Introduction- a proposed revision of EUNIS marine habitat

The EUNIS habitats classification1, developed and maintained by the European Environment
Agency (EEA) and its European Topic Center on Biological Diversity ( ETC-BD), is now
widely used and has been adopted as a reference under the INSPIRE Directive2. However the
current classification mostly dates from 2004 (Davies, Moss & Hill 2004) with only a few
small changes since then and there have been frequent demands for an update to take into
account our increasing knowledge and experience in using the classification. This is
particularly the case for the marine component of the classification with an increase in
surveying, especially using remote sensing techniques, and major projects such as
BALANCE, MESH, MESH Atlantic and EUSeaMap.
A meeting held at the EEA in October 20113 agreed that a revision of the classification was
needed and recognised that the marine section was of highest priority. The following year the
MESH Atlantic project held a workshop in San Sebastian, Spain, which, based on the
experience from several projects throughout Europe, made recommendations for revising the
marine section of the EUNIS habitats classification (Galparsoro et al 2012). Using these
recommendations as a starting point, a workshop held at the EEA in November 20134 agreed
on basic principles for a revision which were then used to produce a proposed revision of the
marine part of the EUNIS habitats classification during 2014.
It was agreed that the revision should be based on the following hierarchy:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Biological zone and substrate
Functional habitat
The proposed revision for levels 2 to 4 is presented below and has been entered per habitat
group in the consultation tool ( to allow for comments;
please restrict your comments to levels 2-4.
Please note that to avoid confusion with the existing classification, no codes have been given.
It should be remembered that the existing classification was only developed as far as level 3
(terrestrial and freshwater) and level 4 (marine) with habitats at lower levels (5-6) being
simply ‘borrowed’ from other classifications such as the British BioMar classification. When
the proposal for restructuring of levels 2-4 is agreed, following this consultation, the marine
section will be updated by adding the currently available units at levels 5 and 6 to the relevant
higher units. Note also, that the current proposal is primarily a restructuring of levels 2-4 of
the existing classification types, with only limited updating of the habitat types included (e.g.
for the Baltic Sea and Atlantic deep sea). Additional habitat types (at levels 4-6) can be added
in the future, based on suitable regional-level work (typologies, mapping).
The rationale behind the revised classification is given in the document ‘Guiding Principles
for Revising the Marine Component of the EUNIS Habitats Classification’ while the
spreadsheet ‘EUNIS marine restructuring’ shows how the existing units have been regrouped,
including units in levels 5 and 6.
Davies, C. E., Moss, D., & Hill, M. O. (2004). EUNIS habitat classification revised 2004.
Report to: European Environment Agency-European Topic Centre on Nature Protection and
Biodiversity, 127-143.
Galparsoro, Ibon, David W. Connor, Ángel Borja, Annabelle Aish, Patricia Amorim, Touria
Bajjouk, Caroline Chambers, Roger Coggan, Guillaume Dirberg, Helen Ellwood, Douglas
Evans, Kathleen L. Goodin, Anthony Grehan, Jannica Haldin, Kerry Howell, Chris Jenkins,
Noëmie Michez, Giulia Mo, Pål Buhl-Mortensen, Bryony Pearce, Jacques Populus, Maria
Salomidi, Francisco Sánchez, Alberto Serrano, Emily Shumchenia, Fernando Tempera,
Mickaël Vasquez 2012 Using EUNIS habitat classification for benthic mapping in European
seas: Present concerns and future needs. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64, no 12 (décembre):
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Baltic littoral rock
Littoral rock
Atlantic littoral rock
Level 4 Functional habitat
Unvegetated Baltic hydrolittoral rock and other hard substrata
Vegetated Baltic hydrolittoral rock
Communities of permanent brackish pools in the Baltic geolittoral
Lichens or small green algae on Atlantic supralittoral and littoral
fringe rock
[Mytilus edulis] and/or barnacle communities on wave-exposed
Atlantic littoral rock
Robust fucoid and/or red seaweed communities on wave-exposed
Atlantic littoral rock
Barnacles and fucoids on moderately exposed Atlantic littoral rock
[Mytilus edulis] and fucoids on moderately exposed Atlantic
littoral rock
Fucoids on tide-swept Atlantic littoral rock
Fucoids on sheltered Atlantic littoral rock
Fucoids on variable salinity Atlantic littoral rock
Ephemeral green or red seaweeds on freshwater or sandinfluenced Atlantic littoral rock
Communities of Atlantic littoral rockpools
Communities of Atlantic littoral caves and overhangs
Mediterranean littoral rock
Communities of Mediterranean upper mediolittoral rock
Communities of exposed Mediterranean lower mediolittoral rock
Communities of moderately exposed Mediterranean lower
mediolittoral rock
Communities of sheltered Mediterranean lower mediolittoral rock
Communities of Mediterranean mediolittoral rockpools
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Level 4 Functional habitat
Communities of Mediterranean mediolittoral caves and overhangs
Pontic littoral rock
Communities of Pontic supralittoral rock
Faunal communities of exposed Pontic mediolittoral rock
Algal turf communities of exposed Pontic mediolittoral rock
Faunal communities of moderately exposed Pontic mediolittoral
Algal turf communities of moderately exposed Pontic
mediolittoral rock
Communities of sheltered Pontic mediolittoral rock
Communities of Pontic mediolittoral rockpools
Communities of Pontic mediolittoral caves and overhangs
Littoral biogenic
habitat (saltmarsh)
Arctic littoral saltmarsh
Upper shore Arctic salt meadows
Lower shore Arctic salt meadows
Baltic littoral saltmarsh
Atlantic littoral saltmarsh
Baltic upper saltmarshes
Baltic upper-mid saltmarshes and saline and brackish reed, rush
and sedge beds
Atlantic saltmarsh driftlines
Atlantic upper saltmarshes
Atlantic upper-mid saltmarshes and saline and brackish reed, rush
and sedge beds
Atlantic mid-low saltmarshes
Atlantic pioneer saltmarshes
Mediterranean littoral saltmarsh
Mediterranean saltmarsh driftlines
Mediterranean upper saltmarshes
Mediterranean upper-mid saltmarshes and saline and brackish
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Level 4 Functional habitat
reed, rush and sedge beds
Mediterranean mid-low saltmarshes
Mediterranean pioneer saltmarshes
Pontic littoral saltmarsh
Pontic upper saltmarshes
Pontic pioneer saltmarshes
Littoral biogenic
habitat (faunal)
Baltic littoral biogenic habitat
Mussel beds in the Baltic hydrolittoral zone
Atlantic littoral biogenic habitat
Worm reefs in the Atlantic littoral zone
Mussel beds in the Atlantic littoral zone
Oyster beds in the Atlantic littoral zone
Mediterranean littoral biogenic
Worm reefs in the Mediterranean littoral zone
Vermetid mollusc reefs in the Mediterranean littoral zone
Coralline algal platforms in the Mediterranean littoral zone
Littoral coarse
Pontic littoral biogenic habitat
Worm reefs in the Pontic littoral zone
Baltic littoral coarse sediment
Vegetated Baltic hydrolittoral coarse sediment
Unvegetated Baltic hydrolittoral coarse sediment
Atlantic littoral coarse sediment
Marine Atlantic littoral shingle (pebble) and coarse sediment
Estuarine Atlantic littoral coarse sediment
Mediterranean littoral coarse
Pontic littoral coarse sediment
Littoral mixed sediment Baltic littoral mixed sediment
Communities of Mediterranean mediolittoral coarse sediment
Communities of Pontic mediolittoral shingle and gravel
Unvegetated Baltic hydrolittoral mixed sediment and stony
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Atlantic littoral mixed sediment
Level 4 Functional habitat
Vegetated (ephemeral) Atlantic littoral mixed sediment
Unvegetated Atlantic littoral mixed sediment
Mediterranean littoral mixed
Pontic littoral mixed sediment
Littoral sand
Baltic littoral sand
Mediterranean mediolittoral coarse detritic sediment
Communities of Pontic mediolittoral mixed sediment
Vegetated Baltic hydrolittoral sandy substrata
Unvegetated Baltic hydrolittoral sandy substrata
Atlantic littoral sand
Communities of the Atlantic strandline
Seagrass beds on Atlantic littoral sediment
Marine [Cyperaceae] beds in the Atlantic littoral zone
Barren or amphipod-dominated Atlantic littoral mobile sand
Polychaete/amphipod-dominated Atlantic littoral fine sand
Polychaete/bivalve-dominated Atlantic littoral muddy sand
Mediterranean littoral sand
Communities of the Mediterranean strandline
Communities of Mediterranean mediolittoral sand
Pontic littoral sand
Seagrass beds on Pontic mediolittoral sediment
Faunal communities of Pontic mediolittoral sand
Littoral mud
Baltic littoral mud
Vegetated Baltic hydrolittoral muddy substrata
Unvegetated Baltic hydrolittoral muddy substrata
Atlantic littoral mud
Marine Atlantic littoral mud
Estuarine Atlantic upper littoral mud
Mediterranean littoral mud
Polychaete/bivalve-dominated mid estuarine Atlantic littoral mud
Polychaete/oligochaete-dominated upper estuarine Atlantic
littoral mud
Communities of Mediterranean mediolittoral mud
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Pontic littoral mud
Infralittoral rock
Baltic infralittoral rock
Atlantic infralittoral rock
Level 4 Functional habitat
Polychaete/oligochaete-dominated upper estuarine Pontic littoral
Kelp communities on Baltic infralittoral rock and mixed substrata
Perennial algal or moss communities on Baltic infralittoral rock
and mixed substrata
Stable aggregations of unattached perennial vegetation on Baltic
infralittoral mixed substrata
Crustose algal communities on Baltic infralittoral rock and mixed
Annual algal communities on Baltic infralittoral rock and mixed
Submerged rooted plant communities on Baltic infralittoral mixed
Emergent vegetation communities on Baltic infralittoral mixed
Epifaunal turf communities on Baltic infralittoral rock and mixed
Sparse epifaunal communities on Baltic infralittoral rock and
mixed substrata
Baltic infralittoral clay and other hard substrata
Baltic infralittoral anthropogenically-created substrata
Kelp with cushion fauna and/or foliose red seaweeds on waveexposed Atlantic infralittoral rock
Frondose algal communities (other than kelp) on exposed Atlantic
infralittoral rock
Encrusting algal communities on exposed Atlantic infralittoral rock
Kelp and seaweed communities on sediment-affected or
disturbed Atlantic infralittoral rock
Kelp and red seaweeds on moderate energy Atlantic infralittoral
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Level 4 Functional habitat
Kelp and seaweed communities in tide-swept sheltered Atlantic
infralittoral rock
Silted kelp on marine sheltered Atlantic infralittoral rock
Mediterranean infralittoral rock
Pontic infralittoral rock
Kelp on variable salinity low energy Atlantic infralittoral rock
Submerged fucoids, green or red seaweeds on low salinity Atlantic
infralittoral rock
Faunal communities on sheltered marine Atlantic infralittoral rock
Faunal communities on variable or reduced salinity Atlantic
infralittoral rock
Robust faunal cushions and crusts in Atlantic infralittoral surge
gullies and caves
Fouling communities on Atlantic infralittoral hard substrata
Algal communities on very exposed Mediterranean infralittoral
Algal communities on moderately exposed Mediterranean
infralittoral rock
Submerged fucoids, green or red seaweeds on marine
Mediterranean infralittoral rock
Mussel communities on exposed Pontic infralittoral rock
Coralline algal communities on exposed or moderately exposed
Pontic infralittoral rock
Fucales communities on Pontic infralittoral rock
Foliose algal communities (other than Fucales) on Pontic
infralittoral rock
Sciaphilic algal communities on Pontic infralittoral rock
Faunal communities on Pontic infralittoral rock
Rock-boring communities on Pontic infralittoral soft rock
Communities of Pontic infralittoral caves and overhangs
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Infralittoral biogenic
Baltic infralittoral biogenic habitat
Atlantic infralittoral biogenic
Mediterranean infralittoral
biogenic habitat
Level 4 Functional habitat
Mussel beds in the Baltic infralittoral zone
Polychaete worm reefs in the Atlantic infralittoral zone
[Posidonia] beds in the Mediterranean infralittoral zone
Polychaete worm reefs in the Mediterranean infralittoral zone
Pontic infralittoral biogenic habitat
Polychaete worm reefs in the Pontic infralittoral zone
Mussel beds in the Pontic infralittoral zone
Oyster reefs in the Pontic infralittoral zone
coarse sediment
Arctic shallow/infralittoral coarse
Baltic shallow/infralittoral coarse
Arctic infralittoral coarse sediment
Kelp communities on Baltic infralittoral coarse sediment
Maerl beds on Baltic infralittoral sediment
Perennial algae or annual moss communities on Baltic infralittoral
coarse sediment
Stable aggregations of unattached perennial vegetation on Baltic
coarse sediment
Annual algal communities on Baltic infralittoral coarse sediment
Submerged rooted plant communities on Baltic infralittoral coarse
Emergent vegetation communities on Baltic coarse sediment
Unvegetated Baltic infralittoral shell gravel
Unvegetated Baltic infralittoral coarse sediment
Atlantic shallow/infralittoral coarse Kelp and seaweed communities on Atlantic infralittoral coarse
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Level 4 Functional habitat
Maerl beds on Atlantic infralittoral coarse sediment
Faunal communities in marine Atlantic infralittoral coarse
Faunal communities in estuarine Atlantic sublittoral coarse
shallow/infralittoral coarse
Kelp and seaweed communities on Mediterranean infralittoral
coarse sediment
Maerl beds on Mediterranean infralittoral coarse sediment
Faunal communities in Mediterranean infralittoral coarse
Pontic shallow/infralittoral coarse
Algal communities on Pontic infralittoral coarse sediment
Faunal communities in Pontic infralittoral coarse sediment
Bivalve communities in Pontic clean-medium coarse sands
mixed sediments
Baltic shallow/infralittoral mixed
Unvegetated Baltic infralittoral mixed sediment
Atlantic shallow/infralittoral mixed
Maerl beds on Atlantic infralittoral mixed sediment
Kelp and seaweed communities on Atlantic infralittoral mixed
Angiosperm communities in reduced salinity Atlantic infralittoral
Marine Atlantic infralittoral mixed sediment
Estuarine Atlantic sublittoral mixed sediment
shallow/infralittoral mixed
Communities of Mediterranean infralittoral (coastal) detritic
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Level 4 Functional habitat
Pontic shallow/infralittoral mixed
Pontic infralittoral mixed substrata
Baltic shallow/infralittoral sand
Stable aggregations of unattached perennial vegetation on Baltic
infralittoral sand
Annual algal communities on Baltic infralittoral sand
Submerged rooted plant communities on Baltic infralittoral sand
Emergent vegetation communities on Baltic infralittoral sand
Mixed epibenthic macrocommunity on Baltic infralittoral sand
Infaunal communities in Baltic infralittoral sand
Atlantic shallow/infralittoral sand
Kelp and seaweed communities on Atlantic infralittoral sand
Seagrass beds on Atlantic infralittoral sand
Marine Atlantic infralittoral fine sand
Marine Atlantic infralittoral muddy sand
Estuarine Atlantic sublittoral sand
shallow/infralittoral sand
Pontic shallow/infralittoral sand
Seagrass beds on Mediterranean infralittoral sand
Communities of Mediterranean infralittoral fine sands
Communities of sheltered Mediterranean infralittoral superficial
muddy sands
Seagrass beds in Pontic infralittoral sandy sediment
Unattached perennial algal communities on Pontic infralittoral
Annual algal communities on Pontic infralittoral sand and muddy
Infaunal communities of Pontic infralittoral well-sorted fine sands
Pontic infralittoral muddy sand
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Level 4 Functional habitat
Estuarine Pontic sublittoral sand
Arctic shallow/infralittoral mud
Baltic shallow/infralittoral mud
Marine Arctic infralittoral fine mud
Stable aggregations of unattached perennial vegetation on Baltic
infralittoral muddy sediment
Annual algal communities on Baltic infralittoral muddy sediment
Submerged rooted plant communities on Baltic infralittoral
muddy sediment
Emergent vegetation communities on Baltic infralittoral muddy
Epifaunal communities on Baltic infralittoral muddy sediment
Infaunal communities in Baltic infralittoral muddy sediment
Communities of variable salinity Baltic sublittoral mud
Atlantic shallow/infralittoral mud
Kelp and seaweed communities on Atlantic infralittoral mud
Maerl beds on Atlantic infralittoral muddy sediment
Unattached algal communities on Atlantic infralittoral mud
Angiosperm communities in reduced salinity Atlantic sublittoral
Marine Atlantic infralittoral sandy mud
Marine Atlantic infralittoral fine mud
Estuarine Atlantic sublittoral mud
Reduced salinity Atlantic infralittoral mud
shallow/infralittoral mud
Pontic shallow/infralittoral mud
Communities of Mediterranean infralittoral muddy detritic
Pontic infralittoral terrigenous sandy mud
Pontic infralittoral fine mud
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Level 4 Functional habitat
Estuarine Pontic sublittoral mud
Circalittoral rock
Baltic circalittoral rock
Epifaunal turf communities on Baltic circalittoral rock
Sparse faunal communities on Baltic circalittoral rock
Baltic circalittoral clay and other hard substrata
Atlantic circalittoral rock
Baltic circalittoral artificial substrata
Faunal communities on very tide-swept Atlantic upper circalittoral
Mixed faunal turf communities on high energy Atlantic upper
circalittoral rock
Echinoderms and crustose communities on moderate energy
Atlantic upper circalittoral rock
Brachiopod and ascidian communities on Atlantic sheltered upper
circalittoral rock
Faunal communities on variable salinity Atlantic circalittoral rock
Communities on Atlantic lower circalittoral rock
Communities on Atlantic soft circalittoral rock
Mediterranean circalittoral rock
Communities of Atlantic circalittoral caves and overhangs
Fouling faunal communities of Atlantic circalittoral artificial
Coralligenous communities on moderately exposed
Mediterranean circalittoral rock
Coralligenous communities on sheltered Mediterranean
circalittoral rock
Communities of Mediterranean circalittoral caves and overhangs
Pontic circalittoral rock
Mussel beds on Pontic circalittoral rock
Faunal communities on Pontic upper circalittoral rock
Faunal communities on lower circalittoral rock
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Level 4 Functional habitat
Communities of Pontic circalittoral caves and tunnels
Fouling faunal communities on Pontic circalittoral artificial
Circalittoral biogenic
Baltic circalittoral biogenic habitat
Mussel beds in the Baltic circalittoral zone
Atlantic circalittoral biogenic
Polychaete worm reefs on Atlantic sublittoral sediment
Mussel beds on Atlantic sublittoral sediment
Coral reefs in the Atlantic circalittoral zone
Mediterranean circalittoral
biogenic habitat
Pontic circalittoral biogenic habitat
Circalittoral coarse
Baltic circalittoral coarse sediment
Coralligenous communities in the Mediterranean circalittoral zone
Mussel beds on Pontic circalittoral terrigenous sediment
Epifaunal communities on Baltic upper circalittoral shell gravel
and coarse sediment
Infaunal communities in Baltic upper circalittoral coarse sediment
Baltic lower circalittoral coarse sediment [below pycnocline]
Atlantic circalittoral coarse
Atlantic upper circalittoral coarse sediment
Atlantic lower circalittoral coarse sediment
Mediterranean circalittoral coarse
Pontic circalittoral coarse sediment
Maerl beds on Mediterranean circalittoral coarse sediment
Tide-swept Pontic circalittoral shell gravel
Pontic Wurmian lower circalittoral (shelf margin) shell gravel
Circalittoral mixed
Baltic circalittoral mixed sediment
Baltic upper circalittoral mixed sediment
Baltic lower circalittoral mixed sediment
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Atlantic circalittoral mixed
Level 4 Functional habitat
Atlantic upper circalittoral mixed sediment
Atlantic lower circalittoral mixed sediment
Mediterranean circalittoral mixed
Circalittoral sand
Pontic circalittoral mixed sediment
Communities of Mediterranean upper circalittoral [coastal]
detritic bottoms
Communities of Mediterranean lower circalittoral [shelf-edge]
detritic bottoms
Communities of Pontic circalittoral mixed sediment
Baltic circalittoral sand
Epifaunal communities of Baltic upper circalittoral sand
Infaunal communities of Baltic upper circalittoral sand
Baltic lower circalittoral sand
Atlantic circalittoral sand
Atlantic upper circalittoral fine sand
Atlantic upper circalittoral muddy sand
Atlantic lower circalittoral sand
Circalittoral mud
Mediterranean circalittoral sand
Communities of Mediterranean circalittoral sand
Pontic circalittoral sand
Pontic circalittoral muddy sand
Arctic circalittoral mud
Arctic circalittoral fine mud
Epifaunal communities of Baltic upper circalittoral muddy
Infaunal communities of Baltic upper circalittoral muddy sediment
Baltic circalittoral mud
Baltic lower circalittoral muddy bottoms
Atlantic circalittoral mud
Atlantic upper circalittoral sandy mud
Atlantic upper circalittoral fine mud
Low or reduced salinity (lagoons) Atlantic circalittoral mud
Atlantic lower circalittoral mud
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Mediterranean circalittoral mud
Pontic circalittoral mud
Level 4 Functional habitat
Communities of Mediterranean circalittoral muddy detritic
Communities of Mediterranean circalittoral (coastal terrigenous)
Pontic upper circalittoral sandy mud
Pontic upper circalittoral fine mud
Pontic lower circalittoral mud
Bathyal rock
Arctic bathyal rock
Atlantic bathyal rock
Crinoid-dominated community on Arctic mid bathyal rock and
other hard substrata
Mixed cold water coral community on Arctic mid bathyal rock and
other hard substrata
Arctic lower bathyal rock and other hard substrata
Atlanto-Arctic upper bathyal rock and other hard substrata
Barnacle-dominated community on Atlantic upper bathyal rock
and other hard substrata
Brachiopod-dominated community on Atlantic upper bathyal rock
and other hard substrata
Sponge community on Atlantic upper bathyal rock and other hard
Mixed cold water coral community on Atlantic upper bathyal rock
and other hard substrata
Sparse encrusting community on Atlantic upper bathyal rock and
other hard substrata
Barnacle-dominated community on Atlantic mid bathyal rock and
other hard substrata
Brachiopod-dominated community on Atlantic mid bathyal rock
and other hard substrata
Mixed cold water coral community on Atlantic mid bathyal rock
and other hard substrata
Sparse encrusting community on Atlantic mid bathyal rock and
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Level 4 Functional habitat
other hard substrata
Mixed cold water coral community on Atlantic lower bathyal rock
and other hard substrata
Bathyal biogenic
Arctic bathyal biogenic habitat
Arctic mid bathyal biogenic substrate
Arctic lower bathyal biogenic substrate
Atlanto-Arctic upper bathyal biogenic substrate
Atlantic bathyal biogenic habitat
Bathyal coarse
Mediterranean bathyal biogenic
Atlantic upper bathyal cold water coral reef (biogenic substrate)
Mixed cold water coral community on Atlantic upper bathyal
biogenic substrate
Atlantic lower bathyal cold water coral reef (biogenic substrate)
Mixed cold water coral community on Atlantic lower bathyal
biogenic substrate
Communities of deep-sea corals in the Mediterranean bathyal
Arctic bathyal coarse sediment
Burrowing anemone field in Arctic mid bathyal coarse sediment
Atlantic bathyal coarse sediment
Arctic lower bathyal coarse sediment
Sponge aggregation on Atlanto-Arctic upper bathyal coarse
Sparse encrusting community on Atlanto-Arctic upper bathyal
coarse sediment
Crinoid dominated community on Atlantic upper bathyal coarse
Mixed cold water coral community on Atlantic upper bathyal
coarse sediment
Solitary scleractinian field on Atlantic upper bathyal coarse
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Level 4 Functional habitat
Sparse encrusting community on Atlantic upper bathyal coarse
Urchin-dominated community on Atlantic upper bathyal coarse
Crinoid-dominated community on Atlantic mid bathyal coarse
Mixed cold water coral community on Atlantic mid bathyal coarse
Sparse encrusting community on Atlantic mid bathyal coarse
Solitary scleractinian field on Atlantic mid bathyal coarse sediment
Urchin-dominated community on Atlantic mid bathyal coarse
Xenophyophore-dominated community on Atlantic mid bathyal
coarse sediment
Mixed cold water coral community on Atlantic lower bathyal
coarse sediment
Solitary scleractinian field on Atlantic lower bathyal coarse
Xenophyophore-dominated community on Atlantic lower bathyal
coarse sediment
Bathyal mixed
Arctic bathyal mixed sediment
Arctic mid bathyal mixed sediment
Atlantic bathyal mixed sediment
Arctic lower bathyal mixed sediment
Sponge aggregation on Atlanto-Arctic upper bathyal mixed
Atlantic upper bathyal mixed sediment
Xenophyophore-dominated community on Atlantic mid bathyal
mixed sediment
Surface-dwelling ophiuroid community on Atlantic lower bathyal
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Level 4 Functional habitat
mixed sediment
Xenophyophore-dominated community on Atlantic lower bathyal
mixed sediment
Mediterranean bathyal mixed
Deep-sea sponge aggregations
Deep-sea lag deposits
Deep-sea calcareous pavements
Communities of allochthonous material
Bathyal sand
Arctic bathyal sand
Mixed infauna dominated by polychaetes in Arctic mid bathyal
Arctic lower bathyal sand
Atlanto-Arctic upper bathyal sand
Atlantic bathyal sand
Burrowing-ophiuroid community on Atlantic upper bathyal sand
Crinoid-dominated community on Atlantic upper bathyal sand
Solitary scleractinian field on Atlantic upper bathyal sand
Surface-dwelling ophiuroid community on Atlantic upper bathyal
Urchin-dominated community on Atlantic upper bathyal sand
Mixed infauna dominated by polychaetes in Atlantic upper
bathyal sand
Burrowing anemone field in Atlantic mid bathyal sand
Burrowing ophiuroid community on Atlantic mid bathyal sand
Crinoid-dominated community on Atlantic mid bathyal sand
Solitary scleractinian field on Atlantic mid bathyal sand
Surface-dwelling ophiuroid community on Atlantic mid bathyal
Urchin-dominated community on Atlantic mid bathyal sand
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Level 4 Functional habitat
Mixed infauna dominated by polychaetes in Atlantic mid bathyal
Burrowing-ophiuroid community on Atlantic lower bathyal sand
Solitary scleractinian field on Atlantic lower bathyal sand
Urchin-dominated community on Atlantic lower bathyal sand
Mediterranean bathyal sand
Bathyal mud
Arctic bathyal mud
Atlantic bathyal mud
Communities of Mediterranean bathyal sand
Mixed infauna dominated by polychaetes in Arctic mid bathyal
Mixed infauna dominated by polychaetes in Arctic lower bathyal
Atlanto-Arctic upper bathyal mud
Burrowing-ophiuroid community on Atlantic upper bathyal mud
Crinoid-dominated community on Atlantic upper bathyal mud
Sea pens and burrowing megafauna on Atlantic upper bathyal
Solitary scleractinian field on Atlantic upper bathyal mud
Burrowing anemone field in Atlantic mid bathyal mud
Burrowing ophiuroid community on Atlantic mid bathyal mud
Crinoid-dominated community on Atlantic mid bathyal mud
Sponge aggregation on Atlantic mid bathyal mud
Erect coral field on Atlantic mid bathyal mud
Sea pens and burrowing megafauna on Atlantic mid bathyal mud
Solitary scleractinian field on Atlantic mid bathyal mud
Urchin-dominated community on Atlantic mid bathyal mud
Xenophyophore-dominated community on Atlantic mid bathyal
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Level 4 Functional habitat
Mixed infauna dominated by polychaetes in Atlantic mid bathyal
Burrowing ophiuroid community on Atlantic lower bathyal mud
Sponge aggregation on Atlantic lower bathyal mud
Erect coral field on Atlantic lower bathyal mud
Solitary scleractinian field on Atlantic lower bathyal mud
Abyssal rock
Mediterranean bathyal mud
Urchin-dominated community on Atlantic lower bathyal mud
Xenophyophore-dominated community on Atlantic lower bathyal
Mixed infauna dominated by polychaetes in Atlantic lower bathyal
Communities of Mediterranean bathyal mud
Arctic abyssal rock
Arctic upper abyssal rock and other hard substrata
Atlantic abyssal rock
Atlantic upper abyssal rock and other hard substrata
Atlantic mid abyssal rock and other hard substrata
Atlantic lower abyssal rock and other hard substrata
Deep-sea manganese nodules
Abyssal biogenic
Arctic abyssal biogenic habitat
Arctic upper abyssal biogenic substrate
Atlantic abyssal biogenic habitat
Atlantic upper abyssal biogenic substrate
Atlantic mid abyssal biogenic substrate
Atlantic lower abyssal biogenic substrate
Abyssal coarse
Arctic abyssal coarse sediment
Arctic upper abyssal coarse sediment
Atlantic abyssal coarse sediment
Atlantic upper abyssal coarse sediment
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Level 4 Functional habitat
Atlantic mid abyssal coarse sediment
Atlantic lower abyssal coarse sediment
Abyssal mixed
Arctic abyssal mixed sediment
Arctic upper abyssal mixed sediment
Atlantic abyssal mixed sediment
Atlantic upper abyssal mixed sediment
Atlantic mid abyssal mixed sediment
Atlantic lower abyssal mixed sediment
Abyssal sand
Arctic abyssal sand
Arctic upper abyssal sand
Atlantic abyssal sand
Atlantic upper abyssal sand
Atlantic mid abyssal sand
Atlantic lower abyssal sand
Abyssal mud
Arctic abyssal mud
Atlantic abyssal mud
Mixed infauna dominated by polychaetes in Arctic upper abyssal
Holothurian-dominated community on Atlantic upper abyssal mud
Urchin-dominated community on Atlantic upper abyssal mud
Mixed infauna dominated by polychaetes in Atlantic upper abyssal
Crinoid-dominated community on Atlantic mid abyssal mud
Holothurian-dominated community on Atlantic mid abyssal mud
Atlantic lower abyssal mud
Other (non-oxygenbased) marine habitats
Mediterranean abyssal mud
Communities of Mediterranean abyssal muds
Anoxic habitats
Periodically and permanently anoxic sublittoral and deep sea
Cold seeps and hydrothermal vents Methane seeps
Sulphide vents
Level 2 Zone/Substrate
Level 3 Bioregion
Level 4 Functional habitat
Deep-sea reducing habitats
Freshwater seeps
Oil seeps
It is proposed that the following should be considered as habitat complexes in section X of the classification (previously ‘X01 Estuaries’ was the
only marine habitat complex)
Raised features of the deep-sea bed
Deep-sea trenches and canyons, channels,
slope failures and slumps on the continental
Permanently submerged flanks of oceanic islands
Seamounts, knolls and banks
Oceanic ridges
Abyssal hills
Carbonate mounds
Canyons, channels, slope failures and slumps on the continental slope
Deep-sea trenches