MEAN PATCH SIZE (MPS) North Amazonia Biome Native Vegetation Classes South Amazonia Cerrado Fragmented Native Vegetation by 2007 (ha) Ratio of MPS reduction A 195,441 395 C 51,886 4,086 13 D 10,298 567 18 F 131,269 901 146 P 7,299 1,726 4 SN 3,851 274 14 SO 58,148 57,960 1 S 22,477 478 47 49,427 619 80 C 12,132 119 102 F 72,293 190 380 P 1,429 257 6 S 15,324 250 61 ST 30,446 702 43 29,195 219 133 A 3,424 322 11 C 25,683 95 272 D 1,424 475 3 MPS at landscape level Pantanal Native Vegetation (ha) MPS at landscape level 494.6 F 14,526 549 26 P 6,537 1,112 6 SN 35,704 301 SO 11,968 3,438 S 321,658 287 1120 MPS at landscape level 75,142 304 247 C 6,469 310 21 F 8,176 658 12 S 36,390 590 62 T 16,550 16,534 1 MPS at landscape level 23,278 593 39 119 3 Table S5. Comparison of Mean Patch Size (MPS) of native vegetation classes and their fragments by 2007. Forest classes are shadowed. A- Ombrophylous Open Forest; CSeasonal Deciduous Forest; D-Ombrophylous Dense Forest; F-Seasonal Semideciduous Forest; SN-Contact zone Savanna / Seasonal Forest; SO-Contact zone Savanna / Ombrophylous Forest; S-Savanna; ST-Contact zone Savanna/ Steppe-like Savanna; STContact zone Savanna/ Steppe-like Savanna; T-Steppe-like Savanna; P-Pioneer Formation.