ST. STEPHEN’S COLLEGE TIME TABLE (JAN-APR 2016) PHYSICS – SEMESTER II MON TUES Elec. Mag. Optics 10:3011:25 THUR SS/NPLT GS/OPLT FRI Optics Generic SS/NPLT Elective Elec. Mag. Physics Lab Optics Optics Elec. Mag. GS/NPLT BP+GS+CKL/ SS/OPLT SS/NPLT GS/NPLT NPL+OPL 11:2512:20 12:201:15 2:002:55 2:553:50 3:50- Elec. Mag. Physics Lab Th. GS/NPLT BP+CKL/ Elec. Mag. Physics Lab Th. BP+GS/ GS/NPLT XC NPLT Generic Optics Generic Generic Elective SS/OPLT Elective Elective L U N C Generic AECC AECC Elective TT/NPLT TT/NPLT BP+GS+CKL/ AECC AECC NPL+OPL TT/NPLT TT/NPLT Physics Society/ NPLT H EWUI Physics Lab SAT REL. INST. ASSEMBLY AT 9:00 AM 8:409:35 9:3510:30 WED 4:45 *In case the paper has Practical component REL. INST.: Religious Instructions: For Christian Students - College Hall EWUI: Engaging With Unequal India: For Non Christian Students- Dining Hall NPLT-New PHYSICS Lecture Theatre, OPLT- Old PHYSICS Lecture Theatre, NPL- New PHYSICS Lab, OPL- Old PHYSICS Lab Abbreviations: BP- Dr. Bikram Phookun, SS- Dr. Sangeeta Sachdeva, GS- Dr. Geetanjali Sethi, CKL-Dr. Chin Khan Lun Guite