ANNEX L Quality Assessment of the Evaluation Report All UNEP evaluation reports are subject to a quality assessment by the Evaluation Office. The quality assessment is used as a tool for providing structured feedback to the evaluation consultants. The quality of the draft evaluation report is assessed and rated against the following criteria: Substantive report quality criteria A. Strategic relevance: Does the report present a well-reasoned, complete and evidence-based assessment of strategic relevance of the intervention? B. Achievement of outputs: Does the report present a well-reasoned, complete and evidence-based assessment of outputs delivered by the intervention (including their quality)? C. Presentation Theory of Change: Is the Theory of Change of the intervention clearly presented? Are causal pathways logical and complete (including drivers, assumptions and key actors)? D. Effectiveness - Attainment of project objectives and results: Does the report present a well-reasoned, complete and evidence-based assessment of the achievement of the relevant outcomes and project objectives? UNEP EO Comments Draft report: This section has been discussed in sufficient detail to support the rating provided. There is evidence provided to support the assessment of project Relevance as HS Final report: Draft report: The section is reported in detail and gives evidence on the quality of outputs based on interviews and collected data Final report: Draft report: The TOC is presented as a schematic and explained in detailed narrative. Causal pathways in the TOC diagram are presented but there are no distinctions made between the results chains – all outputs lead to all outcomes which in turn lead to all intermediate states and on to the intended Impact. The text however describes these outputs, outcomes, intermediate states, etc. in satisfactory detail Final report: Draft report: The report indicates that quite a lot of effort has been made towards achieving intended results – as evidenced by various reports and interviews – the evaluator attributes this largely to the effectiveness of the Secretariat. Draft Report Rating 6 6 5.5 5.5 Final report: E. Sustainability and replication: Does the report present a well-reasoned and evidence-based assessment of sustainability of outcomes and replication / catalytic effects? F. Efficiency: Does the report present a well-reasoned, complete and evidence-based assessment of efficiency? Draft report: The report gives sufficient information and examples to describe project performance under the sustainability criteria Final report: Draft report: The report escapes making any assessment on cost/time saving by the project. It appears the project was extended significantly (from 3 to 10 yrs). No valid explanation is given other than that the project supports an on-going process. The report implies the project cannot be held accountable for applying efficiency measures 5 4 Final Report Rating Final report: G. Factors affecting project performance: Does the report present a wellreasoned, complete and evidence-based assessment of all factors affecting project performance? In particular, does the report include the actual project costs (total and per activity) and actual co-financing used; and an assessment of the quality of the project M&E system and its use for project management? H. Quality and utility of the recommendations: Are recommendations based on explicit evaluation findings? Do recommendations specify the actions necessary to correct existing conditions or improve operations (‘who?’ ‘what?’ ‘where?’ ‘when?)’. Can they be implemented? I. Quality and utility of the lessons: Are lessons based on explicit evaluation findings? Do they suggest prescriptive action? Do they specify in which contexts they are applicable? Draft report: This section is covered adequately for the most part but needs some improvement to make complete. Under ‘project implementation and management’ one gets a sense that the evaluator avoids going into detail on how the low staffing at ISCC has impacted the project performance – it is alluded to, but the details on how this has affected project management are not disclosed. Under ‘supervision and technical back-stopping’ there is insufficient evidence to support the rating provided. Final report: Draft report: They are based on findings and for the most part they state who should undertake the actions recommended. They are however disjointed - having several issues being mentioned under one recommendation - that it becomes difficult to consolidate the recommendation into one concise and actionable proposal. Final report: Draft report: The lessons are definitely based on the findings but because the context of the lesson is missing, this linkage can only be assumed. The prescriptive actions are not well framed and need further improvement. It is also not quite clear how they are applicable in other contexts. 4.5 4.5 3.5 Final report: Other report quality criteria J. Structure and clarity of the report: Does the report structure follow EO guidelines? Are all requested Annexes included? K. Evaluation methods and information sources: Are evaluation methods and information sources clearly described? Are data collection methods, the triangulation / verification approach, details of stakeholder consultations provided? Are the limitations of evaluation methods and information sources described? Draft report: Yes, the consultant has followed the guidelines provided in the TOR and by the Evaluation Manager Final report: Draft report: The information sources are clearly described. The consultant consulted widely. She uses triangulation to support several arguments and report is sufficiently evidence-based. It does however present a more ‘what has happened’ take on the project’s performance and less of the evaluative aspect of why things happened the way they did. Generally it is a detailed and informative report and shows a greater effort was made over and above what was expected of the consultant considering the limited 6 5.5 resources. Final report: L. Quality of writing: Was the report well written? (clear English language and grammar) M. Report formatting: Does the report follow EO guidelines using headings, numbered paragraphs etc. Draft report: The report is well written, comprehensible, and logical. There are some typos in the draft which are easily corrected. Final report: Draft report: the report is well formatted and easy to navigate. Cross referencing is used and corresponds correctly to the appropriate sections referred to. 5 6 Final report: OVERALL REPORT QUALITY RATING 5.15 0.00 S A number rating between 1 and 6 is used for each criterion: Highly Satisfactory = 6, Satisfactory = 5, Moderately Satisfactory = 4, Moderately Unsatisfactory = 3, Unsatisfactory = 2, Highly Unsatisfactory = 1.