What is Psychology Summer Work Chart

Activity 1
“What Is Psychology?”
The purpose of this activity is to help you understand the difference between the scientific discipline of psychology and popular
concepts of the discipline. You may have some of the same misconceptions before you begin your study of psychology. Begin by
reading Chapter 1 of the text. Read the definition of psychology given on page 4 and write it down (Question 1) on your worksheet.
Then follow the directions below, complete the survey by recording responses from subjects, and analyze the data you recorded.
1. Ask five people to answer at least two questions that you develop (all five people MUST be asked the same two questions) on
their thoughts on psychology. Write down the questions you asked and a brief, verbatim statement on their answers. Make sure
you select a variety of people (persons of different ages, sexes, and educational levels). An example of a question (you CANNOT
use this one) would be: What do psychologists do?
2. Make sure to record pertinent data about each subject (sex, approximate age, educational level) and a verbatim (word for word)
response to your question(s). Do not add to the response or try to clarify it. (Activity 1.1)
3. After you have collected your responses, analyze the results you recorded. Compare what the subjects told you with the
definition in the text. Answering the following questions will help you in your analysis. Questions 2-4 should be an analysis of
your results and must be written in one concise and coherent paragraph for each question. (Activity 1.2)
Activity 1.1
“What is Psychology?” Data Sheet
Subject #
(First Name Only)
Subject 1:
Subject 2:
Subject 3:
Subject 4:
Subject 5:
Activity 1.2
“What is Psychology?” Analysis
1. Define psychology from the text (page 4).
2. How are the statements made by your subjects similar?
3. How are the responses given by your subjects on psychology different from the definition given to you in the text?
4. What are the major misconceptions about psychology based on the responses from your subjects?