Abstract Submission Form
General Information and Submission Instructions
Use this form to submit an abstract submission to the paper selection committee for Hotsos Symposium 2016
Submit as many abstracts as you like, but please submit only one abstract per form.
To submit your abstract, please EMAIL the completed submission form to symposium@hotsos.com.
If you have any questions of problems with this process please contact us at symposium@hotsos.com or by phone:
+1.817.488.6200 ext 520 and speak with Rhonda Boswell.
We advertise our Hotsos Symposium event as “the conference that is dedicated to issues of Oracle system performance.”
Please concentrate your proposed presentation only on issues important to a performance-focused audience.
Key Dates
Open Call for Abstract Submissions CLOSES
Speakers notified of acceptance or decline
Friday - October 2nd, 2015
Friday November 13, 2015
By submitting this form you agree to all of the following presentation requirements should your submission be selected:
I agree that if my submission is accepted, I will submit the following materials for inclusion in the Hotsos Symposium 2016
online proceedings on
or before February 5th , 2016:
A technical paper either in narrative form (for example, .doc or .html) or in presentation graphic form (for example,
Supporting materials, such as reproducible test scripts, that demonstrate the means by which you have reached the
conclusions you will present.
I understand that this event is offered virtually and that if accepted I will be required to sign a Speaker Release form if
I agree to attend one of the scheduled Speaker Orientation meetings (schedule TBD) prior to my scheduled slot, for an
equipment/software compatibility and connection check.
I understand that if my submission is accepted, my Hotsos Symposium 2016 attendee fee will be waived (including the
optional training day), but that I am responsible for my own travel, and subsistence arrangements and expenses.
I understand that if my submission is accepted, I will be responsible for all travel and housing arrangements and expenses.
I understand that if my submission is accepted, I will make every effort to fulfill my speaking obligation. If I must cancel, I will
give Hotsos as much advance notice as possible.
Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd.
1701 W. Northwest Hwy. Suite 240
Grapevine, TX 76051
817 488 6200 PH 509 463 9146 FAX
Copyright © 2004 by Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved
Presenter Information
In this section, please enter the requested information about yourself and your co-presenter, if you have one.
Principal Presenter
Please enter information about yourself here.
Company affiliation
E-mail address
Telephone number
Brief biography, including a
summary of your public
speaking experience on
Oracle performance topics
If you will use a co-presenter, please enter that person’s information here.
Company affiliation
E-mail address
Telephone number
Brief biography, including a
summary of your public
speaking experience on
Oracle performance topics
Abstract Information
In this section, please enter the requested information about your proposed abstract.
Proposed title
Brief abstract
(300 words or less) describing
the proposed presentation
NOTE: if your initial abstract is
longer than 300 words you
must also provide a shorter
summary version for the
printed material, should your
paper be selected.
Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd.
1701 W. Northwest Hwy. Suite 240
Grapevine, TX 76051
817 488 6200 PH 509 463 9146 FAX
Copyright © 2004 by Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved
One of the distinctions of many Hotsos Symposium presenters is that they show their work, allowing participants to reproduce the
experiments by which they derived their conclusions. This sharing of the processes by which results are derived helps us advance the
state of our art beyond what is possible with technical presentations that offer only hearsay evidence. Please select all of the following
declarations that apply to your proposal:
My presentation will not require the aid of experiments or tests.
I will show my tests online to the audience during my presentation, using sqlplus or some other demonstration tool.
I will provide reproducible test cases in the documentation I will submit to the proceedings.
Other; please explain here:
Special requirements: Please list, if any:
Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd.
1701 W. Northwest Hwy. Suite 240
Grapevine, TX 76051
817 488 6200 PH 509 463 9146 FAX
Copyright © 2004 by Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved