Mimouni Appendix B Table comparing the number of taxa reported in this study to other studies of urban and natural waterbodies and lakes. Year Location Number of waterbodies Cladocera Rotifera Copepoda 2014 Montreal, Canada 18 urban waterbodies 26 45 9 2013 47 provinces, Canada 1665 lakes 33 - 50 Escrivà et al. 2010 39 7 2009 22 45 21 Frutos and Carnevali 2008 14 45 2 Jose de Paggi et al. 2008 Santa Fe, Argentina 16 39 10 Barnett and Beisner 2007 Quebec, Canada 2 mountainous ponds 103 montane lakes and ponds 3 artificial ponds 2 stormwater pond stations 18 lakes 19 Larson et al. Teruel, Spain Washington State, USA Corrientes, Argentina 25 - 14 Walseng et al. 2006 Mainland Norway 2466 lakes 77 - 43 Pinto-Coelho et al. 2005 Ontario and Quebec, Canada 5 small lakes and 38 headwater lakes 27 - 25 Pinto-Coelho et al. 2005 Alberta, Canada 16 - 10 Pinto-Coelho et al. 2005 Florida, USA 16 - 5 Dodson et al. 2005 Wisconsin, USA 12 shallow lakes 5 lakes (1 with two basins) 73 small and shallow lakes 25? - 22 Serrano and Fahd 2005 19 temporary ponds 27 47 16 Duggan et al. 2001 33 lakes - 79 - Study Mimouni et al. (this study) Pinel-Alloul et al. Ejsmont-Karabin and Kuczyńska-Kippen Pinel-Alloul et al. Chengalath and Koste Doñana National Park, Spain North Island, New Zealand 2001 Poznań, Poland 19 urban waterbodies - 114 - 1990 Quebec, Canada 54 lakes 12 14 9 1987 British Columbia and Yukon, Canada 90 ponds and lakes - 97 - 1