Honors Earth Science vocabulary for Fall 2014

Honors Earth/Environmental Science Vocabulary for Spring Semester 2014
Quiz Dates and vocabulary words.
Feb 3rd - absolute magnitude, abyssal plain, air mass, air pressure, alluvial fan, anemometer,
anticyclone, apparent magnitude, aquifer, artesian well, asteroid, asthenosphere, astronomical
unit, astronomy, atmosphere
Feb. 10th – atomic number, autumnal equinox, barometer, barrier island, basaltic composition,
batholith, bathymetry, bed load, benthic zone, benthos, big bang theory, binary star, biogenous
sediment, binary star, biosphere
Feb. 17th – black hole, capacity, cavern, cementation, Cepheid variable, chemical bond, chemical
weathering, chemosynthesis, chromosphere, cinder cone, cirrus, clastic sedimentary rock,
cleavage, cold front, comet
Feb. 24th- compaction, compost, compound, condensation, conduction, conservation,
constellation, contact metamorphism, continental drift, continental glacier, continental margin,
continental rise, continental shelf, continental slope, continental volcanic arc
Mar. 3rd – contour interval, contour line, convection, convection flow, convergent boundary,
core, Coriolis Effect, corona, covalent bond, crater, creep, crevasse, crust, crystal form,
Mar. 10th – cyclone, deflation, deformation, delta, density, deposition, dew point, divergent
boundary, divide, Doppler Effect, drainage basin, earthquake, Earth Science, elastic rebound
hypothesis, electromagnetic spectrum
Mar. 17th – element, ellipse, El Nino, energy level, eon, epicenter, epoch, era, erosion,
evaporation, extrusive igneous rock, eye, eye wall, fault, fetch
Mar. 24th- folded mountain, flood, flood plain, focus, foliated metamorphic rock, food chain,
food web, foreshock, fossil, fossil fuel, fracture, front, galaxy, geocentric, geologic time scale
Apr. 1st – geology, geosphere, geothermal energy, geyser, glacier, global warming, gradient,
Greenhouse effect, groundwater, gyre, half-life, hardness, heliocentric, heat, hotspot,
Apr. 7th - humidity, hurricane, hydroelectric power, hydrosphere, hypothesis, ice age, igneous
rock, infiltration, inner core, intertidal zone, intrusive igneous rock, ion, ionic bond, isotope, jet
Apr 14th- Koppen climate classification system, lava, light-year, liquefaction, lithosphere, longshore current, latitude, longitude, lunar-eclipse, luster, magma, mantle, mantle plume, mass
movement, mass number
Apr. 28th - meander, mechanical weathering, mesosphere, metamorphic rock, meteorology,
ocean ridge, mineral, Moho, monsoon, natural levee, neap tide, nebula, nonpoint source pollution,
renewable resource, nova,
May 5th- nuclear fusion, occluded front, ocean basin floor, ocean current, oceanic zone,
oceanography, ore, outer core, ozone, P wave, Pangaea, perigee, perihelion, period, permeability,
May 12th -phases of the moon, photic zone, photosynthesis, phytoplankton, plate tectonics,
point source pollution, polar easterlies, polar front, precession, prevailing wind, protostar,
pyroclastic material, radiation, recycling, red giant, relative dating
May 19th- relative humidity, renewable resource, retrograde motion, reverse polarity,
revolution, ridge-push, rift valley, rock cycle, rotation, runoff, S wave, salinity, seafloor
spreading, sediment, sedimentary rock
May 27th- seismograph, silicate, slab-pull, soil, solar eclipse, solar flare, solar wind, sonar, spring
equinox, spring tide, stalactite, stalagmite, stationary front, stratosphere, stratus
June 2nd- subduction zone, summer solstice, tide, tornado, trade winds, transform fault
boundary, trench, troposphere, tsunami, uniformitarianism, upwelling, warm front, water cycle,
weathering, winter solstice