Modern Living 15 Days Math Lesson Plan Teacher: 7th Grade Teacher Grade: STEM Math 2A Lesson Title: Looking for patterns in Modern Living STRANDS Seeing Structure in Expressions Creating Equations Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions LESSON OVERVIEW Summary of the task, challenge, investigation, career-related scenario, problem, or community link. These lessons will introduce students to the study of Modern Living. The seventh grade team will anchor this unit in the traditional holiday literature, “A Christmas Carol”. This series of lessons will build and focus on the creation and production of the culminating event, “A Christmas Carol: A Nod to the Mod”. The students will create sets and scripts, along with all other materials for their community production of this play. Students will continue to explore operations on the set of polynomials. They will learn to factor polynomials in preparation for the study of quadratic functions. Students will investigate modern uses of polynomials such as programming computer games, coding in all types of digital communication, and cryptography in every day computer use and commerce. MOTIVATOR Hook for the week unit or supplemental resources used throughout the week. (PBL scenarios, video clips, websites, literature) The students will be introduced to this unit in a seventh grade team meeting. Students will watch a brief video showcasing “A Christmas Carol” from various producers. They will also participate in a brief discussion on the topic “What is Modern Living?” DAY Objectives (I can….) Materials & Resources Instructional Procedures Differentiated Instruction Assessment 1 2 I CAN graph polynomials using the greatest common factor method. I CAN factor a Internet TV or Smart Board for display “ v.mp4” video “Algebra Grid” “Factoring GCF Practice 2” Materials for Differentiated Instruction – Remediation: “FactoringPoly nomialsGraphi cOrganizer” Materials for Differentiated Instruction – Enrichment: “Factoring GCF Practice 1” Internet Essential Question: How can I factor polynomials using the greatest common factor method? Lesson Title: Finding the Greatest Common Factor of a Polynomial Set: Show video “” to increase student awareness of polynomial curves in the world. Ask students to complete “Algebra Grid” as a warm-up activity. Teaching Strategy: Show video on Teacher Tube to guide the lesson. Go through “Factoring GCF Practice 1” together as whole group at first, then in small groups for initial practice. Remediation “FactoringPolyn omialsGraphicO rganizer” Enrichment Problems 19-20 on “Factoring GCF Practice 1” involve decimals and fractions. Summarizing Strategy: Ask students to create an exit ticket outlining the procedure for factoring out a greatest common factor from a polynomial. Formative Assessment “Factoring GCF Practice 1” Exit ticket Summative Assessment “Factoring GCF Practice 2” “Factoring GCF Practice 2”problems will be assigned for homework. Essential Question: How can I factor a polynomial called a difference of squares. Remediation “Graphic Formative Assessment polynomial called a difference of squares. TV or Smart Board for display “Super Math Bros! (My Algebra— Parabolas Project)” video “Hands On Activity Difference of Squares” “DifferenceofS quaresLesson” Materials for Differentiated Instruction – Remediation: “Graphic Organizer Factoring Polynomials” Materials for Differentiated Instruction – Enrichment: “Difference of Squares HW” Lesson Title: A Special Binomial—Difference of Squares Set: Show video “Super Math Bros! (My Algebra–Parabolas Project)” as evidence of the modern day use of factoring polynomials. Teaching Strategy: Allow students to experience the difference of squares special binomial with the paper folding activity “Hands On Activity Difference of Squares.” Then use “DifferenceofSquaresLesson” to guide the instruction further through example problems. Summarizing Strategy: Ask each student to write an example and a non-example of difference of squares. “Difference of Squares HW” problems 17-23 will be assigned for homework. Organizer Factoring Polynomials” Enrichment Students may choose problems 24-29 on the homework assignment instead of 1723. Informal Observation Ticket Out the Door Summative Assessment Homework 3 Refer to Unit Plan for Days 3-15 “A Christmas Carol: A Nod to the Mod” STANDARDS Identify what you want to teach. Reference State, Common Core, ACT College Readiness Standards and/or State Competencies. CCSS.A.SSE.A.2. Use the structure of an expression to identify ways to rewrite it. CCSS.A.SSE.B.3a. Factor a quadratic expression to reveal the zeros of the function it defines. CCSS.A.CED.A.1. Create equations and inequalities in one variable and use them to solve problems. Include equations arising from linear and quadratic functions, and simple rational and exponential functions. CCSS.A.APR.A.1. Understand that polynomials form a system analogous to the integers, namely, they are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication; add, subtract, and multiply polynomials. CCSS.A.APR.B.3. Identify zeros of polynomials when suitable factorizations are available, and use the zeros to construct a rough graph of the function defined by the polynomial.