Compare/Contrast Practice: Othello I will show two versions of a

Compare/Contrast Practice:
I will show two versions of a scene from Othello. You will compare and contrast these two
versions of the scene. Fill out the categories with similarities and differences. Write at
LEAST 4 things in each box. Then, write two CEW paragraphs: one about each version of the
scene. More instructions about the CEW paragraphs on the next page.
I can analyze how one passage or speech is interpreted
differently by different actors or directors.
 Student identifies 4+ details in each category.
 Details are especially interesting, unusual, perceptive.
 Student identifies at least 4 details in each category.
 Details go beyond the obvious. Details are specific and
important to the scene.
 Student identifies both similarities and differences.
 Student addresses all questions listed for each
Partially Meets: Paper meets 3 of the “Meets” criteria, or
meets more criteria but at a general or inconsistent level
Minimally Meets: Paper meets 2 or fewer of the “Meets”
criteria or meets more criteria but at a minimal level
I can explain how different actors’ choices influence the overall meaning of the
passage or speech.
 Explanation of overall feel/meaning of each scene is thorough and insightful.
 Explanation of how the details affect the feel and meaning is especially interesting,
complete, or detailed.
 Student plausibly identifies and explains overall feel or meaning of both versions.
 Student identifies specific details (from all 4 categories) that contribute to the
overall feel or meaning of the version.
 Student thoroughly explains how the details of each version affect the overall feel
and meaning of each version.
Partially Meets: Student may identify the overall feel and meaning, and may identify
some details, but the explanation of those details is general, vague, or incomplete.
Minimally Meets: Student may misidentify the overall feel or meaning of the versions,
contribute few specific details, and/or offer only the most basic or general explanation.
Emotions/Facial Expressions:
How are the actors’ emotions similar and different in both versions?
What kinds of similar or different facial expressions do the actors use?
Version 1 (Laurence Fishburne)
Version 2
How are the actors’ voices similar or different? What different words does each actor emphasize?
How does each actor use his or her tone of voice, volume, and speed differently?
Version 1 (Laurence Fishburne)
Version 2
How are the actors’ actions similar or different? What does each actor DO during the speech (gestures, walking, etc.)?
How does this change the emotions you see?
Version 1 (Laurence Fishburne)
Version 2
What kind of setting, props, and costumes does each actor use? What kind of symbolic meaning might these places or
objects have? How does each actor interact with the setting and the props?
Version 1 (Laurence Fishburne)
Version 2
Now, it’s time to write!
You will be writing 2 paragraphs—one about each version of the scene.
These paragraphs will be in CEW format. Actually, they will be in CEWEWEW format.
 Each paragraph should have a claim, indicating what you think is the overall feel or meaning of the scene.
 Then, you should choose 3 details you noticed from the scene that support your “reading” of this version. Make
sure to choose your 3 details from 3 different categories. Choose the most interesting details you can think of.
These will be your 3 pieces of evidence.
 Then, you will explain HOW each detail helps contribute to the overall feel or meaning of the scene. You will
explain each detail separately. These explanations will be your 3 separate warrants.
 Write this all together in paragraph form.
Paragraph 1: Which version?__________________________________________________________________________
In Paragraph 2, make sure to include some information about how this version
was DIFFERENT from the one you wrote about in Paragraph 1.
Paragraph 2: Which version?_________________________________________________________________________