lability is a measure of the maximum number of cycles of excitation, which is able to reproduce the nerve fiber per unit of time without transforming the rhythm of irritation. Lability determined by the duration of the peak of the action potential, ie, the phase of absolute refractoriness. Since the duration of the absolute refrakternosti a spike potential of the nerve fiber is the shortest, the lability of its highest. Nerve fiber is able to reproduce up to 1000 pulses per second. Vvedenskii found that if part of the nerve subjected to alterations (ie, the effects of the damaging agent) by, for example, poisoning or injury, the lability of such a section is significantly reduced. Restore the original state of nerve fibers after each action potential in the damaged area has been slow. In acting on this portion of frequent stimuli, it is not able to reproduce the rhythm of irritation, and therefore the impulse conduction is blocked. Such a state of low lability was named Vvedenskii parabiosis. In the development of the state of parabiosis can mention three, successive, phases: the egalitarian, the paradoxical, inhibitory. In equalizing the phase adjustment value is a response to frequent and infrequent stimuli. Under normal conditions, the functioning of the nerve fiber magnitude response of the muscle fibers innervated by them subject to the law of force: the rare stimuli response is smaller and frequent stimuli - more. In a paradoxical phase, a further reduction in lability. In this case, the rare and frequent stimuli response occurs, but the frequent stimuli, it is much less, since the frequent stimuli further reduce lability, extending the phase of absolute refractoriness. Consequently, there is a paradox - on the rare stimuli response than frequent. In the braking phase of lability is reduced to such an extent that both rare and frequent stimuli did not cause a response. In this case, the membrane of nerve fibers depolarized and is not at the stage of repolarization, ie, not recovered its original condition. Parabiosis phenomenon lies at the heart of the local anesthetic drug. Effect of anesthetic agents is also associated with a decrease in lability and a violation of the mechanism of excitation of nerve fibers. Parabiosis - a reversible phenomenon. If parabioticheskoe substance acts not long after its termination nerve emerges from the state of parabiosis through the same phases, but in reverse order. The mechanism of development parabioticheskogo state is as follows. When exposed to nerve fiber parabioticheskogo factor disrupted the ability to increase membrane sodium permeability in response to stimulation. In the area of alteration inactivation-activation of sodium channels caused by the damaging agent is added to the inactivation caused by nerve impulses and reduces anxiety so that the holding of the next pulse is blocked. Synapse - a specialized structure that ensures the transmission of excitation from one excitable structure to another. The term "synapse" is introduced Sherrington and means "note", "connection", "zip". Classification of synapses. Synapses can be classified into: 1) Their location and supplies the relevant structures: • peripheral (neuromuscular, neuro-secretory, receptors tornoneyronalnye); • Central (axo-somatic, axo-dendritic, axo-axo-regional, somato-devdritnye, somato-somatic); 2) the sign of their actions - excitatory and inhibitory; 3) mode of transmission of signals - chemical, electrical, and mixed. 4) The mediator, through which the transmission - cholinergic, adrenergic, serotonergic, glycineergic etc. The structure of the synapse. All synapses have much in common, so the structure of the synapse and the mechanism of transfer of excitation it is possible to consider the example of the neuromuscular synapse (Fig. 7). The synapse consists of three main elements: • presynaptic membrane (in the neuromuscular synapse - a thickened end-plate); • postsynaptic membrane; • synaptic cleft. Presynaptic membrane - is part of the membrane of nerve endings in the area of contact with its muscle fibers. The post-napticheskaya membrane - the membrane of the muscle fiber. Part of the postsynaptic membrane, which is located opposite the presynaptic called subsinapticheskoy membrane. Singularity subsinapticheskoy membrane is the presence of specific receptors that are sensitive to certain neurotransmitters, and the presence of hemozavisimyh channels. In the postsynaptic membrane, Brno, outside subsinapticheskoy there potentsialozavisimye channels. The mechanism of excitation transfer in chemical excitatory synapses. At synapses with a chemical transfer of excitation of the transmitter using mediators (mediators). Neurotransmitters - are chemical substances that provide the transmission of excitation in the synapses. Mediators, depending on their nature can be divided into several groups: • monoamines (acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin and others); • Amino acids (gamma-aminobutyric acid - GABA, glutamic acid, glycine, etc.); • neuropeptides (substance P, endorphins, neurotensin, ACTH, angiotensin, vasopressin, somatostatin, etc.). Neurotransmitter in the molecular form found in vesicles of presynaptic thickening (synaptic plaque), where he goes: • from the perinuclear area of the neuron using fast axo-channel transport (aksotoka); • due to the synthesis of a mediator, which takes place in the synaptic terminals of the products of its decomposition; • due to the reuptake of neurotransmitter from the synaptic cleft in an unchanged form. When along the axon to its terminal comes excitement, presynaptic membrane is depolarized, which is accompanied by entering calcium ions from extracellular fluid into the nerve ending. The incoming calcium ions activate the movement of synaptic vesicles to the presynaptic membrane, their contact and destruction (lysis) of their membranes with the release of neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft. It neurotransmitter diffuses to the sub-synaptic membrane, which are its receptors. The interaction of neurotransmitter receptors leads to opening channels mainly for sodium ions. This leads to depolarization of the membrane subsinapticheskoy and the emergence of the so-called excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP). In the neuromuscular synapse, the EPSP is called end-plate potential (PEP). Between depolarized subsinapticheskoy membrane and its neighboring areas of the postsynaptic membrane having local currents, which depolarizes the membrane. When they depolarizes the membrane to a critical level in the postsynaptic membrane of muscle fiber action potential occurs, which is distributed to the muscle fiber membrane and causes it to decrease. Physiological properties of chemical synapses. Synapses with a chemical transfer of excitation have a number of common properties: • Initiation of a synapse is carried out only in one direction (unilateral). This is due to the structure of the synapse: a neurotransmitter released only from the presynaptic thickening, and interacts with receptors subsinapticheskoy membrane; • transfer of excitation through the synapses is slower than the nerve fiber - the synaptic delay; • transfer of excitation by means of special chemical messengers neurotransmitters; • in the synapses of the transformation rate of excitation; • synapses have low lability; • synapses have a high fatigue; • synapses are highly sensitive to chemicals (including a pharmacological) agents. Electrical synapses exciting action. In addition to chemical synapses, excitation transfer mainly in the central nervous system (CNS) occur in synapses with electrical transmission. Excitatory electrical synapses characterized by a very narrow synaptic cleft and a very low resistivity of contiguous pre-and postsynaptic membranes, which ensures effective transmission of local electric currents. Low resistance is generally associated with the presence of cross-channel crossing two membranes, ie, going from cell to cell (gap junctions). Channels formed by protein molecules (polumolekulami) contacting each of the membranes that connect the complementary. This structure is easily passable for the electric current. Scheme of excitation transfer in electrical synapse: a current caused by the presynaptic action potential, annoying on-stsinapticheskuyu membrane, where there EPSP and action potential. Transverse channels unite cells not only electrically but also chemically, since they are passable for many small molecules. Therefore, the excitatory electrical synapses with lateral channels are formed, usually between the cells of one type (eg, between cells of the heart muscle). General properties of excitatory electrical synapses are: • speed (much superior to those of chemical synapses); • Trace the effects of weakness in the transmission of excitation (resulting in them almost impossible summation of consecutive signals); • High reliability of transmission of excitation. Excitatory electrical synapses can occur under favorable conditions, and disappear when adverse. For example, when damaged, one of the contacting cells of electrical synapses with other cells are eliminated. This property is called plasticity. Electrical synapses can be one sided and two-way transfer of excitation. Coffee inhibitory synapses. Along with the electrical synapses of the exciting action can meet the electrical inhibitory synapses. An example of such a synapse may serve synapse, which forms the nerve ending at the exit segment mautnerovsk neurons in fishes. Inhibitory effect is due to the effect of the current caused action potential presinapti-crystal membrane. Presynaptic potential causes a significant hyperpolarization of the segment and hyperpolarizing current instantaneously inhibits the generation of action potentials in the initial segment of axon. In the mixed synapses of the presynaptic action potential generates a current, which depolarizes the postsynaptic membrane of a typical chemical synapse, where the pre-and postsynaptic membrane does not fit snugly together. Thus, these synapses chemical transfer is necessary reinforcing mechanism. Illustrative material: L-OM1-5 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnakova SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 1. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 2. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 3. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 4. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 5. 2. Iseman, RI, AD Gerasev, MV Iashvili. Physiology of excitable tissues. Novosibirsk, Vol. NGPU, 1999., 125. 6. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. 7. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 8. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 9. Human Physiology. Ed. M. Pokrovsky, GF Korotko, in two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. Test questions (feedback): 1. The laws of conduction of excitation along the nerve fibers and nerves. 2. Parabiosis Vvedensky and its stage. 3. Physiological properties of synapses. 4. Transfer of excitation in the synapses. 5. Classification and properties of synapses 6. Mechanisms of transmission of excitation in the synapses. 7. What is the function of neurotransmitter of the neuromuscular synapse JS MEDICAL UNIVERSITY ASTANA Department of Physiology LECTURE № 6. Theme lecture: physiology of skeletal and smooth muscle. Muscle contraction. Purpose: To provide knowledge about the features of excitable structures, learn to understand the role of the neuron as an integrative unity of the body, to teach to explain the mechanism of muscle contraction, to be able to sketch the main types of muscle contraction and the mechanism of the synapse. Physiological properties of muscle. • Excitability - ability to come into a state of arousal when the stimulus. • Conductivity - the ability to carry out agitation. • Contractility - the ability of muscles to change its length or tension in response to the stimulus. • Lability - lability muscle is 200-300 Hz. With the direct stimulation of the muscle (direct stimulation) or indirectly through its innervating motor nerve (indirect stimulation), a single stimulus appears a single muscular contraction in which there are three phases: • latency - time from start of the stimulus before the response; • the phase of contraction (shortening phase); • relaxation phase. Under natural conditions in skeletal muscle of the CNS come not single pulses, and a series of pulses following one another at specific intervals, which corresponds to long-term muscle contraction. Such prolonged contraction of the muscle that occurs in response to rhythmic stimulation was called tetanic reduction or tetanus. There are two types of tetanus: toothed and smooth. If each successive excitation pulse is delivered to the muscle at a time when she is in a phase of shortening, there is a smooth tetanus, and if the phase of relaxation the gear tetanus (Fig. 5). The amplitude of the tetanic reduction exceeds the amplitude of single muscle contraction. Based on this Helmholtz explained the process to reduce tetanic simple superposition, ie, a simple summation of the amplitude of a muscle contraction with an amplitude of the other. However, later it was shown that the tetanus there is not a simple addition of two mechanical effects, since this amount may be something more, something less. Vvedenskii explained this phenomenon from the perspective of the state of excitability of the muscles, introducing the concept of optimum and pessimum frequency of stimulation. Optimal is called a frequency stimulation, in which each successive stimulation by a phase of heightened excitability. Tetanus at the same time will be the maximum amplitude - the best. Pessimal called this frequency stimulation, in which each successive stimulation by a phase of reduced excitability. Tetanus at the same time will be minimal in amplitude - pessimal. Modes of muscle contraction. Distinguish between isotonic, isometric and mixedmode muscle contraction. When isotonic muscle contraction is a change of its length, and the voltage remains constant. This reduction occurs when the muscle does not move the cargo. Under natural conditions, similar to the type of isotonic contractions are muscle contractions of the language. When the isometric contraction the length of muscle fibers remains constant, changing muscle tension. Such a contraction of the muscle can get when you try to lift backbreaking loads. In general, the body muscles are never purely isotonic or isometric, they always have a mixed nature, ie, there is a change and length, and muscle tension. This mode of reduction is called auksotonicheskim if muscle tension prevails, or if auksometricheskim shortening predominates. The mechanism of muscle contraction. Muscles consist of muscle fibers, which consist of many thin filaments - myofibrils arranged longitudinally. Each myofibril consists of protofibrils - filaments of contractile proteins actin and myosin. Partitions, called 2-plates separated myofibrils and, hence, the muscle fiber in the land - sarcomeres. In the sarcomere watching right transverse alternating light and dark stripes. This transverse striation of myofibrils caused by a specific arrangement of actin and myosin. In the central part of each sarcomere are free thick filaments of myosin. At both ends of the sarcomers are thin filaments of actin attached to the Z-plates. Myosin filaments appear in the light microscope as a bright band (H-band) in a dark disc, which gives the birefringence, since it contains filaments of myosin and actin and is called anisotropic, or A-disk. By both side from A-disk are sites that contain only thin filaments of actin and appear to be bright, since they have one called birefringence and isotropic or j-disks. By their mid-goes dark line - Z-membrane. It is through such periodic alternation of light and dark disks cardiac and skeletal muscle appear striated (striated) (Fig. 6). At rest the ends of the thick and thin: yarns only slightly overlap at the level of the A-disk. According to the theory of sliding filaments in reducing thin actin filaments slide along the thick myosin filaments, moving between them by the middle of the sarcomere. Sami actin and myosin filaments do not change their length. Sliding filament mechanism. Myosin filaments have a cross-bridges (projections) with heads that move away from the bipolar filaments. Actin filament consists of two twisted around each other chains (like a twisted string of beads) molecules of actin. On actin filaments are troponin molecule, and the grooves between the actin filament tropomyosin lie. Tropomyosin molecules alone are positioned so that prevent the attachment of myosin cross bridges to actin filaments. In many places, sections of the surface membrane of muscle cells deeper in the form of tubules inside the fiber, perpendicular to its longitudinal axis, forming a system of transverse tubules (T system). Myofibrils in parallel and perpendicular to the transverse tubules is a system of longitudinal tubules (alpha system). Bubbles on the ends of these tubes - terminal tank - come very close to transverse tubules, forming with them the so-called triads. These bubbles are concentrated principal amount of intracellular calcium. At rest, the myosin bridge charged with energy (phosphorylated myosin), but it can not connect to the actin filament, since between them there is a system of filaments tropomyosin and troponin globules. When excited by PD is spreading rapidly across the membranes of the transverse system inside the cell and causes release of calcium ions from the alpha system. With the advent of calcium ions in the presence of ATP changes the spatial position of the troponin, causing tropomyosin filament is removed and open plots of actin, accession Mi-ozinovye head. Connection head phosphorylated myosin with actin leads to a change in the bridge position (its "bending"), resulting in the conformation of this part of the myosin molecule, and the movement of actin filaments in a single step (for a "stroke") to the middle of the sarcomere. Then, the disconnection of the bridge from actin. Rhythmic attachment and detachment of myosin heads allow you to "pull" or pull the actin filament in the middle of the sarcomere. In the absence of re-excitation of the calcium ions are pumped out of the calcium pump protofibrillyarnogo space in the system of sarcoplasmic reticulum. This leads to a decrease in calcium ion concentration and detaching it from troponin. The result is that tropomyosin is returned to its original location and re-blocking the active sites of actin. However, there is phosphorylation of myosin by ATP, which not only charges the system for further work, but also facilitates the temporary uncoupling of filaments. Lengthening (relaxation) muscle after its reduction is a passive process, since actin and myosin filaments slide easily in the opposite direction by the forces of elasticity of muscle fibers and muscle, as well as the forces stretching the muscles antagonists. Smooth muscle. Smooth muscle, forming the muscle layers of the walls of the stomach, intestines, ureters, bronchi, blood vessels and other hollow internal organs, are constructed from single-spindle-shaped muscle cells. Individual cells in smooth muscles functionally linked low-resistance electrical contacts-mi - Nexus. Through these contacts, action potentials and slow waves of depolarization propagate freely from one muscle fiber to another. Therefore, despite the fact that the motor nerve endings are located on a small number of muscle fibers, due to unhindered spread of excitation from one fiber to another in reaction involves the entire muscle. Therefore, smooth muscles are not the morphological and functional syncytium. Feature of smooth muscles is their ability to carry out the relatively slow motion and prolonged tonic contraction. Slow with rhythmic character, reduce the smooth muscle of the stomach, intestines, ureters and other organs of the movement provide the content of these bodies. Long-term tonic contraction of smooth muscle is particularly well expressed in the sphincter of hollow organs, which prevents the contents of these organs. Smooth muscle walls of blood vessels, especially arteries and arterioles, are also in a constant state of tonic contraction. Change in muscle tone of the walls of blood vessels affects the value of their lumen, and consequently the level of blood pressure and circulatory organs. An important property of smooth muscle is its plasticity, ie, the ability to maintain assigned to them under tension length. Skeletal muscle normally has little plasticity. These differences are easily observed in slow tensile smooth and skeletal muscle. When removing the tensile load fast skeletal muscle is shortened, and the smooth is stretched. High plasticity of smooth muscle is important for normal functioning of hollow organs. Due to the high plasticity of smooth muscle can be completely relaxed in a shorter, and in the stretched state. For example, the plasticity of bladder filling as it prevents excessive increase of pressure inside it. Strong and dramatic tension of smooth muscles causing their decline. The latter is due to the increasing tensile depolarization of the cells, causing smooth muscle automaticity. Reduction induced by stretching, plays an important role in autoregulation of the tone of blood vessels, and also provides an involuntary (automatic) emptying overflowing bladder in cases where the nervous control is absent as a result of spinal cord injury. In smooth muscles twitch lasts a few seconds. Tetanic reduction occurs at a low frequency of fusion of single rate and a low frequency accompanying PD. 4. Illustrative material: L-OM1-6 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnakova SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 10. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 11. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 12. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 13. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 14. 2. Iseman, RI, AD Gerasev, MV Iashvili. Physiology of excitable tissues. Novosibirsk, Vol. NGPU, 1999., 125. 15. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. 16. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 17. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 18. Human Physiology. Ed. M. Pokrovsky, GF Korotko, in two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. Test questions (feedback): 1. Physiological properties of skeletal muscle. 2. Types of muscle contraction. Twitch and its phases. 3. Tetanus, types, mechanism. 4. Fatigue muscle fatigue theory of isolated muscle and whole body. JS MEDICAL UNIVERSITY ASTANA Department of Physiology LECTURE № 7. Lecture theme: General physiology of the CNS. Mechanisms of inhibition and excitation of nerve cells. Purpose: To study the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system, identify the main patterns of spread of excitation in the CNS. Understand the mechanism of central inhibition and learn how to explain the mechanism of various types of inhibition, to distinguish pre-from post-synaptic inhibition. Abstracts of lectures: CNS central nervous system constitute the brain and spinal cord. The main functions of the central nervous system are: 1) regulation of the activity of all tissues and organs, and combining them into a coherent whole, and 2) providing an organism adapt to environmental conditions (the organization of appropriate behavior according to the needs of the organism). Management of various functions performed by and humoral (via blood, lymph, tissue fluid), but the nervous system plays a dominant role. In higher animals and humans leading department of the central nervous system is the cerebral cortex, which also manages the most complex functions in human life - mental processes (consciousness, thinking, memory, etc.). Physiology of nerve cells The basic structural element of the nervous system is a nerve cell or neuron. Through neurons transmits information from one part of the nervous system to another, exchanging information between the nervous system and various parts of the body. In neurons there is a complex information processing. They help form the responses of the body (reflexes) on the external and internal stimuli. Neurons are divided into three types: afferent, efferent and intermediate neurons. Afferent neurons (sensory or centripetal) convey information from receptors in the central nervous system. Bodies of these neurons are located outside the central nervous system - in the spinal ganglia and in ganglia of the cranial nerves. Afferent neuron has lozhnounipolyarnuyu form, ie, both his appendix out of one pole cells. Next, the neuron is divided into long dendrites forming on the periphery of perceiving education - receptor, and axon entering through the rear horn in the spinal cord. By the afferent neurons also include nerve cells, axons, which are rising the way the brain and spinal cord. Efferent neurons (centrifugal) are associated with the transmission of descending influences from the overlying floors of the nervous system to the underlying (eg, pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex - in Fig. 42) or from the central nervous system to the working bodies (for example, in the anterior horns of the spinal cord motor neurons are located body or motor neurons, from which fibers go to the skeletal muscles and in the lateral horns of the spinal cord cells are the autonomic nervous system, from which go towards the internal organs). For efferent neurons characterized an extensive network of dendrites and one long process - the axon. Intermediate neurons (interneurons, or intercalary) - as a rule, the smaller cells, communication between different (eg, afferent and efferent) neurons. They transmit nerve influence in the horizontal direction (for example, within one segment of the spinal cord) and vertical (eg, from one segment of the spinal cord in the other - higher or lower-lying segments). Thanks to the many branching of the axon intermediate neurons can simultaneously excite a large number of other neurons (eg, stellate cells of the cortex - see Fig. 42). Functional significance of various structural elements of the nerve cell. Various structural elements of the neuron have their functional properties and different physiological significance. A nerve cell consists of a body, or soma (Fig. 43), and different processes. Numerous treelike dendrites branched processes (from the Greek. Dendron - tree) are the inputs of neurons through which signals are sent into the nerve cell. Output neuron is the exhaust from the cell body, axon outgrowth (from the Greek. Axis - axis), which transmits nerve impulses on another nerve cell or a working body (muscles, glands). The shape of the nerve cell, the length and location shoots are extremely varied and depend on the functional purpose of the neuron. Among neurons are found the largest cellular elements of the body. The size of their diameter ranging from 6-7 microns (small granular cells of the cerebellum) to 70 microns (motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord). Density of their arrangement in some parts of the central nervous system is very high. For example, in the cerebral cortex of people per 1 mm 3 accounted for almost 40 thousand neurons. Body and dendrites of cortical neurons were generally about half of the cortex. In large neurons, almost 1 / 3 - 1 / 4 the size of their body is the core. It contains a fairly constant amount of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Its constituent nucleoli are involved in supplying the cell ribonucleic acid (RNA) and proteins. In the motor cells in the motor activity of nucleoli were markedly increased in size. Nerve cell plasma membrane-coated semipermeable cell membrane, which provides regulation of the concentration of ions inside the cell and its exchange with the environment. When excited by cell membrane permeability changes, which plays a crucial role in the occurrence of the action potential and the transmission of nerve impulses. Axons of many neurons are covered with myelin sheath formed by Schwann cells, many times "wrapped" around the stem axon. However, the initial part of the axon and the extension in place of his exit from the cell body - axonal hillock devoid of such an envelope. Membrane of the unmyelinated parts of the neuron - the so-called initial segment - has a high excitability. The interior of the cell is filled with cytoplasm, which contains the nucleus and various organelles. The cytoplasm is very rich in enzyme systems (in particular, providing glycolysis) and protein. It pervades the network of tubules and vesicles the endoplasmic reticulum. In the cytoplasm, there are also some grains ribosomes and clusters of these grains - Nissl bodies, which are protein formation, containing up to 50% of the RNA. This protein depot neurons, which also is the synthesis of proteins and RNA. When excessively prolonged stimulation of nerve cells, viral central nervous system lesions and other adverse impacts of the magnitude of these ribosomal grains decreases sharply. In the special apparatus of nerve cells - mitochondria oxidative processes take place with the formation of energy-rich compounds (ATP macroergic bonds). This power station of the neuron. In them there is a transformation of energy of chemical bonds in a form that can be used nerve cell. Mitochondria are concentrated in the most active parts of the cell. Their respiratory function increases in muscular exercise. The intensity of oxidative processes in neurons increases the higher parts of the central nervous system, especially in the cerebral cortex. Sudden changes in mitochondria up to fracture, and hence the inhibition of neuronal activity observed with various adverse effects (prolonged deceleration in the central nervous system, with intense X-ray irradiation, oxygen starvation and hypothermia). Glial cells. In the processes of supply of nerve cells and their metabolism are also involved surrounding neurons glial cells (glial cells or neuroglia). These cells fill in the brains of all the space between neurons. In the cerebral cortex of approximately 5 times larger than the nerve cells. Capillaries in the central nervous system are surrounded by dense glial cells, which cover the vessel completely, or leave a small portion (15%) free. Outgrowths of some glial cells are located partly on the blood vessels and partly on the neuron (see Fig. 42). It is believed that the location of these cells between the vessel and neurons points to their role in supplying nutrients to nerve cells from the blood. Glial cells actively participate in the functioning of the neuron. Shown that prolonged excitation in the neuron a high content of protein and nucleic acids is supported by glial cells, where their number is reduced accordingly. In the process of recovery of reserves of protein and nucleic acid first increases in glial cells, and then in the cytoplasm of the neuron. Glial cells have the ability to move in space towards the most active neurons. This can be seen at various afferent stimuli and by muscular exercise. For example, after 20 min. swimming rats was found to increase the number of glial cells around the anterior horn motor neurons of the spinal cord. Possibly glial cells are involved in conditioned reflex activity of the brain and memory processes. "The nervous activity generally consists of the phenomena of excitation and inhibition. This is like two halves of one nerve activity." IP Pavlov The phenomenon of inhibition in the nerve centers was first discovered by IM Sechenov in 1862, The significance of this process was examined in his book "Reflexes of the Brain." Braking - is an active process in the nervous system, which is called the excitation and manifests itself as suppression of other excitement. Inhibition plays an important role in the coordination of movements, regulation of autonomic functions, in processes of higher nervous activity. Inhibitory processes: 1 - limit the irradiation of excitation, and concentrated it in certain parts of the National Assembly; 2 - cut out unnecessary work at the moment bodies, coordinates their work; 3 - protect the nerve centers of the surge in work. At the place of inhibition is: 1 - presynaptic; 2 - postsynaptically. The shape of inhibition may be: 1 - primary; 2 - secondary. For the occurrence of primary inhibition in the National Assembly, there are special brake structure (inhibitory neurons and inhibitory synapses). In this case, inhibition arises primarily, ie, without prior stimulation. Presynaptic inhibition occurs before a synapse in axonal contacts. The basis of this inhibition is the development of prolonged depolarization of axon terminal and the blocking of conduction of excitation to the next neuron. Postsynaptic inhibition associated with hyperpolarization of the postsynaptic membrane under the influence of inhibitory neurotransmitters such as gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA). Inhibitory neurotransmitters are allocated specific inhibitory neurons - cells Renshaw (in the spinal cord) and basket cells (in the diencephalon). Renshaw cells provide the development of inhibition in the motoneurons of muscles - antagonists. They also provide a reverse (antidromic) inhibition, protecting motor neurons from overstimulation. Basket cells regulate the flow of excitation pulses going to the centers of the diencephalon and cerebral cortex. They cause synchronous inhibition of an entire group of neurons diencephalic centers, thus adjusting the rhythm of cortical activity. For the occurrence of secondary performance does not require special brake structures. It arises as a result of changes in functional activity of conventional excitable neurons. Secondary braking otherwise known pessimal. High frequency pulses of postsynaptic membrane is strongly depolarized and becomes unable to respond to impulses traveling to the cage. In vivo activities of all agencies is consistent. Harmonization of certain reflexes to perform acts of complete physiological called coordination. Due to the coordinated work of the nerve centers are managed motor acts (running, walking, complex purposeful movements of practice), as well as changing the operating mode of the respiratory, digestive, circulatory, ie autonomic functions. These processes is achieved by adaptation of an organism to changes in living conditions. Illustrative material: L-OM1-7 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnakova SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 9. two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. 10. Iseman, RI, AD Gerasev, MV Iashvili. Physiology of excitable tissues. Novosibirsk, Vol. NGPU, 1999., 125. 11. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 12. Nozdrachev AD, Bazhenov, Yu.I. etc. Beginning physiology. A textbook for art. Universities. 2001. 13. Pokrovsky and others Human physiology. Textbook. In 2 vols. 1997. 14. Practical classes on "Human and animal physiology." (Iseman, RI, Dyukarev IA, etc.) Novosibirsk. Siberian University Press. 2002. 98. 15. Pribram K. Languages of the brain. Moscow, Progress, 1975., 464s. 16. Students' individual work on "Human and Animal Physiology" by computer. (Iseman, RI, Chang-Yushkov NK) Guidelines. Novosibirsk, 1988. 17. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene in tables and diagrams. Manual. 1991. Test questions (feedback): 1. The role of the central nervous system in the integrative adaptive activity of the organism. Excitation and inhibition in the CNS. 2. Neuron as a structural and functional unit of the CNS. JS MEDICAL UNIVERSITY ASTANA Department of Physiology LECTURE № 8. Lecture theme: Peculiarities of propagation of excitation in the CNS. Objective: To teach to explain the mechanism of excitation in the CNS, to generate knowledge about the basic principles of coordination of the central nervous system and instill skills sketches and analyze the basic properties of the nerve centers. Abstracts of lectures: Coordination based on a number of general regularities (principles): 1. The principle of convergence (set Sherrington) - to a single neuron receives impulses from various parts of the nervous system. For example, in the same neuron may converge impulses from the auditory, visual, cutaneous receptors. 2. The principle of irradiation. Excitation or inhibition, has arisen in one nerve center can spread to the neighboring centers. 3. The principle of reciprocity (conjugacy consistent antagonism) has been studied by Sechenov, Vvedensky, Sherrington. When excited by some of the nerve centers of other centers of activity can be inhibited. In spinal animals stimulation of one limb at the same time causes it to bend, but on the other side simultaneously observed extensor reflex. Reciprocal innervation provides a coherent group of muscles during walking, running. If necessary vzaimosochetannye movements can vary under the control of the brain. For example, when jumping there is a reduction of similar muscle groups of both limbs. 4. The common final path associated with the singularity structure of the CNS. The fact that the afferent neurons is several times larger than the efferent, so many are flocking to the afferent impulses common to efferent pathways. Neurons form a system of reacting like a funnel (funnel Sherrington), so many different stimuli can cause the same motor response. Sherrington proposed to distinguish between: a) allied reflexes (which reinforce each other, meeting on a common end-ways); b) antagonistic reflexes (which inhibit each other). Dominance of the finite paths of a reflex reaction is due to its importance for the organism at the moment. In this selection of the important role played by dominant, providing the main course of the reaction. 5. Prinitsp dominant (set Ukhtomskiy). Dominant (Latin dominans - gospodstvvuyuschy) - is the dominant focus of excitation in the CNS, determining the nature of the response of an organism to stimulation. For the dominant characteristic of sustained overexcitation of the nerve centers, the ability of outsiders to the summation of stimuli, and inertia (after preservation of irritation). Dominant center attracts impulses from other nerve centers, and through them stronger. As the dominant factor in the behavior associated with the higher nervous activity in human psychology. Dominant is a physiological basis for the act of attention. Formation and inhibition of conditioned reflexes as related to the dominant focus of excitation. In the nervous system of modern ideas, there are specific and nonspecific structures. The specific structure of the central nervous system lie in its outer and posterior divisions, and the nonspecific structures - in the middle sections. They differ in structure and function. Specific structures include all of the nerve centers and pathways conducting afferent nerve impulses from the receptors of the body (the ascending path) and efferent impulses to the working bodies (downward path). Bottom-hold signal path of muscular-articular, tactile, auditory, visual, pain and temperature sensitivity to nerve centers. Downward path conducting impulses that provide reflex reactions of muscles and glands (executive bodies). Activity of specific CNS structures connected with the analysis of stimuli and the specific nature of the responses of the body. In this work involved and non-specific structures that alter the perception of specific stimuli and efferent activity of organs and systems. Non-specific structures are not connected with the analysis of any particular sensitivity or compliance with specific reflex acts, but play an important role in the integration of body functions. According to the location of neurons and the abundance of their ties nonspecific structure called the reticular formation (RF). She has activating or inhibitory effect on the work of other nerve centers. This effect on the overlying centers called upward and to the lower centers - downward. Illustrative material: L-OM1-8 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnakova SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 1. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 2. Iseman, RI, AD Gerasev, MV Iashvili. Physiology of excitable tissues. Novosibirsk, Vol. NGPU, 1999., 125. 3. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. 4. Pribram K. Languages of the brain. Moscow, Progress, 1975., 464s. 5. Students' individual work on "Human and Animal Physiology" by computer. (Iseman, RI, Chang-Yushkov NK) Guidelines. Novosibirsk, 1988. 6. VI Skok and MF Shuba. Neuromuscular physiology. Kiev, ed. "Highest School. 1986., 223s. 7. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 8. Human Physiology. Ed. M. Pokrovsky, GF Korotko, in two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. Test questions (feedback): 1. Name the basic principles of coordination in the CNS 2. What is the meaning of the phenomenon of dominance? 3. What is the difference between the divergences of convergence? 4. What is the mechanism of synaptic potentiating? 5. What is the tone of the nerve centers? JS MEDICAL UNIVERSITY ASTANA Department of Physiology LECTURE № 9. Theme Lecture: Physiology of the autonomic nervous system Purpose: To study the main differences between somatic and autonomic nervous system, understand the basic mechanisms of action of mediators of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Abstracts of lectures: "Escape from the swarm like wasps action of sympathetic nervous system, and a deep sound sleep similar to the parasympathetic influences on the body "Yegorov. Nervous system of animals and humans are divided into two morphological and functional divisions: 1 - Somatic (the animal) nervous system (systema nervosum somaticum), which innervates skeletal muscles and sense organs, providing the perception of stimuli and motor responses of the reaction. 2 - Vegetative (autonomic) nervous system (systema nervosum autonomicum), which innervates the internal organs and glands, including endocrine, ensuring the regulation of metabolism in the organs, skeletal muscle, the receptors in the central nervous system. VNS is the central part and peripheral part. Central parts of the VNS are nuclei lying in the middle (III), medulla (VII, IX, X) and spinal cord. Peripheral parts of the VNS are ganglia, nerves and their branches. Both morphology of VNS are regulated by autonomic centers located in the hypothalamus and limbic system structures. Supreme control over the hypothalamic centers carries the cerebral cortex, especially the frontal and temporal divisions. ANS activity occurs outside of consciousness, but affects the general well-being and emotional sphere, defining the level of functional activity of the somatic nervous system and its client agencies. ANS regulate metabolism, growth and reproduction (trophic function), coordinates the work of the organs and systems (adaptive function). Adaptation-trophic effect of VNS is extended to all departments of the National Assembly, including the cerebral cortex. This feedback makes the nervous system in the closed-loop control system, and the whole organism is a self-regulating system of the cell to the organism level. The autonomic nervous system, in contrast to somatic NA, has several features: 1 - it is controlled, not controlled by the cerebral cortex; 2 - it has no proper sensory fibers, which are common to the SNA and SNC; 3 - motor autonomic fiber switch in autonomic ganglia and are composed of preganglionic and postganglionic sites. Depending on the location of all the ganglia are divided into: 1 - paravertebral (lying along the spine) 2 - prevertebralnye (lying at a distance from the spine in the wreath) 3 - extramural (lying near the innervated organ) 4 - intramural (behind the wall of the innervated organ). Preganglionic fibers are white (coated with myelin), and the postganglionic fibers of gray (amyelinate). Number of preganglionic fibers is much smaller than postganglionic. In the ganglia of the nerve impulse propagation occurs, and this way the contact of neurons called the cartoon (impulses are transmitted to the organs more diffuse than in the somatic NS). Physiological characteristics of VNS due to the structure of the fibers. Amyelinate fibers are thin and conduct impulses at a much slower rate (1-3 m / s) than myelin (120-130 m / s). Autonomic fibers less vobudimy and have a longer refractory period than physical, so for the excitation of autonomic nerves need to be more severe irritation. VNS on their cores and nodes, as well as the character effect on the bodies divided into: 1 - sympathetic division (pars sympathica) 2 - the parasympathetic division (pars parasympathica). The effect of these two departments to work bodies is usually the opposite. One department strengthens, while the other - inhibits the work of "escape from the swarm like wasps action of sympathetic nervous system, and a deep sound sleep is similar to parasympathetic influences on the body." Part of the bodies has only sympathetic innervation (sweat glands, smooth muscles of the skin, adrenal glands). Sympathetic division dominates the daytime, while awake, and parasympathetic - in the night. Thus, ANS is one of the regulators of biological rhythms in the body. In organs with a dual autonomic innervation observed the interaction of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves in the form of concerted antagonism: sympathetic parasympathetic division 1 - expands the pupil pupillae 2 - narrows the blood vessels dilates blood vessels 3 - speeds up and strengthens the heart slowed and weakened heart work 4 - inhibits intestinal motility increases peristalsis 5 - inhibits the secretion of the gland stimulates the secretion of glands 6 - expands the bronchial tubes narrow the bronchi 7 - speeds up and intensifies breathing slowed and weakened breathing 8 - reduces the sphincter relaxes and the bladder wall relaxes the sphincter and reduces the bladder wall The main parasympathetic nerve - vagus (X). ANS has sympathetic centers in the nuclei of the lateral horns C8 - L3 spinal cord segments. From nuclei in the anterior roots of the spinal cord are preganglionic fibers, which are switched in sympathetic ganglia. Ganglia are two chains in front and laterally along the spinal column and form the sympathetic trunks (truncus syumpatiicus). They stretch from the base of the skull to the top of the coccyx, which merge into the lower coccygeal site. Trunks are divided into cervical, thoracic, sacral and coccyx part. In the cervical part of the 3 nodes (upper, middle, bottom). They give postganglionic fibers to the organs of the head, neck and heart. In the thoracic part of 10-12 knots. They give branches to the heart, lungs and organs of the mediastinum. Of 11.5 knots depart splanchnic branches, forming the solar (celiac) plexus (plexus coeliacus). In the loin of 5.3 knots. From these branches go to the plexuses of the abdomen and pelvis. In Part 4 of the sacral site who give branches to the pelvic plexus. ANS parasympathetic has centers in the nuclei of brain stem nuclei and the sacral spinal cord segments. The peripheral part consists of nodes and fibers III (oculomotor), VII (facial), IX (glossopharyngeal) and X (vagus) cranial nerves, which arise from the brain stem, and pelvic nerve. Nucleus VII and IX of pairs of cranial nerves are part of the salivary center. Nucleus X couples are part of the center of respiration, heart and other vital centers of the medulla oblongata. In the sacral segments are centers of urination, defecation and sexual functions. In the ontogeny of the vegetative structure formed from neuroblasts situated between krylnoy (dorsal) and the main (ventral) plates of the neural tube. Axons of nerve cells go in the anterior roots, forming a preganglionic fiber of the SPA. From the ganglion to the front rollers backs of migrating neuroblasts. They are on the sides of the spine form the ganglia of sympathetic trunks. For sites sprout white connective branches, but the nodes are gray communicating branches. Of the nodes along the nerve fibers move toward the bodies of neuroblasts, which form prevertebralnye, extramural and intramural ganglia. Illustrative material: A slide-OM1-9 REFERENCES: Main:1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnakova SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 1. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 2. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 3. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. 4. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene in tables and diagrams. Manual. 1991. 5. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 6. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 7. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 8. 3. Iseman, RI, AD Gerasev, MV Iashvili. Physiology of excitable tissues. Novosibirsk, Vol. NGPU, 1999., 125. 9. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. 10. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene in tables and diagrams. Manual. 1991. 11. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 12. Human Physiology. Ed. M. Pokrovsky, GF Korotko, in two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. Test questions (feedback): 1. Physiology of the autonomic nervous system. 2. Functional features of somatic and autonomic nervous system. 3. Sympathetic, parasympathetic and metasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system. 4. Higher autonomic centers. 5. Participation of the autonomic nervous system in the integration of functions in the formation of integral behavioral acts. 6. Vegetative components of behavior. 7. Synergism and antagonism of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems JS MEDICAL UNIVERSITY ASTANA Department of Physiology Lecture № 10. Lecture theme: Hormonal regulation of physiological functions. Purpose: To clarify the basic mechanisms of hormone action. Provide knowledge about the main effects of hormone changes that occur in the body when excess and deficiency. Abstracts of lectures: Introduction. Basic general concepts of the endocrine system. Historically, the importance of the endocrine glands is determined by experiments Adolf Berthold (1849), Broun_sekara (1889), LV Soboleva (1901), Starling and Bayliss (1902), F. Banting and Charles Best (1921), J. Muller (1930). Endocrine glands affect physiological processes by hormones (the term proposed by Starling). Variants of hormones on the mechanism of their action: 1. Hormonal (endocrine properly) - transportation through blood to the target cell, distant. 2. Paracrine - hormone secretion into the extracellular space and impact on the surrounding target cells. 3. Izokrinnye - impact on direct contact target cell. 4. Nerokrinnye - act like a mediator. 5. Autocrine - action secreting cell itself to itself. Chemically, hormones are divided into protein, steroid and amino acid derivatives. The characteristic properties of many hormones - their high biological Activity and types of non-specific. Hormones are not autonomous regulators, and are closely related to nero-humoral regulation of functions of the system. Hormones may have on the body of: - Metabolic effects. - Morphogenetic effect. - Kinetic, a trigger effect. - Correction, normalizing effect. - Permissive, allowing appear to other regulators. Realize the effects on the target cell hormones can: - Through the chemoreceptors, located outside the membrane. Effect provided through an intermediary, which can be c-AMP, c-GMP, Ca and other mediators activated protein kinases than active synthesis of certain protein enzymes. - Through chemoreceptors located intracellularly. In the cytoplasm formed hormone-receptor complex, which penetrates into the nucleus and interacts with chromatin, which directly affects the synthesis of proteins, enzymes. Methods of studying the functions of the endocrine glands. 1. Removal of the glands in experimental animals and observation related physiological changes. 2. Selective inhibition of secretory cells. 3. Introduction extracts obtained from glands. 4. Transplantation of iron removal. 5. Parabiosis of two organisms, one of whom removed gland. 6. Radioisotope method for studying the hormonal status. 7. Comparison of biological activity flowing and flowing study of blood cancer. 8. Investigation of hormonal precursors and metabolites. 9. Biochemical methods of determining the hormone in biological medium dah. These methods are often very complex, so the content can be measured not only in quantitative terms but also in terms of biological activity. 10. Studies of patients with lesions of the glands. 11. Histochemical analysis of the accumulation of hormones. 12. The method of genetic engineering. Hypothalamic-pituitary system. The hypothalamus is higher vegetative centers, provides regulation of all internal organs through the autonomic nervous system, endocrine effects or neurological effects, and teaming with him in the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Is the site of synthesis of hormones posterior pituitary (vasopressin, oxytocin). Is the center of the synthesis of endorphins and enkephalins. Closely related to the pituitary gland, which modulates the function of hormone by liberinov or statins. Known liberinov 6 and 3 statin: - CRH - Somatostatin - Tiroliberin - Prolaktostatin - GnRH - Melanostatin - Prolaktoliberin - Somatoliberin - Melanoliberin In the hypothalamus are 4 neuroendocrine systems: - Hypothalamic-ekstragipotalamnaya (endorphins, neuropeptides, neuro Tenzin. substance P, etc.). - Hypothalamic-adenogipofizarnuyu (neurosecretory cells aksova basal contacts of gating vessels adenohypophysis - liberiny and statins). - Hypothalamic-metagipofizarnuyu (neurosecretory cells producing melanoliberin and melanostatin). - Hypothalamic-postgipofizarnuyu (neurosecretory cells of the anterior hypothalamus nuclei: supraoptic and paraventricular oxytocin and vasopressin). Illustrative material: A slide-OM1-10 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnakova SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 1. Basic physiology of metabolism and endocrine system. Ouch. allowance. 1994. 2. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene in tables and diagrams. Manual. 1991. 3. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 4. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 5. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 6. Human Physiology. Ed. M. Pokrovsky, GF Korotko, in two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. Test questions (feedback): 1. What is the role of humoral factors in the regulation of homeostasis. 2. List the body fluids as channels of information transmission. 3. Name the factors of neurohumoral regulation 4. As classified by the chemical nature of hormones? 5. What is a "target organ", "target cells"? JS MEDICAL UNIVERSITY ASTANA Department of Physiology Lecture № 11. Lecture theme: The metabolism and energy. Energy metabolism Objective: To make the concept of basal metabolic rate, metabolism and energy, learn to use practical methods of direct and indirect calorimetry, to impart skills in determining basal metabolism. Abstracts of lectures: Introduction. Anabolism and catabolism In living organisms, every process is accompanied by the transfer of energy. Energy is defined as the ability to do work. Special branch of physics that studies the properties and transformation of energy in various systems, is called thermodynamics. Under the thermodynamic system is understood a set of objects, conventionally isolated from the surrounding space. Metabolism and energy - A combination of physical, chemical and physiological processes of transformation of matter and energy in living organisms, as well as metabolism and energy between an organism and the environment. Metabolism in living organisms is to receive from the environment of various substances, in making and using them in the life and the allocation resulting decay products in the environment. All occurring in the body convert energy and matter share a common name metabolism (metabolism). At the cellular level, these transformations are carried out through complex series of reactions called metabolic pathways, and may include thousands of different reactions. These reactions are not random, but in strict sequence and are regulated by multiple genetic and chemical mechanisms. Metabolism can be divided into two related but differently directed processes: anabolism (assimilation) and catabolism (dissimilation). Anabolism - A set of processes of the biosynthesis of organic matter (cell components and other structures of the organs and tissues). It provides growth, development, upgrading of biological structures, as well as the accumulation of energy (synthesis macroergs). Anabolism is the chemical modification and restructuring of dietary molecules in other more complex biological molecules. For example, the incorporation of amino acids in cell proteins synthesized in accordance with the instructions contained in the genetic material of the cell. Catabolism - A set of processes of splitting of complex molecules to simpler substances by using some of them as substrates for biosynthesis and splitting the other side of the end-products of metabolism with the formation of energy. By the end products of metabolism are water (in humans approximately 350 ml per day), carbon dioxide (about 230 ml / min), carbon monoxide (0,007 ml / min), urea (about 30 g / day), and other substances containing nitrogen (approximately b, g / day). Processes of anabolism and catabolism are located in the body in a state of dynamic equilibrium. The predominance of anabolic processes over catabolic leads to growth, accumulation of tissue mass, and the predominance of catabolic processes leading to partial destruction of tissue structures. State of equilibrium or nonequilibrium ratio of anabolism and catabolism depends on the age (in childhood, anabolism predominates in adults is usually observed balance in old age prevails catabolism), health status, carried the body of physical or psychological and emotional burden. Transformation and use of energy In the process of metabolism is constantly going on transformation of energy: the energy of complex organic compounds, arrived with food, is transformed into heat, mechanical and electrical. People and animals get energy from the environment in the form of potential energy contained in chemical bonds of molecules of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. All vital processes provide energy through anaerobic and aerobic metabolism. Generating energy without oxygen, such as glycolysis (the splitting of glucose to lactic acid) is called anaerobic metabolism. During the anaerobic splitting of glucose (glycolysis) or its backing substrate glycogen (glycogenolysis) conversion of 1 mol glucose to 2 mol of lactate leads to the formation of 2 moles of ATP. The energy equivalent of food The amount of energy released during the oxidation of a compound does not depend on the number of intermediate stages of its decay, ie on whether it is burned or oxidized in the catabolic processes. Energy stored in food is determined in colorimetric bomb - a closed chamber, submerged in a water bath. Accurately weighed sample is placed in this chamber filled with pure O2 and set on fire. Number of emitted energy is determined by the change in water temperature, ambient chamber. In the oxidation of carbohydrates allocated 17.17 kJ / g (4,1 kcal / g), the oxidation of 1 gram of fat yields 38.96 kJ (9.3 kcal). Storage of energy in the form of fat is the most economical way to long-term storage of energy in the body. Proteins are oxidized in the body is not complete. Determining the level of metabolism Nearly half of all energy produced by the catabolism lost as heat during the formation of ATP. Muscle contraction - a process even less effective. About 80% of the energy used in muscle contraction is lost as heat and only 20% is converted into mechanical work (muscle contraction). Direct calorimetry is a direct measurement of heat generated by the body. To this end, an animal or person placed in a special hermetically sealed chamber, the tubes passing through it, the water flows. To calculate heat production data are used to the heat capacity of liquid, its volume flowing through the chamber per unit time, and the temperature difference between entering into the camera and the resulting liquid. Indirect calorimetry is based on the fact that the source of energy in the body are the oxidative processes, under which consumes oxygen and produces carbon dioxide. Therefore, energy metabolism can be assessed by examining the exchange of gases. The most common method of Douglas-Haldane, which for 10-15 minutes collect exhaled air is examined person in an airtight bag of fabrics (Douglas bag). Then determine the amount of exhaled air and the percentage of it O2 and CO2. On the relation between the amount of carbon dioxide emissions and the amount consumed over a given period of oxygen - the respiratory coefficient (DC) - you can determine what substances are oxidized in the body. DCs in the oxidation of proteins is 0.8, the oxidation of fats - 0,7, and carbohydrates - 1,0. Each value corresponds to a certain choleric DK equivalent of oxygen, ie the amount of heat that is released during the oxidation of a substance per liter of oxygen absorbed at the same time. Basal metabolism The intensity of energy metabolism varies greatly and depends on many factors. Therefore, for comparison of energy costs in different individuals was introduced conditional standard value - basal metabolic rate. Basal metabolic rate [00] - is the minimum for the waking body energy expenditure, defined in a strictly controlled standard conditions: 1. at a comfortable temperture (18-20 degrees); 2. in the supine position (but the examinee should not sleep); 3. in a state of emotional calm, as stress increases metabolism; 4. fasting, ie, 12 - 16 h after the last meal. Basal metabolic rate independent of sex, age, height and body weight. The value of basal metabolic rate on average is 1 kcal per 1 h per 1 kg of body weight. In men, daily basal metabolic rate is approximately equal to 1700 kcal in women basal metabolic rate of 1 kg of body weight by about 10% less than men, have children, it more than adults, and with increasing age is gradually diminishing. Daily consumption of energy Daily power consumption in a healthy person is much larger than the main exchange and consists of the following components: basal metabolism, working allowances, ie, energy costs associated with the implementation of a work;-specific dynamic action of food. For people who do light work while sitting, you need 2400 - 2600 kcal per day, with a large muscular load, required 3400 - 3600 kcal, performing heavy muscular work - 4000-5000 kcal and above. In trained athletes during short bouts of intense exercise, the working of exchange can be 20 times greater than the basal metabolic rate. Oxygen consumption during exercise does not reflect the total energy consumption, as a part of it is spent on glycolysis (anaerobic) and does not require the cost of oxygen. Metabolism Metabolism begins with the nutrient in the gastrointestinal tract and air into the lungs. The conversion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and water are in close interaction with each other. In the metabolism of each of them has its own peculiarities, and their physiological significance is different, so the exchange of each of these substances are usually considered separately. Exchange proteins Proteins are used in the body primarily as a plastic material. The need for protein is determined by its minimal amount, which will balance the loss of his body. Proteins are in a state of continuous exchange and update. In the body of a healthy adult of the dissolved protein per day equal to the number of newly synthesized. Ten of the 20 amino acids (valine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan, threonine, phenylalanine, arginine and histidine) in the event of inadequate intake of food can not be synthesized in the body and are called essential. Other ten amino acids (nonessential) can be synthesized in the body. Of amino acids derived from the digestive process, are synthesized for this specific form of the organism and for each body proteins. Part of the amino acids used as energy material, ie exposed cleavage. First they deaminated - lose the NH2 group formed as a result of ammonia and keto acids. If the amount of nitrogen supplied in the diet, equal to the amount of nitrogen output from the body, the body is in nitrogen balance. If the body receives more nitrogen than is allocated, then this indicates a positive nitrogen balance (nitrogen retention). It arises when the mass of muscle tissue (intense exercise), during the body's growth, pregnancy, during convalescence after a serious illness. A condition in which the amount of output from the body of nitrogen exceeds its introduction into an organism, called a negative nitrogen balance. It occurs when power is deficient in protein, when the body does not receive any of the essential amino acids in the protein or total starvation. Consumption must be at least 0.75 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day, for an adult healthy man weighing 70 kg is not less than 52.5 g of high-grade protein. Lipid metabolism Lipids are esters of glycerol and higher fatty acids. Fatty acids are saturated and unsaturated (containing one or more double bonds). Lipids play in the body's energy and the plastic part. By the oxidation of fat provides around 50% of energy needs of the adult organism. Fats serve as a reserve supply of the organism, their reserves in humans are on average 10 - 20% of body weight. About half of them are located in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, a significant amount deposited into the peritoneum, perinephric tissue between muscles. Both simple and complex lipid molecules can be synthesized in the body, with the exception of the unsaturated linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic fatty acids, which must come from food. These essential acids are part of the phospholipid molecules. Butter and lard are assimilated by 93 - 98%, beef - on 80 - 94%, oil - by 86 - 90%, margarine - at 94-98%. Carbohydrate metabolism Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy, and also operates in the plastic body functions during the oxidation of glucose, intermediate products - pentoses, which are part of nucleotides and nucleic acids. Glucose is essential for the synthesis of certain amino acid synthesis and oxidation of lipids, polysaccharides. The human body gets carbohydrates mainly in the form of plant starch polysaccharide and a small amount in the form of an animal polysaccharide glycogen. In the gastrointestinal tract by splitting them up to the level of monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, lactose, galactose). Monosaccharides, the main of which is glucose, are absorbed into the bloodstream and through the portal vein enter the liver. Here, fructose and galactose are converted to glucose. Exchange of water and minerals Water content in the adult's body is on average 73.2 ұ3% of body weight. Water balance in the body is supported by equal amounts of water loss and its revenues in the body. Daily demand for water ranges from 21 to 43 ml / kg (average 2400 ml), and is met by revenue water by drinking (~ 1200 ml), with food (~ 900 ml) and water formed in the body during metabolic processes ( endogenous water (300 ml). The same amount of water appears in the urine (~ 1400 ml), faeces (100 ml) by evaporation from the skin and respiratory tract (~ 900 ml). Illustrative material: L-OM1-11 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnakova SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 1. Physiology of digestion (a guide to the physiology). Leningrad. Science, 1974., 762s 2. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 3. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 4. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 5. 4. Iseman, RI, AD Gerasev, MV Iashvili. Physiology of excitable tissues. Novosibirsk, Vol. NGPU, 1999., 125. 6. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. 7. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene in tables and diagrams. Manual. 1991. 8. Basic physiology of metabolism and endocrine system. Ouch. allowance. 1994. 9. Teppermen J., H. Teppermen. Physiology of metabolism and endocrine system. Moscow, Mir, 1989., 648s. 10. Physiology of water-salt metabolism and kidney (the foundations of modern physiology). St. Petersburg, 1993., 576s. 11. Human Physiology. Ed. M. Pokrovsky, GF Korotko, in two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. Test questions (feedback): 1. What are the methods for determining the metabolism and energy expenditure. 2. What is the main exchange. 3. The daily need for protein, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts and vitamins. 4. What is the meaning of the law "isodynam nutrients and its shortcomings. JS MEDICAL UNIVERSITY ASTANA Department of Physiology Lecture № 12. Lecture theme: Thermoregulation. Purpose: To study the mechanisms of physical and chemical thermoregulation, learn the concept of the isothermal, fever and hyperthermia, be able to make the temperature of the body schema. Abstracts of lectures: Chemical thermoregulation. Chemical thermoregulation provides a level of heat production required for the normal exercise of enzymatic processes in tissues. Development of heat in the body is due to be done in the continuous exothermic reactions that occur in all organs and tissues, but with varying intensity. The most intense heat generation occurs in the muscles. Even if a man lies motionless, but with a strained muscle, the heat generation increased by 10%. Slight physical activity leads to increased heat generation by 50-80%, and severe muscular work - by 400-500%. In the cold heat buildup in the muscles increases dramatically. This is because the cooling of the body surface causes reflex reduction in chaotic muscle - muscle tremors. In the processes of heat generation, but the muscles play a significant role liver and kidneys. When cooling the body heat production in the liver increases. Physical thermoregulation. Physical thermoregulation by changing the heat transfer body. Heat transfer is carried out in the following ways: • radiation (radiation); • conducting (conduction); • convection; • evaporation. Heat radiation (radiation) provides a heat transfer body its environment by means of infrared radiation from the surface of the body. Radiation by the body gives most of the heat. At rest and in thermal comfort due to radiation released more than 60% of the heat generated in the body. Heat passing occurs through contact with objects, the temperature is below body temperature. By heat passing body loses about 3% of the heat. Convection provides heat transfer adjacent to the body of air or liquid. In the process of convection, heat is carried away from the surface of coca flow of air or liquid. By convection is given by the body for about 15% of the heat. Giving the body heat is also carried by water evaporation from the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract during breathing. Evaporation of water from the body occurs when sweat. Even under conditions of thermal comfort in the absence of visible perspiration evaporates through the skin up to 0.5 liters of water per day. The evaporation of 1 liter of sweat a person can lower the body temperature of 10 ° C. By evaporation from the body is removed about 20% of the heat. At an ambient temperature equal to or above human body temperature, when other means of heat transfer dramatically reduced, evaporation becomes the main way heat transfer. Impact of heat by evaporation decreases with increasing humidity by stops completely at 100% relative humidity. Regulation of the constancy of body temperature. Body temperature is a constant of the body that determines the constancy of the speed of biochemical reactions, one of the most important conditions of life of the organism. Maintaining constant body temperature is carried out according to the principle of self-regulation through the formation of a functional system of thermoregulation. System-forming factor (constant) of the functional system is the temperature of blood in the right atrium (37 C). Reflex changes in thermoregulatory processes occur dpu stimulation of heat and cold receptors located in the skin, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, internal organs, blood vessels, in various regions of CNS (hypothalamus, reticular formation, medulla and spinal cord, motor cortex, etc.). An exceptionally large amount of central thermoreceptors, which respond to changes in temperature of blood in the hypothalamus. Located in the hypothalamus of the nuclei that make up the center of thermoregulation, which consists, in turn, from the center of heat generation and heat-transfer center. Center of heat generation is located in the caudal portion of the hypothalamus. With the destruction of this brain region in the animal violated the mechanisms of heat generation and an animal becomes unable to maintain body temperature at lower ambient temperature, and developed hypothermia. Center heat transfer is in the anterior hypothalamus (between the anterior commissure and optic chiasm). With the destruction of this area as the animal loses its ability to maintain an isothermal, with the ability to tolerate low temperatures had preserved. In addition to the hypothalamus in thermoregulation processes also affect other structures of the CNS: the centers of the spinal cord, striatum, reticular formation of the brain cortex of the brain. Of these structures are the hypothalamus, reticular formation and spinal cord oscillatory centers have played a leading role in reflex regulation of body temperature. For example, while reducing ambient excitation of cold receptors comes from the afferent nerves in the heat production centers of the hypothalamus and spinal cord oscillatory centers. Hence it is stimulation of motor nerves to muscles, increasing their tone, and then causes muscle tremor, which leads to a significant increase in heat generation. By autonomic nerves excitement comes to the vessels (especially the skin) and causes a decrease in their clearance. As a result, the surface layers of skin get less warm blood, and therefore give less heat. In thermoregulation participate and humoral factors, especially the thyroid hormones (thyroxine, etc.) and the adrenal glands (adrenaline, etc.). By reducing the ambient temperature of thyroxine and adrenaline in the blood increases. These hormones, together with the sympathetic nervous influences enhance oxidative processes, thereby increasing the amount of heat generated in the body. Adrenaline also narrows the peripheral vessels, which leads to a further reduction of heat transfer. Thus, while reducing ambient included neuro-humoral mechanisms that lead to a significant increase of heat generation and reduce heat loss, resulting in body temperature in these conditions remain constant. With increasing ambient temperature, the above processes have the opposite character. If a person is a long time to be under significantly high or low temperature environment, the regulatory mechanisms by which under normal conditions is supported by the isotherms may be insufficient. If you do not use behavioral methods of temperature regulation, aimed at cooling or warming the body, it can come overheating - hyperthermia - or hypothermia - hypothermia. Hypothermia and hyperthermia Hyperthermia - A condition in which body temperature rises above 37 ° C. It occurs during prolonged action of high ambient temperature, especially at high humidity. Sudden hyperthermia, in which the body temperature reaches 40-41 ° C is accompanied by severe general condition of the body and is called heat stroke. Hyperthermia can occur under the influence of some endogenous factors that heighten the processes of heat generation (thyroxine, fatty acids, etc.), as well as under the influence of microorganisms, since the hypothalamic thermoregulatory centers are highly sensitive to bacterial toxins. Hypothermia - A condition where the body temperature drops below 35 C. Hypothermia occurs most rapidly when immersed in cold water. In this case, first observed stimulation of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system and reflex action is limited to heat transfer and enhanced heat production, especially due to muscle tremors. But after a while the body temperature begins to fall all the same, this results in a state similar to anesthesia: loss of sensitivity, the weakening of reflex reactions, reducing the excitability of nerve centers, a sharp decrease in metabolic rate, slow breathing, slowing of the heart function, lowering blood pressure. Currently, artificial hypothermia with the cooling of the body to 24-28 C is used in surgery for heart surgery and central nervous system. Hypothermia reduces cerebral metabolism and, consequently, reduces the need for it to oxygen. Therefore, the brain in these conditions can endure longer bleeding (instead of 3-5 minutes at normal temperature for 15-20 min at 25-28 C), and this means that during hypothermia the body can easily move the temporary shutdown of cardiac activity and respiratory failure. To turn off the adaptive responses aimed at maintaining body temperature during artificial hypothermia used drugs turning down the transmission of impulses in the sympathetic system (ganglioplegicheskie drugs), and ceasing the transmission of excitation from nerve to skeletal muscle (muscle relaxants). Hypothermia is stopped by rapid warming the body. Illustrative material: L-OM1-12 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnakova SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 1. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene in tables and diagrams. Manual. 1991. 2. Basic physiology of metabolism and endocrine system. Ouch. allowance. 1994. 3. Teppermen J., H. Teppermen. Physiology of metabolism and endocrine system. Moscow, Mir, 1989., 648s. 4. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 5. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 6. 3. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. 7. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 8. Human Physiology. Ed. M. Pokrovsky, GF Korotko, in two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. Test questions (feedback): 1. What is the fundamental difference between hyperthermia from fever? 2. List the types of physical thermoregulation 3. What is the temperature of the human liver? 4. In hot weather, one of two people, skinny or full will consume more fluids? JS MEDICAL UNIVERSITY ASTANA Department of Physiology Lecture № 13. Lecture theme: General physiology of analyzers. Purpose: To give an idea of the general properties of the analyzers to clarify the meaning of Pavlov on the analyzers to instill the ability to explain the mechanisms of the major divisions of the analyzer, to generate research skills analyzer systems. Abstracts of lectures: "Any knowledge paves its way in us through the senses - they are our masters ". M. Montel "experience". "Nature has endowed me with all five feelings without the slightest damage, and almost soverenstve. M. Montel "experience". Introduction. Pavlov's doctrine about analyzer The human body constantly receives information from the external environment of the internal organs and body parts. Physiological apparatus, take this information is called sensory organs. There are five senses: 1 - Body of touch (skin) 2 - organ of taste (tongue) 3 - olfactory organ (nose) 4 - the organ of vision (eyes) 5 - organ of hearing and balance (ear) Old physiology in such a classification of pushed on a subjective criterion of sensations (and anatomical localization criterion receptor system). These peripheral units afferent systems represent only part of the complex physiological structures that perceive various stimuli, convert them into nerve impulses are conducted in accordance centers of the CNS, which provides analysis of information. IP Pavlov naturally combines the notion of mental activity are two mechanisms: 1 - a mechanism of conditioned reflexes, 2 - Mechanism analyzers (higher cortical structures of perception of information). On this basis, Pavlov suggested calling the senses analyzers. Analyzer (according to Pavlov) comprises three divisions: I - peripheral, II - conductor, III - Central. So, the senses are auxiliary devices of more complex structures of the body - the analyzers. According to modern scientific ideas analyzer is a private entity apparatus of perception, in which apart from analysis carried out complex processes of synthesis. Analysis of stimuli occurs at all levels of the analyzer. Initial analysis occurs in the receptors that respond to specific stimuli of the environment. More sophisticated analysis occurs in the spinal cord (spinal animal reaction to tactile, painful stimuli). The most sophisticated analysis is carried out in brain structures in the projection zones of the cortex, which also occur during synthesis. In this regard, modern physiology operates a new scientific concept - the sensory system (from the Latin sensus - feeling, sensation). Sensory system is capable of conducting impulses from receptors in the higher parts of the central nervous system in several ways. The main way sensory system consists of five parts: 1 - receptor (peripheral) 2 - sensitive neuron (in the ganglia) 3 - the second neuron (in the spinal cord) 4 - the third neuron (the thalamus) 5 - the fourth neuron (in a specific projection cortex). These five sections constitute a particular way of sensory systems. In addition, in the spinal cord and subcortex in parallel switching information to non-specific way of sensory systems, leading to other divisions of the CNS (cerebellum, reticular formation) and then in the cerebral cortex. Receptor specific sensitivity sends impulses to your area of the cortex in specific ways, and in other areas - for non-specific ways. As a result, in the cerebral cortex, a complicated mosaic of excited cortical areas (sensory, association, movement) and other parts of the brain, reflecting an analytic-synthetic activity. This activity allows us to more fully perceive the events of the outside world, to determine the attitude to it and respond conscious behavior. Sensory systems solve the central philosophical problem of the relationship of being correct reflection of the outside world in the mind of man. Knowledge of the world always begins with the feeling that allows us to identify specific properties and qualities of objects. Based on the experiences formed the perception of an object or phenomenon as a whole, in the unity of all its properties and qualities. On the basis of sensations and perceptions, and there is formed a view that extends the capabilities of human cognition. Representation makes it possible to reproduce the image of an object or phenomenon to influence in the past on human consciousness. Feelings, perceptions and ideas reflect only the outer side, and link the individual objects and phenomena. Knowledge of the nature of the phenomena of the processes carried out by abstract thought, which, through concepts, judgments and inferences can reveal the nature of the phenomena, their internal communication. The most difficult process of psychological knowledge of human personality is a different range of interests of science of psychology. Disclosure of psychological phenomena, acting in the form of inner feelings (sensations, thoughts, feelings) and are inaccessible to direct observation, is due to the sensory systems. Sensory systems can be classified into several groups. By the nature of the stimuli: 1 - mechanical (tactile, pain, proprioceptive, vestibular sensory systems, baroretseptivny Front visceral sensory system) 2 - chemical (gustatory, olfactory sensory system, hemoretseptivny Front visceral sensory system) 3 - light (visual sensory system) 4 - sound (auditory sensory system) 5 - temperature (temperature sensor system). On the environment from which perceived irritation: 1 - External (gustatory, tactile, olfactory, visual, auditory sensory systems), 2 - internal (chemical, barostezicheskaya sensory systems). Temperature, pain, vestibular, and proprioceptive sensory systems respond to external and internal stimuli. All analyzers do not operate in isolation but in close coordination with each other. Influence of environment on the organism treated by several sensory systems that are based on analiko-synthetic activity of the brain provide a holistic perception of the processes or phenomena that they are adequately reflected in human consciousness. Peripheral (receptor) department of the analyzer Receptor - a specialized structure, adapted for the perception of the appropriate (adequate) stimuli of the external world or internal state. Information processing begins with the receptor and is managed by overlying parts of the brain (increase or decrease the sensitivity of the receptor, "vytormazhivanie" unnecessary information, the gate mechanism of pain reception, the adaptation of receptors). The mechanism of excitation of receptors Formation energy of irritation in the process of excitation in the receptor due to the energy metabolism of receptors themselves under influence, but not at the expense attached to them outside of energy. External stimulus causes membrane depolarization, called the generator (receptor) potential, which does not obey the "all or nothing" depends on the strength of the stimulus, can add up, and not propagates along the nerve fiber. Duration generator capacity can be significant, at all times while the stimulus (the potentials of the carotid sinuses may last several hours). In the generation of receptor potential are important ions Na 2. The influence of the external stimulus may be twofold: - The direct effect of the stimulus on the membrane receptor. - Start a specific chemical reaction that changes the permeability of the membrane or the formation of a physiologically active substance or mediator. When the receptor potential reaches a critical value, it raises a number of afferent impulses in the nerve fiber associated with receptor. This pulse occurs near the receptor interception Ranvier. The frequency of afferent impulses in the nerve fibers directly proportional to the depolarization of the receptor, as well as the logarithm strength of the stimulus. Adaptation of the receptor Adaptation of the receptor - a device to force his stimulus seen in the reduction of sensitivity to the stimulus constant, "addiction" to him. In adapting declining value of the generator potential and impulse frequency (experiments Adrian). The ability to adapt is absent in vestibuloretseptorov and proprioceptors. In the adaptation is essential adaptation-trophic effect of sympathetic nervous system, the influence of the reticular formation, as well as quantity of functioning receptors (functional mobility of receptors for PG Snyakinu). Principles of information coding in the nervous system Presumably, the transmission of information through the nerve fiber is carried out in binary code: it is transmitted bursts, the amplitude of individual potentials are the same, but the frequency and number of impulses in the volley vary widely. Speed channel can be measured by the number of pulses passing through the fiber in the second. Some receptors (photoreceptors) may be responsible both for the appearance of the stimulus, and at its disappearance, as well as to have a constant "background" impulses that provides tone. Provodnikovy Front analyzer Conductor Division include: - Afferent neurons and their axons. Located in the ganglia (except the photoreceptors, where the afferent neuron is located directly on the retina). - Neurons, located in the spinal cord, medulla and midbrain. Axons go to the specific thalamic nuclei (specific route), the reticular formation and nonspecific thalamic nuclei (non-specific way). - Specific thalamic nucleus: there is but one neuron, which is involved in processing information (except olfactory analyzer). Axons go to the cortical division of the analyzer to the corresponding projection and associative areas. - Non-specific path to the reticular formation, hypothalamus, nonspecific nuclei of the thalamus. Central (cortical), Department of the analyzer In cortical department has appropriate projection (decoding and signal analysis) and associative areas (aktseptsiya signal with the process of memory and comparison with its target earlier images). Role of cortical analyzer in decoding, analyzing information and creating an integrative view of applying the stimulus. Illustrative material: L-OM1-13 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnakova SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 1. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 2. 2. Iseman, RI, AD Gerasev, MV Iashvili. Physiology of excitable tissues. Novosibirsk, Vol. NGPU, 1999., 125. 3. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. 4. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene in tables and diagrams. Manual. 1991. 5. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 6. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 7. Human Physiology. Ed. M. Pokrovsky, GF Korotko, in two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. Test questions (feedback): 1. What is the analyzer, according to the teachings of Pavlov 2. What are the basic units consist Analyzers 3. How is the detection of signals in the central parts of the analyzer 4. What is the function of the receptor Front analyzer? 5. How information is encoded in the analyzer? JS MEDICAL UNIVERSITY ASTANA Department of Physiology LECTURE № 14. Lecture theme: Private physiology of analyzers. Purpose: To give an idea about the basic properties of the analyzer systems: visual, auditory, vestibular, somatosensors, olfactory, gustatory, form study skills analyzer systems. Plan of lecture: visual sensory system and its auxiliary apparatus. "Scilicet, avolsis radicibus, ut nequit ullam dispicere, ipse oculus rem, seorsum corpore toto. - Torn from orbit and is outside the body of the eye is not able to behold no object " Titus Lucretius Carus. "Inter caecos luxus rex" (Latin) Among the blind the one-eyed - the King. "In the country of the blind one-eyed man is a King" (English) Visual sensory system provides the person holding the brain 90% of information about events happening in the external environment, so it could not be overemphasized. Receptor cells are located in the retina of the eyeball. Impulses from the photoreceptors to the optic nerve fibers reach the optic chiasm, where part of the fiber goes to the opposite side. Further, visual information is carried by the optic tract to the upper dvuholmiyu, lateral geniculate bodies and thalamus (subcortical visual centers), and then the optic radiation in the visual cortex area of the occipital lobes (17, 18 and 19 field Brodmann). Anatomically eyesight (organum visus) presented by: 1. eyeball 2. Aids eye Auxiliary apparatus includes: 1. muscles of the eyeball (7 striated muscle) 2. Protective device (eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelids, conjunctiva) 3. Lacrimal apparatus Eyeball together with the auxiliary device is located in the cavity of the eye socket. I. The wall of the eyeball consists of three layers: 1. cornea (optical eye opening) 2. sclera (tunica albuginea) II. Choroid is presented: 1. iris (pigmented, with a physical hole in the center - the pupil). Iris sphincter and dilator contains pupil (smooth muscle, regulating pupil size, depending on the lighting). 2. Ciliary body, which contains a smooth ciliary muscle, which changes the curvature of the lens and is attached to its equator with tsinnovoy ligament. Ciliary muscle tension increases the curvature of the lens and shortens its focal length, muscle relaxation reduces the curvature of the lens and extends the focal length. Ciliary muscle - an element of the apparatus of accommodation. Accommodation the ability to clearly see objects at different distances from the eye. 3. Actually choroid (contains blood vessels that feed the structure of the eye). III. Retin-A - photosensitive layer of the shell before the eyes of pigmented cells in several layers of neurons of different types. The main functional cells, here are two types of photoreceptors: 1. Sticks (receptors in black and white twilight vision) - 130 million 2. cones (color receptors daylight vision) - 7 million These cells convert the energy of light into nerve impulses. Nerve fiber layer (I). Layer of ganglion cells. Layer of bipolar cells. Layer of horizontal and amakrinnyh cells. Layer of rods and cones. Pigment layer. Behind them are horizontal and amakrinnye cells, and the next layer are bipolar neurons that connect the rods and cones with the next layer of ganglion cells. The axons of these cells, gathering in one place the retina (the optic disc, blind spot), out of the eyeball in the optic nerve fibers. Rods and cones in the retina are uneven. In the anterior part of - only sticks. In the central fovea yellow spot - only the cones, this place is the best vision. In the intermediate regions, there are rods and cones. In the place of exit of the optic nerve receptor cells do not. The existence of "blind spots" can be verified by experience Mariotte. In the sticks contain the pigment rhodopsin, and in the cones - nodopsin. Under the influence of light pigments are broken and this causes a chemical process in cells of the electric potential. To restore the rhodopsin requires its components - With a lack of vitamin A. Vitamin A in the body develops "Night blindness" (dayblindness). "The light can be very dangerous for us when he suddenly amid the darkness shine. Such light is unbearable eyes and vision to us without the use of blunts " William Shakespeare Sensitivity of the eye depends on the light. In the transition from darkness into light comes temporary blindness. By reducing the sensitivity of the photoreceptors, after a while the eye becomes accustomed to the light (light adaptation). In the transition from light to darkness and blindness occurs. After some time, increases the sensitivity of the photoreceptors and vision is restored (dark adaptation). Consideration of subjects with both eyes is called binocular vision. In this case, we see not two, but one subject. This is due to: 1. Reduction of the ocular axes (convergence) in consideration of nearby objects and cultivation of the axes (divergence) when considering distant objects. 2. Perception of the image object corresponding (identical) parts of retina of right and left eyes. Binocular vision allows us to determine the distance to the object and its bulk form, and also expands the angle of view to 180 degrees. If a little pressure on the side of one eye, then the person begins to "see double" in the eyes, because in this case, the image of an object falling on non-identical parts of the retina. This phenomenon is called disparatsiey view. Retina Retin-A - photosensitive layer of the shell before the eyes of pigmented cells, several layers of neurons of different types. The main functional cells, here are two types of photoreceptors: rods (receptors in black and white twilight vision) and cones (color receptors photopic vision). These cells convert the energy of light into nerve impulses. Rods and cones in the retina are uneven. In the anterior part of - only sticks. In the central fovea yellow spot - only the cones, this place is the best vision. In the intermediate regions, there are rods and cones. In the place of exit of the optic nerve receptor cells do not. In the sticks contain the pigment rhodopsin, and in the cones - iodopsin. Under the influence of light pigments break down, and this causes a chemical process in cells of the electric potential. To restore the rhodopsin requires its components - With a lack of vitamin A. Vitamin A in the body develops "Night blindness" (dayblindness). Impulses from the photoreceptors to the optic nerve fibers reach the optic chiasm, where part of the fiber goes to the opposite side. Further, visual information is carried by the optic tract to the upper dvuholmiyu, lateral geniculate bodies and thalamus (subcortical visual centers), and then the optic radiation in the visual cortex area of the occipital lobes (17, 18 and 19 field Brodmann). Electrical phenomena in the retina and optic nerve Electroretinogram: a record of electric potentials or directly from the retina or the intact eye. When illuminated the eye to detect changes and potential of the retina of the eyeball as a whole. We studied the Nobel Prize granite. Action potentials in the optic nerve: first recorded in 1927 by Adrian and Mathews. Manifested in the appearance and the frequency of impulse activity in covering his eyes. In recent years, shown that different shapes cause a kind of action potentials in the respective fibers. Adaptation In the transition from darkness into light comes temporary blindness. By reducing the sensitivity of the photoreceptors, after a while the eye becomes accustomed to the light (light adaptation). In the transition from light to darkness and blindness occurs. After some time, increases the sensitivity of the photoreceptors and vision is restored (dark adaptation). Binocular vision Consideration of subjects with both eyes is called binocular vision. In this case, we see not two, but one subject. This is due to: reduction of eye axis (convergence) when considering the close objects and cultivation of the axes (divergence) when considering distant objects, the perception of the image object corresponding (identical) parts of the retina of the right and left eyes. Color vision Man has a color vision and can distinguish a large number of colors. There are a number of theories of color vision. Hering's theory proposes the existence of cones in the three hypothetical pigments: white and black, red and green, yellow and blue. The decay of these pigments under the influence of light can feel the white, red and yellow. When restoring a sense of pigments is black, blue and green colors. Three-University-Helmholtz theory according to which there are three types of cones; perceiving red, green and blue-violet color. Summation of excitation of these cells in the cerebral cortex gives a sense of a color within the visible spectrum. Violation of color vision first described by physicist John Dalton, suffer from this pathology (1794). Color Blindness - hereditary abnormality, a recessive mutation, but is located in the sex X chromosome, due to what can occur in men who do not have the second X chromosome is much more common than in women, where it requires a manifestation of homozygosity for recessive mutant lines. Dichromatic: - Protanopia - red-blindness, - Deuteranopia - blindness to green - Acyanopsia - blindness in purple and blue. Monochromatic: achromatopsia. We investigate the color vision by using polychromatic tables or devices anomaloscope. Accommodation Adapting the eye to the clear vision of objects called raznoudalennyh accommodation of the eye. It is performed by changing the curvature of the lens. Changing the curvature of the lens by ciliary muscle is attached to the ciliary body and tsinnovoy bundle and capsule that contains the lens. Tsinnovy ligaments are always stretched, bent and the lens capsule is passed flattened. Ciliary muscles relax while reducing cravings tsinnovyh ligaments, reduce pressure on the lens, which is under its own elasticity increases the curvature. With age, the elasticity of the lens decreases (presbyopia, or presbyopia). The pupil and iris function The pupil is a hole in the iris, which is a kind of anatomical continuation choroid. Its function: regulation of light flux (provided by pupillary reflex). Pupillary reflex is carried m.sphincter iridis, innervated by parasympathetic division of the oculomotor nerve and narrowing the pupil, and m.dilatator iridis, innervated by the sympathetic division of the superior cervical ganglion and extending pupil. Adrenaline causes mydriasis, acetylcholine and eserine narrowing. Expands the pupil during asphyxia, when dying body. Pupillary observed when looking at a subject close the subject, under the effect of sympathomimetics. Unequal pupil size is called anisocoria and may observed for disorders (eg - a symptom of Horner). Refractive errors There are two main anomalies refraction in the eye - myopia and hyperopia. Typically, they are not associated with failure of refractive media, and the anomaly of the length of the eyeball. Astigmatism: unequal refractive power of the cornea in different domains. Corrected by cylindrical lenses. Somatosensoric system Pain (notsitseptivtive) sensory system is of particular importance for the survival of the organism. Pain - an inevitable and constant companion of man, warning of the dangers that protects the body. Pain is protective refleksornye reaction, accompanied by autonomic changes: dilated pupils, vasoconstriction, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, muscle tension in the region. A sudden, painful and persistent pain depresses the central nervous system, causing disorder of homeostasis, leads to the development of a painful shock. Pain arising under the action of any excessive stimuli. First to respond to stimulation of pain receptors - free nerve endings located in superficial layers of the skin and inside the body. With gain stimuli included other types of receptors (tactile, thermal), conveying a powerful stream of pain impulses to the thalamus (subcortical level), and then to the cortex. Localization of pain sensitivity in the cerebral cortex not exactly clear. Stimulation of the cortex does not cause pain, so it is believed that the center of pain sensitivity is the thalamus. In the area of injury or tissue inflammation pain ensured the formation of biologically active substances in the nerve endings of any type (histamine, bradykinin, prostaglandins, Hageman factor). With increasing numbers of receptors is able to perceive pain. Thanks to the "transformation" of the various receptors in pain, the skin has a tremendous pain vigilance. The first neuron pain sensory system lies in the spinal ganglia, the second in the spinal cord, the third in the thalamus. In carrying pain signals involved rapidly conducting myelinated fibers of group A at a rate of 8-30 -2 m / sec. Tactile signals are conducted with much greater speed than the pain. When you hit the edge of the palm of your hand edge of the table appears first tactile sensation, and then feeling the pain of primary brainstem, and then a growing sense of long-latency pain. The main path of pain sensitivity - side spinnotalamichesky lemniskovy way (via the medial lemniscus) and the lateral tract of the Morin (spinneck). The temperature sensing system is of great importance for normal mechanisms of thermoregulation. Receptors systems occur in the skin, cornea, mucous membranes and internal organs. Thermoreceptors 2 types: - Heat (Ruffini corpuscles) - Cold (bulb Krause). Free nerve endings that perceive pain, and perceived warmth. Neutral site of the temperature scale ranges from 29 to 32 ° C, when a person does not feel any warmth or cold. Cold thermoreceptors transmit impulses to the rapidly conducting myelinated fibers of group A heat receptors carry information on the slowly conducting myelinated fibers of group C. The first neurons of the temperature sensor system lies in the spinal ganglia, the second in the posterior horn of the spinal cord, the third in the thalamus. The path of temperature sensitivity - the side of spinal thalamic. With the simultaneous excitation of heat and cold receptors in humans subjectively a feeling of "heat". An increase in body temperature (fever) there is a feeling "chill". Feeling the cold more intensely than the heat, but more briefly, since Krause bulbs lie more superficially in the skin. Tactile sensory system provides the perception of touch, pressure, vibration. Receptors system lie in the skin evenly. Their greatest number is on the lips, fingertips and the tip of your tongue, in the skin of the breast nipples and genitals. Free nerve endings, Entangling hair follicle respond to the lightest touch when you reject the hair of 50. Merkel disks are located in the skin of the fingers. In the skin, devoid of hair, Meissner corpuscles are located. More deeply into the skin cells lie Pachchini, reacting to pressure and vibration. Method of two-point test identified areas of the skin with the highest density of receptors. The smallest distance between the legs of a compass Weber 1,1 mm determined at the tongue tip, 2,2 mm - at your fingertips, 6,8 mm - at the tip of the nose, 8.9 mm - in the middle of the palm, 67 mm - an average of the back. The first neuron tactile sensory system lies in the spinal ganglia, the second - in the posterior horn of the spinal cord, the third - in the thalamus, the fourth - in the postcentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex. The main way of tactile sensitivity - front spinetalamich. Propreotseptivnaya sensing system provides a musculo-articular sense through which is controlled by body position in space and relative position of its parts. Proprioceptors are located in muscles, tendons and ligament-articular apparatus. Proprioceptors (motor, sensory mechanoreceptors) are divided into 3 main types: 1 - Golgi bodies (twist around tendon fibers of muscle or svobodnolezhaschie) 2 - Pacinian corpuscles (lie in the fascia, tendons and joint capsule) 3 - neuromuscular and neuro-tendinous spindles (they have an elongated shape and lie deep in the muscles). These receptors are composed of the capsule and passing inside the intrafusal fibers (the remaining muscle fibers - extrafusal). Receptors are the first and second types are excited muscle contraction and spindle - with relaxation. Pulse stream of feedback received from all types of proprioceptors, informs the central nervous system at any state of the muscles at all, even the slightest changes in muscle tone. Proprioceptive impulses sensitivity are the first neurons in the spinal ganglia, the second neuron in the posterior horn is the spinal cord (nucleus Clarke), the third in the thalamus, the fourth - in the precentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex. Ways of proprioceptive sensitivity - bundles Gaulle and Burdach, front and rear spinomozzhechkovye way. Visceral sensory system Vistseroretseptors (receptors of the internal organs) as compared with exteroceptor has greater specificity with respect to the stimulus. Among them are distinguished: chemoreceptors, osmoreceptors, barroretseptory and pain receptors. Shifts in the state of the internal organs associated with changes in the chemistry. Osmotic and mechanical pressure, temperature, cause a change in the signals received by the CNS. In response to this changing nervous and humoral control of the organs. Feature of the visceral sensory system is that it signals, as a rule. Not perceived by man. Pain, somatic and visceral sensory systems are closely linked viscerosensory bonds. External skin receptors thus become intermediaries between the external world and internal environment. Each organ has its representation in certain areas of the skin. Such areas are called zones reflected pain, anyway - the projection zones Zakharyin - Ged and the skin is a mirror of internal environment. The olfactory sensory system The olfactory sensory system is one of the leading systems involved in the regulation of animal motivational behavior (defensive, food, sex). On the degree of development of this system living organisms are divided into: 1 - makrosmatikov (highly developed sense of smell) 2 - mikrosmatikov (poorly developed sense of smell) 3 - anosmatikov (sense of smell is absent) Man belongs to the group mikrosmatikov, but the sense of smell for it is one of the most important functions. By mikrosmatikam are all primates and rodents, whereas most mammals - makrosmatiki and Dolphins - anosmatiki. In the evolution of olfactory organ, which was formed near the rictus, moved into the nasal cavity, separating from the mouth .. For this reason, the mechanisms of olfactory sensations similar to those of taste sensations. Olfactory epithelium is laid on the fourth week of embryonic development in the olfactory pits mouth of the bay of the embryo. When forming the nasal olfactory primordium shifts in its cavity. Axons of olfactory receptor cells to sprout olfactory bulbs, which in its development make a counter-movement as outgrowths of the olfactory cortex. Olfactory organ (organum olfactum) - peripheral olfactory apparatus of the analyzer, which lies in the upper nasal cavity. Part of the nasal mucosa, covering the superior nasal concha and the upper section of the nasal septum, called the olfactory region of nasal mucosa. This area is an area of 1 - 3 cm2 different yellow-brown color due to the content of Bowman's olfactory glands that produce mucus. Olfactory epithelium is called here is the olfactory receptor apparatus of the analyzer. As part of the epithelium are three types of cells: 1 - olfactory (receptor) 2 - supporting, 3 - basal (regenerative). Olfactory cells of which more than 10 million - bipolar. Their peripheral processes are Expansion - bubble, armed with cilia. Olfactory mace (clava olfactoria) otherwise - the olfactory vesicle van der Strihta. Central processes form the olfactory nerves that penetrate in the number of 15-20 in the cranial cavity through the perforated plate of the ethmoid bone to the olfactory bulb. Receptor cells are highly sensitive, they perceive odorants (eg mercaptan) in ppm mg/m3. In this tolko24 molecules of odorant in the air, reach the receptors. Excitation of receptors occurs only in inspiration, while expiration is missing. Sami receptors quickly adapt to the different smells. Smells are blocked by special proteins - enzymes. Adaptation to one odor does not reduce the sensitivity to the odorant of another species, because different odorous substances act on different receptors. Olfactory cells are chemoreceptors. There are several theories of smell, none of which does not fully explain the mechanism of olfactory reception. According to the theory of J. and R. Eymura Monkriffa (stereochemical theory), the smell of a substance is determined by the size and shape of odorous molecules, which configuration is suitable for the membrane receptor site "as the key to the castle." The concept of receptor sites of various types, molecules interacting with specific odorants suggests the presence of receptive sites of seven types (types of odors: camphor, essence, floral, musky, spicy, mint, putrid). Receptive areas close contact with odorant molecules, thus changing the charge site in the cell membrane and there is potential. By Eymuru whole bunch of smells created by the combination of these seven components. In April 1991, employees of Institute. Howard Hughes (Columbia University), Richard Axel and Linda Buck discovered that the structure of the receptor sites of the membrane of olfactory cells genetically programmed, and these specific sites has more than 10 thousand species. Thus, a person capable of perceiving more than 10 thousand smells (1991). By Zvaardemakeru there are 9 classes, which are divided into subclasses: 1 - Class efrirnyh odors (acetone, chloroform) 2 - class of aromatic odor (camphor, spicy, anise, lemon, almond) 3 - class of floral scents (vanilla) 4 - class musky odor 5 - Class garlic odor (hydrogen sulfide) 6 - class of burnt (balsam), smells (benzene, phenol), 7 - Class caprylic odor 8 - Class repulsive odors (quinine, pyridine), 9 - Class nauseating odor (indole, skatole). According to the theory of Wright (vibration theory), the smell of a substance depends on a certain frequency, inherent in the molecules of different substances. Perhaps these variations are perceived not only by direct contact, but also remotely. There are probably receptive sites on the membrane receptor provides a spatial coding of olfactory information with simultaneous frequency coding odor intensity. Impulses from receptors in the olfactory bulb receives (Blink node), which has a seven-layer structure (similar to the cortical centers): 1 - layer of nerve fibers 2 - layer of the olfactory glomeruli, 3 - retiform outer layer 4 - layer of mitral cell bodies, 5 - retiform inner layer 6 - granular layer, 7 - epithelial layer (ependimny). In the center of the olfactory bulb contains a channel whose walls are lined with ependimotsitami. Large switching cells (mitral) combine their axons in the olfactory tract bundles, which goes from the bulb to the olfactory structures of the brain. Some of the cells of other layers are inhibitory interneurons (eg, granular cells). Olfactory tract, together with the onion are underdeveloped counterparts olfactory gyrus, which is available in animals - makrosmatikov. Olfactory tract olfactory forms a triangle, where the fibers are divided into separate beams. Part of the fibers is to hook the hippocampus, another part goes through the anterior commissure to the opposite side, a third group of fibers is transparent to the septum, the fourth group - to the anterior perforated substance. At the hook end of the hippocampal cortex is olfactory analyzer, which is connected to the thalamus, hypothalamic nuclei, with the structures of the limbic system. A person versed in the smells slightly, but the mouthfeel he developed very strongly. Gustatory sensory system Taste sensations are related and are based on olfactory chemoreception. Organ of taste (organum gustum) - peripheral gustatory apparatus of the analyzer before it taste receptor cells, which are focused on taste buds in the tongue as the taste of onions. Bulbs, there are about 2000. As part of the bulb, there are 3 kinds of cells: 1 - taste (receptor) 2 - supporting, 3 - basal (regenerative). Taste cells are armed with microvilli, in contact with whom flavorings provide the appearance of the cells capacity. Receptors provide the perception of the four taste qualities (salty, sweet, sour, bitter). Different combinations of the four taste sensations can be guided in a wide range of tastes food. The set of taste sensations caused by stimulation of not only taste but also tactile, thermal, olfactory receptors. Receptive fields of perception of salty, sweet, sour and bitter are of different size and location on the surface of the tongue. To taste sensation occurs adaptation, the duration of which is proportional to the concentration of the current solution. Adapting to the salty and sweet there faster than a bitter and sour. Impulses from the receptors on fibers tympani of the facial (VI) and glossopharyngeal (IX) nerves come first in a single nucleus, which lies in the caudal medulla. Axons of cells that transmit impulses to the nucleus of the thalamus to the ventral zadnemedialnomu nucleus from which the information arrives on the axons of cells in the cortex region of the seahorse and a hook where the cortical end of the taste analyzer (for Bechterev). In a normal sense of taste obtained by the interaction of gustatory and olfactory analyzers. Anosmia - loss of smell, ageusia - loss of taste, anorexia - loss of appetite, bulimia - excessive appetite. After 80 years, most people lose the sense of smell (United press nternatonal, 27.12.1984 city). Illustrative material: L-OM1-14 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnakova SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 8. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 9. 2. Iseman, RI, AD Gerasev, MV Iashvili. Physiology of excitable tissues. Novosibirsk, Vol. NGPU, 1999., 125. 10. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. 11. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene in tables and diagrams. Manual. 1991. 12. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 13. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 14. Human Physiology. Ed. M. Pokrovsky, GF Korotko, in two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. Test questions (feedback): 1. Write down the formula for calculating visual acuity 2. What are the three main groups of vestibular disorders 3. How can I check the simulation of deafness 4. Carrying out the experiment with in a consistent manner 5. Demonstration of visual illusions Medical University of Astana Department of Physiology Lecture № 15 Lecture theme: conditioned reflex activity of the organism and its neurophysiological mechanisms. Purpose: To provide knowledge of congenital and acquired forms of behavior, learn to distinguish the unconditioned reflexes from the conventional, to formulate the concept of the mechanism of closure of temporary connections, to impart skills in conducting experiments to develop a conditioned reflex. Plan of the lecture: Introduction. The concept of higher and lower activity. Higher nervous activity-conditioned reflex activity of the leading departments of the brain (in humans and animals, the cerebral hemispheres and the forebrain), providing adequate and most perfect relationship of the whole organism to the outside world, ie behavior. Lower neural activity-the activity of the lower parts of the brain and spinal cord, the heads of the main relations and integration of body parts to each other. Congenital forms of behavior. Animal behavior primarily directed at an individual and specific self-preservation. In the process of phylogenesis formed a number of inborn reflexes, each of which performs its specific functions and is involved in maintaining the normal functioning of the body. The entire gene pool of innate reactions of an individual represents a kind of "species (genetic) memory, contributing to themselves, their progeny, populations and species. Fund inborn reflexes of each animal species formed evolution in a way that would essentially an animal, was born and did not have prior experience, was inherent in the primary repertoire of adaptive behavioral responses. (Example: Worker stereotype. Fledgling provide. Hatching from its egg, is accompanied. A sharp increase in the level of wakefulness and increased muscle tone). But innate reflex can occur until the higher centers are not yet ripe, but "disappears" as soon as senior centers will have the braking action. (Example: newborn. Reenok). This is because it otnogeneticheskoe nervous system development occurs in the caudal direction from the rear lower part of the brain, where the centers of simple congenital reflexes, to the front, rostral, the higher divisions. Since the appearance of an organism to light, he has all the integrated system shall enter into a continuous interaction with the environment. Product of this interaction is the behavior. In the process of individual development, organisms learn what behavioral responses yield the best results, and in accordance with that change their behavior. Holistic behavior includes two types of adaptive reactions, genotypic caused genetic program, and phenotypic, due to the interaction between genotype and environmental conditions, or individually purchased, based on learning. Unconditioned reflexes and their classification. BR, which culminates in the formation of postnatal development, are genetically predetermined and rigidly fitted to some relevant to this form environmental conditions. Under the influence of early individual experience inborn reflexes undergo significant changes. Attempts to describe and classify. BR has been done a lot, and thus used different criteria: the nature of the cause of their stimuli, their biological role, in the order they appear in this particular behavioral act. Yu. Konkorsky br divided according to their bio. role in the preservative-reflexes, providing regulation of the internal environment of the body (food, breathing, etc.); reflexes preservation and procreation (sexual and caring for offspring), and the protective reflex responses associated with the elimination of harmful agents caught on the surface or inside the body (chesateln. reflex act of sneezing, etc.), the reflexes of active Battlecr. or neutralized. noxious stimuli, objects (offensive or aggressive reflexes), the reaction of passive-defensive behavior. A special group marked orienting reflex to novelty, response to stimulus and target orientirovochono-exploratory behavior. IP Pavlov divided unconditioned reflexes into 3 groups: simple, complex and sophisticated br. Among the toughest br he highlighted the following: 1) individual-food, active-and passive-defensive, aggressive, freedom reflex, Research, reflex games; 2) species and sex and parent. From an evolutionary point of view, every creature has a definite spatio-temporal location in the geosphere, biosphere and sociosphere, but for a man and Noosphere (intellektualn. developing world), although filogenetich. background of the last are found only in higher animals. According to PV Simon, mastering each sphere medium correspond to three different classes of reflections: 1. Vital br provide individual and species conservation body (food, defensive, tentative). Criteria: 1. dissatisfaction with the relevant requirements leads to physical destruction of individuals, 2. br implementation does not require the participation of other individuals of the same species. 2. Role (zoosotsialnye) br can be implemented only with the participation of other individuals of its kind (sexual, caring for offspring, territorial behavior). 3. BR self oriented to the development of new space-time environments, pointing to the future. (Issledov. behavior, freedom, game.) Feature of this group yavl. their autonomy, it is not derivable from the other body's needs and is not reducible to other motivations. Instincts-complex unconditioned reflexes, which have continued the character of the reactions when the end is a reflection serves as a signal to the beginning of the next. Instincts are dependent on hormonal and metabolic factors. Characterized by many features of the dominant. The role of biological motivation for the life of the organism Biological motivation - emotive biological needs that require satisfaction and launching the implementation of a functional system to meet the need. Motivation are divided into biological and social (human). Biological motivation, in turn, are food (hunger with the appropriate emotional dissatisfaction), sex, defense and others. Implementing them is carried out using the appropriate unconditional and conditional reflexes. Conditioned reflexes, their shapes, classification. SD shapes. Under certain conditions individual. organism's life and disappear in the absence of compliance. conditions, differing thus from congenital forms of adaptation. All conv. p. divided into classical and instrumental, or ur types 1 and 2. Fundamentals. sign of a conditioned reflex yavl. that the stimulus in the formation of a temporary connection (learning) instead of properties. his unconditional reaction begins to cause another, his uncharacteristic. Classification of conditioned reflexes (often denoted by the name of ur br, based on which they worked): On afferent link of the reflex arc, in particular on the basis of receptorexteroceptive release in accordance with the modality of the conditioned stimulus produce visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, and temperature. They can be developed for the type of objects, relations between them, the different smells, etc. Ekterotseptiv. reflexes play a role in the relationship of the body with a circle. environment, so they look. quickly. Interoceptive conditioned reflexes-image. slower exteroceptive. Interoreceptors all types perform two functions: they constitute the afferent link of specific autonomic reflexes games. important role in maintaining homeostasis in the body, sending the info. status ext. bodies, they affect the state of CISR Okaz. abstentions. at GNI. Sometimes singled out as a separate group of proprioceptive ur. On the efferent link of the reflex arc, in particular the effector that is manifested. reflexes distinguish two groups: autonomic and motor, tool. To vegetative. include salivary conv. reflex, as well as a number of motor-autonomic reflexes and circulatory, respiratory, nutritional, pupillary, heart and t.d.V depending on the nature of the effector apparatus of autonomic reflexes otlichchayutsya significantly from each other as from the rate of conditional bond and on other features. Tools For. probation. reflexes can be formed on the base course of reflex motor responses. Instrumental conditioned reflex is not playing the unconditional response, and in the implementation of such actions that would achieve or avoid subsequent unconditioned reinforcement. Forms of conditioned reflexes may be due to the nature and composition of the conditioned stimulus, the type of reinforcement, as well as temporal relations between associated stimuli. Conditioned reflexes in terms of temporal relations between associated stimuli are divided into two groups: cash, in the case of coincidence in time of the conditioned signal and reinforcement and the trace when the reinforcement is presented only after the conditioned stimulus. Cash reflections on the value of the interval between the insertion of associated stimuli are divided into several species coincide (at least 1-3.) Of delayed (until 30) and delayed (rms probation. Stimulus lasts 1-3 minutes). Trace ur form when reinforcement should be after the end of a conditional stimulus. Conditioned reflexes to time, a special kind of sea level. They are formed by regular repetition of the unconditioned stimulus. (Naprim. feeding the animal every 30 min.) Depending on the structure of the conditional signal ur divided into simple and complex. In other words conditioned signals can be single or complex stimuli. Comprehensively. stimuli may be simultaneous and sequential. Regulation of conditioned reflexes: - Conditioned stimulus must precede backed by the Be zuslovnomu stimulus. - The minimum time from the conditioned stimulus to the unconditioned is not must exceed a certain value (for the defensive, for example - 0,1 seconds). This time should not be too large. - The cerebral cortex must be in an active state. - Signal strength of the stimulus should be smaller than the unconditioned reinforcement Signals of a conditioned reflex can be any Exter vistseroi proprioceptive stimulation. Conditioned reflexes can be classified: - The receptor field: Exter, viscero-, proprioceptive. - By effector link: somatic and autonomic - The biological value of food, defense, etc. - The ratio of the time signal and reinforcement: coincident delay and trace. - According to the complexity: the first, second, etc. order. Possible trace conditioned reflexes - not to the stimulus, and the stop acting stimulus, whereas the stimulus itself may not induce a conditioned reflex (especially if it does not apply in advance, and later the unconditioned reinforcement). Possible conditioned reflexes to time: when a certain time there is a conditioned reflex, when it was at this time should have an unconditional reinforcement. The more strongly unconditioned reinforcement in the process of conditioned reflex, the more pronounced will be the conditioned reflex. Conditioned reflexes may be of higher orders: the second when the conditioned reflex to a specific stimulus is preceded by a conditioned stimulus, the third - when preceded by three conditioned stimuli, and so on until the sixth order reflections, which can develop only in children. According to Pavlov, the formation of a conditioned reflex is based on establishing a temporary connection between the groups of cortical cells, which perceive the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli. Have value as a horizontal associative way, and the way "bark-subcortex-cortex." Interaction between cortical areas is carried out according to specific (thalamus) and nonspecific (reticular formation) paths through the sensory area of the cortex, where the primary information is processed, and then descends again into the subcortical centers, from which is sent to the area of cortical representation of unconditioned reflex - reinforcements. Has the value of the dominant phenomenon: with unconditional stimulation excitability of cortical centers increases and the center begins to react to the excitation coming from other regions of the cortex, causing summation effect. In the formation of conditioned reflexes first include mechanisms for short-term and then long-term memory, as evidenced by persistence of a conditioned reflex after deep anesthesia or cooling of the brain. Conditioned reflex switching lies in the fact that one and the same stimulus in different conditions can cause a variety of reflexes: for example stimulus is reinforced in the morning feeding, and at noon - electric shock, then the stimulus in the morning will cause the food conditioned reflex, and at noon - the defensive. The biological significance of conditioned reflexes, especially in their participation in the process of learning, orientation to surroundings, acquisition skills, providing the advantage of individuals. Inhibition of conditioned reflexes Externally, the unconditioned inhibition. Under the action of extraneous stimulus (external) during the conditioned reflex, the conditioned reflex is inhibited. It is relatively weak and short hampered indicative refreksom (fading brakes on Pavlov), and much more inhibited conditioned signal of another of the conditioned reflex. There is evidence for the fact that there is a great role played by the reticular formation, which may inhibit not only effector departments, but also the sensory elements of the reflex arc. Protective inhibition (according to Pavlov) occurs when excessive strong conditional signal. It has a protective value and prevent the debilitating effects on the central nervous system of strong and prolonged stimulation. In functionally weak organisms protective inhibition develops much faster than active. INSIDE, conditioned inhibition. In contrast to the unconditioned inhibition, which arises at the first presentation of the stimulus, conditioned inhibition to develop. Feature of internal inhibition in its fragility. Various functional overstrain or violations primarily affect the internal inhibition. - Fading: If the conditioned stimulus is no longer supported unconditional, the conditioned reflex gradually diminishes and disappears. Extinguished conditioned reflex can be for some time to recover, if during the conditioned stimulus, a slow tentative stimulus: inhibition of the conditioned reflex occurs (this happens due to increased cortical excitability during the orienting reflex). - Differentiation: the conditioned stimulus typically produces generalized (eg sound enough any sound, so there was a conditioned reflex). If in the process of conditioned reflex certainly reinforce only the sound of a certain tone, as a consequence of differentiation of conditioned reflexes to sound a tone falters. - Conditional brake: if the elaborated conditioned reflexes begin accompany the prearranged signal to any other signal, and it did not accompany this double conditioned stimulus, unconditioned, then this extension will be a prearranged signal conditioned inhibition that can inhibit not only the reflex, in which conditioned inhibition produced, but every other conditioned reflex (conditioned inhibition becomes universal nature of the signal cancellation for any of the conditioned reflex). - Delay: If, after making an unconditional reinforcement conditioned reflex to begin to push for a certain time from the conditioned signal, and conditioned response will move away in time from the conditioned signal. This delay also is based on the mechanism of conditioned inhibition: in the first moments of the conditional signal acquires inhibitory value, and only after some time becomes positive (disinhibition - a weak tentative stimulus - eliminates the lag than prove the conditional nature of the braking delay). The value of conditioned inhibition in the elimination of inappropriate reactions have become superfluous. Inhibition of reflex activity is no less important than, and elaboration of conditioned reflexes. In carrying out inhibition probably involved the reticular formation of inhibitory cells in the brain. Illustrative material: L-OM1-15 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. 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Physiology of higher nervous activity. Voronin, LM: [Textbook. Manual for Biology. specials. University comrade-M. Vyssh. School, 1979 11. Delgado, H. Brain and consciousness. Moscow, Mir, 1971., 264s. 12. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. Test questions (feedback): 1. Differences conditioned on unconditioned reflexes. 2. Classification of conditioned reflexes. 3. Physiological mechanisms of conditioned reflexes. 4. Dynamic stereotype, its physiological nature, the importance for learning and work skills. 5. Conditions of formation and a technique of conditioned reflexes (Pavlov). 6. What is the essence of differential inhibition 7. What is the orienting reflex? Medical University of Astana Department of Physiology LECTURE № 16. Lecture theme: Teaching IP Pavlov on the first and second signal systems. Types of GNI. Physiology of sleep. Purpose: To provide knowledge about the types of GNI, to learn to differentiate types of GNI, extra-and intravertirovannyh individuals to formulate a notion of higher mental functions, to impart skills to conduct psychological testing to identify types of GNI and mental functions. Abstracts of lectures: Introduction. The general concept of temperament When people talk about temperament, then we have in mind many of the mental differences between people - differences in the depth, intensity, emotional stability, emotional sensibility, tempo, energetic action and other dynamic, individualresistant features of mental life, behavior and activities. However, temperament, and today remains largely controversial and unresolved issue. However, despite the variety of approaches to the problem, scholars and practitioners recognize that temperament - the biological foundation upon which personality is formed as a social being. Temperament has a strong influence on a person's character, his behavior, as well as overall health. Features of temperament and affect in educational classes and employment. That is why the study of temperament types and their influence on activity is not only useful but also necessary, especially for workers and management areas, Temperament (Latin Temperamentum - a proper balance of features tempero - mix in good condition) - characteristics of the individual from the dynamic features of his mental activity, ie tempo, speed, rhythm, intensity, these activities constitute the mental processes and states. Temperament - the quality of personality that has been formed in the personal experience of rights based on the genetic condition of its type of nervous system and largely determines the style of his work. Temperament refers to biologically driven substructures of personality. There are four basic types of temperaments: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. Temperament reflects the dynamic aspects of behavior, mostly innate, and therefore the properties of temperament are the most stable and consistent compared with other mental qualities of man. The most specific feature of temperament is that various properties of the temperament of the person is not randomly combined with each other, and naturally connected with each other, forming a specific organization structure. Thus, under the temperament to be understood individually distinctive properties of the psyche, defining the dynamics of human mental activity, which is equally manifested in a variety of activities, regardless of its content goals, motives, remain constant in adulthood and in the relationship is characterized by the type of temperament. Doctrine Pavlov's temperament In fact, long been known dependence of the flow of mental processes and behavior of the nervous system, acting as a dominant and management role in the body. Communication theory some general properties of nervous processes with the types of temperament has been proposed IP Pavlov and was developed and experimentally confirmed in the works of his followers. Pavlov, studying the characteristics of conditioned reflexes in dogs, drew attention to individual differences in behavior and in the course of conditioned reflex activity. These differences manifested themselves primarily in such aspects of behavior such as speed and accuracy of conditioned reflexes, as well as the peculiarities of their decay. This fact has made it possible to Pavlov hypothesize that they can not be explained only by a variety of experimental situations and that they are based on some fundamental properties of neural processes - excitation and inhibition. These properties include the strength of excitation and inhibition, their balance and mobility. Pavlov, distinguished by the imagination and the drag force, believing them to two independent properties of the nervous system. The strength reflects the efficiency of excitation of a nerve cell. It manifests itself in functional endurance, ie, the ability to withstand long or short, but very excited, not passing while in the opposite state of inhibition. The braking force is understood as the functional capacity of the nervous system in the implementation of inhibition manifests itself in the ability to form different inhibitory conditioned responses, such as fading and differentiation. Balance - a balance of excitation and inhibition. The force of the two processes determines whether the individual is balanced or unbalanced, where the force of one process greater than the force of another. Mobility - the nerve processes - reflected in the rate of transition from one nerve process to another. Mobility of nervous processes is manifested in the ability to change their behavior in response to changing conditions of life. Measure this property of the nervous system is the speed of transition from one activity to another, from a passive to an active state, and vice versa. Inertia - the opposite of mobility. The nervous system is even more inert, more time or effort required to move from one process to another. Dedicated Pavlov properties of nervous processes in which certain systems, a combination that in his opinion, form the so-called type of the nervous system, or the type of higher nervous activity. It consists of typical individuals set the basic properties of the nervous system - the power, balance and mobility processes, distinguishing between strong and weak types. A further reason is the division of steadiness of nerve processes, but only for strong types, which are divided into balanced and unbalanced, and the unbalanced type is characterized by a predominance of excitation over inhibition. Strong balanced types are divided into mobile and inert when base division is the mobility of nervous processes. Dedicated Pavlov types of nervous system, not only in quantity, but also on the main characteristics correspond to the 4 classical types of temperament: 1. strong, well-balanced, agile - sanguine; 2. strong, well-balanced, inert - phlegmatic; 3. strong, unbalanced type with a predominance of excitation - choleric; 4. weak type - melancholic. Pavlov knew the type of nervous system as innate, relatively little affected by changes under the influence of environment and upbringing. According to Pavlov, the properties of the nervous system form the physiological basis of temperament, which is a mental manifestation of the type of nervous system. Types of nervous system, established in animal studies, Pavlov suggested to distribute to people. At present, science has accumulated a lot of facts about the properties of the nervous system, and to the extent of their accumulation researchers give all equally important types of the nervous system primarily emphasizes the importance of individual studies the fundamental properties of the nervous system, while the problem of separating the types recedes into the background . Because types are formed from combinations of these properties, only a deeper knowledge of the past can provide the understanding and implementation of typologies. But certainly, that each person has a very specific type of nervous system manifestation of which is characteristics of temperament, are the important side of individual psychological differences. Psychological characteristics of temperament types Creator of the theory of temperament is the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (V in. BC). He argued that people differ by 4 main "juice" of life - blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile - its member. On the basis of his teachings, the most famous physician of antiquity after Hippocrates, Claudius Galen (II century. BC) developed the first typology of temperament, which he described in a famous treatise "De temperamentum". According to his teaching style temperament depends on the dominance in the body of one of the juices. They were identified temperaments, which nowadays widely known: sanguine (from Lat. Sanguis - "blood"), phlegmatic (from the Greek. - Phlegma - "phlegm"), choleric (from the Greek. Chole - "bile") and melancholic (from the Greek. melas chole - "black bile"). This is a fantastic concept has a huge impact on the scientists for centuries. Under the temperament to be understood individually distinctive properties of the psyche, defining the dynamics of human mental activity, are equally manifest in a variety of activities, regardless of its content, purposes, motives, remain constant in adulthood and their mutual respect characterize the type of temperament. Concrete manifestations of such diverse temperaments. They are not only noticeable in the outer demeanor, but seemed to pervade all aspects of the psyche, essentially manifested in the cognitive activity, the sphere of feelings, motives and actions of man, as well as in the nature of mental work, peculiarities of speech, etc. At the present time, science has enough facts to give a complete characterization of all types of psychological temperament of a certain coherent program. However, for the preparation of the psychological characteristics of the traditional 4 types of commonly identify the following basic properties of temperament: Sensory determined by what is the smallest power of external influences, necessary for the emergence of a mental reaction of man, and what the rate of this reaction. Reactivity is characterized by a degree of automatic responses to external or internal influences of equal strength (criticism, hurtful words, a sharp tone - even the sound). Activity indicates how intensely (energetically) a person affected by the outside world and overcome obstacles in achieving goals (persistence, focus, focus). Value determines the reactivity and activity, from which a greater degree of envy of human activity: from accidental external or internal circumstances, mood, random events), or the objectives, intentions and beliefs. Plasticity and rigidity show how easy and flexible to adapt man to external influences (plasticity), or as inert and tap the behavior. Extroversion, introversion determines from which mainly depend on the reaction and human activity - from the outside impressions that arise at the moment (extrovert) or from the images, ideas and thoughts related to past and future (introvert). Given all of these properties, we can provide the following psychological characteristics of the major classical temperament types: Sanguine. People with high reactivity, but the activity and reactivity in him balanced. He quickly, excitedly responds to everything that attracts his attention, has a lively facial expressions and expressive movements. By a slight laughing about it, but insignificant fact may annoy him. His face is easy to guess his mood, attitude to the subject or person. He has a high threshold, so he does not notice the very faint sounds and visual stimuli. With its increased activity and being very energetic and workable, it is actively taken up a new business and can operate for long without tiring. Able to quickly focus, disciplined, if desired, can inhibit the expression of their feelings and knee-jerk reaction. He has the fast motion, flexibility of mind, quick wit, fast-paced speech, the rapid inclusion of new work. High ductility is manifested in the variability of feelings, moods, interests and aspirations. Sanguine friends easily with new people, get used to the new requirements and circumstances. Without the efforts of not only switches from one job to another, but to be retrained, mastering new skills. As a rule, it is more responsive to external impressions than on subjective images and ideas about the past and the future, an extrovert. In sanguine feelings easily arise, easily replaced. The ease with which a sanguine formed and remake new temporary connection, high mobility of the stereotype, is also reflected in the mental mobility sanguine, reveal a certain tendency to instability. Choleric. How sanguine and have low sensitivity, high reactivity and activity. But choleric reactivity clearly prevails over the activity, so it perish, unrestrained, impatient. Quick-tempered. It is less flexible and more inert than sanguine. Hence the greater stability of the aspirations and interests, much persistence, may be difficult to switch attention, but rather an extrovert. People of this temperament are fast, extremely mobile, unbalanced, excitable, all mental processes occur in them quickly, intensively. The predominance of excitation over inhibition, typical of this type of nervous activity, evident in incontinence, impulsiveness, temper, irritability, choleric. This and expressive facial expressions, hurried speech, jerky gestures, unrestrained movement. Feelings of a man choleric temperament, strengths, usually conspicuous, occur quickly, sometimes the mood changes dramatically. Imbalance inherent in choleric, hot links and its activities: it increases the passion and even takes this case, pointing at the same impetuosity and rapidity of movement, work with enthusiasm, overcoming difficulties. But a person with a choleric temperament supply of nervous energy can be quickly exhausted in the process and then may come a sharp decline in activity: the rise and excitement fade, the mood is sharply declining. In dealing with people choleric admits sharpness, irritability, emotional outburst, which often does not give him an opportunity to objectively assess the actions of people, and on this ground, it creates situations of conflict in the team. Excessive straightforwardness, short temper, harshness, impatience sometimes make hard and unpleasant stay in a group of people. Phlegmatic has high activity significantly above the prevailing low reactivity, low sensitivity and emotionality. Its hard to laugh and grieve - when around loud laugh, he can remain calm. With a lot of trouble remains calm. Usually he has a poor body language, movement inexpressive and slowed down, as well as speech. He nenahodchiv with difficulty tends to focus and adapt to new surroundings, slowly rebuilding the skills and habits. However, he is energetic and hardworking. Differs patience, fortitude and self-control. As a rule, it is difficult to converge with new people, poorly responsive to external impressions, an introvert. The disadvantage is phlegmatic its inertia, stiffness. Inertia also affects the rigidity of its stereotypes, the difficulties of its restructuring. However, this quality, inertia, and has a positive value, contributes to the permanence of thoroughness of the individual. Melancholic. A person with high sensitivity and low reactivity. Increased sensitivity at high inertia leads to the fact that little excuse can make him tear it unduly touchy, morbidly sensitive. Facial expressions and movements of his inexpressive, his voice quiet and traffic are poor. He usually unsure of themselves, shy, the slightest difficulty in forcing his resignation. Melancholic neenergichen, nenastoychiv, easily tired and a little hardworking. He inherent easily distracted and erratic attention, slowing of mental processes. Most melancholic - introverts. Melancholic shy, indecisive, timid. However, in a quiet, familiar surroundings melancholic can successfully cope with life's challenges. Can be regarded as already firmly established that the type of temperament in human innate, but on what exactly its inherent properties of the organization, it depends, not yet fully elucidated. The modern notion of character accentuation. In contrast to the classical understanding of the types of higher nervous activity in the clinic uses a more detailed classification of a person's character. Depending on the severity of this can be easily prevalence of certain traits, expressed accentuation character and borderline pathological condition, passing in psychopathy. Distinguish accentuation: - Paranoia: A strong, categorical, obsessed with the very real idea to execution which is methodically and purposefully. Able to become a leader and manager, povseti behind. Capable become a tyrant. Reasonable, nothing ventured nothing, unless it is As for his goal. Can be oppressive and evil. In conversation reveals own superiority, demanding to themselves and others. Educates children in a strict and sober approach to life. Family Life likened to industrial relations. Prudent, wise. It Athos Caesar, Peter I, Napoleon, Bismarck, Churchill, Lenin. The best way to influence on him - to convince themselves that the required work from him or actions as well as possible consistent with their wishes and ideas. - Epileptoid: Meticulous and precise, carefully calculated action, is prone to organizational work, organize. Each thing in place, each case is scheduled, every hour is painted. If got down to business - will bring to the end, no matter what - it's important or not. Do not be satisfied without first checking all he had done. Neat, tidy, communication style always match their surroundings. This workhorse: lucky not knowing fatigue. Invaluable as a model of reliability and confidence. This Karenin, Bazarov, is a collective image "Chief accountant" is Haydn, Darwin, Tolstoy. - Isteroid: artsy, eccentric, causing the type and style of communication, needs constant attention from others and will go to any act (heroic or villainous) in order to attract the attention of others to his person (in the world, and death is red). Consumer setting to life. Believes that everyone around him must is only because he lives on in the world. Requires greater attention, without offering anything in return. Type of artist, bohemian personality. Great possibilities of reincarnation. If this type of accentuation is combined with a talent in any field of art, can become a creator, if not - is "unrecognized genius". The whole meaning of life - to be seen, surprise, shock. Infantile, labile, demonstrative. This is D'Artagnan, Rakhmetov, Wagner, Chaliapin Muhammad Ali, Michael Jackson, Maradona, Madonna, Picasso. Method influence on him - more him praise and admire them, but especially in the presence of a large audience: then able to do everything in order to re-earn the admiration of self. - Schizoid: Not of this world. Minimum attention to others, as indeed, on himself. May have a groomed appearance, moreover, does this does not suffer. Does not choose expressions that do not hesitate in any audience, however - not particularly in need of this audience. If somewhat busy, devotes himself to just this business, which soon becomes a professional. Generator of ideas. Original and extravagant way of thinking, may find a completely unexpected solution to the problem or issue. At the same time is not inclined to routine work, the practical implementation of their findings. Most often, highly erudite, and circle interests wide. At the same time - too late to start a family or does not create in general, there is little practical in everyday terms, poorly versed in interpersonal relationships, even close to it the circle of communication. Many actions of countries, although strangely this does not notice. Inclined to loneliness, to independent work, often obsessed with some idea and is doing everything to resolve it. Life's troubles pass him, he simply does not notice. This type of literary eccentric professor, is Edison, Marx, Einstein. To the extreme stubborn and willful, can not be any impact. Gipertimik: Always cheerful, zhineradosten, good-natured. Tend to find joy in all everyday situations, food, drink, physiological functions. Easy to communicate, makes any promises then fails to comply with, swears by anything and forget about it through half an hour. Quickly switch from one activity to another, does not extend to the end of anything. Type of gossip and chatterbox: ready to shoot the breeze about anything and with anyone, and quickly jumps from topic to theme, does not listen to the interlocutor. Communicate to him - not the exchange of information and conversation for the sake of conversation. Incapable of productive work, not to bring it to the end, however, sometimes is not taken for him. Empty and unrealistic fantasies without seeking to embody. Pleased with himself themselves, the environment surrounding. Life is more plant - satisfaction of physiological needs, which can furnish with taste. Knowledge, and judgmental, thinking more specific. Soul to plowing, hospitable gentleman, sybaritic. This Nozdryov, Manila, Porthos, Oblomov. Historical comparisons do not - such a history does not remain. Recognizes the force. Way to affect - to make. Cycloids: Man mood, on which depends the efficiency and and communication. Fluctuations affect, contradictory nature. Maybe enthusiastic to the extreme and just as fast to cool down. Inclined to gentle mental relations, amorous, and full of love, touchy, emotional. Way to affect - to show friendship without flattery and toadying, sincere interest. Psychasthenic: Type killjoy, always dissatisfied with others and themselves. Not seeks to society, and if there is, it does not improve the general atmosphere, as, indeed, their own mood. May be giperestetom, which offends a little bit bad form word or smell. To the extreme touchy, vindictive. Work selects quiet and calm, does not break for big money, not zvataet stars from heaven, and not like those who are trying to do: call upstarts. Type of snail, curled in its shell, philistine, block off your little world to the home. Does not take money, but never ask. For the family - a walking mountain. Constant nagging and complaints. Not God forbid an animal in the room. Labile. Drives the slightest trouble in tears, lost in new surroundings, hardly makes acquaintance, comes into contact. Ipohondrical: inclined to seek in their various diseases, it treats them all the available methods. A constant object of concern to the local doctor, and even for the entire clinic. Constant in the habits and affections, painfully aware violation of the stereotype. There are also some other types of accentuation. I and II signaling systems. I alarm system - analysis and synthesis of direct, specific signals of objects and phenomena of the external world, the reality. It is common to human and animal warning system. II signaling system - associated with speech, verbal. Based on the analysis and synthesis of verbal and abstract representations of objects and phenomena where direct their sense is not required. Characteristic only of humans. Is the foundation of social life, and simultaneously develops only in a society. Basic laws of excitation and inhibition are common to both the first and the second signal system. Conditioned signal may be a stimulus itself, as well as verbal designation of this stimulus. During the elaboration of a conditioned reflex to the bell, not only is his call, but the word "call". This phenomenon is called elective iraadiatsiey, namely, to that the excitation of the first signaling system are passed to the second and vice versa. Conditioned reflex may occur, and the word-synonym conditioned stimulus, but similar-sounding word quickly produced differentiation. Conditioned reflex occurs as if the spoken word - the prearranged signal to replace written by the same word. It is possible to develop and autonomic reflexes to verbal stimuli. Keep in mind that for the second signal system left hemisphere is more important. Physiological mechanisms of sleep and wakefulness The most significant symptoms of sleep: - Lowering the activity of the CNS and the cessation of contact with others. - A decrease in muscle tone. - Reduction of all kinds of sensitivity. - Dramatically weakened reflex function. - Inhibited reflexes. - The threshold for stimulation of reflexes increased, the latent time increased. - Decreased metabolism. - Reducing heart rate and respiratory rate. - Reduced blood pressure. - Decreased urine output. - Lowering body temperature. If you dream there are characteristic changes in the electroencephalogram: - There are high-amplitude alpha waves - Then theta waves and delta waves in the phase of slow wave sleep. - In a period of REM (rapid) sleep appears low amplitude high frequency activity. In a phase of slow sleep a person completely paralyzed and can not see dreams. Periods of REM (rapid) sleep make up 20-25% of the total duration of sleep during these periods indicated movement of the eyeballs, reduction of facial muscles, a few pulse quickens, blood pressure rises. During these periods man has dreams. Dreams occur periodically at intervals of 80-90 minutes. Phases of sleep: - Drowsiness, sleep - Slow Dream - REM sleep (REM). - Wake. Types of sleep: - Periodic daily sleep (mono-, di-, and polyphasic). - Periodic seasonal dream, suspended animation, hibernation. - Narcotic sleep. - Hypnotic sleep. - Abnormal sleep. In certain circumstances occur, "partial wakefulness state when there is a kind of hibernation, "a guard, point, very sensitive to the strictly defined stimulus. For example, Hypersensitivity to the ringing tone, the voice or the movement of a sleeping child from the mother and the other belongs to the hypnotic sleep precisely to such a variety of sleep. Sleep disorders: - Insomnia - the inability to fall asleep. - Narcolepsy - constant drowsiness. - Lethargy (refers to abnormal sleep). - Symptom false spillage. Theory of sleep: 1. Pavlov: the dream is the result of generalized deceleration tion in the cerebral cortex, extending to the subcortical centers. This is confirmed by the fact that the repeated application of differentiation or conventional brakes often evoked in the dog drowsiness and sleep. 2. In the occurrence of sleep recognizes the important role gipnogennymh structures of the brain stem. These structures were discovered by Hess in certain areas of non-specific thalamic nuclei. Irritation of these structures with the help of microelectrodes is the animal sleep, no different from normal saline. It was shown that these structures are in antagonism to the reticular formation and inhibit its facilitating effect on the cortex and subcortex. Entsefalograficheski stimulation of these zones caused synchronization of cortical activity and sleep, whereas the reticular formation - desynchronization and arousal. 3. Morutstsi opened another gipnogennuyu zone in the medulla oblongata and in the lower pons and irritation which also causes the synchronization of brain activity. These units belong to the reticular formation and its caudal portion, which has an inhibiting impact on both the spinal cord, and in the overlying units. 4. Mediator theory of sleep attaches great importance to the influence of acetylcholine (the introduction of acetylcholine or cholinesterase inhibitors in gipnogennye area induces sleep, and, atropine removes this effect), norepinephrine (his introduction to the appropriate areas of the brain causes the awakening), serotonin and dopamine, allocates a certain brain structures. 5. Humoral theory of sleep explains the dream the influence of certain substances (gipnotoksinov or bromgormonov) accumulated in the body waking state. In favor of this view is the fact that the blood of the long-term sleeping dogs, being introduced just slept evoked posleney sleep. 6. Anokhin combines the above theory: the dream starts with eliminate the inhibitory influence of tired of the cortex to the center of Hess, who is excited and hinders the reticular formation, which ceases have facilitating effects on the cerebral cortex and begins its spilled slowdown. The value of sleep is currently under review not only as a process of recreation but also as a condition for the unimpeded flow of plastic processes in the CNS, when, in the absence of external stimuli Recycling is the day gathered information transfer relevant information from shortterm memory into long-term (process consolidation engrams) Illustrative material: L-OM1-16 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnakova SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 1. Physiology of higher nervous activity with the basics of neuroscience. Author: Shul'govskil VV, 2003, 464 pp. 2. Physiology of Higher Nervous Activity and sensory systems. Batuev IK, St. Petersburg, 2004, 356. 3. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 4. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. 5. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene in tables and diagrams. Manual. 1991. 6. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 7. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 8. Human Physiology. Ed. M. Pokrovsky, GF Korotko, in two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. 9. Physiology of higher nervous activity. Voronin, LM: [Textbook. Manual for Biology. specials. University comrade-M. Vyssh. School, 1979 10. Delgado, H. Brain and consciousness. Moscow, Mir, 1971., 264s. 11. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. Test questions (feedback): 1. List the types of GNI by Hippocrates 2. Name three properties of the CNS to determine the type of GNI 3. What type classification used in the practice of GNI 4. List the main stages of sleep Medical University of Astana Department of Physiology Lecture № 17. Lecture theme: human mental activity. Memory. Emotions. Motivation Purpose: Knowledge of the physiological bases of the formation of higher mental functions is essential for determining the shifts and choice of tactics appropriate correction of the changes disciplines. Determining the level of short-and long-term memory. The study of the physiological mechanisms of attention, perception, thought, consciousness and other higher mental functions allows for accurate analysis of the phenomena related to higher mental functions. Abstracts of lectures: Perception. Perception - a reflection of objects and phenomena of objective reality, which arises on the basis of the synthesis of sensations and perceptions senses. Renewal of the images created on the basis of previous perceptions, called the representation. For the realization of the representation needed long-term memory. Extremely accurate representation of the past perception called eydetizmom is rare. CHARACTERISTICS OF PERCEPTION. Power of perception Quality of perception CHANGES AND BREACH OF PERCEPTION. Violations of the perception may be based primarily on offense sensations, which include: gipostezii, hyperesthesia, paresthesia. Illusion - an erroneous perception of a real object. (Illusion Aristotle's illusion of visual, auditory, etc.). For the occurrence of illusions essentially a state of consciousness, emotional background (affective illusion). Hallucinations: false perceptions is not an existing facility. Symptom mental disease or intoxication. Rarely can accompany and somatic disorders. Divided into simple (and fotopsii etc.) and complex. Complex are divided into psevdogallyutsinatsii ("show picture") and true (delirium, the patient himself is involved in the hallucinatory events). By type of analyzer hallucinations are visual, auditory, tactile, common sense, smell. For violations of perception are the symptoms of derealization and depersonalization. Special disorder of perception - agnosia - neuznavanie well familiar objects and phenomena. They occur mostly in the background of the organic CNS lesions and may be visual, auditory, etc. Attention. Attention - mental focus on specific objects, focus on them. Initially, attention was referred to the adaptive reflexes (Ribot), or sensory and motor settings (LS Vygotsky). The value of the work of Pavlov and Ukhtomsk in the understanding of attention it definition of this process in light of the teachings of the dominant, as prevailing focus of excitation, attracting to itself all the irritation. Of great importance here is the process of negative induction, when excited center inhibits the surrounding area. Pavlov defined the process of attention by the presence of cortical lesions "optimal excitability, changing the location, size, but always surrounded by periphery of a lower excitability or inhibition. Properties of attention: Orientation - selective nature of it. Concentration, the intensity - the degree of deepening in this activities. Stability - the ability to maintain long-term directed concentrated dotochennost. Attention span - the number of objects covered by the attention Niemi. Depending on the volume distinguish concentrated (in one object) and distributed (many locations) account. Attention is involuntary or passive (having a value innovation, state of the human psyche) - which is based on the orienting reflex, and arbitrary or active (associated with consciously set goal) - based on the decision taken at participation of volitional processes. Attention may be their outward - to the objects of the external world and inner direction - on their own experiences, thoughts, mental activities. Violation of attention. Distraction of attention - easy involuntary switchable very low-intensity focus (children astenizirovannye patients umomlennost). Rigidity of attention - a small switchable stability of attention, as a result of all that is not directed attention to fall out of the field view. Starikovsk’s distraction - a weak intensity at low switchable attention. Memory. Memory - it traces the processes that remain in the system after of stimuli. Reflection of past experience, which consists in memorization, conservation, and subsequent reproduction and recognition what was previously perceived, experienced or done. The study of memory dates back to Aristotle, then the memory has been studied Descartes, Locke, Hume, Spencer, Millholm. It was mostly mechanical view to a greater or lesser extent explained by individual memory. Ribot divided the memory for static and dynamic. R. Semon suggested that the term "engram", but he understood them literally, as the imprint of images directly in the cells of the cortex with a special kind of vibration. In recent decades, there was a certain theory of memory, what is the merit Hidena, Dingmena, Rose, Kreps, Palladin, Banshchikova etc. Types of memory and physiological mechanisms. According to analyzers, accepted irritation: - Visual, - Auditory, - Emotional, - Locomotion. Memory is divided into: - Mechanical. - Notional. - Involuntary (important novelty and strength of the stimulus). - Arbitrary (important attention and volitional activities). Depending on the time characteristics and the physiological mechanism of the modern view memory is divided: - Instant (trace in the analyzer) - physiologically - trace processes in the receptor cells - 1 sec. - Short-term (the trace in the neurons centers) - physiological mechanism is defined as reverb impulses in cyclic chains neurons. - Minutes, hours. - Long-term memory - the consolidation of the following information (engrams). To move to the long-term memory are important: the significance of information, frequent repetition of information, unconscious memorizing facts (subliminal). The mechanism is based on a synthesis of specific substances: proteins and nucleic acids. Starting the process by activation of adenylyl cyclase mediated, formation c-AMP, which activates protein kinase: synthesis takes place specific "protein memory". In the process of consolidation are significant ACTH, vasopressin, endorphins. With the help of the right hemisphere is fixed in the main memory is shaped by the left - verbal-logical. In the mechanism of many is not known. Kept for life and used: random, inadvertently and unintentionally-associative. Memory impairment. Gipomneziya: poor memorization. May be associated with more useful, and the type of GNI, psychological characteristics of people, badly trained memory. Gipermneziya: high, sometimes phenomenal memory. Phenomenon rare, are not studied. Retrograde amnesia: a violation of mostly short-term memory, such as head injury falling from the memory of all that immediately preceded the injury. Simultaneously, long-term memory is unaffected. Korsakoff syndrome: disturbance of memory, no memory on current events, whereas the distant past remain. In the mechanism of syndrome of the absence or drastic reduction of the transition of information from short-term memory into long-term. Characteristic of chronic alcohol intoxication and some other CNS lesions. Paramnesia: Errors recall, transfer events in time. Perseveration: intrusive recollections, unrelated to environment and situation. Reminiscences: memories retold or read events Tille as actually occurred. Confabulation: false memories of events not taken place. Emotions. BIOLOGICAL ROLE OF EMOTIONS. The role of emotions in a subjective assessment of the biological motivations and coming from outside and inside information on a "good-bad." This and emotions may be negative and positive. Negative emotions can be expressed in two forms: asthenic (shock, stupor, fear) and sthenic (fury, rage). Any motivation, getting emotional, updated, which plays a primary role in the motivational needs. Theory of emotions. Freud's theory: emotions - is increasing or decreasing feelings discomfort in the depths of the brain and its subcortical structures. They represent a product comparison with the perception of desire, and if the comparison is satisfactory, there is a positive emotion, if not - is negative. He made no attempt to link his theory to specific neural structures. James-Lange theory: after the perception of a stimulus there autonomic responses, which are then perceived felt as a feeling of comfort or discomfort (we are sad because we cry, angry because it strikes, we are afraid, because I shudder). Some moments later the theory was confirmed experimentally, but general theory was not supported. Cannon-Bard theory: the perception of events nerve impulses first pass through the thalamus, where the split: the cortex and hypothalamus. Cortical centers provide a subjective physiological assessment of perceived and hypothalamic - vegetative reactions. Emotional stress and psychosomatic disorders. Emotional strain or emotional stress can be the cause of many violations in the central nervous system. - Neuroses. Disruption of higher nervous activity appears neurosis. This condition can cause the experimentally by applying a very strong conditional or unconditional stimuli in the development of subtle and complex forms of differentiation, with prolonged use brake lights, during the rapid transition from brake to the positive conditioned stimulus, and alteration of the dynamic stereotype in life-threatening conditions. Experimental neurosis takes place in several phases: 1. Equalization phase - roughly equal to the reflex response to different in strength stimuli. 2. Paradoxical phase - inversion relation between the strength of the stimulus and the magnitude of the conditioned reflex 3. Drug phase - a sharp weakening of response as a strong, and to weak stimuli. 4. Ultraparadoxical phase - is not always observed and is that the positive conditioned stimuli cause a braking effect, and cause the brake a positive conditioned response. Neurotic disorders may be caused by some physical disorders. The depth and duration of neurotic disorders depends on the type of GNI, caused by the reasons and duration of its validity. - Psychosomatic disorders. Prolonged emotional stress can cause physical disorders. In this regard, well known to occur on the basis of emotional stress, hyperthyroidism, peptic ulcer, hypertension, acute myocardial ischemia (angina or heart attack), cerebrovascular accidents. The basis for these diseases lie neotreagirovannye emotions: mostly restrained sthenic negative (anger, rage). VIOLATIONS emotional sphere. Emotional lability - sometimes is one of the characteristics characteristics of types of GNI, or temperament. Often associated with the overall high lability of the CNS. Characterized by emotional instability, abrupt mood swings from despair to euphoria, depression, panic from the aggression. Especially violations of emotions expressed by some mental disorders (agitation). Often accompanied by neurotic violations, especially neurasthenia. Emotional stupidity - is often a companion of mental illness. Sometimes the earliest symptom of schizophrenia. Indifferent to their fate and the fate of loved ones, coldness, lack of initiative. Can be observed as well in some neurotic disorders. Euphoria - elevated mood, joy, contentment. As pathology is treated in the absence of objective reasons for such state. May be a symptom of intermittent insanity, as well as some forms of dementia. Often accompanies drug intoxication. Depression - decreased mood, sadness, hopelessness. As symptom is often accompanied by a circular psychoses, schizophrenia, affective psychoses and somatogenic and the vast majority of neurotic disorder: neurasthenia and other nervous disorders. Speech. Speech - a product of nature and the second signal system. It operates with concepts - abstract symbols of concrete objects and phenomena. These verbal (verbal) may be oral (sound analyzer), writing (visual analyzer). Special kind of speech - speech deaf blind, speech and writing - in these cases analyzers are used unusual for speech. There is also the inner speech of thought "to myself, which, however, may be accompanied by ideomotor movements of speech organs. In the formation of centers of speech right and left hemispheres uneven: the centers are located in the left hemisphere in the areas of Broca and Wernicke, and are the centers of the oral and graphic language. If the damage these centers observed in the corresponding verbal agnosia (neuznavanie spoken or written language). Thinking. Thinking - the highest form of reflection and cognition of objective reality, man, the establishment of internal relationships between objects and phenomena of the world. Thinking up of operations analysis and synthesis. In thinking relevant comparison operations (establishment similarities or differences), synthesis (combining into groups based on major general), abstraction (the exclusion of incidental and inconsequential in the phenomenon), specificity (display mechanism or phenomenon in example of a specific example). The most ancient kind of thinking - visual-efficient, which characteristic and the higher animals. To implement the necessary set of real objects that the animal must be seen (for example, Monkey pours a bucket of water and puts out the fire to get food - All these items are present in her field of vision). Thinking up of complex judgments (approval or denial of any phenomenon, dependence, mechanism) on the basis of which is formed by inference as a logical consequence of comparing judgments. Thinking is divided into inductive (from individual private opinions to the general) and deductive (based on the general provisions of the emerging private findings and patterns). Thinking is divided into a concrete shape, when a person operates primarily signals an alarm system and an abstract logic, when a person operates primarily images of two signaling systems. Different people have these two kinds of thinking are presented in different proportions. For people art warehouse is more characteristic of the first for the "thinkers" - the second. This, however, does not mean that a have advantages. Great importance here is the predominance of right or left hemisphere. Right more focused on images and perception of specific stimuli, a signal system, whereas left - the perception of the abstract notion of 2 signaling system. BREACH OF THINKING. Dementia. With dementia, thinking mainly of concrete imagery, but this is due not predominance of a hemisphere just immaturity of the second signal system. Dementia is congenital (genetic abnormality), acquired during childbirth (Birth trauma, asphyxia at birth), acquired in early childhood (Cerebral palsy or other Neuroinfections) and acquired at a later age (trauma, degenerative disease nervous system syphilis, neuroinfections, alcoholism itoksikomanii, chronic toxicity, endocrine disorders, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, etc.). Paranoia. The emergence of ideas and conclusions, which are given undue weight, a kind of l'idee fixe. (Perpetual motion machine, the invention of bicycles, the reformation of society, etc.). Paranoid (delirium). The appearance of distorted reasoning, on nothing based suspicion, often directed at others or close (Delusions of persecution, prejudice, the influence of hypnosis, etc.). Paraphrenia. The emergence of reasoning, in principle, impossible, fantastic and fabulous (contact with aliens, devils, etc.) .. Illustrative material: L-OM1-17 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnakova SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 1. Physiology of higher nervous activity with the basics of neuroscience. Author: Shul'govskil VV, 2003, 464 pp. 2. Physiology of Higher Nervous Activity and sensory systems. Batuev IK, St. Petersburg, 2004, 356. 3. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. 4. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene in tables and diagrams. Manual. 1991. 5. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 6. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 7. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 8. Human Physiology. Ed. M. Pokrovsky, GF Korotko, in two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. 9. Physiology of higher nervous activity. Voronin, LM: [Textbook. Manual for Biology. specials. University comrade-M. Vyssh. School, 1979 10. Delgado, H. Brain and consciousness. Moscow, Mir, 1971., 264s. 11. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. Test questions (feedback): 1. What types of memory, you know 2. Explain the mechanism of attention 3. What are the different pathological types of perception? 4. With the help of a table is determined by the ability to concentrate? 5. What is a short-term memory and what is its mechanism? Medical University of Astana Department of Physiology Lecture № 18. Theme Lecture: Physiology of work. Purpose: To study the mechanisms of the behavioral act from the standpoint of the theory of functional systems, PK Anokhin, to form a view on the classification of labor on the severity and intensity, to learn how to explain the work of functional systems. Abstracts of lectures: The process of physiological regulation is the basis of self-gratification needs of a living organism. Needs are met through the activities of control systems - the nervous and endocrine. To meet their needs in terms of changes of the environment the body needs: 1. set specific tasks; 2. achieve the intended result. According to the teachings Anokhin, it is a useful result is a factor in determining the behavior and functional system (Fuss). Fuss is formed as a group of interconnected neurons that provide useful outcomes. The task of the Fuss is identification and evaluation of results. Fuse components are: 1 - a useful result, 2 - receptors 3 - the nerve center, 4 - actuators 5 - ways of feedback messages result of the action. Accountability of the executive bodies to the center provides evaluation results, and amendments to the work of Fuss, if the result is not reached. The doctrine of the functional system, created by Anokhin, suggests staging and conditionality of purposeful activity. Functional system - not a rigid anatomical and physiological education. It is created with the participation of the cerebral cortex just time when the development is targeted act adaptive behavioral activity. The basis of the formation of a functional system is the dominant motivation, which is painting the emotionally negative, forms direction and is the primary mechanism in the afferent synthesis. Afferent synthesis - a kind of processing of the initial conditions of which involved the dominant motivation (urgent need), situational afferentation (evaluation environments in terms of capacity to meet current needs), memory (experience how satisfied this need earlier and how to meet) and pad afferentation (estimate the possibility of starting action, a signal to it). Decision point occurs with the participation of associative centers. In this stage the program of action. Next begins the action itself, which is constantly monitored acceptor action by afferent feedback. Contact afferentation provides material for permanent compare the results of and programs of action. If the comparison result unsatisfactory - The action continues, and emotional state is not changed. The action continues as long as the result of the comparison does not prove satisfactory. Then the emotional state is replaced by positive motivation ceases to dominate and functional system for this particular action falls. PARAMETERS OF RESULT Goal-directed behavior is based on a biological motivation (common to humans and animals) and social motivation (mainly typical of the man and only in its infancy able to animals). Biologically determined goal-directed behavior has the basis of unconditional reflexes, and is divided into: - Edible - Defensive - Sexual and parental. Socially determined goal-directed behavior is based on higher mental functions and is divided into: - Career - Social behavior - Training - Play behavior, etc. • Physiology - this is an experimental science. It uses two basic methods: observation and experiment. Observation - the basic method of learning about and used in any scientific study. Its disadvantage is the passivity of the researcher who can find only the outward aspect of the phenomenon, for example - work (function) of the body. The mechanism of regulation of the body can be determined only empirically. The experiment allows the researcher to create certain conditions in which clarified the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the sludge that phenomenon. The experiment can be acute or chronic. Acute experience (vivisection) allows in a short time to study any regulatory mechanism, triggered in extreme situations for the test organism. Chronic experiment allows for a long time to investigate the mechanisms of regulation in the normal interaction of organism and environment. In animal experiments using surgical techniques - extirpation (removal) or an organ transplant, implantation of electrodes and sensors. Objective method is the method of telemetry, capable of detecting the parameters of the process or phenomenon from a distance. Experimental studies in recent years carried out using sophisticated optical, electronic, electronic equipment, allowing simultaneously explore dozens of functions, their change in the interaction, ie complex. Processing of the resulting data set is using the methods of mathematical statistics and computer technology. The nervous system consists of the central and peripheral divisions. CNS includes the brain and spinal cord, and PNS - it's all nerves, and nodes that lie outside the CNS. A distinction is also the somatic and autonomic nervous system. The first regulates the function of skeletal muscles and sense organs. The second regulates the function of internal organs and glands. Allocation of above-mentioned departments in the nervous system is arbitrary, convenient for studying a certain logical sequence. In fact, the nervous system is anatomically and functionally a unit, the unit basis of which are neurons. The nervous system is the leading physiological system of the organism, the main control system. This is confirmed by the fact that the National Assembly of the fetus begins to function long before his birth (Science News, № 16, 1984). Function of the nervous system can be divided into two types: high and low. Lower neural activity is the process of regulation of organs and systems in the body. Higher nervous activity includes those functional mechanisms of the brain that provides the body with the appropriate contact with the environment. Higher functions are the basis of human mental activity, the formation of personality traits: the temperament, character, abilities, needs and interests. Higher nervous activity requires prompt and adequate changes in the operation of the internal organs. Consequently, the higher and lower nervous activity overlap and should be considered in close harmonious unity. • Most animals and humans is manifested in the form of functions and physiological regulations. Function is a specific activity of cells, tissues and organs. For example, the function of muscle is reduced, glands - secretion, neurons - the generation and conduction of impulses. Due to changes in the functions the body adapts to changes in living conditions. All functions can be divided into: 1) Somatic (animals), which are implemented through the activities of skeletal muscles innervated by the SNA; 2) vegetative (plant) that are associated with metabolism, growth and reproduction. They are implemented at the expense of the internal organs innervated by ANS. Physiological act - a complex process that is carried out with the participation of various body systems (physiological acts breath, digestion, extraction, respiration, etc.). For example, the physiological act of digestion involves the excitation of sensory divisions of the CNS (visual, olfactory, gustatory, tactile), motor centers (extraction, processing and cooking), the secretory apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract (digestive juices), smooth muscles of the digestive tract (motility, peristalsis) , and intestinal epithelia (absorption). Thus, the act of digestion provided a manifestation of complex and multiple functions at the cellular, tissue, organ and system levels, which are included in the functional system (Fuss) and provide useful outcomes. "All regulated flows through the cleared beds, making his circuit in accordance with the law and under its protection." I. Ilf and Petrov "Golden Calf" • All cells and tissues of a living organism under the influence of stimuli moving from a state of relative physiological rest in the state of activity (excitation). The highest degree of activity observed in nerve and muscle tissue. The main properties of excitable tissues are: I. excitability, II conductance, III refractoriness and Lability, are associated with one of the most common properties of a living - irritability. Changes in the environment or the body is called irritants, and their effects irritation. By the nature of the stimuli are: mechanical, chemical, electrical, thermal. On the biological basis of stimuli are divided into: 1. adequate, which are perceived by the relevant specialized receptors (eyes - the light, the ear - the sound, the skin - a pain, temperature, touch, pressure, vibration); 2. inadequate, which specialized receptors are not adapted, but take them with excessive force and duration (shock - an eye - light). The most general, adequate and natural stimulus for all cells and tissues is a nervous impulse. The main physiological properties of nervous tissue (excitability, conduction, refractoriness and Lability) characterize the functional status of the human nervous system, determine his mental processes. • I. Excitability - the ability of tissue to respond to the stimulus appearance of the excitation process with a change in physiological properties. Kollichestvennoy measure of excitability is the threshold of excitation, ie minimum value of the stimulus that can trigger a reaction of tissues. Stimulus smaller force called the subliminal and more - supraliminal. Excitability is, first and foremost, a change of metabolism in tissue cells. Change in metabolism is accompanied by a transition through the cell membrane of negatively and positively charged ions, which alter the electrical activity of cells. The potential difference at rest between the inner cell contents and cell membrane, is 50-70 mV (millivolt) is resting membrane potential. The basis for this state of the cell is selective permeability of the membrane with respect to the ions K and Na. Ions Na, located in the extracellular medium through the membrane into the cells the way closed, and to easily penetrate through the pores of the cell membrane from the cytoplasm of cells in tissue fluid. As a result, in the cytoplasm are negatively charged ions on the membrane surface and accumulate positively charged ions K and Na. When excited by the cell permeability of Na ions increases sharply, and they rush to the cytoplasm, lowering the resting potential to zero and then increasing the potential difference of opposite values to 80-110 mV. Such short-term (0,0040,005 sec) changes the potential difference is called the action potential (spike) Engl. spike - the tip. Following this, the disturbed balance of ions is restored. To do this, there is a special cellular mechanism - sodium-potassium pump, which provides an active "pumping" Na from the cell and forcing "it to. Thus, there are 2 types of ions across the cell membrane: 1 - passive ion transport in the gradient of ion concentration; 2 - active ion transport against the concentration gradient, carried out "the sodiumpotassium pump" from the energy of ATP. Conclusion: The stimulation of nerve cells associated with changes in metabolism and is accompanied by the advent of electric potential (nerve impulse). • Conductivity - the ability of tissue to carry out a wave of excitation - bioelectric impulses. To ensure the homeostatic unity of all body structures (cells, tissues, organs, etc.) should be able to spatial interaction. Propagation of a disturbance of its place of origin to the executive bodies - one of the main ways of such interaction. Arising out of place causing irritation of the action potential causes irritation of adjacent, unexcited parts of the nerve (or muscle) fibers. Due to this phenomenon creates a wave of action potential action current, which extends along the entire length of the nerve fibers. In Remak's fiber stimulation is carried out with some damping damping rate, and in myelinated nerve fibers - without damping. Conduction of excitation is also accompanied by changes in metabolism and energy. • III. Refractoriness - temporary reduction in excitability of tissue that occurs when a potential action. At this point, repeated stimulation did not cause a response (absolute refractoriness). It lasts no more than 0.4 milliseconds, and then comes a phase of relative refractory when irritation can cause a weak reaction. This phase gives way to a phase of increased excitability - supernormal. Such dynamics of excitability due to processes of change and restore the balance of ions on the cell membrane. Professor NE Vvedensky investigated the characteristics of these processes and found that the excitable tissue may respond to different number of action potentials at a frequency of stimulation. He called this phenomenon lability (functional mobility). Lability - the property of excitable tissues to play the maximum number of action potentials per unit time. Maximum lability - in nervous tissue. Frequency stimulation causing maximal response is called an optimal (Latin optimum - the best), and causes inhibition of the reaction - pessimal (Latin pessimum - the worst). * Nerve fiber - up to 1000 pulses / sec, the muscle - 200-250 pulses / sec., Synapse - to 100-125 pulses / sec. Pessimum - active tissue response aimed at protecting it from excessive stimulation. This is one of the forms of inhibition. Excitation and inhibition is opposite to the value of self-regulatory processes that establish a middle-level relationships of the organism with the environment Illustrative material: L-OM1-18 REFERENCES: Main: 1. Human Physiology, VM Pokrovsky., GF Korotko, M., 2004. 2. Guide to practical exercises on normal physiology. KV Sudakov, AV Kotov, M., 2002. 3. Guidance on general and clinical physiology. V. Filimonov, MIA, 2002, 957 p. 4. Normal physiology, ed. KV Sudakov, M., 2000. 5. Aghajanian, NA, Tel LZ, Tsirkin VI, Chesnakova SA Physiology rights. St. Petersburg, Sotis, 2000, 528 pp. More: 12. Physiology of higher nervous activity with the basics of neuroscience. Author: Shul'govskil VV, 2003, 464 pp. 13. Physiology of Higher Nervous Activity and sensory systems. Batuev IK, St. Petersburg, 2004, 356. 14. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. 15. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene in tables and diagrams. Manual. 1991. 16. "Fundamentals of human physiology," 1 and Volume 2, BI Tkachenko, St. Petersburg, 1994. 17. Atlas of the normal physiology of AV Korobkov, SA Chesnokov, Moscow, High School, 1987. 18. Handbook of physiological and laboratory parameters of healthy humans. AA Utepbergenov, 1995. 19. Human Physiology. Ed. M. Pokrovsky, GF Korotko, in two volumes, Moscow, 2001, 368 pp. 20. Physiology of higher nervous activity. Voronin, LM: [Textbook. Manual for Biology. specials. University comrade-M. Vyssh. School, 1979 21. Delgado, H. Brain and consciousness. Moscow, Mir, 1971., 264s. 22. Alexandrov YI and other basics of Psychophysiology. Moscow, Infra-M, 1998., 431s. Test questions (feedback): 1. What are the main stages of the functional system Anokhin PK 2. Classified as work on the severity of 3. Give an example of passive adaptation to changing environmental conditions 4. By what kind of adaptation may include the flight of birds in the warmer climes?