Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 ARTS COUNCIL OF NORTHERN IRELAND ANNUAL FUNDING PROGRAMME 2016/17 APPLICATION FORM PART ONE – MAIN APPLICATION AND CORE COSTS DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION 4.00 PM, THURSDAY, 17 DECEMBER 2015 PLEASE READ THE GUIDANCE NOTES BEFORE COMPLETING THE ONLINE FORM AS THERE HAVE BEEN A NUMBER OF CHANGES TO THE PROGRAMME AND DOCUMENTS REQUIRED 1 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 Applicants are advised to read the full Annual Funding Programme guidelines before completing any section of the application form. All questions must be answered, even if it is to state that the question is not applicable (N/A) to your particular project giving a short explanation. YOU MAY ONLY APPLY ON LINE. THE ARTS COUNCIL WILL NOT ACCEPT HARD COPY APPLICATIONS. It is your responsibility to ensure that the Arts Council receives the application form and documents by the closing date within the required timescale. All of the information you provide will be held on computer. This information will be used for the administration of applications and grants, for producing statistics and publicity information on successful grants. Copies of this information will be provided, when necessary, to individuals and organisations who may need to be consulted when assessing applications and monitoring grants. The information may also be made available to other departments/agencies for the purposes of preventing or detecting fraud. The relevant Guidance Notes are available on request in large print format, disk and audio tape and also on the Arts Council’s website: Please note that if you deliberately give any false or misleading information, we will withdraw your application or, if a grant has already been awarded, ask you to pay back any money we have given you. This will also have implications for any future applications you may submit. Openness and accountability Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 any information held by us (which will include your application) is potentially accessible by the public. Information supplied by you will be held in both computerised and manual files. Reports from the information you supply and from comments made on your application by external assessors and staff members are also held on both manual and computer-based systems. The information you supply will be made available to those assessing any other grant applications you make. By submitting your application you waive any right to raise any type of proceedings against the Arts Council of Northern Ireland as a consequence of, or in contemplation of, any disclosure of the contents of your application in response to an information request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Data protection Data held on our grants management system is used for of the following purposes; statistical reporting, application assessing, accounting purposes and for contacting you. The details of your grant will be public information (see Openness and Accountability). However, any personal details will be held within our grants management system and our paper files, and accessed only by our staff, appointed auditors and individuals or organisations who may help us assess or monitor grants. You have a right under the Data Protection Act 1998 to access the personal data held by Arts Council of Northern Ireland. 2 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 We view submission of your application form as acceptance of the use of your data as outlined above. Publicity Full listings of all the grants we award are published in our Annual Report and on our website. You will be required to acknowledge Arts Council of Northern Ireland funding in all your publicity. Failure to credit the Arts Council of Northern Ireland will affect payment of your grant. Images submitted in support of your application may be stored electronically by us. If we later seek to use these for publicity purposes, we will contact you in order to obtain permission to do so. 3 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 SECTION 1: CONTACT DETAILS 1.1 Name of Organisation: This should be the full registered name of the organisation and should match the name on the constitution and/or company registration. 1.2 Address of Organisation: _____________________________________________________________________ Town ___________________________________ Phone number: ______________________ Postcode___________________ Fax Number:___________________ E-mail address: ________________________________ Web site: ________________________________ Local Authority Area: _______________________ This should be the organisation’s address (its headquarters, rehearsal/performance venue, or regular meeting place). It should only be a home address of the Secretary or other committee member if the organisation does not have its own regular meeting place. 1.3 Name of contact person within the organisation who will deal with all correspondence: ____________________________________________________ The person named here must be authorised to answer all queries and to sign all paperwork relating to this application. Please ensure that the person will not be out of the country/ unavailable during the period Jan/Feb as we may require answers to queries in order to assess the application. The Arts Council will not be responsible for communications which remain unanswered due to unavailability of the person named as the contact. 1.4 Position of contact person within the organisation: ______________________________ 1.5 Details of contact person (if different from1.2 above): Address: ________________________________________________________________ Town: _________________________ Postcode: __________________________ Phone number: ______________________ Fax Number: _____________________ E-mail address: ________________________________ 4 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 SECTION TWO: ORGANISATION DETAILS PLEASE NOTE: If you have received a grant from the Arts Council in 2015/16, you should only complete this section if any of the details have changed since the last application. 2.1 Please describe your organisation (e.g. main aims and objectives) in no more than 200 words. 2.2 What year was your organisation started? 2.3 What type of organisation are you? () Unincorporated club or association Company limited by guarantee Company limited by shares Community Interest Company Registered/Recognised charity Trust Local Authority Other: Please specify __________________ Most clubs and societies are “unincorporated.” 2.4 Registered/Recognised Charity Number (if applicable) ________________________ 2.5 VAT Registration Number (if applicable) _______________________ 5 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 2.6 Is your organisation: (a) Registered with Access NI? If Yes, please give Yes No Date of Registration Access NI Registration Number Name of Lead Signatory for Registration OR (b) Registered with an umbrella body in order to obtain Access NI checks? Yes No If Yes, please give name of umbrella body. OR (c) If The Organisation is not registered in either case above, please provide a statement detailing why this is the case. 6 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 SECTION 3 – FINANCE 3.1 Forecast of all sources of income to the organisation during 2016/17 Source Arts Council grants 1) AFP Core Costs 2) AFP Programming Costs 3) AFP Sustainability Costs Income from other grants 4) An Chomhairle Ealaion 5) Government Departments 6) Local Authority 7) European Commission 8) Other Grants* Earned Income 9) Box Office 10) Domestic Touring 11) International Touring 12) Membership Fees 13) Book Sales 14) Publications 15) Gallery Sales 16) Bar/Catering Sales 17) Rent from Tenants 18) Service Provision 19) Training 20) Other Earned Income Contributed Income 21) Sponsorship** 22) Donations Total Revenue Income £ 7 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 3.2 Please list below the individual funders included in * Other Grants and ** Sponsorship for 2016/17 only. (You should enter a figure (£) in one column only) Please see Guidance Notes for an explanation of income “in-kind.” Individual Funder Applied for £ Provisionally offered £ Guaranteed £ Please indicate whether cash or “in-kind” TOTAL 3.3 Please provide a breakdown of your ORGANISATION’S CORE COSTS. You will have to enclose a detailed breakdown of all budget lines in excess of £1,000 as part of the enclosures. Item of Expenditure Core costs: Salaries (full details of all posts to be attached) Rent and Rates Light and Heat Maintenance, security, etc. Telephone and Fax Printing, postage, stationery Financial costs Insurance Other (please detail) Total costs 2016/17 £ Amount sought from Arts Council £ TOTAL CORE COSTS 8 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 3.4 Do you have any commercial borrowing facilities? Yes/No If Yes, please complete the following table. Overdraft / Loan Limit Lender Current Overdraft / Loan Position 3.5 Did you bring forward unrestricted reserves into the 2015/16 financial year? Yes/No If yes, how much did you bring forward? £_____________ 3.6 What is the anticipated operating outturn for the 2015/16 financial year? This should not include any surpluses/deficits brought forward from previous years but should relate to the 2015/16 year only. £_________________ surplus £________________ deficit 3.7 Do you anticipate being able to add to your unrestricted reserves in the current financial year? Yes/No If yes, how much do you anticipate adding to your reserves? £__________ 3.8 If you are currently operating in a deficit situation what steps are you taking to reduce the deficit? 9 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 3.9 Please give details of any measures you have taken/intend to take to introduce efficiency savings within your organisation, including any discussions with other organisations on the issues of mergers/shared services, etc. 10 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 SECTION 4 - EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY and GOOD RELATIONS COMMITMENT It is a requirement of the funding conditions under the Annual Funding Programme that your organisation commits to equality of opportunity and good relations duty. The Arts Council of Northern Ireland has a statutory duty under the Northern Ireland Act 1998, in carrying out its functions to have due regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity between: Persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status or sexual orientation; Men and women generally; Persons with a disability and persons without; and Persons with dependants and persons without. In addition, without prejudice to its obligations above, the Arts Council shall, in carrying out its functions relating to Northern Ireland, have regard to the desirability of promoting good relations between persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group. The applicant organisation recognises these obligations and undertakes not to act in any way, which would contravene the Arts Council’s statutory duty. The organisation confirms its commitment to the principles of affording equality of opportunity in all aspects of the organisation’s activities, in particular with regard to access and participation in these activities. It is the organisation’s intention to ensure equal opportunity for all job applicants and employees and to eradicate direct or indirect discrimination. It is also the organisation’s intention to have regard to the desirability of promoting good relations between: Persons of different religious belief, political opinion, racial group, age, marital status or sexual orientation; Men and women generally; Persons with a disability and persons without; and Persons with dependants and persons without. 11 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 SECTION 5 - EQUALITY MONITORING (The information provided in this section will not form part of any assessment process, but will be used by the Arts Council solely for statistical gathering purposes.) TELL US ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO WILL BENEFIT FROM THE WORK YOU WILL UNDERTAKE WITH THIS GRANT. For each question the main group to benefit, means: “comprises more than 60% of that group” 1. Persons with a Disability The Disability Discrimination Act defines a disabled person as someone with a disability or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities. The main group to benefit will be: People with a Disability People without a Disability People with a Disability and People without a Disability (where neither community is over 60%) We are unable to specify which group will mainly benefit Please () one box only 2. Men and Women The main group to benefit will be: Women (including girls) Men (including boys) Transgendered people Both women and men (where neither community is over 60%) We are unable to specify which group will mainly benefit Please () one box only 3. Persons with Dependants We understand people with dependants to be those with personal responsibility for the care of a child, the care of a person with an incapacitating disability and/or the care of a dependant elderly person. The main group to benefit will be: People with dependants People without dependants People with dependants and people without dependants (where neither community is over 60%) We are unable to specify which group will mainly benefit Please () one box only 12 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 4. Religious Belief The main group to benefit will be: Protestant Catholic Both Protestant and Catholic communities (where neither community is over 60%) Buddhist Hindu Islam / Muslim Jewish Sikh Other Religious Belief We are unable to specify which group will mainly benefit Please () one box only 5. Political Opinion The main group to benefit will be: Nationalist generally Unionist generally Other We are unable to specify which group will mainly benefit Please () one box only 6. Racial Group The main group to benefit will be: Black African Black Caribbean Other Black Background Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Other Asian Background Chinese Mixed ethnic group Irish Traveller White Other (Please specify) We are unable to specify which group will mainly benefit Please () one box only 7. Marital Status The main group to benefit will be: Married Unmarried Divorced Separated Widowed We are unable to specify which group will mainly benefit Please () one box only 13 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 8. Sexual Orientation The main group to benefit will be: Gay people Lesbian people Heterosexual people Bisexual people We are unable to specify which group will mainly benefit Please () one box only 9. Age The main group to benefit will be: Under 16 Aged 16 – 25 Aged 26 – 50 Aged 50 – 65 Over 65 We are unable to specify which group will mainly benefit Please () one box only TELL US ABOUT THE MAKE UP OF YOUR BOARD/MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE For each question “mainly comprise”, means more than 60% 10. Persons with a Disability The Disability Discrimination Act defines a disabled person as someone with a disability or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities Does the Board/Management committee mainly comprise: People with a Disability People without a Disability People with a Disability and People without a Disability (where neither community is over 60%) Please () one box only 11. Men and Women Does the Board/Management committee mainly comprise: Women (including girls) Men (including boys) Transgendered people Both women and men (where neither community is over 60%) Please () one box only 12. Persons with Dependants We understand people with dependants to be those with personal responsibility for the care of a child, the care of a person with an incapacitating disability and/or the care of a dependant elderly person. Does the Board/Management committee mainly comprise: People with dependants People without dependants People with dependants and people without dependants Please () one box only 14 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 (where neither community is over 60%) We are unable to specify 13. Religious Belief Does the Board/Management committee mainly comprise: Protestant Catholic Both Protestant and Catholic communities (where neither community is over 60%) Buddhist Hindu Islam / Muslim Jewish Sikh Other Religious Belief We are unable to specify Please () one box only 14. Political Opinion Does the Board/Management committee mainly comprise: Nationalist generally Unionist generally Other We are unable to specify Please () one box only 15. Racial Group Does the Board/Management committee mainly comprise: Black African Black Caribbean Other Black Background Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Other Asian Background Chinese Mixed ethnic group Irish Traveller White Other (Please specify) We are unable to specify Please ()one box only 16. Marital Status Does the Board/Management committee mainly comprise: Married Unmarried Divorced Separated Widowed We are unable to specify Please () one box only 15 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 17. Sexual Orientation Does the Board/Management committee mainly comprise: Gay people Lesbian people Heterosexual people Bisexual people We are unable to specify Please () one box only 18. Age Does the Board/Management committee mainly comprise: Under 16 Aged 16 – 25 Aged 26 – 50 Aged 50 – 65 Over 65 We are unable to specify Please () one box only 16 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 SECTION 6: CHILD/YOUNG PEOPLE/ ADULTS AT RISK PROTECTION POLICY STATEMENT You are required to complete this section of the application form if you have answered YES to any part of question 2.6 Organisations that work with children, young people and adults at risk need to ensure that their Safeguarding systems and Procedures adhere to best practice. Please see the information below to consider in relation to your own organisation’s procedures. It is a requirement of our funding that any organisation which comes into contact with children, young people and adults at risk, either directly through its programmes or indirectly through its services, must commit to a Safeguarding Policy. The document must have been agreed by your organisation and should be signed and dated. If you are unable to tick all the Safeguarding Checklist boxes as “yes” at the time of submitting the application, you will be required to take steps to address all the issues prior to the drawdown of any funds. Government has issued guidance that no funds should be paid across to organisations until they are able to sign up completely to the safeguarding checklist. If your Safeguarding Policy and Procedures are older than 3 years please review and update to ensure your policy and procedures are in line with best practice and legislation relating to protection issues. If you are successful in obtaining a grant, the Arts Council may, as part of its monitoring processes, ask to see these documents during the incoming year. Statement of commitment The applicant organisation is committed to practice which protects children, young people and adults at risk from harm. Staff, volunteers and artists in this organisation accept and recognise their responsibilities under the Children (NI) Order 1995, Co-operating to Safeguard Children DHSSP 2003 , Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (Northern Ireland) Order 2007 and Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults – A Shared Responsibility 2010 and will endeavour to carry these out by: having an awareness of the issues which cause children, young people and adults at risk from harm; adopting Safeguarding protection guidelines for staff, leaders, volunteers and artists; providing information about Safeguarding and good practice to children, young people, adults, primary carers, staff, volunteers and artists; sharing information about concerns with those who need to know; following carefully the procedures and recruitment and selection of helpers (staff, volunteers, artists) and the management of the group; undertaking appropriate training; keeping Safeguarding policies and procedures under regular review; and providing information as required to management committees/ funders. 17 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 Safeguarding Checklist (Available on the AFP webpage. To be completed and uploaded with online application) Please note that all sections of the Checklist must be completed and information provided in the comments section provided. Question Does your organisation have a safeguarding statement agreed by senior management? Does your organisation have written procedures for recruitment and selection of staff and volunteers? Are all staff and volunteer appointments subject to the appropriate safeguarding checks and these are properly recorded? Does your organisation provide Safeguarding training for Designated Officer, staff and volunteers? Does your organisation regularly re-evaluate and update your safeguarding training and education? Types of evidence Yes Copy of statement Statement promoted to stakeholders Promoted on web site Written job description Written application form to include request for references and self declaration. Record of interview Follow-up on written references Access NI reference check recorded Written list of roles that are “regulated” within the organisation Proof of ID request Written list of information provided to staff on induction. Copy of letters/memos/ certificate outlining safeguarding training provided to staff. Data-base of those trained Learning outcomes from safeguarding training. Name of designated Safeguarding Officer (Please provide name of officer in comments) Copy of letters/memos/certificate outlining Safeguarding training provided to staff. Does your organisation have written procedures for reporting child protection concerns, disclosures and allegations? Written procedures for reporting concerns to Designated Officer and statutory services Proformas/written guidance. Are the procedures for reporting concerns communicated to staff and volunteers? Confirmation from staff (especially recently recruited) that they have received safeguarding training and written reporting procedures No Comments 18 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 Does your organisation have an open complaints process that includes guidelines on a disciplinary process? Does your organisation have written procedures for Designated Officers? Are the contact details of Designated Officers communicated to staff/volunteers? Do you have a written Code of Behaviour? Do you have a written Safeguarding policy and procedures, endorsed and approved by Management Board? Do you communicate your Safeguarding policy statement to staff/volunteers/children/ young people/ vulnerable adults and parents? Copy of complaints, disciplinary and appeals process. Evidence of how this is communicated to stakeholders Written documents stating the name and up to date contact details of Designated Officers.(Please name Designated Safeguarding Officer(s)in comments) Written evidence to support that staff, members and volunteers are aware of who to contact and how. Confirmation from staff/volunteers Written Code of Behaviour Evidence this is communicated to all stakeholders Written Policy Statement and associated procedures Please advise when last reviewed and updated. Confirmation from staff/ volunteers/ children/ vulnerable adults and parents that they received a copy or know where to access the policy Please refer to the Arts Council’s Child Protection Best Practice Guidelines For Arts Organisations to ensure your own guidelines and policy represent good practice in relation to working with children. 19 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 SECTION 7 – ENCLOSURES Applicants based outside Northern Ireland are not required to upload documents to the Government Funders Database. If you are based outside Northern Ireland you MUST send the 5 documents listed below AND all the documents listed in the tables directly to the Arts Council at the time of submitting your on-line application. If you are based in Northern Ireland, the following documents MUST be uploaded to the Government Funding Database at Constitution and/or Memorandum and Articles of Association Most recent set of Audited/Certified/adopted accounts. Organisation Chart List of office bearers Rental Agreement/Lease of Evidence of ownership Failure to upload documents to the Government Funding Database or attach any of the required documents to the AFP application will result in delays to the assessment of your application. THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS MUST BE ATTACHED AND UPLOADED WITH PART ONE OF THE AFP APPLICATION Online applications may be edited, saved and returned up to the closing date. You can return each part of the application separately but you MUST submit ALL documents associated with any part of the application at the same time. All documents must be in Word, Excel or pdf format. We cannot accept documents in other formats. Total size of documents should not exceed 25 Mb. Please tick if Office use Document enclosed List of all sub committees of the Board (Studio Groups only) CVs of all studio holders Statement on how your proposed programme addresses the Arts Council’s Strategic Objectives as outlined on pages 9, 10 and 11 of Ambitions for the Arts. ( Max 1000 words Detailed description of how your activity will meet Annual Funding Programme criteria – Artistic Quality, Public Benefit, Quality of Management and Financial Probity/Viability. You must identify and address separately each bullet-pointed subcriterion as listed on page 5 of the Guidance Notes. A detailed budget for core costs. All budget lines above £1000 should be broken down into component parts, where possible and appropriate. If the accounts uploaded to the Government Funding Database are NOT for 2014/15 then you MUST attach management accounts as at 31 March 2015. Completed Safeguarding Checklist APPLICANTS NOT IN RECEIPT OF 2015/16 AFP AWARD MUST ENCLOSE THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS Copy of Organisation’s Financial Procedures Copy of Organisation’s Equal Opportunities Policy 20 Annual Funding Programme 2016/17 THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED WITH PART ONE OF THE AFP APPLICATION (if available) Letters of offer from partnership funders or sponsors SECTION 8 - APPLICANT’S STATEMENT You must tick the box below to indicate that you have read and agree the following statements: I confirm that I am authorised to submit this application. To the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information supplied on this form, and any accompanying documents, is true and accurate. I undertake immediately and fully to inform the Arts Council of Northern Ireland if any changes in circumstances require the application to be amended. I confirm that the person named at Section 1 is authorised to act as the contact for the organisation in all matters relating to this application. I confirm that the organisation has adopted the Safeguarding Children/Young People/ Adults at Risk Protection Policy Statement and the organisation’s policies are not more than 3 years old. I confirm that any Management Accounts supplied in conjunction with this application have been approved by the appropriate board or committee and are a true and accurate record of the organisation’s finances. I confirm that the organisation has adopted the Equality of Opportunity and Good Relations Commitment. I understand that the information provided on this form may be made available to other departments/agencies for the purposes of preventing or detecting fraud. I understand that if I have deliberately given any false or misleading information, the Arts Council will withdraw this application or, if a grant has already been awarded, ask for repayment of any funds already paid. This will also have implications for any future applications the organisation may submit. I confirm that the following documents held on the Government Funding Database are the most up to date and fit for purpose for this application. o o o o o Copy of Constitution/Memorandum of Association List of office bearers Organisation Chart Copy of Audited/Certified/Adopted Accounts Rental Agreement/Lease or evidence of ownership I have attached all the listed enclosures required for submission in conjunction with this application. I have read and agree the above statements 21