SYLLABUS COURSE TITLE FACULTY/INSTITUTE COURSE CODE DEGREE PROGRAMME FIELD OF STUDY MATHEMATICS COURSE FORMAT YEAR AND SEMESTER NAME OF THE TEACHER HISTORY OF APPLICATIONS OF MATHEMATICS IN ECONOMICS FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL SCIENCES DEGREE LEVEL FORMA MODE STUDIÓW/STUDY SECOND DEGREE Full-Time SPECIALIZATION YEAR II, SEMESTER I or SEMESTER II STANISŁAW DOMORADZKI DR HAB. COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. Acquainting with main trends of development of mathematics. Presentation of the huge impact of mathematics on the development of culture. Acquainting with practical applications. Emphasizing, that today's society is not able to function without the knowledge of mathematics. PREREQUISITES LEARNING OUTCOMES Knowledge of the branches of mathematics at the studies of the I degree, elements of functional analysis, differential equations KNOWLEDGE: - can name the important civilizations and periods favorable to the development of mathematics as a science; - can point out the similarities in the use of mathematics yesterday and today; - can emphasize the development of mathematics with the development of society, with its needs SKILLS: -notices the role of history of mathematics in the acquiring and understanding of mathematical concepts; -gives historical problems of economics, which uses mathematical models and other procedures for their solution; -able to point out similar problems in physics, biology, chemistry, geography FINAL COURSE OUTPUT - SOCIAL COMPETENCES Social competence: notices that the history of mathematics allows discussion of mathematicians with specialists in other fields; has reinforced a sense of their value; is proud of the world achievements of Polish mathematicians in applications of mathematics. COURSE ORGANISATION –LEARNING FORMAT AND NUMBER OF HOURS Lectures, seminars and Individual meeting with the teacher – 30 hours COURSE DESCRIPTION A. Issues of the lectures Course contents Discussion of issues of the lectures. About the foundations of mathematics for economists. Mathematics - our imperceptible culture. School of Thales. Sure knowledge. Pythagoreans. The origins of deduction. Euclid’s Elements Non-European mathematics, mathematics of Antiquities and Middle Ages. Gerbert. Universities Logarithms. Mile step in the calculus. The beginning the analysis. Newton, Leibniz, Huygens. Bernoulli family. Mathematics as a tool to explain economic phenomena. Mathematical models of social and economic interaction. Models of Warlas and Pareto. The work of John von Neumann. Mathematician will do it better - about Polish school of applied mathematics H. Steinhaus. Breaking the Enigma code. Cryptography. The importance of cryptography today. Statistical analysis of experimental data in historical depiction Total hours Number of hours 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 15 B. Issues of seminars Number of hours Course contents What did arithmetic give us? What did algebra give us? What did trigonometry give us? What did coordinates give us? Teoria liczb i zastosowania. Differential calculus and applications What did non-Euclidean geometry give us? Topology and its applications in the social sciences H. Dionizy Steinhaus founder of the Polish school of applied mathematics. Mathematics in Poland during the Second Polish Republic in the context of applications. Total hours METHODS OF INSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS GRADING SYSTEM TOTAL STUDENT WORKLOAD NEEDED TO ACHIEVE EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES EXPRESSED IN TIME AND ECTS CREDIT POINTS LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 15 The lecture with a multimedia presentation, the use of sections of videos. Solving tasks. Individual work. The lecture with a multimedia presentation, the use of sections of videos. GRADING SCORE – 3.0 FOR 50 - 60%, 3.5 FOR 61 - 70 %, 4.0 FOR 71 – 80%, 4.5 FOR 81 – 90%, 5.0 FOR 91 – 100 % 50 HOURS - 2 ECTS ENGLISH INTERNSHIP MATERIALS NOT APPLICABLE PRIMARY OR REQUIRED BOOKS/READINGS: DIRK JAN STRUIK , A CONCISE HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS, 1987. ed. J. Dauben, Ch. J. Scriba, Writing the History of Mathematics its Historical Development, Birkhäuser, Basel, Boston, Berlin, 2002 SUPPLEMENTAL OR OPTIONAL BOOKS/READINGS: Stanisław Domoradzki, The Growth of Mathematical Culture in the Lvov area in the Autonomy period (18701920), Matfyzpress, Prague 2011. Martina Becvarova, Christa Binder, Mathematics in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire (proceedings of the Symposium held in Budapest on August 1, 2009 during the XXIII ICHST History of Mathematics, volume 41, Prague 2010 Stanisław Domoradzki, Z. Pawlikowska – Brożek, Vilnius between the wars, Mathematical Intelligencer, 22(2000), s. 47 – 50. ENIGMA MACHINE, FROM WIKIPEDIA, THE FREE ENCYCLOPEDIA.