COURSE SYLLABUS Course Coordinator Course Code Credit Semester Prerequisite Course Course Description Learning Outcome (LO) MK : : : : : : : Regulatory Economics Dr. Ir. M. Parulian Hutagaol, MSc. EKO 415 3 (3-0) Odd Microeconomics 1 (EKO 201) and Macroeconomics 1 (EKO 203) This course is designed to equip students with knowledge on various regulatory economic aspects, consisting of the definition and scopes of regulatory economics, the basic theories needed for market efficiency analysis, the reasons for regulation implementation in certain industries, the alternative instrument of regulation, the obstacles to enter the market such as pricing, merger and vertical restrictions, the evaluation of the welfare effect of regulation in natural monopoly, competitive market, environment and rice industry, the impact assessment method of regulation, deregulation and the legal basis of market competition regulation in Indonesia. : After completing this course, students are expected to be able to explain the theories that become the basis of economic regulations, using RIA analysis method in analyzing the impact of regulation implementation, and explain the legal basis of market competition regulation in Indonesia; in addition, students can think critically, communicate well orally and in writing, and work independently as well as manage time punctually. No. 1 2 Learning Outcome (Basic Competency) Students can explain and understand the meanings of economic regulations, regulatory instrument and the monitoring process Students understand the concept of economic efficiency and inefficiency occurring in market mechanism and can estimate welfare loss due Teaching Material a. b. c. a. b. Introduction to Economic regulations: The definition of industrial regulations Regulatory instrument Monitoring process Market Competition, Technical Progress, and Economic Efficiency: Perfect Competition Market model Monopoly and Deadweight Learning Method Time Lecture r Reference Assessment Criteria Lecture and Discussion 3 x 60 ‘ MPH CW (1, 10) - relevant questions/comm ents stated by students Lecture and Discussion 3 x 60 ‘ MPH CW (4) Written/oral quiz and relevant questions/comment s stated by students 1 to monopoly market 3 4 Students can explain and implement S-C-P approach in industrial organization analysis and its relationship with antitrust economy; and understand the logical reasons behind the theory of alternatives on regulatory economics and limitation Students understand natural monopoly companies, the reasons behind those company regulations, and the alternative methods to monitor. Students can also understand how technological progress can eliminate natural monopoly 5 Students can explain Loss c. X-inefficiency d. Waste produced by monopoly e. Welfare loss estimation due to monopoly a. Introduction to Antitrust: - Industrial organization analysis - Antitrust b. The theory of Economic Regulations: - Public interest theory) - Capture theory) - The theory of regulatory economics Natural monopoly regulation: a. The dilemma of natural monopoly b. Sunk cost effect on market competition c. Natural monopoly with sunk cost and government intervention d. Government ownership on natural monopoly companies e. Alternative methods to monitor private natural monopoly companies f. The role of technological progress in eliminating natural monopoly Merger Lecture and Discussion 3 x 60 ‘ MPH CW (3) CW (24) VVH (10) Written/oral quiz or assignment (take home) and relevant questions/comment s stated by students Lecture and Discussion 3 x 60 ‘ MPH JES (8) VVH (9) Written/oral quiz and relevant questions/comment s stated by students Lecture and 3 x 60 ‘ MF CW (22) Written/oral quiz or 2 merger shapes, logical reasons and economic motives that underlie company’s merger, horizontally and vertically, and the impacts on market competition 6 Students can explain various types of vertical restrictions, logical reasons and economic motives that underlie the practice 7. Students understand competitive market practice and its effects, directly or indirectly, on economic welfare 8 Students are expected to understand competitive market practice and its effects, directly or indirectly, on economic welfare a. Definition and types b. The reasons for merger c. Horizontal merger horizontal and its impacts on market competition d. B/C of horizontal merger e. Vertical merger and its advantages f. Anti-competition effect of the vertical merger Vertical Restrictions: a. Definition and types b. Resale price maintenance) c. Maximum resale price) d. Minimum resale price) e. Territorial Restrictions f. Exclusive dealing g. Tying Competitive Market Regulation: Part 1 a. Introductory Notes b. Competitive model c. Direct effects of price and entry/exit regulations d. Closing Notes a. b. c. d. e. Competitive Market Regulation: Part 2 Introductory Notes Cournot model Assessment of direct effects of price and entry/exit regulations Some caveats Assessment of indirect Discussion VVH (8) assignment (take home) and relevant questions/comment s stated by students Lecture and Discussion 3 x 60 ‘ MF CW (22) VVH (8) Written/oral quiz and relevant questions/comment s stated by students Lecture and Discussion 3 x 60 ‘ YLP VVH (16) Written/oral quiz or assignment (take home) and relevant questions/comment s stated by students MID-TES/UTS (40%) Lecture and 3 x 60 ‘ Discussion YLP VVH (16) Written/oral quiz and relevant questions/comment s stated by students 3 f. 9 Students can explain alternative approaches in controlling environmental degradation a. b. c. d. e. 10 Students can explain the rice industry regulations in Indonesia, including the reasons behind them, the types regulatory instrument, and the welfare effects of regulations a. b. c. d. e. f. effects of price and entry regulations Assessment of direct effects of price and exit regulations Environmental Regulations: The role and functions of environment Pollution as environmental problem Root of the problem Theoretical approach to control pollution (Pigovian approach and Coasian approach) Government regulation to control pollution (Command and control regulation and marketbased regulation) Government Regulations in the Rice Industry in Indonesia: Brief background on the regulation in the rice industry Reasons to pursue rice self-sufficiency Rice industry regulatory instrument Export-import regulation Floor price regulation Ceiling price regulation Lecture and Discussion 3 x 60 ‘ MF CT (1) MFP (20) JES (9) Written/oral quiz or assignment (take home) and relevant questions/comment s stated by students Lecture and Discussion 3 x 60 ‘ YLP will be provided Written/oral quiz and relevant questions/comment s stated by students 4 11 Students can understand and implement the right method to control regulation quality and RIA method application stages 12 Students understand the factors that underlie the demand on deregulation and deregulation alternative policy of public sector; and students can explain the legal basis of market competition regulation in Indonesia g. Government Purchasing Price (HPP) h. Input price regulation i. Discussion on the welfare effects of rice price and input regulations Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA): a. Factors considered important for investment b. RIA as policy instrument for regulation quality management c. The advantages of using RIA methods d. The three elements of good government regulatory system e. The basic principle of regulatory review f. RIA method application stages a. Deregulation: - Deregulation? - Industrial deregulation in Indonesia - Factors that underlie the demand on deregulation - Deregulation alternative policy of public sector Lecture and Discussion 3 x 60 ‘ YLP ADB Written/oral quiz or assignment (take home) and relevant questions/comment s stated by students Lecture and Discussion 3 x 60 ‘ MF MFP (19) Act No.5/1999 Written/oral quiz and relevant questions/comment s stated by students b. Market Competition Regulation in Indonesia: Review on Act No.5/1999 - Basic Principle 5 13 and 14 Students can think critically, communicate well orally and in writing, work independently as well as manage time punctually Act objectives Illegal per se approach Approach reason principle Horizontal restrictions Vertical restrictions Contract and activity prohibition Dominant company criteria - Analysis and conduct critical review on the applicable economic regulation Making paper (assigned since the third lecture) and Presentation MPH/M F/YLP - Analytical ability Oral and written communication ability Cooperation ability and participation Management ability FINAL TEST/UAS (40%) ASSIGNMENT (20%) Reference: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Church, Jeffrey and Roger Ware. 2000. Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach. Singapore: McGraw Hill. (CW) Viscusi, W.Kip, John M. Vernon, and Joseph E. Harrington, Jr. 1995. Economics of Regulation and Antitrust. Massachusetts, USA: The MIT Press. (VVH) Asian Development Bank.2003. Indonesian Regulatory Review Manual: The Promotion of Deregulation and Competition Project. (ADB) Stiglitz, Joseph E. 2000. “Economics of the Public Sector”. New York: W.W. Norton and Company. (JES) Callan, Scott J. and Thomas, Janet M. 2000. ‘Environmental Economics and Management: Theory, Policy and Application’. Orlando Flo,USA: The Dryden Press. (CT) McTaggart, Douglas and Findlay, Christopher, and Parkin, Michael. 1996. ‘Economics’. Sydney: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. (MFP) Lecturer Team: 1. Dr. Ir. M. Parulian Hutagaol , MSc. (MPH) as coordinator 2. Dr. Moch. Findi (MF) as member of lecturer team 6 3. Dr. Ir. Yeti Lis Purnamadewi, MSc. Agr (YLP) as member of lecturer team Assignment Design : One group paper with topic related to course material, each group consisting of 4-5 students; Assessment Format : Exams and Assignment Mid-test (UTS) Final test (UAS) Assignment (paper) and Presentation : 40 % : 40 % : 20 % 7