Nursing diagnosis and some physiological signs and their changes during the Arterial Hypertension Azjargal.B1, Batsereedene.B2, Naranchimeg.S2, Zevgee.T1 School of Nursing, MNUMS1-2 Abstract: Background:In socialist Mongolia nurses learned to do nursing procedures, like injections, distribution oral medicines, skin care, wound care, bed care, ets. Prevalence of non communicable diseases in Mongolia dictate the implementation of new nursing system with 5 stage of nursing activities. Objective:To learn the current situation of nursing activities during the hypertension, aids and services among the nurses who are working at the hospitals and family clinics of provinces and districts in capital city. Results:Nurses with Bachelor degree who are working in province, district hospitals have more knowledge about 5 stages of nursing activities, compared with nurses with nursing diploma (P<0.05). Hospital nurses have more knowledge about 5 stages of nursing activities, compared with nurses who worked in family clinics and outpatient settings. Most nurses provide assessment of hemodynamic changes, like blood pressure, pulse, respiratory rate, edema of patients with hypertension, but very rare they assessed the risk factors, psychosocial, family factors of hypertension. Most nurses not enough made nursing diagnosis, nursing planning, education, evaluation, because of poor assessment stage of nursing. Patients with hypertension just received medicine from nurses and not educated about risk factors, no stimulation to fight with smoking, unhealthy diet. Conclusion: 1. It is understandable that, nursing diagnosis based on subjective and objective methods of patients’ assessment. Assessment made by nurses with bachelor degree is different from assessment made by ordinary nurses (P<0.05). 2. Assessment made by asking questions, physical examination of patients with arterial hypertension mostly defined symptoms of functional dysfunction of cardiovascular system like dyspnoea, edema, chest pain, peripheral cyanosis, hypertrophy left ventricular, and these symptoms can be theoretical and methodological aspects of nursing diagnosis. 3. Symptoms, first and secondary risk factors of arterial hypertension defined by laboratory investigations, asking questions, physical examination (increased level of blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, decreased level of LDLP, increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure). These findings can be theoretical and methodological aspects for nursing diagnosis. Key words: Nursing process, assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, evaluation. Background: Besides nursing is the medical and independent science, nursing care and service is being performed according to own specifc principle, rule and technology as well as the nursing science has developed depending on socioeconomic changes. The nursing science has just delievered the health care for ill people though, in present it pays attention healthy people and prevent them from diseases. For last few decades the population sickness rate has been altering through the way that increasing number of patients who have noncommunicable disease such as, wrong living habits, inappropriate diet, lack of movement and related to smoking and alcoholics as well as noncommunicable diseases are playing imajor role for mortality rate caused by primary (inappropriate diet, lack of movment, cigarette and alcoholic drinks) and additional factors (overweight, hypertension, hyperlipidaemie, glusoemia) and all these are taking account of nursing science[1]. The goal of the study: The goal of study is to define the relation between nursing diagnosis and some physiological (hemodynamic) changes during arterial hypertension and diabetes. The objectives of the study: 1. To provide survey within nurses who work in the district hospital and family health centers by questionnaire about 5 stages of nursing activities during nursing care of patients with arterial hypertension and diabetes. 2. To provide study of 5 stages of nursing activities, nursing diagnosis and some hemodynamic changes within patients with arterial hypertension cared in cardiology department using patients’ chart and nurses’ notes in the chart. 3. To develop nursing diagnosis and methodological purposes by collecting complains, symptoms, objective data, risk factors, results of investigations from the chart of patients with arterial hypertension treated in the cardiology department. Materials and methods of study : Descriptive cross-section study:We prepared questionnaire about 5 steps of nursing activities for completing by nurses, who work in the district hospitals and family health centers and we collected information from this. We used SPSS17 program for analyzing results of survey. Collection of patients chart information made in April 2011, collection of nursing notes made in September 2012. 93 nurses were involved in the study aged between 21-59 and 3 (3,2%) of them male, 90 (96,8%) of them female and 43 were bachelor of nursing science and 50 had nursing diploma. We used questionnaire for nursing procedure and formulated by analytical cross-sectional study. The survey was formulated in SPSS 17, EXCEL program and result was expressed as t test and pvalue. Statistic evaluation has been done when p<0,05 by x2 is considered more probability. Study results: Table.1. Nurses’ position status Nursing education Position (III) (II) (I) n (%) n(%) n (%) Total Bachelor nurse 30 (32.3) 7 (7.5) 6 (6.4) 43 (46.2) Diploma nurse 16 (17.2) 16 (17.2) 18 (19.3) 50 (53.7) Total 46 (49.5) 23 (24.7) 24 (25.7) 93 (100) As we seen the figure, 46 (48,8%) nurses work in the state hospital, 23 (24,4%) nurses in the district hospital and 23 (26,8%) nurses work in the family health center. 53,7% of them have diploma education and 46,2% were baccalaureate. 87% of nurses who works in the state and district hospital and 13% in the family health center are baccalaureate. As level of education, baccalaureates are dominating in the state or district hospitals. (X2f=5.45>X2st=3.84 K=1 P < 0.05) Table.2. Nursing care assessment of Diabetes and Arterial hypertension Nursing education Total Assessment indicator Bachelor Diploma n(%) n(%) n(%) Ask about disease 42 (45.2%) 44 (47.3%) 86 (92.5%) Observation 14 (15%) 13 (13.9%) 27 (28.9%) Measure blood presuure 42 (45.2%) 44 (47.3%) 86 (92.5%) Measure temperature, 36 (38.7%) 44 (47.3%) 80 (86%) breath and pulse Measure weight and height 29 (31.2%) 36 (38.7%) 65 (69.9%) Palpation 13 (13.9%) 15 (16.1%) 28 (30.1%) Auscultation 11 (11.8%) 11 (11.8%) 22 (23.7%) Percussion 27 (29%) 17 (18.3%) 44 (47.3%) According to the 5 stages of nursing activities, 42 (45,2%) of baccalaureate nurses measured blood pressure and 36 (38,7%) body temperature, 29 (31,2%) of them counted breath and pulses, 13 (13,9%) measured weight and height, 27 (29%) done percussion and 11 (11,8%) auscultation. Identification of vital signs (hemodynamic status) was particularly similar depend on baccalaureate and diploma nurses (P=0,05). However, body examination was different baccalaureate nurses from diploma nurses (P>0,05). Table.3. Nursing diagnosis during Diabetes mellitus and Arterial hypretension (II stage) Nursing diagnosis of the Total NANDA Bachalavr Diploma Х² Р value Vital signs (Hemodynamic indicator) : Changes in blood pressure 33 (35.4%) 36 (38.7%) 69 (74.1%) Change of blood vessel 26 (27.9%) 27 (29%) 53 (56.9%) Heart disorder 28 (30.1%) 25 (26.9%) 53 (57%) Edema Disorder and symptoms: Insomnia 12 (12.9%) 18 (19.3%) 30 (32.2%) 12 (12.9%) 21 (22.5%) 33 (35.4%) Nausea 18 (19.3%) 12 (12.9%) 30 (32.2%) Fever 9 (9.6%) 9 (9.6%) 18 (19.2%) Weakness 18 (19.3%) 22 (23.6%) 40 (42.9%) Anxiety Risk factors : 19 (20.4%) 22 (23.6%) 41 (44%) Smoking 6 (6.4%) 14 (15%) 20 (21.5%) Drink alcohol 27 (29%) 30 (32.2%) 57 (61.2%) Movement changes 16 (17.2%) 14 (15%) 30 (32.2%) Lack of knowledge 9 (9.6%) 8 (8.6%) 17 (18.2%) Change in social communication Change of intelligence 4 (4.3%) 11 (11.8%) 15 (16.1%) 3 (3.2%) 12 (12.9%) 15 (16.1%) Verbal changed 4 (4.3%) 11 (11.8%) 15 (16.1%) 8.9 P<0.05 21.9 P<0.05 14 P<0.05 5.5 P<0.05 Psychosocial needs: As we seen the figure 2, nurses made 4 diagnoses for hemodynamic signs, 5 for disorders and symptoms, 4 for risk factors and 3 for psychosocial need respectively. It identifies that beyond the changes of organ system, individual need and risk factors are influencing on diagnosis. Table.4. Planning and impelementation of nursing activity on I-III level of Diabetes and Hypertension (III-IY Stages) Nursing care and service Level of hypertension II level III level n % n % 93 100% 93 100% 27 29.0% 27 29.0% 29 31.1% 29 31.1% 13 13.9% 15 16.1% n 93 25 27 11 I level % 100% 61.0% 65.9% 26.8% 22 19 0 0 53.7% 46.3% 0.0% 0.0% 24 21 2 0 25.8% 22.5% 2.1% 0.0% 24 26 51 37 25.8% 27.9% 54.8% 39.7% Wash the body Recommend take medicine permanently 0 12 0.0% 12.9% 0 27 0.0% 29% 0 52 0.0% 55.9% Recommend healthy diet Recommend to relax Suggestion for bad habits Recommend to do exercise advice “Stress” 27 26 3 2 25 65.9% 63.4% 3.2% 2.1% 26.8% 28 28 3 3 28 30.1% 30.1% 3.2% 3.2% 30.1% 28 30 24 21 29 30.1% 32.2% 25.8% 22.5% 31.1% Treating with medicine Check vital signs every 4h Control liquid balance Measure weight before breakfast Put warm compress Check edema Semi-sitting position and kept Provide oxygen As we seen the figure, even though nurses give medicine 100% at any stage of hypertension, patient care has been done unlikely depend on stages for patients. Only in 1 day, due to many kind of injections are gave frequently, proper nursing care could not be provided for the patients because of inadequate time as well as it is statistically similar (P<0,001) comparing to other researchers’ work. Table.5. Evaluation stages for nursing activity Evaluation indicators for result Ask about disorder Observation Examination Identification of additional disorder n 31 33 22 23 (%) (33.3%) (35.5%) (23.6%) (24.7%) Assess the diagnosis Assess the planning Assess the implementation 3 5 5 (3.2%) (5.3%) (5.3%) Patient improvement Normal health status 7 0 0 33 (7.5%) 0% 0% (35.4%) Write down on nursing card 2. During the study collected from the nursing chart and nurses notes we defined that nurses diagnosed in 57.4% of patients with arterial hypertension edema, in 43.3% dyspnoea, in 14.6% chest pain, in 5.9% palpitation, in 1.4% cough, in 1.5% blooding from nose, in 1.5% confusion, 1.5% restricted movement. It shows that nurses mostly diagnosed some hemodynamic changes during the hypertension, but not diagnosed main criteria of hypertension. 3. During the study collected from the hospitals chart patients’ and nurses notes we determined that nurses diagnosed by asking questions in 21.7% of patients with arterial hypertension dyspnoea, in 63% chronic headache and posterior neck pain, in 17.2% blurring vision , in 17.2% , in 8.7% fatigue, 11.3% anxiety, 17.2% sleep disorder, by physical examination defined hemodynamic changes like increasing systolic pressure in male patients up to 172.21±0.07, in female patients up to 168.04±2.14, increasing diastolic pressure in male patients up to 104.09±0.009, in female patients up to 105±1.32. It means that increasing both, systolic and diastolic pressure, tachycardia in 15.1%, palpitation in 17.2%, edema in 6.5%, peripheral cyanosis, in 8.7%, changes papilla by ophthalmoscope in 6.5%, pale of skin and mucous membrane in 15.2%, cardiac hypertrophy by the left ventricular in 19.6%. Next primary risk factors determined, like alcohol consumption in 43.3% of patients, tobacco use in 60.8%, non healthy diet in 56.5%, over weight in 26%, obesity in 36.9% of patients. By laboratory investigation determined physiological risk factors like increased cholesterol in 96.5%, decreased LDLP in 57.1%, increased triglycerides in 92%, increased blood sugar in 21.9% were different within male and female. These findings can be theoretical and methodological aspects for nursing diagnosis. Discussion: 46,2% of baccalaureate nurses have been participated in our study and it shows that there is need to train nurses as baccalaureate to improve quality of nursing care when comparing to the study by S.Naranchimeg and others (2). Nurses’ average age was 38.8± 8.2 and it was likely result of study by B.Davaakhuu and others (3). In that study, nurses’ average age was 41.2±2.1 (P<0.05). When we studied nursing care of implementation stage of the nursing activity, medicine treatment or give injection were given dominately and its result was similar to the survey by Sh.Tsermaa and others. It shows (Р<0.001) that only in a day, due to many kind of injections are given frequently, proper nursing care could not be provided for the patients because of inadequate time [4]. Conclusion: 1. It is understandable that, nursing diagnosis based on subjective and objective methods of patients’ assessment. Assessment made by nurses with bachelor degree is different from assessment made by ordinary nurses (P<0.05). 2. Assessment made by asking questions, physical examination of patients with arterial hypertension mostly defined symptoms of functional dysfunction of cardiovascular system like dyspnoea, edema, chest pain, peripheral cyanosis, hypertrophy left ventricular, and these symptoms can be theoretical and methodological aspects of nursing diagnosis. 3. Symptoms, first and secondary risk factors of arterial hypertension defined by laboratory investigations, asking questions, physical examination (increased level of blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, decreased level of LDLP, increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure). These findings can be theoretical and methodological aspects for nursing diagnosis. 4. 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