Duct & Envelope Tightness Verification Report RIGHT Energy Efficiency Education Test Date: Outdoor Temperature: Builder: Wind Conditions: Conditioned Floor Area: Conditioned Volume: Address of Home: °F Calm Mild Windy MPH: sq/ft cubic/ft Envelope Tightness Test 2012 Illinois Energy Conservation Code envelope tightness test < 5 ACH@50 Baseline: Pa Time Average: Sec. Envelope Leakage Test Results Measured ACH@50: ACH@50 (ACH@50 = cfm50x 60 ÷ vol.) Flow Ring: Max. Target: (5 ACH) CFM@50 Blower Door Flow: CFM@50 2012 IECC Code Compliance: Pass - Fail Comments: Duct Tightness Test 2012 Illinois Energy Conservation Code “Total Duct Leakage Test” Duct System 1 Duct System 2 3 CFM or 4 CFM 3 CFM or 4 CFM Date of test: System Location: CFM/100 sq’: Floor Area Served: Sq/ft Sq/ft Max. Flow Allowed: CFM@25 CFM@25 Measured Leakage: CFM@25 CFM@25 Measured CFM/100’: CFM/100’ CFM/100’ Flow Ring Used: Code Compliance: Pass or Fail Pass or Fail Comments: Technician (please print): Technician Signature: Company: Front of Home RIGHT Photos Energy Efficiency Education 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.