Dr. Smith`s Magical STAAR Review

US History
Fort Burrows
List the Important Event for each date below…
Document – Date
Significance of Document
Magna Carta –
Mayflower Compact –
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut –
English Bill of Rights –
1 of STAAR Review Guide 2015
Created by Tennis Pro and Coach Deluxe Coach Smith
US History
Fort Burrows
2 of STAAR Review Guide 2015
Created by Tennis Pro and Coach Deluxe Coach Smith
US History
Fort Burrows
Word Association: Write the letter of the description or association next to the correct term.
1. 1st 10 Amendments_____
2. 1787_____
3. Articles of Confederation_____
4. Frederick Douglass_____
5. Henry David Thoreau_____
6. First and Second Great Awakenings_____
7. Enlightenment_____
8. Emancipation Proclamation_____
9. Free enterprise _____
10. Judicial Review_____
11. Manifest Destiny_____
12. Mercantilism_____
13. Protective tariff_____
14. Reconstruction_____
15. Civil War_____
16. Unalienable rights_____
17. Virginia House of Burgesses_____
18. Representative Government_____
19. Andrew Jackson_____
20. Reform_____
21. American Revolution_____
22. Pilgrims arrive, Mayflower Compact_____
A. Civil Disobedience
B. U.S.’s economic system
C. Science movement
D. 1861-1865
E. Coast to coast
F. Rebuilding after the Civil War
G. Tax on imports
H. Bill of Rights
I. Marbury v. Madison
J. Can never be taken away
K. Religious revival
L. 1st representative government
M. 1st constitution, weak central government
N. Democracy
O. U.S. Constitution ratified
P. Change
Q. British control of trade
R. Abolitionist
S. Independence
T. Indian Removal Act
U. Freed slaves in rebel territory
V. 1620
Match the English Colony in America to its correct description.
Roger Williams ____________________________
Plymouth, Massachusetts
William Penn ____________________________
Rhode Island
1st successful English colony ____________________________
Fundamental Orders ____________________________
Haven for debtors ____________________________
New York
Toleration Act of 1649/Catholics ____________________________
Formerly New Netherland ____________________________
Pilgrims ____________________________
French and Indian War: Who fought who? Fill in the boxes below.
Outcome: Draw a star in the box of the winner of this war.
Proclamation of 1763: colonists were forbidden to settle West of the ____________________________.
3 of STAAR Review Guide 2015
Created by Tennis Pro and Coach Deluxe Coach Smith
US History
Fort Burrows
Events leading to war: The following events are in the correct order leading up to the American
Revolution. In the boxes, write the year and a quick description of what they were.
Boston Massacre
Townshend Acts
Sugar & Stamp Acts
Navigation Acts
Tea Act
Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts
Lexington &
American Revolution: Fill in the blanks below using the word bank.
Common Sense
Unalienable Rights
Because of the events above, Americans fought a revolution to break away from England and become its
own, independent country. Due to the publishing of ____________________ written by Thomas Paine in 1776,
Americans were encouraged to fight for independence. On __________________________, the Declaration of
Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson. This was a statement that listed natural or ________________
(those granted to people from birth that cannot be taken away), British wrongdoings and grievances against
King George III, and declaring they were a free and independent country. The turning point of the American
Revolution was at the ___________________________, when the French decided to help the Americans.
The last major battle was the battle of ____________________________.
Creating a Government: Fill in the blanks below using the word bank.
Articles of Confederation
Constitutional Convention
Northwest Ordinance
The first American constitution, written in 1777 was the _____________________________. It created
a very loose alliance of 13 independent states and a weak central government. The _______________________
set up a government for the Northwest Territory, guaranteed basic rights to settlers, and outlawed slavery.
Because of some of the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation, delegates came together at the
_______________________ to revise the Articles. Rather than revising it, the delegates ended up making a
whole new document called the ____________________. The Federalists supported the Constitution as it was
written. The __________________________ were concerned it didn’t do enough to protect individual rights.
It was ratified in __________________________, when it included a bill of rights.
4 of STAAR Review Guide 2015
Created by Tennis Pro and Coach Deluxe Coach Smith
US History
Fort Burrows
Bill of Rights: Write the Amendment number in the blank to match the following with their provision.
Right to bear arms
Right to a criminal jury trial
Rights not listed are reserved for the people
No cruel and unusual punishment
Right to a jury trial in a civil case
Freedoms of speech, religion, press, petition, and assembly
No unreasonable searches and seizures
No quartering of soldiers
Right to be silent/not testify against yourself
Rights not listed are reserved for the states
Word bank for the rest of this page:
Legislative Neutrality
Checks & Balances Judicial
George Washington
Branches of Government: Write the name of the branch that performs the following jobs.
______________________ ______________________ _____________________
Carries out the laws
Makes the laws
Decides if laws are fair
Each branch of government ______________________ the other so that no one branch has too much power.
________________________: elected as 1st president. His advice was _______________ abroad and unity at
home. Name his Precedents __________________________________________________________________
Rise of Political Parties: Use page 289 to complete the following chart.
Industrial Revolution: Process that changed the way goods were produced, reliance on machines and new
inventions, such as the spinning jenny, interchangeable parts, turnpikes, steam engines, canals, and
railroads. Led to _____________________________, the movement from farms to cities. Complete the
following flow map showing the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution.
5 of STAAR Review Guide 2015
Created by Tennis Pro and Coach Deluxe Coach Smith
US History
Fort Burrows
Fill in the blanks with the following phrases
Think. Think. Think! Which ones are causes and which ones are effects:
1. Era of Good Feelings
2. Wanted Canada
3. Problems with Native Americans and their British allies
4. Strong sense of Nationalism (ex.: “Star Spangled Banner”)
5. Impressment
6. Industrialization and Urbanization
War of 1812
Andrew Jackson: In the boxes below, write a brief description showing what Jackson did or how he
responded to each of the following.
Bank War
Nullification Crisis
Spoils System
Indian Removal
Andrew Jackson was known as a champion of the ________________________.
Manifest Destiny: In your own words, define manifest destiny below. _______________________________
6 of STAAR Review Guide 2015
Created by Tennis Pro and Coach Deluxe Coach Smith
US History
Fort Burrows
Territories: Look at the chart below and fill in the missing parts. (Also, study your map.)
Area Acquired
Original 13 colonies
and lands west to the
Mississippi River
Louisiana Territory
Oregon Territory
Mexican Cession
Gadsden Purchase
How Acquired
Reform: Match the following name to its best association by connecting them with a line.
Dorthea Dix _________________________
Outlaw alcohol
Elizabeth Cady Stanton _________________________
Education Reform
Temperance _________________________
Hospital and prison reform
Horace Mann _________________________
Underground Railroad
William Lloyd Garrison _________________________
Harriet Tubman _________________________
Women’s rights
Civil War: Complete the following chart. You can use your textbook to find the information.
Seneca Falls Convention of 1848: Where?_______________________Why ?________________________
Second Great Awakening: Describe – _______________________________________________________
7 of STAAR Review Guide 2015
Created by Tennis Pro and Coach Deluxe Coach Smith
US History
Fort Burrows
Slavery Divides the Nation: Complete the following thinking map showing the outbreak of the Civil War.
In the bubbles, write the term that goes with the definition. Use the word bank below:
John Brown
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Compromise of 1850
Kansas and Nebraska
territories were divided into
two parts, each given
popular sovereignty to
decide whether or not to
allow slavery there
Missouri Compromise
Abraham Lincoln
Dred Scott v. Sanford
1820 agreement admitting
Maine as a free state,
Missouri as a slave state,
and declaring anything
south of Missouri to be
“Bleeding Kansas”
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Agreement admitting CA as a
free state, granting popular
sovereignty to NM and UT,
banning the slave trade in DC,
settling the TX/NM border, and
including a Fugitive Slave Act
South Carolina and other
southern states withdraw from
the Union
Civil War
Breaks Out!
Name of the violence in
Kansas. Border ruffians
came into Kansas to fight
anti-slavery people there.
John Brown & followers
murdered 5 pro-slavery
Upheld that slaves are
property, and declared
that Congress could not
outlaw slavery in any
1852 novel written by Harriet
Beecher Stowe showing the
evils of slavery
Raid led by this man on
Harper’s Ferry. It was his plan
to start a slave rebellion. He
was arrested, tried, found guilty
of murder and treason, and
Election of this man in
1860 scared the South.
Many feared he would
try to abolish slavery.
Matching: Match the term and definition on the left with the example on the right.
____1. Popular Sovereignty: The government gets its
authority from the people.
____2. Republicanism: A type of government where
people elect representatives to carry out their will.
____3. Separation of Powers: Power is divided into
three sections or branches.
____4. Federalism: Division of power between the
states and the national government.
____5. Limited Government: The government has
only the powers the Constitution gives it.
____6. Individual Rights: Rights that every person has
according to the Constitution.
____7. Checks and Balances: Each branch of
government has the power to limit actions of the other
8 of STAAR Review Guide 2015
A. Speech, religion, trial by jury
B. People can call for amendments to the
Constitution. In the 1800s, people voted about
slavery in the territories.
C. National government can declare war; state
governments make rules for state elections.
D. Legislative branch makes the laws; Executive
branch carries out the laws; Judicial branch
interprets the laws.
E. President can veto laws; Congress can impeach
the President, the Supreme Court can declare laws
F. Everyone (even the President) has to obey
G. Americans vote on members of Congress, the
President, Governor, etc.
Created by Tennis Pro and Coach Deluxe Coach Smith
US History
Fort Burrows
Eras: Look at the chart below. Try and fill in important events, documents, people, and dates for each
era. You can add more than just what the word bank says.
Robert E. Lee
Ulysses S. Grant
Oregon Trail
Bill of Rights
Abraham Lincoln
Fugitive Slave Act
Frederick Douglass
House of Burgesses
War of 1812
James Madison
Ben Franklin
Dred Scott
Declaration of Independence
Lewis & Clark
Missouri Compromise
Northwest Ordinance
Compromise of 1850
Thomas Jefferson Mayflower Compact
James K. Polk
George Washington
Jefferson Davis
Indian Removal Act/Trail of Tears
Sam Adams
Underground Railroad
U.S.-Mexican War
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Major events, documents, and people
Important Dates
Revolution &
& Republic
& Manifest
& Civil War
9 of STAAR Review Guide 2015
Created by Tennis Pro and Coach Deluxe Coach Smith
US History
Fort Burrows
Write out a way to remember the following people:
(Example: Haym Salomon-“American Financier” of the American Revolution, he used his personal money to
help fund the Continental Congress during the American Revolution. Way to remember: Haym Salomon
needed a lot of money to buy ham and salmon during the Revolution…weird, but it works. )
Thomas Hooker Founder of Connecticut. The colony put Hooker's principles into practice when it adopted
the Fundamental Orders sometimes called the first written constitution in the colonies.
John James Audubon He was a gifted artist who preferred observing and painting birds and other wildlife. The
Audubon Society is named after him and is dedicated to increasing awareness of and appreciation for nature.
Abigail Adams Wife of the second President of the United States (John Adams) and mother of the sixth
President (John Quincy Adams), and known for the stance she took for women's rights in letters to her husband.
Wentworth Cheswell First African-American landowner in New Hampshire; he was a judge, town leader, and
soldier at the battle of Saratoga.
Mercy Otis Warren A Patriot writer. She wrote plays, poems and lots of other writings that supported
James Armistead James Armistead was an African American Patriot spy during the American Revolution.
Bernardo de Galvez He was instrumental in securing Spanish weapons, gunpowder, and other vital supplies
during the American Revolution.
Marquis de Lafayette A French aristocrat who became a close friend of George Washington and helped
convince France to become America’s ally in the American Revolution.
Crispus Attucks An African-American killed at the Boston Massacre.
10 of STAAR Review Guide 2015
Created by Tennis Pro and Coach Deluxe Coach Smith
US History
Fort Burrows
John Paul Jones Founder of the Navy; he famously said "I have not yet begun to fight” when he fought on the
Bonhomme Richard and defeated the British ship Serapis.
Patrick Henry “I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" He
opposed ratification of the Constitution (anti-Federalist) because of the potential limitations to the rights of
George Mason He was at the Constitutional Convention but became an anti-Federalist (someone who opposed
the Constitution). He eventually supported ratification if a Bill of Rights was added.
Charles de Montesquieu A French political and social philosopher, he defined the principle of separation of
powers, calling for a system of checks and balances in government. His ideas influenced the founding fathers.
John Locke He was an English philosopher whose doctrine of natural rights outlined the fundamental rights all
humans should enjoy: life, liberty, and property. His ideas influenced Thomas Jefferson.
William Blackstone A British lawyer, he wrote a book and taught university students about English law. This
was the beginning of legal education in England and North America.
Henry David Thoreau A “Transcendentalist”, Thoreau's most influential essay was Civil Disobedience.
John Quincy Adams He served as the 6th President of the United States and then went on to be a
Congressman. He favored a strong nationalism against states' rights and spoke out against the pro-slavery
messages of John C. Calhoun.
John C. Calhoun Born in South Carolina, supported slavery, states' rights, and secession. He led opposition in
South Carolina to the protective Tariff of 1828 during the Nullification Crisis. He served as Vice President and
member of Congress.
11 of STAAR Review Guide 2015
Created by Tennis Pro and Coach Deluxe Coach Smith
US History
Fort Burrows
Henry Clay Known as the "Great Compromiser". He favored internal improvements and westward expansion.
He sponsored the Missouri Compromise in 1820, a compromise to end the Nullification Crisis in 1832, and
came up with the basic outline for the Compromise of 1850.
Daniel Webster A representative and senator from New Hampshire and then Massachusetts in the U.S.
Congress. He was noted for his speaking ability and his commitment to preserving the union of states.
Susan B. Anthony Supported women’s rights and women’s suffrage (the right to vote).
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Supported women’s rights and women’s suffrage (the right to vote).
William Carney The first African American to receive the Medal of Honor as part of the 54th Massachusetts
Regiment for his actions during the fighting at Ft. Wagner.
Philip Bazaar Born in Chile, South America, he was in the U.S. Navy during the Civil War and received the
Medal of Honor.
Hiram Rhodes Revels The first black citizen to be elected to the U.S. Senate (1870–71), during
For Grade {Smith counts GT kids at 45% Grade}
DUE to Burrows on:
1st period DUE – April 21, Tuesday Afternoon in class.
4th period DUE – April 22, Wednesday after Lunch, BRING to me.
5th period DUE – April 22, Wednesday Afternoon in Class.
12 of STAAR Review Guide 2015
Created by Tennis Pro and Coach Deluxe Coach Smith