PTA_Minutes_19th_Oct_2015 - St Nicholas Catholic Primary School


St. Nicholas Catholic Primary School

Parent Teacher Association Meeting

Monday 19 th October 2015 - 7pm


Lauren Stone, Emily Kitchen, Alex Bosley, Steph Curry, Karen Botting, Naomi Fermor-Oldfield, Faye Barker,

Sarah Tickle, Tracey Girling, Becky Friend, Charlotte Dawes


Lizzie Gibson, Annette Webb, Clare Crowe, Wendy Robinson


The AGM minutes have been approved.

PTA Accounts

There has been a question raised as to who should sign off the PTA accounts – the Treasurer or the previous Chair. To be confirmed.

Note to go in the school newsletter to see if there are any parents in accountancy that are willing to help with the yearly PTA accounts.

PTA Storage

Discussed the severe lack of storage facilities for PTA supplies – especially suitable for food and drink items.

We agreed that basement or a shed is not suitable for storing consumables. Steph currently storing some supplies at home but will not work for large events such as Christmas Fayre. Alex has offered to store some items at home also. Emily explained that storage space is very scarce throughout school for all school supplies and is an ongoing problem.

Lockable cupboard in new Community Room will be installed for the PTA – work starts on the new room at half term. This will help towards PTA storage a little.

Event Forms

Steph has offered to produce an Event Record Form for the school disco detailing items purchased, amounts sold, entry charges etc. This can be kept on file for future reference and ease of deciding on quantities of supplies to purchase, prices paid etc.

Theatre Alibi (19


Nov, 7pm at school)

Naomi met Theatre Alibi representative along with Ali Brocksom last week.

PTA will process tickets orders that are sent in via childrens’ classes and Ali will redistribute allocated tickets

– Naomi will pop in to check (or Ali will keep us informed) of orders waiting. If tickets are slow to sell then

PTA will set up a stall before and/or after school to try and sell remaining tickets prior to show. Emily suggested a night that would work well if this is required (a ‘travel safely in the dark’ night that the school are hosting).

Discussed how the date last year (and again this year we think) clashed with the ‘Christmas Lights Switch

On’ event in Exeter city centre which may adversely affect ticket sales. Lauren explained that Theatre Alibi assign that date - it is not the school’s choice – and that it may be worth approaching them to request a date that doesn’t clash with the ‘Lights’ event next year.

Christmas Cards

The school Christmas card orders are being prepared for despatch on Weds this week (21 st Oct). PTA members to help are Annette and Faye.

DBS Checks / ID Badges

Naomi has contacted Ali with the details of the PTA members who requested a DBS check and also those that require name badges. Ali is now dealing with this.

PTA UK Account

Login details still to be determined – Alex dealing with.

PTA email account

Alex requested a dedicated email address for the PTA which Ali has now set-up. Alex to contact PTA members requiring the PTA email address with the relevant details.

School Autumn Disco - Review

A successful event. Preliminary figures suggest a profit of £505.37 – Karen to confirm.

Two different time slots work well – both discos busy and lovely atmosphere.

Fruit shoots, sweets and glow bands all sold really well.

Teas and coffees slow but café/parent area worked really well in Community Room – will continue to use this room at future discos. Going forward, we decided against offering alcohol for parents to purchase at discos as not enough call for it and also requires a licence to do this.

DJ is booked up until March next year. Alex to check his available dates before confirming date for 2016

Spring Disco.

It was discussed that there were children that were dropped off to the disco and left unattended despite

posters being displayed on entry stating that this must not be done. We will address this again before the next disco and decide on the best way to deal with this problem.

Christmas Fayre – Friday 4


December (5.30pm – 8.00pm)

Timing confirmed as 5.30pm – 8pm - Save the Date note to be added to school newsletter for parents.


Stalls decided on:

Mulled Wine/Cider and Tea/Coffee

Cake Stall



Santa’s Grotto

Glitter Tattoos

Chocolate Tombola

Class Crafts

Independent Stalls (to be confirmed)

Sustrans (possibly)

Secondhand toys and books

Guess the Weight of the Christmas Cake

Personalised Baubles

Reindeer Food / Reindeer Poo (!) / Sweet Cones


To be confirmed but hopefully:

School Choir

Community Choir / Local Choir group

Musicians (from parishes)

School Orchestra

We all agreed that, if possible, it would be great to have music/singing taking place throughout the duration of the Fayre.


Lauren to approach St. Peters to enquire as to whether their catering students would like/are able to prepare and serve food in the café. PTA would buy supplies. Can also try St. Lukes and Exeter


Supermarket freebies – Alex to contact local stores for any free donations of food (will contact after

Lauren has spoken to St. Peters and we know who is running café).

Independent Stalls:

We decided on a one-off price of £20 per stall (no percentage of profits payable by stallholder)

Becky to contact Carey for any contacts she has from Summer Fayre for independent stall owners.

Steph to contact Kate Orchard to see if she would like to run stall and for any contacts she has for prospective independent stallholders.

Sarah Tickle has a couple of contacts that may want stalls.

Donations for Hampers/Chocolate Tombola

Non-uniform day suggested where children bring in a donation for Christmas Fayre instead of money. We will request for 4 different types of item:

Chocolate – from Foundation Stage

Biscuits – from Years 1 and 2

Toiletries - from Years 3 and 4

Christmas treats/snacks – from Years 5 and 6

Lauren will confirm date for non-uniform day (proposed for end of Nov) and a flyer will be sent out with each child with relevant details. Naomi to produce flyer that will be copied and distributed by school.

Chocolate Tombola

Sarah Leach has offered to run the Chocolate Tombola.

Raffle prizes

Becky to contact Carey to see if she still has the list of contacts for raffle prizes from Summer Fayre. We will share out contacts between us. If no luck from Carey, will need to prepare our own list asap. Becky to keep us updated of any contact (or lack of) from Carey.

Glitter Tattoos

Sarah Tickle Ordering

Reindeer Food/Poo and Sweet Cones

Maybe sell these from trays (like a popcorn seller!) around the Fayre.

Naomi to produce reindeer food and supply reindeer poo (chocolate covered raisins!).

Faye to produce sweet cones.

Mulled Wine/Mulled Cider

Alex has arranged alcohol licence. All agreed we should purchase ready made mulled wine rather than make our own. Mulled cider recipe/purchase to be decided. Possible donation of these from supermarkets?!

Guess the Weight Christmas Cake

Emily has offered to ask her mum if she can make Christmas cake for this. If not, maybe another baker or purchase one. To be confirmed.

Santa’s Grotto

In previous years we have borrowed the decoration and Santa suit for this, but we will need to provide it all ourselves this year. Steph to contact Ruth Hughes to see if she has access to Santa suit. If not, we can look into another source or purchasing. Discussed possible options for Grotto decoration and time involved. All to look into any low cost options for this and confirm at next meeting.

Santa presents in basement – all wrapped. Qty to be confirmed – 200?

Christmas Fayre Set-up

Naomi, Charlotte and Faye (and possibly Lizzie) have offered to be available for all day on 4 th Dec (childcare permitting for Faye and Charlotte). Other PTA members available from between 2 and 3pm onwards. Some staff also available after school to help set up.

Fayre promotion

Naomi to produce posters etc once main details (entertainment, food etc) have been confirmed. Looking to have these done in the week following half term. In the meantime the date will be published in school newsletter.


PTA to donate £20 to each class for Christmas Crafts that will be sold at Christmas Fayre.


Becky suggested that PTA provide some kind of head gear for the children that participate in next year’s

Great West Run to help parents/families identify St. Nicholas children – possibly with logo. To be discussed further.

Next Meeting

The next PTA meeting will be held at school on Tuesday 17 th November at 7pm
