ED 315 LESSON PLAN Lesson #3
Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form
Name: Kelli Jo Johnsons
Content Area: Language Arts
Date: 3/6/13
Grade Level: 8th
Use this template to plan, removing the notes in parentheses and this box. Give this form to your
cooperating teacher for review and a signature before you teach your lesson.
Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing
or speaking – CCSS for ELA 8th grade Conventions for Standard English # 1
I will provide the students with a warm up activity and observe which students seem to be
struggling with reviewing complete subject and predicate and the different types of nouns
from the previous lesson (lesson 2).
-Students will be able to select the correct subject, predicate, and nouns in their warm-up
-Students will select the subject, predicate, and nouns in previous work that they have
completed in language arts.
-Students will be able to tell what a complete subject, complete predicate, and the
different types of nouns are.
Informal: I will observe students when they work on their warm up. I will also collect
the student’s previous work that they are analyzing for subject, predicates, and nouns.
Materials Needed:
Lap top
Warm Up activity
Previous student work
Student’s notebooks
70-80 min
(Include time allotments)
•5min Introduction: “Today we will do a warm up activity on the nouns that we reviewed last week. I
want you try your best to remember what we discussed and complete the warm up the best you can. After
that we are going to review these nouns and complete subject and predicate by doing an activity with
some of your previous work, which I will explain a little more after the warm up”
• Steps for instruction
10 min: As a class we will review the warm up activity; if the students are confused on any of the nouns we
will review them.
10/15min: “So today I am going to have you review what you have learned so far from subject,
predicate, and nouns. I want everyone to find an old piece of writing, from your class folder, if you
don’t have anything that you can use I have some copies of writing that you can look at instead. In
your writing or in the hand out, if you are using that, you will read through your writing picking out
the subject, predicates and nouns. For the subject and predicate I want you to only pick out 5
sentences to do this. You will circle the subject and underline the predicate, just as you have been
doing the past few weeks. For the nouns I want you to put a square around them but then copy the
noun onto a list made on a separate sheet of paper listing the different types of nouns. Before you
begin this I want to see the writing you are going to use for this activity. I want to make sure you are
not picking something that is only a paragraph long. Before we begin are there any questions?
(Answer any the students have and hand out directions) Why do you think I am having you use your own
writing? (Hear student responses; I want students to make the connection that knowing how sentences,
paragraphs, and stories are formed is through the use of grammar, because we never stop writing, it is
important to enhance our understanding and use of this)
20-30min: This will be the time the students use to work on their in class assignment. I will allow the
students to whisper to neighbors as I walk around and check in with students; this will give me a chance to
clarify any misunderstandings they have on what we have learned so far. I may also play some soft music in
the back ground for them. (I will also extended the work time if needed)
10 min: As a class we will go over the activity the class just did; what was hard, what was easy, If I asked
for the definition of abstract nouns could someone tell me it?
Strategies for students requiring additional assistance: {use the information you gathered during the
pre-assessment process} I will be walking around to check in with the students as they work. I will note
which students are struggling as well as correct any students that are confused on any of the topics covered
so far.
• Remaining time Closure: I will introduce the students into what we will be doing next week to help
finish off the rest of learning grammar; a webquest (if this is approved by my CT first)
Wednesday March 6, 2013
Warm Up Activity
Discussion of Activity
In Class Work Time
Discuss Web quest – If there is time
Warm Up
Identify at least two different types of nous in each sentence by making a square around the noun and
writing the type of noun it is underneath the word. Make sure you find all six types of the nouns total
(Pronoun, Proper, Common, Possessive, Abstract, and Compound)
1. Her honesty kept her from getting grounded.
2. Jennifer likes to go to the drive-in theater.
3. Ms. Johnson’s car does not have four-wheel-drive.
4. He exposed the truth in his book.
S.P.N Review Through Student Work
Name: __________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________
Directions: Re-read the piece of writing you chose for this activity. After re-reading, pick out 5
sentences and circle the subjects and underline the predicates in each sentence. After you have done
that, on this sheet of paper, make a list of the types of nouns we reviewed last week (pronoun,
possessive noun, proper noun, abstract noun, and compound noun). Make sure to space the list out.
Go through your paper and find all of the nouns in your writing that belong in each category. Make a
square around these nouns and sort them into the correct type of noun list that you have just made.
You will be allowed to use your notebooks after the first 10-15 minutes; I will give you the okay to do
so. At the end of class, I will collect this sheet and your old writing piece.