A.P. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY – BALLINGALL – UNIT ONE TERMS Chapter 1 culture complex ratio (representative fraction) human geography cultural hearth word scale globalization independent invention graphic scale physical geography diffusion large vs. scale spatial time-distance decay projections spatial distribution cultural barrier Mercator projection pattern expansion diffusion Robinson projection medical geography hierarchical diffusion thematic maps pandemic contagious diffusion epidemic stimulus diffusion spatial perspective relocation diffusion The Five Themes of Geography environmental determinism 1. Location - location theory 2. Human-environment interactions 3. Region -formal regions -functional regions -perceptual regions (aka vernacular reg.) 4. Place -sense of place -perception of place 5. Movement -spatial interaction -distance -accessibility -connectivity landscape cultural landscape sequent occupance scale rescale culture culture trait possibilism cultural ecology political ecology chloropeth dot graduated symbol isolinear cartogram mental map activity space terra incognita generalized maps Appendix A: Maps remote sensing cartography geographic information systems (GIS) reference maps fieldwork absolute location Also: be able to locate the continents, as well as “the Middle East,” India, China, Russia and Japan. global positioning system relative location longitude Prime Meridian International Date Line meridans latitude equator parallels map scale