7- learner and facilitator profiles

The ICS Learner Profile consists of positive attitudes or attributes towards people, towards the
environment and towards learning.
At ICS, students should strive to develop and demonstrate:
1. COMMITMENT: being committed to their own learning; persevering; showing self-discipline,
personal responsibility and high personal expectations.
2. ENTHUSIASM: being highly motivated to learn in depth; participating fully in class; working
with peers and facilitators to achieve success.
3. CO-OPERATION: co-operating; collaborating; working as individuals and as part of a team,
demonstrating effective interaction, communication, insight, and reflection, and an
eagerness to learn.
4. EMPATHY: showing care, sensitivity, compassion and respect towards the needs and
feelings of others.
5. INTEGRITY: acting with a considered sense of fairness, honesty and justice; taking
responsibility for, and accepting the consequences of their own actions.
6. RESPECT: respecting themselves, others and the world around them; showing kindness,
consideration and helpfulness to others.
7. TOLERANCE AND OPEN-MINDEDNESS: valuing, recognizing and celebrating their own
cultural background, while respecting, understanding and showing sensitivity and openness
towards the different views, values and traditions of other individuals, communities and
8. INDEPENDENCE: being self-motivated, self-disciplined and self-reliant; approaching
unfamiliar situations with courage and forethought; thinking and acting independently;
making their own judgements based on reasoned arguments and being able to defend their
own decisions confidently.
9. CURIOSITY: being naturally curious, enquiring and actively interested in understanding the
world, its people and cultures – thus enabling them to become lifelong learners.
10. CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION: being creative, international minded and imaginative in
their thinking; analytical and critical in their approach to problems and dilemmas.
11. ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS: understanding local and global environmental dangers
and problems; being concerned about protecting the environment.
12. EAGERNESS TO LEARN: well informed, fluent, and seeking to acquire new horizons of indepth awareness with a risk taking and international minded approach.
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1. PASSION FOR CHILDREN AND TEACHING: every ICS facilitator should be passionate
and enthusiastic about teaching and working with children. They should be excited about
influencing students’ lives and maximizing learning. They should be generous and dedicated
with their time to provide students with the best possible education.
2. KIND, CARING AND COMPASSIONATE: every ICS facilitator should care about their
students’ interests, progress and problems. They should be approachable and empathetic,
and have the ability to say and do things that uplift, motivate and inspire.
3. STRONG RAPPORT WITH STUDENTS: every ICS facilitator respects and values
students; employs positive reinforcement and celebrates achievement; develops a strong
rapport with students and establishes welcoming, trusting classroom relationships.
engaging, energetic and self-confident, and provides active (versus passive) learning
opportunities. They create lessons that are stimulating, purposeful, relevant, creative,
challenging and well-paced. They are able to hold the attention of students throughout a
5. CLEAR LESSON OBJECTIVES: every ICS facilitator establishes and communicates clear
lesson objectives and works to meet those specific objectives during each class.
6. EFFECTIVE DISCIPLINE SKILLS: every ICS facilitator has effective discipline skills and
can promote positive behaviours and change in the classroom.
7. GOOD CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT SKILLS: every ICS facilitator has good classroom
management skills and can ensure positive student behaviour and effective study and work
habits. They create a supportive, collaborative classroom environment based on mutual
respect and a sense of community and belonging.
8. EXCELLENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS: every ICS facilitator maintains open, regular
communication with parents, administrators and other staff members. They are willing to
work collaboratively and build co-operative relationships with the rest of the school
9. HIGH EXPECTATIONS: every ICS facilitator sets high expectations for all their students
and encourages everyone to always work at their best level. They challenge their students
to think critically; interpret; make decisions; solve problems.
10. KNOWLEDGE OF CURRICULUM AND STANDARDS: every ICS facilitator has thorough
knowledge of the school’s curriculum and other standards they must uphold in the
classroom. They ensure their teaching meets those standards.
11. SECURE KNOWLEDGE OF SUBJECT MATTER: every ICS facilitator has outstanding
subject knowledge of, and enthusiasm for the subject they teach. They are prepared to
answer questions and keep the material interesting for students. An ICS facilitator
understands the subject content and explains difficult topics in a student-friendly way.
12. FAIRNESS: every ICS facilitator uses fair and effective assessment/evaluation methods and
an objective, honest, transparent grading system based on learning outcomes. They provide
regular feedback/appraisals on students’ performance to students and parents.
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13. STRONG ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS: good preparation, organization and planning are
essential qualities for every ICS facilitator. They allow facilitators to access materials quickly
and to make efficient transitions. They add order and structure to lessons.
14. SELF-IMPROVEMENT: every ICS facilitator continuously strives to improve and grow as a
professional to provide students with the highest quality education possible. They inspire
students to be motivated to become lifelong learners; they seek out new and better teaching
strategies and Professional Development opportunities; they have no fear of developing
initiatives or incorporating new technologies into lessons.
15. ADAPTABILITY/FLEXIBILITY: every ICS facilitator uses differentiated learning strategies;
they assess their teaching throughout lessons and are sufficiently resourceful to modify their
instructional/presentation methods to reach every student.
16. USES 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGY IN LESSONS: every ICS facilitator incorporates a
variety of digital media within lessons, alongside textbooks and worksheets, believing that
Technology is a crucial layer in education.
17. MAINTAINS PROFESSIONALISM: every ICS facilitator holds high professional
expectations of themselves and others. They maintain a professional manner in all areas –
from their personal appearance to their organizational and communication skills.
18. HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL INTEGRATION: every ICS facilitator nurtures and builds in
every student the school’s learner profile traits via his subject content with full horizontal and
vertical integration.
19. CENTRAL THEMES: every ICS facilitator, always believing in an educator’s special
mission, aims towards seven central themes: international-mindedness, open-mindedness,
flexibility, teaching approach/skills/beliefs, collaboration, universality of good teaching, and
love of teaching.
20. ICS TEACHING IDENTITY: every ICS facilitator creates his unique teaching identity by
nourishing inquiry based learning, social responsibility and flexibility.
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