EMODNet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly Report Reporting Period: July – August Date: 11/09/2014 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report Contents 1. Highlights in this reporting period ....................................................................................................... 3 2. Meetings held since last report ........................................................................................................... 4 3. Outreach and communication activities.............................................................................................. 5 4. Updates on Progress Indicators ........................................................................................................... 6 Indicator 1 - Volume of data made available through the portal ........................................................... 6 Indicator 2 - Organisations supplying each type of data based on (formal) sharing agreements and broken down into country and organisation type (e.g. government, industry, science). .................... 11 Indicator 3 - Organisations that have been approached to supply with no result, including type of data sought and reason why it has not been supplied. ........................................................................ 15 Indicator 4 - Volume of each type of data and of each data product downloaded from the portal ... 15 Indicator 5 - Organisations that have downloaded each data type ..................................................... 17 Indicator 6 - Using user statistics to determine the main pages utilised and to identify preferred user navigations routes ................................................................................................................................. 18 Indicator 7 - List of what the downloaded data has been used for (divided into categories e.g. Government planning, pollution assessment and (commercial) environmental assessment, etc.) .... 18 Indicator 8 - List of organisations that have downloaded data from more than one portal in a given space of time e.g. 2 weeks (assumed to be for a single project).......................................................... 19 Indicator 9 - Interoperability of data of different types and from different portals ............................ 19 Annex X ................................................................................................................................................. 19 2 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report 1. Highlights in this reporting period This report gives an overview of the activities undertaken during the period July – August 2014. In this period the EMODNet Chemistry 2 activities were mainly related to: First Interim report. Contacts and videoconference with Emodnet Physics for WFS layers sharing through Ocean Browser. Ongoing development and videoconferences for new products: Dynamic Time Series plots. Ongoing efforts for the first set of new products. Preparation of Regional Leaders for 3rd September meeting on Data Quality and Diva usage. Preparation for 2nd round of Robot Data Harvesting. 3 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report 2. Meetings held since last report Date Location Topic Short Description 5th to the 8th 2014 in common vocabularies August Townsville, Australia 4 International workshop for the development and implementation of standards for the formats of metadata, data, data products, quality control methods and flags, common vocabularies. EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report 3. Outreach and communication activities Date Media Title Short description and/or link to the activity 5 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report 4. Updates on Progress Indicators Indicator 1 - Volume of data made available through the portal The total number of CDIs for chemistry data sets has increased from: 661820 to 677310 This covers the whole globe. Specifically relevant for European waters have increased from: 587949 to 603252 Lat Long box: N80, W-30; N20, E45 Of these 495259 are unrestricted (unrestricted and SeaDataNet license), while others (107993) require (possible) negotiation due to restrictions. Note: a division per MSFD region will be provided in future progress reports, once the boundaries of the MSFD regions have been cleared by EEA and DG Environment, and integrated into the CDI User Interface. 6 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report The division per Discovery Parameter is as follows: parameter Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column Salinity of the water column Temperature of the water column Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column Silicate concentration parameters in the water column Ammonium concentration parameters in the water column Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in the water column Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column Vertical spatial coordinates Particulate total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column Alkalinity, acidity and pH of the water column Particulate total and organic phosphorus concentrations in the water column Density of the water column Dissolved total or organic phosphorus concentration in the water column Dissolved total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column Phaeopigment concentrations in the water column Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column Particulate total and organic carbon concentrations in the water column Electrical conductivity of the water column Raw fluorometer output Transmittance and attenuance of the water column Dissolved organic carbon concentration in the water column Moored instrument depth Concentration of inorganic sulphur species in the water column Redox potential in sediment Inorganic chemical composition of sediment or rocks Temperature variation in the water column Secchi disk depth Dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration in the water column 7 No of CDI No restrictions Restrictions 399496 353810 45686 373546 333969 39577 368076 332659 35417 246358 207525 38833 215321 179045 36276 193253 160155 33098 167623 141725 25898 163963 142816 21147 136572 111395 25177 122951 70514 52437 90422 84303 6119 84007 62149 21858 82178 78855 3323 75668 72260 3408 69870 60382 9488 50900 48579 2321 26304 20373 5931 22408 14976 7432 21669 19060 2609 20244 19432 812 19887 13426 6461 19399 18222 1177 18316 12978 5338 13122 13122 0 13060 11372 1688 10092 0 10092 9956 2987 6969 9935 9935 0 8889 4843 4046 8534 5508 3026 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report Date and time Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column Concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediment samples Nitrogen concentrations in suspended particulate material Carbon concentrations in sediment Carbon concentrations in suspended particulate material Metal concentrations in biota Dissolved metal concentrations in the water column Raw temperature and/or salinity instrument output Raw oxygen sensor output Concentration of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in sediment samples Unspecified Concentration of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in biota Optical backscatter Concentration of other organic contaminants in the water column Sound velocity and travel time in the water column Variable fluorescence parameters Raw light meter output Sediment grain size parameters Sea level Concentration of other hydrocarbons in the water column Reference numbers Carotenoid pigment concentrations in the water column Unclassified pigment concentrations in the water column Pesticide concentrations in biota Concentration of other organic contaminants in sediment samples Radioactivity in the water column Raw suspended particulate material concentration sensor output Concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in biota Pesticide concentrations in water bodies Concentration of other organic contaminants in biota Total metal concentrations in water bodies Pesticide concentrations in sediment Particulate metal concentrations in the water column Light absorption in the water column 8 8410 8145 265 7593 5661 1932 6647 1657 4990 6249 2614 3635 5977 704 5273 5915 2037 3878 5879 924 4955 5746 4921 825 5295 1803 3492 5185 1757 3428 5135 1331 3804 4601 4450 151 4566 191 4375 4221 1652 2569 4205 2871 1334 3986 3953 33 3737 3531 206 3724 1089 2635 3650 2638 1012 3329 696 2633 3030 2302 728 2814 2185 629 2676 449 2227 2676 449 2227 2670 671 1999 2268 2152 116 2082 864 1218 1792 1703 89 1655 217 1438 1648 987 661 1479 0 1479 1451 688 763 1382 1072 310 1199 993 206 1169 1169 0 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report Lithology Dissolved concentration parameters for other gases in the water column Concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in suspended particulate material Primary production in the water column Organometallic species concentration parameters in sediments Urea concentration parameters in the water column Concentration of organic matter in sediments Concentration of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in the water column Nitrogen concentrations in sediment Sea level expressed as pressure Sediment water content, porosity and surface area Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents) Suspended particulate material grain size parameters Concentration of carbohydrates, phenols, alkanols (alcohols), ethers, aldehydes and ketones in sediment Concentration of other organic contaminants in suspended particulate material Concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the water column Geological sample radioactivity Phosphorus concentrations in suspended particulate material Phytoplankton taxonomic abundance in water bodies Terrestrial detritus in the water column suspended particulate material Total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) concentration in the water column Organometallic species concentration parameters in biota Bacteria generic abundance in water bodies Acoustic backscatter in the water column Metadata parameters Zooplankton and zoobenthos morphological parameters Concentration of carbohydrates, phenols, alkanols (alcohols), aldehydes and ketones in water bodies Concentration of proteins in the water column Suspended particulate material aggregates Concentration of inorganic halogens in water bodies 9 1090 599 491 1059 919 140 1051 1051 0 1018 648 370 990 701 289 985 676 309 922 77 845 871 871 0 798 282 516 734 734 0 694 648 46 655 653 2 653 114 539 648 0 648 648 648 0 548 541 7 397 385 12 333 61 272 332 332 0 322 322 0 320 206 114 318 252 66 293 257 36 283 281 2 235 235 0 220 220 0 194 194 0 194 194 0 176 176 0 168 168 0 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report Concentration of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in suspended particulate material Shellfish morphology, age and physiology Other halocarbon concentrations in water bodies Regenerated production in water bodies New production in water bodies Oxygen production and respiration in the water column Other physical and chemical properties of suspended particulate material Concentration of alkanes in the water column Dissolved trace metalloid concentrations in the water column Fish morphology, age and physiology Phaeopigment concentrations in sediment Raw in-situ nutrient analyser output Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the atmosphere Geological sample density Organosulphur species concentration parameters in the water column Concentration of inorganic sulphur species in sediment Bacteria non taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column Colloidal organic carbon concentration in the water column Excretion rate parameters in the water column Nitrification rate in the water column Mineralogical composition Concentration of dissolved organic matter in the water column Concentration of adenlylates in the water column Bacterial production in the water column Phytoplankton generic abundance in water bodies Phytoplankton generic biomass in water bodies Trace metalloid concentrations in biota Water body lipid concentrations Phytoplankton taxonomic biomass in water bodies Plankton biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column Air temperature Air pressure Wave direction Wave height and period statistics 10 163 163 0 163 97 66 156 0 156 141 141 0 139 139 0 136 136 0 132 132 0 122 122 0 118 4 114 117 117 0 108 108 0 105 105 0 100 100 0 79 0 79 76 76 0 66 46 20 63 0 63 60 60 0 55 55 0 54 54 0 47 12 35 44 0 44 38 38 0 36 0 36 36 0 36 36 0 36 33 0 33 32 32 0 30 30 0 27 0 27 25 23 2 24 24 0 23 23 0 23 23 0 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report Wind strength and direction Horizontal spatial co-ordinates Concentration of silicon species in the water column Geological sample magnetic, electrical and acoustic properties Stable isotope enrichment in the water column Radioactivity in biota Zoobenthos taxonomic abundance Dissolved organic carbon concentrations in sediment pore waters Nutrient concentrations in sediment pore waters Zoobenthos taxonomy-related wet weight biomass per unit area of the bed Chlorofluorocarbon concentrations in the water column Zoobenthos dry weight biomass Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column Organometallic species concentration parameters in water bodies Metal concentrations in sediment pore waters Platform or instrument orientation Zooplankton taxonomy-related biomass expressed as carbon per unit volume of the water column Dissolved oxygen concentration parameters in sediment pore waters Engineering parameters Sediment lipid concentrations 23 23 0 22 22 0 21 6 15 21 0 21 20 20 0 19 19 0 17 17 0 16 0 16 16 0 16 16 16 0 15 15 0 14 14 0 14 14 0 13 0 13 3 0 3 2 0 2 2 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 Indicator 2 - Organisations supplying each type of data based on (formal) sharing agreements and broken down into country and organisation type (e.g. government, industry, science). Data Centre Country British Oceanographic Data Centre United Kingdom German Oceanographic Datacentre (NODC) Germany 11 No Restriction restriction s s 42425 17740 24685 17406 13505 3901 No of CDI EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report OGS (Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale), Division of Oceanography Italy CNR, Institute of Marine Science U.O.S. of Pozzuolo di Lerici (SP) Italy Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR) - Ancona Italy Institute of Fishery Resources (IFR) Bulgaria Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Maritime Branch in Gdynia (IMWM MB) Poland Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre (HCMR/HNODC) Greece IEO/Spanish Oceanographic Institute Spain Marine Institute Ireland Flanders Marine Institute Belgium IFREMER / IDM/SISMER France Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute Sweden IHPT, Hydrographic Institute Portugal Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute, Branch of Marine Geology (PGI BMG) Poland Institute of Marine Research - Norwegian Marine Data Centre (NMD) Norway NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research Netherlands Netherlands Institute for Ecology, Centre for Estuarine and Marine Ecology All-Russia Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Centre (RIHMI-WDC) National Oceanographic Data Centre (NODC) Netherlands P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS Russian Federation Russian Federation Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography Ukraine National Institute of Fisheries Research (INRH) Morocco Bulgarian National Oceanographic Data Centre(BGODC), Institute of Oceanology Bulgaria Iv.Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Centre of Relations with UNESCO Oceanological Research Centre and GeoDNA (UNESCO) Georgia Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University Turkey National Institute for Marine Research and Development "Grigore Antipa" Romania Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology Latvia Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries Croatia International Ocean Institute - Malta Operational Centre (University Of Malta) / Physical Oceanography Unit Malta 12 48718 22781 25937 81 81 0 1637 257 1 257 1636 0 2672 2240 432 8741 6789 1952 14190 6893 1967 18547 62593 1387 6587 6893 1967 18326 62523 926 7603 0 0 221 70 461 326 0 326 13968 13968 0 3673 3659 14 12894 2145 10749 16101 16101 0 11892 235 11657 18228 18228 0 326 0 326 623 623 0 404 404 0 7890 3258 4632 5208 3006 2202 1695 1625 1695 1625 0 0 128 128 0 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report Cyprus Oceanography Center Cyprus Marine Systems Institute at Tallinn University of Technology Estonia Marine Hydrophysical Institute Ukraine Aarhus University, Department of Bioscience, Marine Ecology Roskilde Denmark International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Denmark Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Marine Sciences Turkey Sinop University, Fisheries Faculty Turkey Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Marine Science and Technology Turkey Istanbul University, Institute of Marine Science and Management Turkey Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, NAS of Ukraine Ukraine Marine branch of Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute Ukraine Russian State Hydrometeorological University, StPetersburg Russian Federation National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Bulgaria Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (IOLR) BRGM / Office of Geological and Mining Resources Israel France Ukrainian scientific center of Ecology of Sea (UkrSCES) Ukraine Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems (USRIEP) Ukraine Odessa National I.I.Mechnikov University Ukraine National Institute of Biology - NIBMarine Biology Station Slovenia Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer – INSTM Tunisia Scientific - Research Firm "GAMMA" Georgia Rijkswaterstaat Waterdienst Netherlands Institute of Geology and Geography of Nature Research Centre Management Unit of North Sea and Scheldt Estuary Mathematical Models, Belgian Marine Data Centre Lithuania 518 499 19 16851 16851 0 3669 2054 1615 184783 184783 0 2297 2297 0 245 29 216 343 343 0 1603 0 1603 256 88 168 998 998 0 11395 11395 0 139 139 0 837 600 237 3623 3623 0 1087 0 1087 6240 6240 0 4 4 0 888 25 863 7061 3412 3649 783 21 762 1030 13197 1030 13197 0 0 118 118 0 9184 9184 0 542 7985 919 24 542 7985 48 24 0 0 871 0 Belgium Geological Survey of Estonia Estonia Finnish Meteorological Institute Finland National Laboratory of Energy and Geology Portugal Ankara University Turkey 13 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report Taurida V.I. Vernadsky National University Ukraine Danube Hydro-meteorological Observatory Ukraine Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Latvia (LU) Latvia Institute of Marine Biology (IMBK) Montenegro ISPRA-Institute for Environmental Protection and Research Italy PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science Germany TOTALS 55 44 0 0 55 44 721 721 0 13 13 0 711 711 0 2594 2594 0 603252 495259 107993 These centers are government and research institutes. No industry. Difference between end June 2014 and end August 2014: Data centre Country No restrictions German Oceanographic Datacentre (NODC) Germany 79 0 79 Institute of Marine Science (ISMAR) - Ancona Italy 0 233 233 Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Hellenic National Oceanographic Data Centre (HCMR/HNODC) Greece 60 0 60 IEO/Spanish Oceanographic Institute Spain 35 0 35 Sweden 844 0 844 Latvia 326 0 326 80 0 80 Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology Restrictions Total Marine Systems Institute at Tallinn University of Technology Estonia International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Denmark 1363 0 1363 Marine branch of Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute Ukraine 9459 0 9459 National Institute of Biology NIBMarine Biology Station Slovenia 1501 1323 2824 13747 1556 15303 TOTAL INCREASE 14 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report Indicator 3 - Organisations that have been approached to supply with no result, including type of data sought and reason why it has not been supplied. Nothing to report. Indicator 4 - Volume of each type of data and of each data product downloaded from the portal Time period 1 July 2014 – 31 August 2014: RSM => EMODNEt Chemistry portal No of CDI basket transactions: 6 No of CDIs requested: 13341 Different users: 2 Different data centres: 9 Regional Data products from OceanBrowser viewing service: DIVA data product (direct download or OPENDAP) Data product Arctic->S19973352004334_CLIM_CHL_BARS Arctic->Salinity.19702008 Arctic->Temperature.19702008 Atlantic->Salinity.19752008 Atlantic->Temperature.19752008 Baltic->AMON.19752005 Baltic->H2SX.19752005 Baltic->NTOT.19752005 Baltic->S19973352004334_CLIM_CHL_BALT Baltic->SLCA.19752005 Baltic->Salinity.19752005 Baltic->Temperature.19752005 Baltic->season_CPHL.19752005 Baltic->season_SLCA.19752005 Baltic->season_TPHS.19752005 Black Sea->Annual distribution->Zn_annual Downloads 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report Global->monthly_clim_dt_ref_global_merged_msla_y1993_2008 Global->seasonal_clim_dt_ref_global_merged_msla_y1993_2008 Mediterranean Sea->Balearic Sea->Spring->Nitrite Mediterranean Sea->GOS-ChlHR-MED_monthlyCLIMv2_1 Mediterranean Sea->GOS-L4HRfnd-MED_monthlyCLIMv2_1 Mediterranean Sea->Gulf of Athens->Annual distribution (1995-2007)->NTRA Mediterranean Sea->Gulf of Athens->Annual distribution (1995-2007)->PHOS Mediterranean Sea->Gulf of Athens->Mean distribution (1990-1999)->Dissolved_Cd Mediterranean Sea->Gulf of Athens->Mean distribution (1990-1999)->Dissolved_Pb Mediterranean Sea->JRA5_Chlorophyll.18902008 Mediterranean Sea->JRA5_Temperature.19002009-2 Mediterranean Sea->Levantine Basin->NTRA Mediterranean Sea->Nitrate.18902008 Mediterranean Sea->North Adriatic->Nitrate Mediterranean Sea->North Adriatic->Phosphate North Sea->NTRA.19702009 North Sea->NTRI.19702009 Total 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 43 DIVA data product (Web Map Service) Region Black Sea->Annual distribution->Alk_annual Black Sea->Annual distribution->NO2_NO3_annual Black Sea->Annual distribution->PO4_annual Black Sea->Monthly distribution->PO4_monthly Mediterranean Sea->Balearic Sea->Fall->Nitrite Mediterranean Sea->Balearic Sea->NTRA Mediterranean Sea->Balearic Sea->PHOS_PHOS_L1 Mediterranean Sea->GOS-ChlHR-MED_monthlyCLIMv2_1 Mediterranean Sea->Gulf of Athens->Annual distribution (1987-1994)->NTRA Mediterranean Sea->Gulf of Athens->Annual distribution (1987-1994)->PHOS Mediterranean Sea->Gulf of Athens->Seasonal distribution (1995-2007)->NTRA Mediterranean Sea->Gulf of Lions->Phosphate.19712003 Mediterranean Sea->JRA5_Ammonium.18902008 Mediterranean Sea->JRA5_Chlorophyll.18902008 Mediterranean Sea->Levantine Basin->NTRA Mediterranean Sea->Levantine Basin->PHOS Mediterranean Sea->Nitrate.18902008 Mediterranean Sea->Nitrite.18902008 16 Downloads 17660 15 121 78 6 361 45 524 45 24 47 188 447 450 3919 12 1118 1032 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report Mediterranean Sea->North Adriatic->Nitrate Mediterranean Sea->North Adriatic->Phosphate Mediterranean Sea->Oxygen.18902008 Mediterranean Sea->Phosphate.18902008 Mediterranean Sea->Silicate.18902008 Mediterranean Sea->pH.18902008 North Sea->NTRA.19702009 North Sea->PHOS.19702009 North Sea->PHOS.19702009? cont,Mediterranean Sea->Nitrate.18902008 continent,Mediterranean Sea->Nitrate.18902008 Total 6792 81 15 1001 11 26 1113 694 1 1 1 35828 Note: The download count represents the individual WMS tiles. Time series Region Adriatic Baltic Black Sea Greater North Sea Western Mediterranean Sea Total Downloads 11 1 74 46 6 138 Indicator 5 - Organisations that have downloaded each data type From CDI service: ICES, Denmark 17 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report Indicator 6 - Using user statistics to determine the main pages utilised and to identify preferred user navigations routes Time period 1 July 2014 – 31 August 2014: Chemistry main portal: www.EMODNet-chemistry.eu Month Unique visitors Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth Jul 2014 109 193 Aug 2014 18 32 467 1245 8.09 MB 58 172 9.19 MB Chemistry Products – Ocean Browser service: http://gher-diva.phys.ulg.ac.be/EMODNet/ Month Unique visitors Number of visits Pages Jul 2014 51 90 Aug 2014 57 79 Hits Bandwidth 17,376 21,116 3.06 GB 5,024 8,516 166.16 MB Chemistry CDI data discovery and access service: http://EMODNet-chemistry.maris2.nl/v_cdi_v3/search.asp Month Unique visitors Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth Jul 2014 22 48 1,491 4,643 51.22 MB Aug 2014 34 83 2,620 3,930 98.47 MB Indicator 7 - List of what the downloaded data has been used for (divided into categories e.g. Government planning, pollution assessment and (commercial) environmental assessment, etc.) Nothing to report. 18 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report Indicator 8 - List of organisations that have downloaded data from more than one portal in a given space of time e.g. 2 weeks (assumed to be for a single project). Nothing to report. Indicator 9 - Interoperability of data of different types and from different portals Nothing to report. Annex X Nothing to annex. 19 EMODnet Thematic Lot n° 4 - Chemistry 7th Bi-monthly report 20