APPLICATION for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation by the FORENSIC SPECIALTIES ACCREDITATION BOARD, Inc. Submitted By (Name of Certification Body) (Organization Acronym, if any) (Date of Application) Application Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation FORENSIC SPECIALTIES ACCREDITATION BOARD, Inc. 410 North 21st Street, Colorado Springs 80904 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation INTRODUCTION The Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board (FSAB) was established to advance the reliability and validity of forensic evidence in the administration of justice through the accreditation of qualified organizations that certify individual forensic specialists. It was established with a grant from the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and support from the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS). The FSAB has designed a program to review and evaluate the operating procedures and standards of applicant forensic certification bodies to ensure that they meet or exceed a minimum set of standards created by the FSAB, the FSAB Accreditation Standards. These standards, based on existing national and international standards for accrediting certification bodies, were made specific to the unique and diverse nature of forensic specialty organizations. It is through the response to this application that the FSAB determines whether the applicant meets those standards and therefore merits FSAB accreditation or reaccreditation. The review of the application will be done by an Application Review Committee (ARC) created for this purpose by the FSAB. As the application is processed, it is the ARC that will serve as liaison between the applicant (also referred to herein as the “certification body”) and the FSAB. Once accredited and as long as it is accredited, each board pays an annual fee to the FSAB. For a board with up to 1000 certificants, this fee is $500 plus $3 for each certificant. For a board with more than 1000 certificants but no more than 2500, the fee is $3500 plus $2 for each certificant in excess of 1000. For a board with more than 2500 certificants, the fee is $6500 plus $1 for each certificant in excess of 2500. INSTRUCTIONS Please complete the application form in full and attach documentation as requested. It is recommended that the completed application be submitted in 3-ring binder format, using the following tab sections for the application and supporting documentation. Tab 1: Application Tab 2: Articles of Incorporation or other organic document of applicant Tab 3: Constitution / By Laws (only the sections containing supporting data) Tab 4: Policies and Procedures Manual (only the sections containing supporting data) Tab 5: Code of Ethics Tab 6: Code of Professional Responsibility Tab 7: Test data/study guide materials Application Rev. 3/15/2015 ©Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. ii Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation Tab 8: Exemplar of certificate issued to applicant’s certificants Tab 9: Continuing education component of the recertification program Tab 10: Copies of all publicly available material describing the organization and its certification program (e.g. booklets, brochures) Tab 11: Directory of applicant’s certificants, including their certificate numbers Tab 12: Exhibits The application is divided into subject headings paralleling the FSAB Standards beginning with 4 Certification Body and continuing through to 10 Changes in Certification Program. Furthermore, the questions on the form are numbered in a manner that approximately tracks the subsections of the FSAB Accreditation Standards. This is primarily for the benefit of the Application Review Committee (ARC), but will also provide the applicant with a reference to further information about a specific requirement. Although the first response to a question will sometimes require a yes/no answer, it will nearly always be necessary to add material to support this answer, with a ”no” answer generally requiring as much justification as a ”yes.” To expedite the processing of the application, the applicant should provide as much detailed information as practicable. This can best be done by using the shaded area following each question to identify and refer to supporting material under one of the Tabs. The specific location of supporting material should be set out using the Reference line. The material attached may include such items as a sample certificate, a brochure, etc. The more information the ARC receives and the more clearly the responses in the application are stated, the smaller the chance the processing of the application will be delayed, since the ARC will require information it considers missing to be supplied and that language it perceives as confusing to be clarified. If such requests are made, it is in the interest of the applicant to respond as soon as possible so as not to lose the opportunity for a positive decision by the next meeting of the FSAB (held in February each year). If an organization sponsors more than one certification body, a separate application with its own documentation must be submitted for each such body. The ARC and the FSAB board members having access to the submitted documents are obligated under FSAB mandate to treat all information not disclosed in public documents as confidential. Please send one notebook with original documents and four others with copies of all material and a nonrefundable application fee of $2000 for initial applications or $500 for applications for reaccreditation to: Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 410 North 21st Street, Suite 203 Colorado Springs, CO 80904-2798 Information about the form format: To type information in the shaded boxes on the cover and following pages, place the cursor in the box and begin typing. The box will expand so that the Application Rev. 3/15/2015 ©Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. iii Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation answer can be any length desired, the text wrapping automatically. The shading will not appear on the printed pages. At the YES / NO check boxes simply locate the cursor in the appropriate box and “click.” An “X” will appear in the box. Then tab to the next shaded area. When the application is complete, it should be saved to the hard drive before printing. DEFINITIONS Certification body - an independent organization with authority to bestow certification on an individual. Certification program - a program designed to certify individuals who meet or exceed the criteria set for that level of knowledge and competence. A single certification body may have multiple certification programs differing in either specialty or level of competence. Grandfathering - the awarding of certification status to an individual who has not passed testing as described in the FSAB Accreditation Standards, section 5.1.4. Application Rev. 3/15/2015 ©Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. iv Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation APPLICATION Applicant Demographics 1. Name of Applicant Organization 2. Street address Mailing address, if different 3. Phone Fax E-mail Internet address Primary contact person Position within organization Address (if different) 4. List current officers of the organization. President Vice-Pres. Secretary Treasurer Board Members (list below): 5. In what year was the organization incorporated or otherwise formed? 6. What is the forensic-specialty-certifying program offered by the certification? 7. List the names of the committee or board that reports to the governing body with respect to the certification program, and briefly describe the function of each. Application Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 1 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 4. Certification Body 4.1 General Provisions Relating to Certification Protocol 4.1.1 Describe how the certification body’s mechanisms for evaluating the knowledge, skills and abilities of its applicants for certification are reliable*, valid*, and non-discriminatory. * From Definitions found in FSAB Standards for Accrediting Forensic Specialty Certification Boards 3.20 reliability (examinations): Degree to which an examination provides a consistent measure of competency. 3.23 validity (examinations): Degree to which an examination measures those competencies it is designated to measure. Reference: Tab: 4.1.2 [or] Exhibit Page Section [or] Exhibit If successful completion of an approved training course is a requirement for certification, how does the certification body ensure that recognition/approval of training courses does not compromise the impartiality with which an applicant is evaluated? Reference: Tab: 4.1.4 Section Identify any and all professional organizations in which the certification body requires membership as a condition of granting certification to an applicant. Reference: Tab: 4.1.3 Page Page Section [or] Exhibit Are the criteria used to evaluate candidates for certification limited to those published by the certification body? Yes 4.1.4a. No Comments How does an individual obtain knowledge of these criteria? Reference: Tab: 4.1.4b. Page Section [or] Exhibit How does the certification body ensure that these criteria are updated periodically in line with changes in the discipline? Comments 4.2 Organization 4.2.1 Please identify and describe the legal entity constituted by the certification body or the legal entity of which the certification body is part. Application Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 2 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation Include under Tab 2 a copy of the certification body’s defining document such as incorporation papers. 4.2.2 Please state the measures by which the independence and impartiality of the certification body is ensured such that all decisions relating to certification are the responsibility of the certification body’s governing board and are not subject to undue influence or approval by another body. Reference: Tab: 4.2.3 4.2.4a [or] Exhibit Page Section [or] Exhibit Please describe the procedures by which the certification body adds members to its board. Reference: Tab: 4.2.4b Page Section [or] Exhibit Explain how these procedures prevent existing board members from selecting a majority of their successors on the board. Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit Please identify and provide templates of the certification body’s documentation defining the committee(s) or individual(s) responsible for each component of the certification program offered. Reference: Tab: 4.2.6 Section By what means is the certification body structured so as to give confidence to outside parties as to its competence, impartiality and integrity? Reference: Tab: 4.2.5 Page Page Section [or] Exhibit What is the basis for the certification body’s confidence that it has sufficient financial and human resources to fulfill its certifying mission? How is the organization funded? Reference: Tab: Application Rev. 3/15/2015 Page Section [or] © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. Exhibit 3 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation 4.2.6a 4.2.7 Identify all organizations providing funding to the certification body and state the means by which the certification body ensures that these organizations have no influence on the certification function. How does the certification body ensure that any training or related activities it conducts do not compromise the confidentiality, objectivity, or impartiality of its certification program? Reference: Tab: 4.2.8 Section [or] Exhibit How does the certification body maintain documents and records in a secure manner? Reference: Tab: 4.2.9 Page Page Section [or] Exhibit Please set out the certification body’s policies and procedures for the resolution of complaints, appeals, and disputes. Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit What is the basis of the certification body’s belief that it maintains a management system appropriate for the number of applicants and certificants? 4.2.10 Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit What policies and procedures are in place that distinguish the certification body’s certifying role from all other activities the certification body engages in? 4.2.11 Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 4.3 Subcontracting 4.3.1 If a subcontractor is used for any purpose, how does the certification body ensure that that subcontractor has no vested interest in, or other conflict with, the task being performed? 4.3.1a Please provide the written agreement between the certification body and any subcontractor used or expected to be used. Reference: Tab: Application Rev. 3/15/2015 Page Section [or] © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. Exhibit 4 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation 4.3.2 Specify how in particular the certification body ensures that in hiring a subcontractor, it does not permit a breach of confidentiality, or the outsourcing of any certification decision or any part thereof. Reference: Tab: 4.3.3 Page Section [or] Exhibit If a subcontractor is used, how does the certification body ensure that the subcontractor performs the work in a manner consistent with FSAB Accreditation Standards? Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 4.4 Policies and Procedures of the Certification Body 4.4.1 Please provide the certification body’s policies and procedures covering the administration of its certification program. Comments Note: if the organization has a policy and procedures manual containing provisions not related to its certification program, do not provide those provisions. 4.4.2 Please state the means by which the certification body seeks to make its certification policies and procedures fair, objective, non-discriminatory, and in compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws. Reference: Tab: 4.4.3 Section [or] Exhibit How does the certification body define the methods and mechanisms to be used to evaluate the knowledge, skill and ability of candidates for certification? Reference: Tab: 4.4.4 Page Page Section [or] Exhibit How does the policies and procedures manual provide for inquiries regarding the certification status of an individual? Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 4.5 Management System and Method of Review 4.5.1 Please identify those provisions of the policies and procedures describing the certification body’s management system, including at least the following elements of that management system: Application Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 5 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation The certification body’s policy statement regarding its management. Reference: Tab: [or] Exhibit Page Section [or] Exhibit The specific policies and procedures for conducting periodic audits of the certification program. Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit The policies and procedures for the issuance and revocation of certificates or related documents. Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit The policies and procedures for examining and certifying applicants. Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit The policies and procedures for processing appeals, complaints, inquiries, disputes or information alleging adverse behavior or activities. Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit Does the certification body conduct an annual review or audit of its records to ensure that they are complete and up to date? Yes No If not, why not? Reference: Tab: 4.5.3 Section A description of the organizational structure of the certification body, including all its positions and committees, and a brief description of the function and responsibilities of each. Reference: Tab: 4.5.2 Page Page Section [or] Exhibit If the management system is the responsibility of a designated individual who reports to the highest level of management of the certification body, what are the title and responsibilities of that individual? Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 4.6 Scope of Program and Available Documentation 4.6.1 Please provide the document by which the certification body defines the scope of each certification program, and state where it is available on the public portion of the certification body’s Web site, identifying in particular where on this Web site are found the following: Application Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 6 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit Page Section [or] Exhibit Page Section [or] Exhibit Page Section [or] Exhibit Page Section [or] Exhibit Page Section [or] Exhibit Page Section [or] Exhibit Page Section [or] Exhibit Page Section [or] Exhibit The criteria used for the evaluation of any required trainers. Reference: Tab: Application Exhibit The criteria used for the evaluation of any required courses. Reference: Tab: [or] The criteria used for the evaluation of any required training programs. Reference: Tab: Section The standards and rules for suspending or revoking certification. Reference: Tab: Page The standards and rules for maintaining certification. Reference: Tab: Exhibit The standards and rules for granting certification. Reference: Tab: [or] A description of the procedures used to evaluate the knowledge, skills and abilities of the applicant. Reference: Tab: Section The level of education, training and experience required of applicants. Reference: Tab: Page A study guide permitting applicants for certification to prepare for the certification body’s written examination. Reference: Tab: Exhibit An outline of the areas covered by the certification evaluation, including the knowledge, skills and abilities required of applicants. Reference: Tab: [or] The purpose of the certification program. Reference: Tab: Section A description of the organizational structure and legal status of the organization. Reference: Tab: Page Rev. 3/15/2015 Page Section [or] © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. Exhibit 7 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation The actual form by which one applies for certification and an outline of the application process. Reference: Tab: Section [or] Exhibit Page Section [or] Exhibit Page Section [or] Exhibit Page Section [or] Exhibit [or] Exhibit A directory of the certification body’s certificants. Reference: Tab: Page A description of restrictions or limitations on the use of the certification body’s marks, and in particular on the manner in which a certificant is permitted to refer to the certifications granted. Reference: Tab: Exhibit The full description of the recertification procedure for certificants, including the minimum standards required and any alternate pathways for recertification (e.g. examination in lieu of sufficient continuing education requirements). Reference: Tab: [or] Any exceptions that may be made to the standards usually applied to certification of an individual and the rationale for those exceptions (e.g. waiver for a degree requirement based on the experience and education of applicant). Reference: Tab: Section A statement that the applicant will have to agree to comply with the conditions for receiving and maintaining certification. Reference: Tab: Page Page Section An outline of all substantive changes to the standards used to credential evaluate, test, and certify applicants. Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit Note: If the standards have undergone substantive changes, a description of the changes and the date they became effective must be listed. For program changes that occurred several years ago for which detailed records may not be available, it is acceptable to list a chronology of changes with approximate dates. 4.6.2a Are all policies and procedures and all program documents describing the certification standards of the certifying body from February 28, 2008, forward archived indefinitely? Yes No Reference: Tab: 4.6.2b Application Page Section [or] Exhibit Does the archiving of these documents include the date each became effective and date each was superseded or dropped? Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 8 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation Yes No Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 4.7 Records of the Certification Body, including Examination Records 4.7.1 Explain how the certification body’s record system is appropriate to its particular circumstances, and how it demonstrates that the certification requirements have been effectively fulfilled by all certificants, particularly with respect to application forms, evaluation reports, and other documents relating to granting, maintaining, renewing, suspending and withdrawing certification. Reference: Tab: 4.7.2 [or] Exhibit Page Section [or] Exhibit Explain how the length of time that the records are kept is sufficient to demonstrate continued confidence in the confidentiality of the records for at least one full certification cycle, or as otherwise required by recognition arrangements, contractual, legal or other obligations. Reference: Tab: 4.7.4 Section Describe the method by which the certification body’s records are identified, managed, and disposed of so as to ensure the integrity of the process and the confidentiality of the information. Reference: Tab: 4.7.3 Page Page Section [or] Exhibit Does the certification body maintain the following records: date of the examination, the target forensic specialty, performance characteristics and examination outcome? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 4.8 Confidentiality 4.8.1 How does the certification body safeguard confidentiality of the information obtained in the course of its activities, and in particular how does it ensure that individuals involved in the certification program maintain confidentiality and reveal any potential conflict of interest? Reference: Tab: 4.8.2 Page Section [or] Exhibit Except as described in the FSAB Accreditation Standards, information about a particular individual shall not be disclosed to a third party without the written consent of that Application Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 9 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation individual. In those instances where the law, for example, through a court order, requires disclosure, the individual shall be notified as to the information provided. How does the certification body ensure that it is in compliance with these requirements? Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 5. Certification Standards 5.1 General Provisions 5.1.1 Please state the measures taken by the certification body to ensure that certificates are awarded only to applicants who meet or exceed the criteria set by the certification body, and to ensure that these criteria are applied uniformly to all applicants. Reference: Tab: 5.1.2a Page [or] Exhibit Do the certification criteria include explicit requirements of appropriate credentials? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: 5.1.2b Page Section [or] Exhibit Do the certification criteria include successful examination completion? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: 5.1.2c Page Section [or] Exhibit Do the certification criteria include agreement to abide by defined ethical and professional standards? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: 5.1.3 Section Page Section [or] Exhibit Does the certification body require periodic recertification? Yes No What is the period? Reference: Tab: Page years Section [or] Exhibit 5.1.4a How many certificants does the certification body currently recognize (including those grandfathered)? 5.1.4b Do the current policies of the certification body allow an individual to become certified without passing a written and practical examination testing the individual’s relevant knowledge and application of the forensic specialty? Yes Application No Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 10 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation 5.1.4c If yes, explain in full. Reference: Tab: 5.1.4d Page Section [or] Exhibit Has the certification body ever certified individuals by grandfathering? Yes No Comments If no, skip to 5.2, Credentialing 5.1.4e If yes, how many of the current certificants hold their certificates though grandfathering? 5.1.4f What criteria were used as the basis for grandfathering? 5.1.4g During what period has grandfathering occurred? Reference: Tab: 5.1.4h Page Section [or] Exhibit Is any form of grandfathering or awarding certificates without written and proficiency examination presently allowed? Yes No If yes, for what purpose? 5.1.4i If yes, when will this practice end? 5.1.4j Have any individuals been awarded certification without passing a written and proficiency examination? Yes No Comments 5.1.4k How many? 5.1.4l Under what circumstances were these individuals awarded a certificate? Reference: Tab: 5.1.4m Section [or] Exhibit What policies exist for continued competency assessment of grandfathered and/or non-tested certificants? Reference: Tab: Application Page Rev. 3/15/2015 Page Section [or] © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. Exhibit 11 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation 5.2 Credentialing 5.2.1 Does the credentialing of applicants include an assessment and verification of the following? Academic education or equivalent training, including specific subject requirements? Yes No Relevant professional experience or employment Yes Other relevant training Yes Relevant professional licensure, certification or registration. Yes No No No Comments Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 5.3 General Requirements for Initial Professional Development or Training 5.3.1 Does the documentation of the certification applicant’s training include a description of the nature and extent of the training undertaken, and any assessment of the trainee and the outcome? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab 5.3.2 Section [or] Exhibit For forensic specialties that have a strong academic foundation as a basis on which training and experience is based, is the required knowledge and competency gained through a combination of mechanisms to include course work, workshops, and training courses? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab 5.3.3 Page Page Section [or] Exhibit For certification bodies in the forensic specialties in which the required knowledge and competency are predominantly experience-based, does the certification body ensure that the certification applicant’s education has included a formal training program requiring extensive peer-based review? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab Section [or] Exhibit If the applicant certification body has previously been accredited by the FSAB prior to 2010, do the certification requirements now mandate the formal training program described in 5.3.3? Yes Application Page No Rev. 3/15/2015 Comments © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 12 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit Can the certification body affirm that more than 50% of its certificants have gone through the formal training program described in 5.3.3? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit Where nationally recognized professional training standards exist for a particular forensic specialty, are these followed? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 5.4 Competency and Examination 5.4.1 If competency is assessed, at least in part, by examination of relevant knowledge, skills and abilities, how does the certification body ensure that this examination provides a reliable assessment of the applicant’s knowledge, skills, and abilities? Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 5.4.2. Does the examination, at least in part, require the candidate to apply forensic expertise of the discipline to a set of facts set out by the creators of the examination? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: 5.4.3 Page Section [or] Exhibit If the examination includes a written component, please describe the structure of that component? Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 5.5 Ethical and Professional Standards 5.5.1 Does the certification application process include inquiry into the applicant’s adherence to ethical and professional standards? Yes No How is this done? Reference: Tab: 5.5.2a Page [or] Exhibit Does the certification process require that the candidate agree in writing to abide by the ethical and professional standards identified by the certification body? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: Application Section Rev. 3/15/2015 Page Section [or] © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. Exhibit 13 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation 5.5.2b What disciplinary actions does the certification body provide for breach of ethics or professional standards by a certificant? Reference: Tab: 6 Recertification 6.1 General Requirements Page Section [or] Exhibit How does the recertification process measure the certificant’s continuing professional development? 6.1.1a Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit How does the recertification process measure the certificant’s work experience? 6.1.1b Reference: Tab: 6.1.1c Page Section [or] Exhibit Does recertification require reaffirmation of ethical and professional standards? Yes No Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 6.2 Continuing Professional Development 6.2.1 Does the certificant’s continuing professional development program include at a minimum, ongoing learning, growth and professional development within the certificant’s field of expertise? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: 6.2.2 Section [or] Exhibit How does the certification body measure continuing competency? Reference: Tab: 6.2.3 Page Page Section [or] Exhibit Does recertification require documentation of continuing professional development? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: Application Rev. 3/15/2015 Page Section [or] © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. Exhibit 14 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation 6.2.3a How is credit for continuing education earned? Reference: Tab: 6.2.4 Page No Exhibit Comments Reference: Tab: 6.2.4a Page Section [or] Exhibit How many units of continuing education are required over what period of time? Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit Does the continuing education program allow completion of multiple types of activities? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: 6.2.6 [or] Does the certification program continuing professional development requirement include at least 40 hours of instruction or point equivalents over 5 years? Yes 6.2.5 Section Page Section [or] Exhibit Where an examination is used in lieu of sufficient professional development, are the same general principles applied as in section 8 of the FSAB Standards? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit Note: FSAB Standards do not require a certificant to take an examination in order to be re-certified. However, some certification boards may choose to administer an examination as a component of recertification. It is recognized that for some forensic specialties periodic demonstration of competency may be required by means of proficiency testing, case audits and audit of court testimony. 6.3 Work Experience 6.3.1 Does recertification require documentation of continued relevant work experience? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 6.4 Ethical and Professional Standards 6.4.1 Prior to recertification are certificants provided with a current version of the certification body’s ethical and professional standards? Yes Application No Comments Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 15 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation Reference: Tab: 6.4.2 Page Section [or] Exhibit Does recertification require written reaffirmation of adherence to the certifying body’s current ethical and professional standards? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 7 Competency Evaluation Personnel 7.1 Training and Instruction 7.1.1 How does the certification body ensure that proctors, examiners, and appraisers are impartial, trustworthy, and responsible individuals who have received training appropriate for the tasks they perform on behalf of the certification body? Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 7.2 Conflicts of Interest 7.2.1 Does the certifying body require that proctors, examiners and appraisers avoid situations which might affect their objectivity or present a conflict of interest in performing the tasks they are assigned? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 8 Examination for Initial Certification 8.1 In what way are examinations designed to measure a candidate’s knowledge, skill and ability in a valid and reliable fashion? Reference: Tab: 8.2 Page Section [or] Exhibit Are examinations revised periodically to maintain their currency? Yes No How often? Comments Reference: Tab: 8.3 Page Section [or] Exhibit What measures are taken to ensure that examinations are prepared by individuals who have sufficient knowledge, skill, ability and experience in the target forensic specialty? Comments Application Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 16 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation Reference: Tab: 8.4 Page Section [or] Exhibit How does the certification body ensure that examinations cover the basic knowledge, skill and ability required for competent practice within the target forensic specialty? Reference: Tab: 8.5 Page Section [or] Exhibit What methods have been used to ensure that scoring and grading of examinations are methodologically sound? Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 8.6 What is done, or will be made available, to provide appropriate accommodation for candidates with an identified disability? 8.7 What steps are taken to ensure that examinations are administered in a manner that provides the environment and physical conditions that are generally accepted as necessary for an examination? 8.7a Are all written examinations proctored? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: 8.8 Page Section [or] Exhibit Where the length and complexity of a competency examination is such that traditional proctoring is not practical, what steps are taken to protect the integrity of the examination and to ensure that the candidate was the person who took the practical examination? Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 8.9 What security does the certification body provide for examinations and examination questions? 8.9a If it should become know that the integrity of the examination has been compromised, is the certification body prepared to offer a different examination? 8.9b Is the replacement examination equal in quantity and quality? Yes Application No Comments Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 17 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation Reference: Tab: 8.10 Section [or] Exhibit What minimum waiting period does the certification body require before a candidate can reapply for certification? Reference: Tab: 8.11 Page Page Section [or] Exhibit Does the certification body ensure that the decision on certification is taken by individuals different from those who carried out the evaluation? Yes No Comments Reference: Tab: Page Section [or] Exhibit 9. Certificates 9.1 Issuance 9.1.1 Are certificates issued upon the successful completion of all requirements of the certification program? (A certificate may take the form of a letter, card or other document, signed or authorized by a responsible officer of the certification body.) Yes No 9.1.2 Is ownership of the certificate maintained by the certifying body? 9.2 Contents 9.2.1 Does the certificate include the following? Yes No The name of the certification body or program? Yes No The name of the certification? Yes No A certificate number? Yes No The date the certificate was issued? Yes No An expiration date or period of validity? Yes No The forensic specialty covered under the certificate? Yes No Yes No 9.3 Expiration 9.3.1 What is the period of validity for the certificates? Include a copy of the certificate under Tab 8. 10. Changes in Certification Programs 10.1 Notification Application Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 18 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation 10.1.1 Does the certifying body give reasonable notice to all certificants (and as practical, other interested parties) of any changes to its certification requirements, the exact nature of the changes, and the effective date of the changes? Yes Application No How is notification given? Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 19 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPHS. Based on the answers provided in this application, it is understood that additional information may be requested by the FSAB. Any additional information provided will be considered part of this application. Information provided in this application may be verified. The representative speaking on behalf of the candidate organization or certification body affirms through signing below that he or she has the authority to so speak and states that the information provided herein is true and accurate to the best of his or her knowledge. By signing this document, that representative acknowledges that any misrepresentation of fact is cause for denial of accreditation or, should such misrepresentation be brought forward after accreditation or reaccreditation has been granted, revocation of accreditation by the FSAB. In the event of a disagreement with the action of the FSAB, I agree on behalf of the applicant that the Appeals Policy and Arbitration process of the FSAB shall be followed (Appendix 1). Representative of applicant (Signature) Title Date Application Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 20 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation APPENDIX 1 FSAB Appeal Process (Excerpted from the FSAB Policies and Procedures Manual) Section 18 18.1 Appeals Right of Appeal 18.1.1 The certifying body may appeal the decision of the Board to revoke or deny accreditation. 18.1.2 The appeal shall be submitted in writing and shall state the reasons for the Board to reconsider its decision. 18.1.3 The appeal shall be submitted by the certifying body within 90 days of receipt of denial of accreditation or accreditation revocation. 18.1.4 Unsettled disputes shall be settled by binding arbitration. 18.2 18.3 Process for Appeal 18.2.1 Response to Appeal The Vice-President will acknowledge the appeal. Evaluation of Appeal 18.3.1 The President will appoint an ad hoc appeal review committee (ARC) of three to include the Vice President and two other Board members. 18.3.2 The ARC will have authority to solicit assistance from non-Board members (lawyers, investigators, etc.) in the event such provides additional benefit. 18.3.3 Such outside assistance must be subject to signed confidentiality agreement. 18.4 Committee Action 18.4.1 The ARC will make a recommendation to the full Board. 18.5 Board Review 18.5.1 The full Board will decide any action to be taken considering ARC recommendation(s). 18.5.2 Board decisions will be documented and notice made to the certifying body involved by mail, electronic or otherwise, with acknowledgment by the recipient. 18.5.3 Records of such decision will be maintained in confidence. 18.6 Timeline Application Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 21 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation 18.6.1 The appeal process will be completed within 60 days, if possible. 18.6.2 Notice will be made thereafter, in a timely manner. 18.7 Complaint Record Maintenance 18.7.1 All documents will be achieved and held in confidence. 18.7.2 These will include any and all recommendation, Board deliberations and actions taken. Section 19 19.1 Arbitration Purpose of Binding Arbitration 19.1.1 Should the procedures identified in the Appeals Section (Section 18) fail to resolve the appeal to the satisfaction of the Certifying Body, the Certifying Body and FSAB shall have the appeal resolved through binding arbitration. 19.2 Arbitration Standard 19.2.1 The arbitration proceeding shall take place in a manner consistent with the Administrative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Act through a reputable ADR provider. 19.2.2 One (1) arbitrator who is an expert in the field of certification shall resolve the appeal. The arbitrator shall be selected using procedures consistent with the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Act. 19.3 Arbitration Demand 19.3.1 The Certifying Body shall make the demand for arbitration no later than six (6) months after the date the appeal was denied. 19.3.2 The demand shall be made in writing to the President of the FSAB Board. 19.4 Decision 19.4.1 The decision rendered by the arbitrator shall be final. 19.5 Costs 19.5.1 The Certifying Body and FSAB shall split the costs of arbitration. Application The arbitration administration fees shall be borne equally by the Certifying Body and FSAB. The expense of a court reporter/stenographer, if required, shall be borne equally by the Certifying Body and FSAB. The party producing the witness shall pay the witness expenses. Each party shall bear the cost of its own travel expenses. Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 22 Application for Accreditation / Re-Accreditation Application All other expenses shall be borne equally by the Certifying Body and FSAB, unless the arbitrator apportions or assesses the expenses otherwise as part of his/her award. Rev. 3/15/2015 © Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board, Inc. 23