1 Running head: Invertebrate losses from beach disposal 2 3 Beach disposal of fine sediments leads to losses of invertebrate prey 4 5 Lisa M. Manning1,3, Charles H. Peterson1,*, Melanie J. Bishop2 1 6 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Institute of Marine Sciences, Morehead City, 7 North Carolina 28557 USA 2 Department of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, New South Wales 2109 Australia 22 3 Present address: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1315 East-West Highway, 23 SSMC3, Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA. 24 * 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Email: cpeters@email.unc.edu 1 25 ABSTRACT: Despite increasing use of beach filling with dredged materials to protect 26 coastal property and public beach amenity from erosion, our understanding of how this 27 practice impacts sandy beach ecosystems is poor. We coupled field monitoring of two 28 successive beach disposal events with manipulative mesocosm experiments to assess the 29 mechanisms and extent of ecological impacts of fine sediment disposal. Frequent sampling at 30 replicate disposal and control sites on Topsail Island, North Carolina, revealed that following 31 each of two beach disposals of dredge spoils, each a year apart, beach granulometry was 32 transformed from medium to fine sands and turbidity plumes exceeding state water quality 33 limits by up to 12 times were created in the surf zone. Where disposal occurred before annual 34 invertebrate recruitment to the beach, it caused press responses to the mole crab Emerita 35 talpoida (negatively impacted) and the spionid polychaete Scolelepis squamata (positively 36 impacted). Where disposal followed recruitment, it acted as a pulse disturbance, suffocating 37 new recruits (Donax variabilis and haustoriid amphipods). Impacts of both press and pulse 38 disturbances lasted almost a year, overall depressing invertebrate prey abundances. In 39 mesocosm experiments, turbidity plumes of the magnitude experienced in the field slowed 40 growth of clams and modified habitat choice by predatory fin-fishes. Hence, while the 41 rapidly-eroding dredge spoil provided no lasting storm protection for beachfront 42 development, it negatively impacted both invertebrate prey resources and predator foraging 43 behavior. These negative ecological consequences to key foraging grounds without obvious 44 public benefit suggest that the practice of beach disposal of dredge spoils be disallowed. 45 46 KEY WORDS: beach nourishment • coastal erosion • fine sediment disposal • sandy beach • 47 sea-level rise • soft sediments • surf fish • turbidity. 48 49 2 50 51 INTRODUCTION Global climate change is already having widespread impacts on ecological systems (e.g., 52 Parmesan 2006), creating urgent need for adaptive management interventions to sustain their 53 functions and services (Staudinger et al. 2012). Sandy beaches are among the most threatened 54 ecosystems (Schlacher et al. 2007, Defeo et al. 2009, Dugan et al. 2010), not only as a 55 consequence of the direct effects of rising sea levels and enhanced frequency of intense storms 56 on sandy beaches constrained by coastal development (IPCC 2007), but also because of 57 interactions between these manifestations of climate change and management responses intended 58 to counteract these and other causes of erosion of oceanfront property (Dugan et al. 2008, 59 Schlacher et al. 2012). Sea walls and other hard structures have historically been installed on 60 beaches to protect beachfront development but have been of variable success, in some instances 61 exacerbating beach erosion (Pilkey & Wright 1988), and in many cases causing measurable 62 ecological impacts to beach ecosystems (e.g., Dugan et al. 2008, Jamarillo et al. 2012). 63 Consequently, beach nourishment, whereby sediments from elsewhere are added to beaches to 64 counteract erosion, has become the favored management response (Valverde et al. 1999). Beach 65 nourishment is now practiced routinely along ocean beaches around the world and on beaches of 66 large inland lakes (e.g., Basco 1999, Hanson et al. 2002, Cooke et al. 2012). 67 It is often assumed that because sandy beaches are physically dynamic, the organisms that 68 live in this environment are pre-adapted to handle the stresses associated with sediment 69 deposition. Early studies of impacts of beach nourishment on abundances of intertidal 70 invertebrates (Hayden & Dolan 1974, Gorzelany & Nelson 1987) showed only short-term 71 impacts lasting for just a few months. Flaws in the design of most studies monitoring ecological 72 impacts of nourishment have, however, severely limited the inferences that can be made from 73 many of these (Peterson & Bishop 2005, Speybroek et al. 2006). In a review of largely 74 unpublished reports, Nelson (1988) concluded that where beach nourishment projects use 3 75 sediments that are substantially finer than native beach sands, suppressions in invertebrate 76 abundances may persist through time with the magnitude of impact increasing with the 77 proportionate contribution of fine materials in the beach fill. Subsequent field studies where 78 beach fill was finer than native sediments (Rakocinski et al. 1996, Peterson et al. 2000) and 79 reviews (Hackney et al. 1996, Greene 2002) have re-enforced this view. It has also become clear 80 that substantially augmenting the coarse fraction of sediments and shell hash on the beach can 81 have similarly large impacts on the dominant infaunal invertebrates, especially burrowing bivalve 82 molluscs (McLachlan 1996, Peterson et al. 2006). 83 Despite increasing acknowledgement of ecological impacts of beach nourishment, our 84 mechanistic understanding of how these arise remains limited (Peterson and Bishop 2005, 85 Speybroek et al. 2006). Sandy beach invertebrates may be directly impacted by beach filling 86 through suffocation after burial under deposited sediments (e.g., Schlacher et al. 2012). 87 Alternatively, or additionally, impacts may arise through changes to aspects of the physical 88 environment, such as sediment grain size and turbidity (Peterson et al. 2006, Manning et al. 89 2013). Frequently, there is a large degree of mismatch between the sedimentology of native 90 beaches and fill sediments. Whether the fill sediments are finer or coarser than native beach 91 sediments may influence the duration and magnitude of biological impacts directly, by affecting 92 the ability of organisms to burrow and feed (Manning et al. 2013, Van Tomm et al. 2013), and 93 indirectly by influencing the lifetime of fill placement (Warwick 2013). 94 Our lack of mechanistic understanding of impacts of beach filling on sandy beaches is 95 troubling given the importance of beaches as nesting sites for threatened and endangered sea 96 turtles, and as foraging grounds for birds, fishes, and crabs (Hubbard & Duggan 2003, 97 McClenachan et al. 2006, Manning et al. 2013). Studies making clever use of human 98 interventions to sandy beaches, such as the harvest of clams (Defeo & de Alvara 1995, 99 Brazeiro & Defeo 1999) and the removal of wrack (Dugan et al. 2003), have shown that 4 100 despite the physically dynamic environment of sandy beaches, biological interactions also 101 play a role in organizing communities on ocean beaches. Hence, impacts of beach filling on 102 sandy beach invertebrates may reflect not only changes in the physical environment but also 103 changing interactions among species. 104 As the demand for interventional adaptation of coasts to climate change grows 105 (Staudinger et al. 2012), a better understanding of the mechanisms by which sandy beach 106 ecosystems respond to and recover from disturbance, including human interventions, is 107 imperative. Here, we couple field monitoring of two successive spoil disposal events with 108 manipulative mesocosm experiments to assess the mechanisms and extent of ecological 109 impacts to the sandy beach ecosystem of filling with fine sediments. The fill events, separated 110 by a year, utilized sediments from maintenance dredging of a navigation channel, justified by 111 the dual purpose of spoil disposal as well as nourishment. Frequent sampling of control and 112 disposal sites before, during, and after each of the fill events assessed: (1) the period over 113 which the fill augmented sediment volume on the beach; (2) the extent, magnitude and 114 duration of impacts to sediment grain size on the beach, and turbidity in the surf zone; and (3) 115 impacts on the abundances and body sizes of dominant beach invertebrates. Mesocosm 116 experiments assessed whether enhancement of turbidity, such as caused during and shortly 117 after spoil deposition, affected individual growth rate of the biomass dominant, the bean clam 118 Donax variabilis, or habitat choice by two common surf fishes. We hypothesized that in the 119 event that fine sediments are rapidly eroded from the beach, impacts to fauna would be short- 120 lived. 121 122 MATERIALS AND METHODS 123 Study sites and monitoring design 5 124 We assessed physical and biological impacts to the intertidal and shallow subtidal beach 125 of repeated spoil disposals on Topsail Island, North Carolina, USA (see Appendix 1, available in 126 MEPS supplementary material). Topsail Island is a low-lying, transgressive barrier island with 127 an average width of 280 m. The island is extensively developed despite regular over-wash by 128 storms (Cleary & Pilkey 1996). Protection of the island’s beaches and coastal development 129 involves regular redistribution of sand from the low to the high beach by bulldozing as well as 130 beach filling with sediments from outside sources. Spoil from maintenance dredging of 131 navigation channels in New River Inlet and connecting portions of the Intracoastal Waterway 132 serves as a major source of sediment for beach filling, which has occurred for years, even before 133 our study. 134 Our study considered two beach filling events. During the first, in late April – early June 135 1999, 94,996 m3 of dredge spoil was distributed across 350 m of beach at the northern end of the 136 island. During the second, in April 2000, a further 49,066 m3 was distributed across 137 approximately the same area. In October 1998, six months prior to the first filling event, we 138 established two sites within the area designated for filling by dredge spoils (Topsail Reef I [D1] 139 and II [D2]) and two control sites (Topsail Dunes [C1] and Roger’s Bay [C2]: Appendix 1) to the 140 south of the fill areas. It was not possible to intersperse disturbed and control sites because 141 dredge disposal covered a continuous stretch of shoreline at the north end of Topsail Island and 142 potential reference barrier islands to the north differed in geomorphology. Nevertheless, analysis 143 of samples collected prior to the disposal events indicated that benthic macrofauna did not 144 display a naturally confounding north-south gradient in abundance. All study sites were exposed 145 to the open ocean and experienced a mean tidal range of about 1 m. 146 To assess effects of each beach disposal event on sediment grain size and sorting, 147 turbidity, and benthic macrofaunal abundances, we conducted monthly (warm-season) to 148 bimonthly (cold-season) sampling at each of the four study sites between October 1998 and 6 149 September 2000. This design spanned times from before the first disturbance event, between 150 the two events, and after the second. Within each site and for each sampling date, we sampled 151 on morning low tides under calm ocean conditions along three transects extending from the 152 toe of the dune to a water depth of 1 m. The three transects were each 40 m apart, with the 153 position of the first randomly determined on each sampling date. This arrangement ensured 154 that we did not repeatedly sample the exact same patches of habitat across time, and that our 155 samples on any given date were spatially independent (patches of Donax spp. and Emerita 156 talpoida can be up to 15 m in diameter; L. Manning, pers. obs.). Along each transect, we 157 stratified our sampling of sediments and fauna across five tidal zones (see McLachlan 1980, 158 Peterson et al. 2006): (1) the supra-tidal, extending from the toe of the dune to the high-tide 159 drift line; (2) the high intertidal, seaward of the drift line, and spanning the area where sand 160 dries during low tide; (3) the mid-intertidal zone which remains wet during low tide even 161 after gravitational water loss; (4) the low intertidal, or swash zone, the area of final run-up 162 and -down of waves at low tide; and (5) the shallow subtidal which extended from the lower 163 margin of the swash zone to 1 m depth into the surf zone at low tide. 164 165 Field sampling 166 To monitor changes in the topography of the beach as a result of filling, we measured 167 beach profiles before (4 April 1999) and immediately after (25 June 1999) the 1999 sediment 168 disposal, and a year later, before (5 April 2000) and after (15 May 2000) the 2000 disposal event. 169 Within two hours of each low tide, a single profile was produced for each of the four field sites, 170 measured from a fixed stake behind the primary dune and extending from the top of the supra- 171 tidal to 1 m deep in the surf zone. Vertical measurements were made using a Topcon AT-2 172 Autolevel and a 7.5 m telescoping rod, and horizontal measurements with a measuring tape (each 7 173 to the nearest cm). Profiles were used to calculate percent changes in beach sediment volume 174 from before to after each fill event and between the two before times. 175 To test the hypotheses that beach disposal would decrease median sediment grain size 176 and reduce variation in particle size, a 4.8 cm diameter x 10 cm deep core of sediment was 177 collected from the middle of each zone on each transect, on every sampling date. In the 178 laboratory, each sediment core was rinsed with de-ionized water to remove all salt, silts and 179 clays, and dried to constant weight at 90° C. Dried samples were sieved on a 2 mm screen to 180 remove gravels, then split to a weight of 30-70 g and passed through a nested series of nine 181 sieves, of mesh sizes 1414, 1000, 707, 500, 354, 250, 177, 125 and 89 µm (Folk 1980). The 182 weight of each fraction (one gravel and ten sand) was recorded to the nearest 0.01 g, and 183 median grain size (in µm) and sorting (the inverse of the spread of the grain size distribution) 184 were calculated for each sample (Folk 1980). 185 To assess impacts of beach disposal on the turbidity of the adjacent surf zone, on 186 sampling dates between November 1998 and May 2000 we collected two 23-ml surface water 187 samples from the bottom of each transect, in water 1-2 m deep. The turbidity of each water 188 sample was measured in the field using a portable Orbeco-Hellige turbidity meter. On 28 189 May 1999 and on 5 April 2000, during active pumping of sediment slurry onto the beach, we 190 also took 3 replicate surface water samples from 1 and 2 m deep water at distances 20 m up- 191 current of, and 20 m and 70 m down-current of the discharge point. The two water depths 192 were chosen to represent the swash and surf zones, respectively. 193 Samples for assessing the impact of beach disposal to benthic macrofauna were collected 194 using a hand-corer of 10.1-cm internal diameter x 20 cm depth. Initially (October 1998 – June 195 1999) we collected four cores from each zone of each transect, but this was later increased to 196 eight (between July 1999 – September 2000) due to the very low densities of many taxa, 197 especially amphipods. Sample contents were pooled within zone and sieved over a 1 mm mesh, 8 198 with faunal densities standardized according to the total area cored. On each date, we also 199 measured the width of each zone so that we could weight zone-specific densities of fauna by 200 zone widths to obtain an unbiased estimate of total density within a 1 m wide transect spanning 201 the beach width (see Peterson et al. 2006). Sieved samples were fixed in 10% buffered formalin 202 and invertebrates were enumerated by species in the laboratory. Lengths of all bivalves (longest 203 anterior-posterior dimension) and mole crabs (anterior-posterior length of carapace) were 204 measured with vernier calipers to the nearest 0.01 cm. 205 206 207 Clam growth under elevated turbidity To test the hypothesis that elevated turbidity can affect the growth of filter-feeding 208 beach invertebrates, we conducted a 19-day mesocosm experiment. We compared increase in 209 weight and shell length at low and high densities of the surf clam Donax variabilis between 210 conditions of ambient and elevated turbidity. The experiment was conducted in twelve 2.1-m 211 long, 1.2m-wide,0.6 m deep, outdoor wave tanks situated on the northern shore of Bogue 212 Sound, North Carolina. Each tank was partially filled with beach sand, which was sloped to 213 create a deeper subtidal basin and an intertidal swash zone. At the subtidal end of each tank, 214 waves were produced at a frequency of 2 min-1 by the continuous flow of unfiltered ~35 ppt 215 seawater into an asymmetric trough that periodically overbalanced, rotated, and emptied 216 (photo in Manning et al. 2013). 217 Six of the tanks, randomly assigned to the control treatment, received unfiltered 218 seawater directly from Bogue Sound. These were maintained at a turbidity of 10.2 to 35.6 219 NTU, which represents the natural range in turbidity at control sites (see Results). The 220 remaining six, assigned to the experimental treatment, were maintained at a daytime turbidity 221 of 80 NTU, well within the range recorded at disposal sites during beach filling. The 222 enhanced turbidity of the experimental treatment was achieved by passing Bogue Sound 9 223 water through a 1400 L header-tank where it manually received pulverized, inorganic kaolin 224 clay (Albion Kaolin Company, Georgia) every 30 min. To replicate diurnal cycles of 225 turbidity on Topsail Island, clay addition to the head-tank was discontinued for 8-10 night- 226 time hours. Clay was kept in suspension within the header-tank by bubbling air from its 227 bottom. During the experiment the water temperature within the tanks ranged from 24º to 27º 228 C and did not vary among treatments. 229 Three replicate tanks of each turbidity treatment were randomly assigned to the low 230 (222 m-2) and three to the high (444 m-2) clam density. Individually marked clams (20, low 231 density; or 40, high density), of mean (+SE) length of 0.83 + 0.01 mm and weight of 0.206 + 232 0.006 g were placed in a 0.5-cm plastic mesh basket measuring 30 cm x 30 cm with 15 cm 233 depth and a single basket of the designated treatment was buried in each tank so that its top 234 edges were flush with the surface of the sediment. At the start of the experiment and after 19 235 days, the anterior-posterior length of each clam was measured to the nearest 0.1 mm using 236 calipers and hand dried, and weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg. 237 238 239 Response of surf fishes to turbidity To test whether elevated turbidity may affect the local distribution of two locally 240 common surf fishes, juvenile summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) and Florida pompano 241 (Trachinotus carolinus), we conducted behavioral experiments. A 4.2 m-long, 1.2 m-wide, x 242 0.6 m-deep outdoor tank was divided into three 1.4 m-long zones (1-3) using string 243 suspended above the surface. Water flowed into the tank at each end: zone 1 received 244 unfiltered seawater, while zone 3 received either unfiltered (control) or high-turbidity (100 – 245 120 NTUs; experimental) seawater from the previously described header tank. Water drained 246 out through a 9 cm high stand-pipe in zone 3. An identical, but non-functional standpipe was 247 placed in zone 1 to remove any confounding effect of structure on experimental treatments. 10 248 Each fish was observed under two sets of experimental conditions, the first without 249 (control) and the second with (experimental) enhancement of turbidity. For each control run, 250 seawater-flow was shut off and a single fish was introduced to the middle zone (2) and 251 observed after 1 min of acclimation. An observer positioned motionless alongside zone 2 252 recorded the total time out of 15 min for summer flounder (7-12 cm in total length; n = 8) and 253 5 min for Florida pompano (5-9 cm in total length; n = 26) that each fish spent in zones 1 and 254 3. Observation interval varied by fish species to reflect differences in mobility. After each 255 fish was observed under control conditions, it was observed under experimental conditions 256 during which seawater flowed into zones 1 and 3. 257 258 Statistical analyses 259 We used separate univariate permutational analyses of variance (PERMANOVAs, 260 Anderson 2005) to test for interacting effects of treatment and time on: (1) median grain size; (2) 261 sediment sorting; (3) turbidity; and (4) density of dominant macrofaunal taxa by species. 262 Although PERMANOVAs assume that data are independent, they do not require that data be 263 normally distributed (Anderson 2005). Hence, in many instances PERMANOVAs are more 264 suitable for analyzing patchy macrofaunal data than analyses of variance. The PERMANOVAs 265 each used Euclidean distances between untransformed data. All but the PERMANOVAs of 266 turbidity had four factors: Treatment (2 levels: Control, Disposal); Site (4 levels: C1, C2, D1, D2, 267 nested within Treatment); Year (2 levels: 1, Oct 98 - Sept 99; 2, Oct 99 – Sept 00) and Month (7- 268 9 levels, depending on the analysis). Month was orthogonal to Year because this sandy beach 269 system displays strong seasonality in its ecology, which in the absence of disturbance, causes 270 predictable patterns of difference in variables among months (Peterson et al. 2006). The 271 PERMANOVA of turbidity replaced the two factors Year and Month with the single factor Time 272 because there was insufficient sampling in 2000 to allow contrasts across years that held season 11 273 constant. Separate analyses of sediment granulometry were done for each of the five elevation 274 zones on the beach, as sediment properties may be expected to naturally vary across this gradient. 275 Analyses on turbidity and fauna used transect values as replicates (see Field Sampling for a 276 description of how faunal densities per 1-m wide transect were calculated) as our interest was in 277 the total reduction of prey abundance for shorebird and surf fish predators. Analyses were run 278 using unrestricted permutation of raw data and, where significant effects were seen at α = 0.05, 279 they were followed by pair-wise a posteriori tests to identify sources of significant differences. 280 Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests assessed differences in the size frequency distributions of 281 Donax variabilis and Emerita talpoida between control and disposal sites during September of 282 each year, when abundances had peaked. 283 Three-way PERMANOVA analyses, with three factors, Turbidity (2 levels: control, 284 enhanced), Density (2 levels: low, high) and Tank (3 levels: nested within Turbidity and 285 Density), tested for density-dependent effects of turbidity on the proportionate shell growth 286 and weight gain of D. variabilis during the mesocosm experiment. Statistical procedures were 287 as for the four-way PERMANOVAs described above. 288 To test for behavioral responses of Florida pompano and summer flounder to 289 turbidity, we first used two-tailed, paired t-tests to confirm that there was no difference in the 290 time fish spent in zones 1 and 3 of the tank in the absence of turbidity. We then used two- 291 tailed paired t-tests to assess differences in time spent at the two ends when clear water was 292 added to zone 1, and turbid water to zone 3. 293 294 RESULTS 295 Field sampling 296 297 At the two disposal sites, there was a 53-56% increase in the sediment volume of the beach from shortly before to immediately after the 1999 fill event (Fig. 1). By contrast, over the 12 298 same period, the control beaches experienced an 8-11% decrease in sediment volume. By a year 299 after the fill event, the sediments on disposal beaches had returned to within 2% of their starting 300 volumes from before the 1999 disposal event, and the control beaches to within 8%. During the 301 second, smaller fill event of 2000, the disposal sites exhibited a 32-36% increase in sediment 302 volume, while the control beaches changed less than 6% (Fig. 1). 303 The 1999 fill event resulted in a large reduction in the median grain size and an increase 304 in sediment sorting at the disposal sites immediately after sediment addition (PERMANOVA, 305 significant Treatment x Year x Month interaction, see Appendix 2 available in MEPS 306 supplementary material; Fig. 2). Over this period, small increases in the median grain size and a 307 decrease in sediment sorting were evident on control beaches (Fig. 2). These differential changes 308 at disposal sites relative to controls occurred in four of the five zones sampled, with the exception 309 being zone 5, the surf zone, where no significant change in median grain size was detected 310 (Appendix 2; Fig. 2). Within most zones (1, 3-4), the significant differences in granulometry 311 between control and disposal sites did not persist past September 1999, three months after beach 312 filling. Immediately following the 2000 fill event, analogous differences in granulometry 313 between disposal and control treatments were significant only within zone 4 (swash). 314 Nevertheless, at the final sampling date in September 2000, the median sediment grain size was 315 finer at disposal than control sites in zones 1-3, the highest three on the beach (Fig. 2). 316 Active pumping and deposition of dredge spoil was occurring on two of the dates (28 317 May 1999 and 5 April 2000) when turbidity samples were collected. On both occasions, the 318 average surf-zone turbidity on the disposal beaches was significantly elevated as compared to 319 control beaches (1999: 170 vs. 10 NTUs; 2000: 27 vs. 7 NTUs, Fig. 3; PEMANOVA, significant 320 Time x Treatment interaction, see Appendix 3 available in MEPS supplementary material). 321 Additional water samples systematically collected in the swash and surf zones indicated turbidity 322 levels around 300 NTUs near the outlet pipe, and smaller but substantial elevations of turbidity to 13 323 levels of 70-110 NTUs at distances of 20 and 70 m away in the down-current direction. Turbidity 324 increases on disposal beaches were smaller on 5 April 2000 because the long-shore current on 325 that date happened to flow from the discharge pipe away from the sampling transects. In 1999, 326 turbidity levels remained significantly elevated at disposal sites as compared to controls for about 327 two months after pumping had ceased. On only one sampling date (3 May 1999), when side-cast 328 dredging was being conducted in New River Inlet, was turbidity elevated at control relative to 329 disposal beaches (Fig. 3). 330 Twenty-three macrobenthic invertebrate species from 4 phyla (Annelida, Nemertea, 331 Mollusca, Arthropoda) were collected and identified from core sampling. Two species (the 332 bivalve mollusc Donax variabilis and the small polychaete Scolelepis squamata) constituted 89% 333 of the total number of organisms collected. The next most abundant taxa were the haustoriid 334 amphipods, Haustorius sp. (accounting for 3% of all organisms), Amphiporeia virginiana (3%) 335 and Parahaustorius longimerus (2%) as well as the mole crab, Emerita talpoida (2%). Most taxa 336 occurred in all five elevation zones, although distributions were not constant across zones. Donax 337 (D. variabilis and D. parvula) and E. talpoida were most abundant in the low intertidal (zone 3) 338 and swash zone (zone 4). The haustoriid amphipods and S. squamata were most abundant in the 339 surf zone (zone 5). 340 Impacts of beach filling on faunal abundances varied among the six most abundant taxa 341 and between the two fill events (PERMANOVA, significant Treatment x Year x Month, 342 Treatment x Month, and Treatment x Year interactions; see Appendix 4 available in MEPS 343 supplementary material; Fig. 4). In 1999, during which disposal occurred prior to the recruitment 344 of most sandy beach invertebrates (examine controls relative to period of first disposal in Fig. 4), 345 the disturbance had no detectable impact on the abundance of D. variabilis, S. squamata, or 346 Haustorius sp., but resulted in reduced abundances of E. talpoida, P. longimerus and A. 347 virginiana at disposal sites relative to controls. Among these, E. talpoida was particularly 14 348 affected, with peak abundance at disposal sites four-fold lower than at control sites. Over the 349 winter months (December to February), during which all taxa displayed a large seasonal 350 reduction in abundance, densities converged between disposal and control treatments. Following 351 the 2000 disposal event, reduced abundances of the amphipods P. longimerus and A. virginiana 352 were again seen at disposal as compared to control sites. E. talpoida, by contrast, did not 353 detectably differ between disposal and control sites following the 2000 fill event, but instead, D. 354 variabilis and Haustorius sp., which had begun recruiting to beaches prior to the 2000 disposal 355 event (examine controls relative to period of second disposal in Fig. 4), displayed reduced 356 abundances at disposal relative to control sites for several months following the disturbance. The 357 polychaete, S. squamata, which also had commenced recruitment by the time of the 2000 358 disposal, peaked in July at three times the abundance at disposal as compared to control sites. By 359 fall convergence in the abundance of taxa between control and disposal sites was evident in most 360 instances. 361 Following each disposal event, differences in the size frequency distributions of D. 362 variabilis were apparent (Fig. 5; Kolmogorov Smirnov tests: 1999, D = 0.60, df =1, p < 0.001; 363 2000, D = 0.45 df = 1, p < 0.001). At disposal sites, D. variabis >15 mm in shell length were 364 notably absent, and the median shell lengths were consequently lower (1999: 4.8 mm; 2000: 4.2 365 mm) than at control sites (1999: 7.0 mm; 2000: 4.5 mm). Differences in the size frequency 366 distributions of E. talpoida between disposal and control sites were smaller than for D. variabilis 367 (Fig. 5; Kolmogorov Smirnov tests: 1999, D = 0.15, df =1, p = 0.04; 2000, D = 0.26, df = 1, p = 368 0.03). In 1999, during which very few E. talpoida were recorded from disposal sites, the median 369 carapace length of mole crabs was 3.3 mm at control sites but 4.4 mm at disposal sites. In 2000, 370 when much greater recruitment of E. talpoida to disposal sites was recorded there was little 371 difference in median carapace length between the treatments (disposal: 42 mm, control 41 mm). 372 15 373 374 Clam growth under elevated turbidity Elevated turbidity significantly reduced the proportionate shell growth and weight 375 gain of clams at the low but not at the high clam density (PERMANOVA, significant 376 Turbidity x Density interaction; see Appendix 5 available in MEPS supplementary material). 377 Clams at high density exhibited a mean (± 1 SE) proportionate growth in shell length of 0.49 378 ± 0.01 mm, irrespective of turbidity, whereas clams at low density exhibited a proportionate 379 shell growth of 0.49 ± 0.02 mm under ambient turbidity and 0.35 ± 0.01 mm under enhanced 380 turbidity. The proportionate gain in weight was 1.61 ± 0.10 among clams deployed at high 381 density in both turbid and control tanks, 1.59 ± 0.13 in control tanks with a low clam density 382 versus 1.11 ± 0.08 in turbid tanks with a low clam density. 383 In tanks with a high clam density the turbidity dropped by 64.4 ±11.4 NTUs between 384 the addition of clay and 25 min afterwards. In the tanks of lower clam density the drop in 385 turbidity was, at 35.7 ±5.2 NTUs, significantly less (PERMANOVA, p < 0.05). Thus 386 turbidity levels were drawn down more rapidly in tanks with more clams filtering the 387 relatively confined waters. 388 389 390 Response of surf fishes to turbidity In the absence of a turbidity difference between the two ends of experimental 391 mesocosms (zones 1 and 3), both the Florida pompano and the summer flounder spent similar 392 amounts of time at each (paired t-test; pompano: t = 0.67, df = 25, p = 0.509; flounder: t = 393 1.17, df = 7, p = 0.280; Fig. 6). When, however, clear water was added to one end (zone 1) 394 and turbid water to the other (zone 3), the Florida pompano spent significantly more time (by 395 almost 5 fold) in the clear water of zone 1 than the turbid water of zone 3 (paired t-test; t = 396 14.53, df = 50, p <0.001), while the summer flounder spent more time (by over 16 fold) in the 397 turbid zone 3 (paired t-test; t = -6.86, df = 7, p < 0.001; Fig. 6). 16 398 399 DISCUSSION 400 To improve mechanistic understanding of impacts to sandy beach ecosystems of 401 beach disposal of fine sediments, our study coupled field monitoring of changes to biotic and 402 abiotic variables following two successive dredge spoil disposals on Topsail Island, North 403 Carolina with manipulative mesocosm experiments directly assessing biological impacts of 404 enhanced turbidity. We predicted that where dredge spoil was rapidly eroded from the 405 nourished beach following deposition, impacts to sediment-dwelling invertebrates would be 406 short-lived. To the contrary, we found sizeable impacts of dredge spoil disposal on several 407 invertebrate taxa that extended nearly an entire year. Furthermore, our mesocosm 408 experiments revealed effects of turbidity plumes, of the magnitude generated by the 409 nourishment events, on the growth clams and the habitat choice of surf-fish predators. 410 As expected, the predominantly fine sediments added to Topsail Island during 411 disposal of dredge spoil were rapidly eroded from the beach. Beach profiling indicated that 412 essentially the entire volume of sediment added to the beach in May 1999 was eroded away 413 by April 2000. Despite rapid sediment erosion, a significant reduction, relative to controls, in 414 mean sediment grain size was apparent at all elevations of the nourished beaches across the 415 entire summer season following each spring nourishment event, during which faunal 416 abundances typically peak. Complete convergence of sediment properties between control 417 and nourished beaches did not occur until March 2000, following the first nourishment event, 418 and had not occurred by October 2000, the final sampling date following the second 419 nourishment event. 420 Although the deposition of dredge spoil on north Topsail Island had only fleeting 421 benefits in nourishing the beach and hence protecting coastal property against storm erosion 422 and property loss, it induced large and statistically significant impacts on abundances of all 17 423 six numerically dominant infaunal invertebrates on the sandy beach. The magnitude of these 424 differences between disposal and control sites varied among taxa and between years – and not 425 uniformly corresponding to the two-fold larger volume of spoil deposited in 1999 than in 426 2000. Of the five taxa whose abundances responded negatively to disposal, one, the mole 427 crab Emerita talpoida, was significantly affected only in 1999, and two, the bean clam Donax 428 variabilis and the amphipod Haustorius, were detectably impacted only in 2000, whereas the 429 remaining two, the amphipods Parahaustorius longimerus and Amphiporeia virginiana, 430 displayed impacts in both years. The one species positively affected by disposal, the spionid 431 polychaete Scolelepis squamata, exhibited a stronger response in 2000 than in 1999. 432 At least four mechanisms may have explained the invertebrate responses to spoil 433 disposal. First, mortality may have been induced through burial, crushing, and suffocation, by 434 the sediments as well as by the bulldozers used to spread them (e.g., Peterson 1985, Thrush et 435 al. 2003). Second, the turbidity generated during deposition of the slurry of dredge spoils 436 may have clogged gills and palps of filter-feeding invertebrates, also leading to mortality 437 (Reilly and Bellis 1983). Third, environmental changes, such as shifts in water clarity or 438 sedimentology, may have altered predation rates by surf fishes or shorebirds on beach 439 invertebrates. Fourth, switching the granulometry from the native medium sands to fine sands 440 may have influenced behavioral habitat selection of dispersing larvae of Donax, Emerita, or 441 Scolelepis, or juveniles of the direct-developing haustoriid amphipods. The first three 442 mechanisms, each of which involves post-settlement mortality, require that the disposal event 443 succeed the seasonal recruitment pulses that elevate infaunal abundances from near zero in 444 winter to high numbers in the warm season. The fourth, in contrast, requires that disposal of 445 incompatible sediments precede or overlap with the seasonal recruitment period. 446 447 Our frequent sampling on a monthly basis during the warm season provided the ability to infer the timing of the disposal relative to the major annual recruitment pulse for 18 448 each abundant taxon and hence to disentangle the likely mechanisms by which each was 449 impacted. In each year, disposal preceded the initiation of the seasonal increase of the 450 Emerita talpoida population via recruitment of planktonic propagules. This suggests that the 451 observed suppressions of Emerita abundance were caused by habitat selection by planktonic 452 megalopal larvae, which in central North Carolina exhibit their major settlement in June-July 453 (Diaz 1980). Emerita talpoida is known to be suppressed in abundance by finer sediments 454 (Hayden & Dolan 1974). The much greater suppression of Emerita recruitment we observed 455 in 1999 compared to 2000 was consistent with the two-fold difference between years in 456 quantity of fine sediment deposition. 457 Recruitment of Donax variabilis and all three haustoriid amphipod taxa occurred after 458 the 1999 disposal but midway through the 2000 disposal process. The 1999 event did not 459 detectably influence recruitment of Donax or Haustorius sp., and the 2000 event caused a 460 reduction in but not a complete failure of spring recruitment of these taxa. This response 461 implies that disposal suppressed recruitment success of new recruits without much influence 462 on adults of these taxa. Small Donax burrow through sediments much more slowly than 463 larger ones (Nel et al. 2001), implying less resilience to burial and resistance to suffocation 464 under sediments among recent recruits and partial immunity among adults to sedimentation at 465 levels applied on Topsail Island. 466 Both of the amphipods P. longimerus and A. virginiana displayed virtual recruitment 467 failures in each year, independent of whether disposal occurred midway through or after the 468 recruitment season. These recruitment failures at disposal sites occurred despite sustained 469 populations at control sites. The near absence at disposal sites of these direct-developing 470 amphipod taxa with limited dispersal capacity may reflect an impact of disposal on adults, 471 needed nearby to seed the population recovery. Silt and clay are known to inhibit the 472 burrowing capabilities of P. longimerus, particularly when coupled with cold winter 19 473 temperatures (Maurer et al. 1981). Hence, when buried by disposal sediments, typically 474 deposited on beaches in winter or early spring, even adult amphipods of this species may 475 suffer particularly high mortality rates because they are unable to escape toxic levels of 476 ammonium and sulfides, or move effectively into more oxygenated sediments (Maurer et al. 477 1985). A. virginiana, which usually inhabits the top 0-2.5 cm of sediments (Croker and 478 Hatfield 1980), may also be more susceptible to death by burial than many other species of 479 amphipod. Previous research has shown that disturbed, populations of A. virginiana take 480 several years to recover (Jamarillo et al. 1987). Here, the time interval between disturbances 481 (a year) was shorter than the required recovery time observed by Jaramillo and colleagues. 482 We hypothesize that the only taxon to exhibit an enhancement of abundance on the 483 disposal sites, Scolelepis squamata, was responding behaviorally to the increase in finer 484 sediments. In laboratory experiments, this broadly distributed opportunistic polychaete 485 displayed a preference for medium-fine sediment (Van Tomme et al. 2013). As required for 486 behavioral habitat selection to explain the Scolelepis patterns, both disposal events at Topsail 487 Island preceded the time period when Scolelepis density exhibited its largest seasonal 488 increase at disposal sites. Finer sediments are presumably richer in organic matter that may 489 provide a food supplement for this spionid polychaete and thereby reduce starvation 490 mortality. Scolelepis is likely to practice mostly deposit feeding in its turbulent, shallow 491 subtidal habitat (zone 5) on the sandy beach. Alternatively, the enhancement of Scolelepis 492 may reflect decreased foraging efficiency by predatory fish like pompano in the more turbid 493 environment (Manning et al. 2013) or decreased inter-specific competition with other 494 invertebrates. 495 Impacts to fauna, where occurring, persisted throughout the warm season of normally 496 high densities with recovery not occurring until the next major recruitment event. Annual 497 spring-time repetition of the spoil disposal prevented recovery of those species that recruit via 20 498 dispersing larvae, while new sediment deposition and lack of rapid recovery of locally 499 breeding adults probably combined to retard recovery of direct-developing taxa. The net 500 consequence of suppressing populations of Donax, Emerita, and three haustoriid amphipods, 501 while enhancing abundance of the spionid polychaete, Scolelepis, was a large reduction in 502 integrated warm-season biomass of these invertebrates, because Donax and Emerita are much 503 larger than polychaetes. Because benthic macroinvertebrates of sandy beaches deliver the 504 valued ecosystem services of providing important, accessible, and dense food resources for 505 crabs, juvenile surf fishes, and resident, migrating, and breeding shorebirds (McLachlan & 506 Brown 2006), spoil disposal has the potential to cause losses of prey subsidies to higher 507 trophic levels. Loss of these prey resources from ocean beaches can have large cascading 508 impacts on shorebirds (Dugan et al. 2003, Peterson et al. 2006) and fishes (Lasiak 1986, 509 Hackney et al. 1996). 510 In addition to altering granulometry and abundances of beach invertebrates, the 511 disposal of dredge spoils onto Topsail Island increased the turbidity of the surf zone, both 512 during active pumping of the sediment slurry onto the beach and during subsequent wave- 513 induced erosion of fine particles from the disposal sites. The enhancement of turbidity in the 514 surf zone of fill sites exceeded the allowable North Carolina standard of 25 NTUs by as much 515 as a factor of 12 (Fig. 3). Through experiments in wave-tank mesocosms, we demonstrated 516 that these turbidity levels were sufficient to suppress individual growth of suspension-feeding 517 Donax variabilis, provided that clams are held at low enough density to avoid the 518 experimental artifact of artificially dense clams rapidly filtering down the turbidity treatment. 519 Field sampling revealed that both Donax and Emerita had smaller body lengths at disposal 520 sites than on control beaches during almost all of the two-year sampling period. Although 521 these size differences mostly reflected demographic differences in age distributions, stunting 522 of growth via periodic exposure to elevated turbidity presumably also contributed to 21 523 maintaining the smaller body sizes of these biomass dominants. This process of growth 524 reduction represents an additional mechanism by which dredge spoil disposal reduced prey 525 biomass available for predators of Donax and Emerita, especially critical for migrating red 526 knots, dunlin, and sanderlings, and for resident juvenile pompano. 527 Besides its negative impact on individual growth of infaunal prey, elevated turbidity 528 had direct effects on visually orienting predators. In mesocosm experiments, pompano 529 avoided turbid water, whereas summer flounder preferred it over clearer conditions. Wilber et 530 al. (2003) similarly demonstrated avoidance of turbidity generated from beach nourishment 531 by the visually orienting bluefish and attraction to turbid fill sites by the northern kingfish in 532 New Jersey. Avoidance of turbidity makes sense for visually orienting predatory fishes such 533 as pompano (Manning & Lindquist 2003, Manning et al. 2013) and diving seabirds such as 534 terns (Cyrus & Blaber 1987) because of impaired ability to detect prey. In contrast, flounders 535 are ambush predators which, due to their camouflage by sand, do not need to be able to see 536 more than a few centimeters in order to capture approaching prey. They may gain more in 537 fitness by becoming further hidden from their prey than they lose through reduction of their 538 own visual acuity. 539 As rising sea levels and an increasing frequency of violent storms from global climate 540 change enhance risk of damage to oceanfront property, public support for beach nourishment 541 appears to be growing (Peterson & Bishop 2005). Our study suggests that beach nourishment 542 projects utilizing fine sediments from dredge spoil have trivial public benefit, yet significant 543 negative ecological impacts. Following placement on Topsail Island, the fine-grained 544 sediments obtained from maintenance dredging of navigation channels eroded away so 545 rapidly that they did not bolster the volume of protective beach sands over the high storm-risk 546 seasons. Instead, the spring-time nourishment with fine sediments depressed invertebrate 547 populations for almost a whole year such that their populations had barely recovered by the 22 548 next annual disposal event, thereby generating a cumulative impact from successive 549 nourishment events. Hence, such beach disposal of dredge spoil represents governmentally 550 sanctioned habitat degradation without requirements for mitigation, which is required in the 551 U.S. for even accidental injury to other highly productive marine benthic habitats (e.g., 552 Fonseca et al. 2000). A way forward may lie in instead revisiting a former use of dredge 553 spoils to construct islands in sounds and estuaries. 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Bishop was supported by the Brian Robinson Fellowship and the 565 Macquarie University Outside Studies Program during preparation of the manuscript. 566 567 568 569 570 571 LITERATURE CITED Anderson MJ (2005) Permutational multivariate analysis of variance. Department of Statistics, University of Auckland, Auckland, NZ Basco DR (1999) Overview of Beach Engineering in the United States of America. Old Dominion University, Virginia, USA 23 572 Brazeiro A, Defeo O (1999) Effects of harvesting and density-dependence on the 573 demography of sandy beach populations: the yellow clam Mesodesma mactroides of 574 Uraguay. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 182:127-135 575 Cleary WJ, Pilkey OH (1996) Cape Lookout to Cape Fear, North 576 Carolina, regional overview. In: Cleary WJ (ed) Environmental coastal geology: Cape 577 Lookout to Cape Fear. 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Elevation profiles of pooled disposal (D1, D2; grey) and control (C1, C2; black) sites 700 immediately before (entire lines) and after (broken lines) the 1999 and 2000 sediment 701 disposal events. 702 Fig. 2. Mean (± 1 SE) grain size and sorting of sediments at pooled control (black, filled 703 symbols) and disposal (grey, open symbols) sites, before, during (grey shaded areas), and 704 after the two disposal events. Sorting is an index of the tightness of the grain size distribution 705 (the inverse of variance). Significant (at α = 0.05) a posteriori tests for significant Year x 706 Month x Treatment interactions (PERMANOVA; Appendix B) are denoted with asterisks (*). 707 Definitions of zones are as described in the Materials and Methods, with Zone 1 in the 708 supratidal and Zone 5, the surf zone. n = 6. 709 Fig. 3. Mean (± 1 SE) turbidity in the surf zone of pooled disposal (black, filled symbols) and 710 control (grey, open symbols) sites, before, after and during (grey shaded areas) the two 711 disposal events. Significant (at α = 0.05) a posteriori tests for significant Year x Month x 712 Treatment interactions (PERMANOVA; Appendix C) are denoted with asterisks (*). n = 6. 713 Fig. 4. Mean (± 1 SE) abundances per transect of each of the numerically dominant taxa of 714 beach macroinfauna at pooled control (C; black, filled symbols) and disposal beaches (D; 715 grey open symbols), before and after (grey shaded areas) disposal events. Significant (at α = 716 0.05) a posteriori tests for significant Year x Month x Treatment interactions 717 (PERMANOVA; Appendix D) are denoted with asterisks (*). Parahaustorius longimerus 718 and Amphiporeia virginiana displayed main effects of Treatment (disposal vs. control). n = 6. 719 Fig. 5. Size frequency histograms of Donax variabilis shell height and Emerita talpoida 720 carapace width at control (black bars) and disposal (grey bar) sites during September 721 recruitment peaks of each year. 30 722 Fig. 6. Mean (+ SE) time (in seconds) spent by (a) Florida pompano and (b) summer 723 flounder at two ends (zone 1, 3) of an experimental mesocosm in the absence of turbidity (-T) 724 and following the addition of clear water to zone 1 and turbid water to zone 3 (+T). The total 725 duration of the experiment was 5 min (=300 sec) for pompano and 15 min (=900 sec) for 726 flounder. n = 26 pompano and 8 flounder. 31 Year 1: 1999 Year 2: 2000 A. D1 8 Before (5 April 2000) After (15 May 2000) Before (4 April 1999) After (25 June 1999) 6 4 2 0 Elevation (m above mean low water springs) 8 B. D2 6 4 2 0 8 C. C1 6 4 2 0 8 D. C2 6 4 2 0 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 Distance (m) FIG. 1 32 MEDIAN GRAIN SIZE 1200 SEDIMENT SORTING A. Zone 1 1000 Control Disposal * * * 800 * ** 500 400 * 0 0 B. Zone 2 1200 1000 * * 800 * * * * 400 * ** * 500 0 0 C. Zone 3 Grain size (m) 1200 1000 * * 800 * * 500 0 0 D. Zone 4 1000 * ** * 800 * * 500 400 * 0 1200 * * 400 1200 * 0 E. Zone 5 1000 * * 800 500 400 01-Sep-00 01-Jun-00 01-Mar-00 01-Dec-99 01-Sep-99 01-Jun-99 01-Mar-99 01-Dec-98 01-Sep-00 01-Jun-00 01-Mar-00 01-Dec-99 01-Sep-99 01-Jun-99 01-Mar-99 0 01-Dec-98 0 Date FIG. 2 33 FIG. 3 01-May-00 * 01-Feb-00 01-Nov-99 * * 01-Aug-99 01-May-99 50 01-Feb-99 01-Nov-98 Turibidty (NTU) 200 Control Disposal 150 100 * * * 0 Date 34 FIG. 4 E. Parahaustorius longimerus 60 C>D * 20 20 40 10 10 20 0 0 01-Oct-00 0 * 01-Jul-00 * 01-Apr-00 * 01-Jan-00 0 01-Oct-99 * 01-Jul-99 0 * 01-Apr-99 * * 01-Jan-99 30 * 600 01-Oct-98 0 B. Emerita talpoida 01-Oct-00 * 01-Jul-00 D. Haustorius sp. 5 01-Apr-00 10 01-Jan-00 * 01-Oct-99 * 01-Jul-99 40 01-Apr-99 * * 15 01-Jan-99 A. Donax variabilis 01-Oct-98 20 01-Oct-00 Control Disposal 01-Jul-00 01-Apr-00 01-Jan-00 01-Oct-99 01-Jul-99 * 01-Apr-99 30 01-Jan-99 01-Oct-98 * Total abundance (1000 animals per 1 m wide transect) 60 C. Scolelepis squamata * 400 * * 200 * F. Amphiporeia virginiana C>D * Date 35 A. Donax variabilis B. Emerita talpoida September 1999 20 25 CONTROL CONTROL DISPOSAL DISPOSAL 20 15 15 Frequency (no. of observations) 10 10 5 5 0 0 September 2000 20 25 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 Length (mm) FIG. 5 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Length (mm) 36 250 A. Florida pompano * Zone 1 Zone 3 200 150 100 Time (sec) 50 0 800 B. Summer flounder * 600 400 200 0 -T +T Treatment FIG. 6 37