Report on staff by gender, age, ethnicity and disability status. The following brief report provides an analysis of data submitted to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) through the annual HESA Staff Return. This annual exercise collects staff related data for each institution within the UK Higher Education sector. Results are then published and made available to the sector through the Higher Education Information Database for Institutions (HEIDI). This paper presents results for staff data up to (and including) the 2009/10 academic year – which is the most recent year that full sector data is available for. This report builds on information in the Equality in Higher Education: Statistical Report 2010, published by the Equality Challenge Unit, and focuses on data table A18 (All staff by gender, ethnicity and disability status) which presents demographic variation of staff working as Academics and Professional and support staff (non-academic). Statistics are presented for Essex, and benchmark groups of Universities located within the East of England The 1994 Group of Universities HEI sector (all institutions) The tables in this report show the data divided by type of role into the following categories: All staff Academic staff Professorial Status Professional and support staff The analysis in this report is based upon data drawn from the HESA staff record from 2003/04 to 2009/10. This record covers all academic and professional and support staff holding one or more contracts of employment with a UK higher education institution (HEI). This does not include staff on consultancy contracts (known as Atypical staff). Due to a coding error one institution has been excluded from the 2008/09 record. Counts of staff represent counts of full person equivalents to allow for staff holding multiple contracts, or in cases where contracts involve more than one activity (eg academic functions, managerial functions) All counts of staff have been rounded to the nearest five in accordance with HESA policy in order to protect the confidentiality of individuals. Page 1 of 29 All percentages based on 52 or fewer staff members or averages based on seven or fewer staff members have been suppressed to protect against over-interpretation of small numbers. Where information has not been sought, or staff highlighted ‘prefer not to say’ this has not been included Data by professorial status is available only for the period of 2008/09 – 2009/10 due to changes in hoe the HESA staff data is collected. Benchmark Groups A list of all institutions used within the Sector benchmark is available on the HESA website. The 1994 Group of Universities, and the East institutions that are used in this report are listed in the following table 1994 Group institutions East Institutions The University of Bath Anglia Ruskin University Birkbeck College University of Bedfordshire University of Durham The University of Cambridge The University of East Anglia Cranfield University The University of Essex The University of East Anglia The University of Exeter The University of Essex Goldsmiths College University of Hertfordshire Institute of Education Norwich University College of the Arts The University of Lancaster University Campus Suffolk The University of Leicester Writtle College Loughborough University Queen Mary and Westfield College The University of Reading Royal Holloway and Bedford New College The University of St Andrews The School of Oriental and African Studies The University of Surrey The University of Sussex The University of York Page 2 of 29 Analysis of data The University of Essex benchmarks itself against the 1994 Group and the sector as a whole. The data for the East of England Institutions is included here for interest, but given the wide variety of institutions contained within this group, is not used specifically for benchmarking purposes. The sections below provide a brief analysis of the data under each of the following protected characteristics: disability status, ethnicity, gender and age. Disability The disability disclosure rate at Essex is consistently above that of both the 1994 Group and the sector as a whole for the years analysed. Following a target to increase the numbers of disabled staff from 3% to 5% by 2010 by using positive action in recruitment (including obtaining the “Two Ticks Symbol”) and increasing the numbers of staff disclosing/declaring a disability by explaining the purpose of data collection and the definition of disability more clearly, the University increased its disability disclosure rate to 6% in 2008/09. This fell slightly in 2009/10 to 5.7%, but remains above the 1994 Group and sector average. Ethnicity Essex has consistently had a higher proportion of BME staff than that of the 1994 Group and the sector. This is also the case when looking at academic staff – in 2009/10, 17.96% of academic staff at Essex were from BME backgrounds, compared to 13.8% in the 1994 Group and 12.0% across the sector. In terms of Professorial staff, in 2009/10, 11.1% of Professorial staff a Essex were from BME backgrounds, compared to 5.8% in the 1994 Group and 6.5% across the sector. Gender Essex has consistently had a higher proportion of female staff than that of the 1994 Group and the sector. The percentage of female academic staff has been consistently rising over the period analysed and now stands at 41.4% although this is 0.7% below the 1994 Group average and 2.6% below the sector average. This trend is reversed however when looking at the percentage of female Professors – Essex had 21.4% in 2009/10, compared to 19.6% in the 1994 Group and 19.0% across the sector. Age Essex has consistently had a higher proportion of staff over the age of 66. In 2009/10, 1.9% of all staff, 2.4% of academic staff and 7.4% of Professorial staff at Essex were over the age of 66. The difference is most marked in Professorial staff – in 2009/10, 2.6% of Professors in the 1994 Group and 3.4% across the sector were aged 66+. Page 3 of 29 All Staff data Table 1a. All staff by known disability status 2004/05 Essex East 1994 Group Sector Known to be disabled 2.9 3.0 2.2 2.4 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 No Known No Known No Known No Known No Known No known to be known to be known to be known to be known to be known disability disabled disability disabled disability disabled disability disabled disability disabled disability 97.1 2.7 97.3 2.6 97.4 3.8 96.2 6.0 94.0 5.7 94.3 97.0 2.9 97.1 3.1 96.9 3.4 96.6 5.4 94.6 5.9 94.7 97.8 2.2 97.8 2.6 97.4 2.4 97.6 2.5 97.5 2.6 97.4 97.6 2.4 97.6 2.6 97.4 2.7 97.3 3.0 97.0 3.2 96.8 100.0 80.0 60.0 Essex East 40.0 1994 Group 20.0 Sector 0.0 Known to No known Known to No known Known to No known Known to No known Known to No known Known to No known be disabled disablity be disabled disablity be disabled disablity be disabled disablity be disabled disablity be disabled disablity 2004/05 Page 4 of 29 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Table 1b. All staff by gender 2004/05 Female Male 54.6 45.4 51.3 48.7 51.3 48.7 52.7 47.3 Essex East 1994 Group Sector 2005/06 Female Male 53.7 46.3 51.4 48.6 51.7 48.3 53.0 47.0 2006/07 Female Male 54.6 45.4 52.3 47.7 51.8 48.2 53.1 46.9 2007/08 Female Male 56.1 43.9 52.2 47.8 52.1 47.9 53.2 46.8 2008/09 Female Male 56.7 43.3 52.7 47.3 52.6 47.4 53.6 46.4 2009/10 Female Male 57.1 42.9 53.3 46.7 52.9 47.1 53.8 46.2 60.0 50.0 40.0 Essex 30.0 East 1994 Group 20.0 Sector 10.0 0.0 Female Male 2004/05 Page 5 of 29 Female Male 2005/06 Female Male 2006/07 Female Male 2007/08 Female Male 2008/09 Female Male 2009/10 Table 1c. All staff (UK national) by ethnicity 2004/05 Essex East 1994 Group Sector White UK national 96.8 95.7 94.6 94.4 BME UK national 3.2 4.3 5.4 5.6 2005/06 White UK BME UK national national 96.4 3.6 95.6 4.5 94.1 5.9 94.1 5.9 2006/07 White UK BME UK national national 96.5 3.5 95.4 4.6 94.1 5.9 93.9 6.1 2007/08 White UK BME UK national national 95.3 4.7 95.1 4.9 93.8 6.2 93.6 6.4 2008/09 White UK BME UK national national 95.4 4.6 95.3 4.7 93.3 6.7 93.3 6.7 2009/10 White UK BME UK national national 94.9 5.1 94.8 5.2 92.9 7.1 93.1 6.9 100.0 80.0 60.0 Essex East 40.0 1994 Group Sector 20.0 0.0 White UK BME UK White UK BME UK White UK BME UK White UK BME UK White UK BME UK White UK BME UK national national national national national national national national national national national national 2004/05 Page 6 of 29 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Table 1d. All staff by ethnicity Essex East 1994 Sector 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 White BME White BME White BME White BME White BME White BME 89.0 11.0 88.4 11.6 87.7 12.3 87.5 12.5 87.3 12.7 86.3 13.7 91.7 8.3 91.5 8.5 91.7 8.3 90.6 9.4 90.5 9.5 90.6 9.4 90.1 9.9 89.3 10.7 89.3 10.7 88.9 11.1 88.4 11.6 88.1 11.9 90.8 9.2 90.4 9.6 90.2 9.8 89.7 10.3 89.4 10.6 89.2 10.8 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 Essex 50.0 East 40.0 1994 30.0 Sector 20.0 10.0 0.0 White BME 2004/05 Page 7 of 29 White BME 2005/06 White BME 2006/07 White BME 2007/08 White BME 2008/09 White BME 2009/10 Tables 1e – 1g. All staff by age Essex East 1994 group Sector 2004-05 2005-06 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 25 and under 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 21.9 22.8 17.1 1.1 12.8 25.2 21.6 22.6 16.9 0.9 25.6 25.5 16.3 1.0 7.0 24.5 25.5 24.9 16.9 1.2 25.8 23.7 15.3 1.2 9.9 24.7 25.9 23.1 15.2 1.2 26.8 25.8 15.0 0.8 7.7 24.0 26.7 25.3 15.5 0.8 25 and under 26 -35 12.6 24.5 7.1 24.5 9.6 24.4 7.8 23.8 50.0 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 Essex 25.0 East 20.0 1994 group 15.0 Sector 10.0 5.0 0.0 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2004-05 Page 8 of 29 56 - 65 66 and over 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2005-06 56 - 65 66 and over Essex East 1994 group Sector 2006-07 2007-08 25 and under 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 25 and under 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 13.4 25.3 21.4 22.2 16.7 1.0 17.5 23.7 20.1 21.1 16.0 1.5 6.8 24.6 25.4 25.0 17.0 1.2 6.5 25.4 25.3 24.5 17.0 1.3 8.9 25.0 25.9 23.2 15.6 1.3 8.7 25.2 26.0 22.9 15.7 1.4 7.3 24.2 26.7 25.1 15.8 0.9 7.0 24.3 26.7 25.0 16.0 1.0 50.0 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 Essex 25.0 East 20.0 1994 group 15.0 Sector 10.0 5.0 0.0 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2006-07 Page 9 of 29 56 - 65 66 and over 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2007-08 56 - 65 66 and over Essex East 1994 group Sector 2008-09 2009-10 25 and under 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 25 and under 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 14.8 24.7 21.1 21.3 16.5 1.5 15.9 25.1 21.7 20.1 15.2 1.9 6.7 25.2 25.2 24.5 17.0 1.4 5.8 25.9 25.2 24.7 17.1 1.3 9.0 25.3 25.9 22.7 15.6 1.5 8.2 25.6 26.3 23.1 15.3 1.6 7.1 24.4 26.5 25.0 15.9 1.1 7.0 24.5 26.4 25.1 15.8 1.2 50.0 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 Essex 25.0 East 20.0 1994 group 15.0 Sector 10.0 5.0 0.0 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2008-09 Page 10 of 29 56 - 65 66 and over 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2009-10 56 - 65 66 and over Academic Staff Table 2a Academic staff by known disability status 2004/05 2005/06 Essex East 1994 Group Sector 2006/07 Known to be disabled 3.6 2.7 No known disability 96.4 97.3 Known to be disabled 2.8 3.3 No known disability 97.2 97.4 Known to be disabled 2.7 2.8 1.7 2.1 98.3 97.9 1.9 2.1 98.1 97.9 2.1 2.2 2007/08 No Known known to be disability disabled 97.3 3.2 97.2 2.9 97.9 97.8 1.9 2.3 2008/09 No Known known to be disability disabled 96.8 5.5 97.1 4.2 98.1 97.7 2.0 2.5 2009/10 No Known known to be disability disabled 94.5 4.6 95.8 4.8 98.0 97.5 No known disability 95.4 95.2 2.2 2.8 97.8 97.2 100.0 80.0 60.0 Essex 40.0 East 1994 Group 20.0 Sector 0.0 Known to No known Known to No known Known to No known Known to No known Known to No known Known to No known be disability be disability be disability be disability be disability be disability disabled disabled disabled disabled disabled disabled 2004/05 Page 11 of 29 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Table 2b Academic staff by known disability and professorial status Essex East 1994 Sector Professor Non-Professor 2008/09 2009/10 No known Known to be No known Known to be disability disabled disability disabled 92.9 7.1 92.6 7.4 96.5 3.5 95.4 4.6 97.5 2.5 97.9 2.1 97.9 2.1 98.1 1.9 2008/09 2009/10 No known Known to be No known Known to be disability disabled disability disabled 94.8 5.2 95.9 4.1 96.0 4.0 95.1 4.9 98.2 1.8 97.9 2.1 97.5 2.5 97.2 2.8 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 Essex East 1994 Sector No known disability Known to be disabled 2008/09 Page 12 of 29 No known disability Known to be disabled 2009/10 Essex East 1994 Sector 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 Essex East 1994 Sector No known disability Known to be disabled 2008/09 No known disability Known to be disabled 2009/10 Table 2c Academic staff by gender 2004/05 Female Male 36.9 63.1 39.1 60.9 38.2 61.8 41.2 58.8 Essex East 1994 Group Sector 2005/06 Female Male 36.5 63.5 40.7 59.3 39.1 60.9 41.9 58.1 2006/07 Female Male 38.9 61.1 41.7 58.3 39.6 60.4 42.3 57.7 2007/08 Female Male 38.2 61.7 41.5 58.5 40.3 59.7 42.6 57.4 2008/09 Female Male 40.4 59.6 42.9 57.1 41.3 58.7 43.4 56.6 2009/10 Female Male 41.4 58.6 44.2 55.8 42.1 57.9 44.0 56.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 Essex East 30.0 1994 Group 20.0 Sector 10.0 0.0 Female Male 2004/05 Page 13 of 29 Female Male 2005/06 Female Male 2006/07 Female Male 2007/08 Female Male 2008/09 Female Male 2009/10 Table 2d. Academic staff by gender and professorial status Professor Essex East 1994 Sector Non-Professor 2008/09 2009/10 Male Female Male Female Essex 56.0 44.0 55.5 44.5 East 54.3 45.7 53.1 46.9 1994 55.3 44.7 54.6 45.4 Sector 53.9 46.1 53.4 46.6 2008/09 2009/10 Male Female Male Female 79.3 20.7 78.6 21.4 84.0 16.0 82.9 17.1 80.9 19.1 80.4 19.6 81.3 18.7 81.0 19.0 100.0 100.0 90.0 90.0 80.0 80.0 70.0 70.0 60.0 Essex 50.0 East 40.0 1994 30.0 Sector 20.0 10.0 60.0 Essex 50.0 East 40.0 1994 30.0 Sector 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 Male Female 2008/09 Page 14 of 29 Male Female 2009/10 Male Female 2008/09 Male Female 2009/10 Table 2e. Academic staff (UK nationals) by ethnicity 2004/05 2005/06 Essex East 1994 Group Sector White UK national 93.8 94.2 94.0 94.2 BME UK national 6.3 5.8 6.0 5.8 White UK national 93.2 94.1 93.6 94.1 2006/07 BME UK national 6.8 5.9 6.4 5.9 White UK national 93.4 94.1 93.5 93.9 2007/08 BME UK national 6.6 5.9 6.5 6.1 White UK national 93.3 94.0 93.2 93.6 2008/09 BME UK national 6.7 6.0 6.8 6.4 White UK national 94.3 94.3 92.8 93.3 2009/10 BME UK national 5.7 5.7 7.2 6.7 White UK national 93.8 93.7 92.5 93.0 BME UK national 6.3 6.3 7.5 7.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 Essex East 40.0 1994 Group 20.0 Sector 0.0 White UK national BME UK national 2004/05 Page 15 of 29 White UK national BME UK national 2005/06 White UK national BME UK national 2006/07 White UK national BME UK national 2007/08 White UK national BME UK national 2008/09 White UK national BME UK national 2009/10 Table 2f. Academic staff by ethnicity Essex East 1994 Sector 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 White BME White BME White BME White BME White BME White BME 81.9 18.1 81.9 18.1 82.4 17.6 83.3 16.7 82.8 17.2 82.1 17.9 88.8 11.2 88.9 11.1 88.7 11.3 88.2 11.8 88.2 11.8 87.8 12.2 88.2 11.8 87.6 12.4 87.3 12.7 87.0 13.0 86.5 13.5 86.2 13.8 89.6 10.4 89.3 10.7 89.1 10.9 88.7 11.3 88.4 11.6 88.0 12.0 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 Essex 50.0 East 40.0 1994 30.0 Sector 20.0 10.0 0.0 White BME 2004-05 Page 16 of 29 White BME 2005-06 White BME 2006-07 White BME 2007-08 White BME 2008-09 White BME 2009-10 Table 2g. Academic staff by ethnicity and professorial status Professor Essex East 1994 Sector 2008/09 2009/10 White BME White BME 89.3 10.7 88.9 11.1 94.7 5.3 95.3 4.7 94.4 5.6 94.2 5.8 93.8 6.2 93.5 6.5 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 Essex East 1994 Sector Essex East 1994 Sector White 2008/09 Page 17 of 29 BME White 2009/10 BME Non-Professor 2008/09 2009/10 White BME White BME 81.6 18.4 80.5 19.5 87.7 12.3 87.2 12.8 85.2 14.8 84.8 15.2 87.9 12.1 87.4 12.6 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 Essex East 1994 Sector White BME 2008/09 White BME 2009/10 Table 2h – 2j Academic staff by age Essex East 1994 group Sector 25 and under 26 -35 8.7 29.7 3.3 28.8 5.3 29.0 3.6 25.1 2004-05 2005-06 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 25 and under 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 24.1 20.5 14.9 2.1 7.7 32.1 24.0 20.4 14.3 1.5 28.1 23.8 14.7 1.3 3.7 27.7 27.9 23.4 15.7 1.6 28.5 21.7 14.0 1.5 5.1 29.0 28.9 21.2 14.2 1.6 29.0 26.0 15.2 1.1 3.6 25.2 28.8 25.4 15.8 1.2 50.0 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 Essex 25.0 East 20.0 1994 group 15.0 Sector 10.0 5.0 0.0 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2004-05 Page 18 of 29 56 - 65 66 and over 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2005-06 56 - 65 66 and over 25 and under Essex East 1994 group Sector 8 3.6 4.4 3.2 2006-07 2007-08 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 25 and under 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 30.5 24.5 21 14 2 6.4 31.2 24.8 20.3 14.9 2.5 28.2 27.5 23.3 15.8 1.7 3.6 29.1 26.8 23 15.6 1.9 29.1 28.8 21.4 14.5 1.8 3.9 29.3 28.8 21.1 15 2 25.2 28.7 25.2 16.3 1.4 2.8 25.2 28.7 25.1 16.6 1.6 50 45 40 35 30 Essex 25 East 20 1994 group 15 Sector 10 5 0 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2006-07 Page 19 of 29 56 - 65 66 and over 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2007-08 56 - 65 66 and over Essex East 1994 group Sector 2008-09 2009-10 25 and under 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 25 and under 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 7.6 29.4 25.4 20.8 14.7 2.0 7.6 30.8 25.6 19.0 14.7 2.4 3.9 28.0 26.6 23.5 16.0 2.0 3.7 28.6 26.2 23.5 16.2 1.8 4.4 29.0 28.6 21.1 14.7 2.1 4.0 28.8 28.6 21.6 14.6 2.3 2.9 25.0 28.5 25.3 16.6 1.7 2.7 25.0 28.3 25.5 16.7 1.8 50.0 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 Essex 25.0 East 20.0 1994 group 15.0 Sector 10.0 5.0 0.0 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2008-09 Page 20 of 29 56 - 65 66 and over 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2009-10 56 - 65 66 and over Table 2k – 2l. Academic staff by age and professorial status Professor Essex East 1994 group Sector 2008-09 2009-10 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 25 and under 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 13.8 34.5 44.8 6.9 0.0 0.0 11.1 37.0 44.4 7.4 14.4 37.9 44.1 3.1 0.0 0.0 13.7 37.4 45.8 3.2 19.8 39.0 37.9 2.9 0.0 0.2 18.8 40.4 38.0 2.6 18.4 40.0 38.3 3.0 0.0 0.2 16.9 40.6 38.9 3.4 25 and under 26 -35 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.3 50.0 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 Essex 20.0 East 15.0 1994 group 10.0 Sector 5.0 0.0 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 and over 25 and under 2008-09 35 - 45 46 - 55 2009-10 Professor Page 21 of 29 26 -35 56 - 65 66 and over Essex East 1994 group Sector 25 and under 26 -35 8.9 34.5 4.3 30.7 5.1 33.5 3.2 27.7 Non-Professor 2008-09 2009-10 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 25 and under 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 27.4 17.9 9.5 1.8 8.9 35.6 27.8 16.7 10.0 1.1 27.8 22.2 13.2 1.8 4.0 31.3 27.5 22.2 13.4 1.6 29.9 18.3 11.3 2.0 4.6 33.0 30.2 18.8 11.2 2.1 29.6 23.8 14.3 1.5 3.0 27.6 29.6 24.0 14.3 1.5 50.0 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 Essex 20.0 East 15.0 1994 group 10.0 Sector 5.0 0.0 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 and over 25 and under 2008-09 35 - 45 46 - 55 2009-10 Non-Professor Page 22 of 29 26 -35 56 - 65 66 and over Non-academic: Professional and Support Staff Table 3a Non-academic staff by known disability status 2004/05 2005/06 Essex East 1994 Group Sector Known to be disabled 2.9 3.4 2.6 2.7 No known disability 97.1 96.6 97.4 97.3 Known to be disabled 2.7 3.2 2.5 2.7 2006/07 No known disability 97.3 96.8 97.5 97.3 Known to be disabled 2.6 3.4 3.0 2.9 2007/08 No Known known to be disability disabled 97.4 4.1 96.6 3.7 97.0 2.9 97.1 3.0 No known disability 95.9 96.3 97.1 97.0 2008/09 Known No to be known disabled disability 6.4 93.6 3.9 96.1 3.0 97.0 3.5 96.5 2009/10 Known to be disabled 6.0 4.4 3.0 3.6 No known disability 94.0 95.6 97.0 96.4 100.0 80.0 60.0 Essex East 40.0 1994 Group 20.0 Sector 0.0 Known to No known Known to No known Known to No known Known to No known Known to No known Known to No known be disabled disability be disabled disability be disabled disability be disabled disability be disabled disability be disabled disability 2004/05 Page 23 of 29 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Table 3c Non-academic staff by gender 2004/05 Female Male 67.5 32.5 61.2 38.8 62.4 37.6 62.7 37.3 Essex East 1994 Group Sector 2005/06 Female Male 66.2 33.8 61.1 38.9 62.1 37.9 62.5 37.5 2006/07 Female Male 65.5 34.5 61.2 38.8 62.3 37.7 62.6 37.4 2007/08 Female Male 66.8 33.2 62.1 37.9 62.4 37.6 62.6 37.4 2008/09 Female Male 66.5 33.5 62.1 37.9 62.3 37.7 62.5 37.5 2009/10 Female Male 66.4 33.6 62.3 37.7 62.3 37.7 62.4 37.6 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 Essex 40.0 East 30.0 1994 Group 20.0 Sector 10.0 0.0 Female Male 2004/05 Page 24 of 29 Female Male 2005/06 Female Male 2006/07 Female Male 2007/08 Female Male 2008/09 Female Male 2009/10 Table 3d – 3f Non-academic staff by age Essex East 1994 group Sector 25 and under 26 -35 15.5 20.8 10.4 20.8 13.0 20.7 11.3 22.7 2004-05 2005-06 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 25 and under 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 20.0 24.5 18.9 0.4 16.7 20.4 20.0 24.1 18.5 0.4 23.5 26.9 17.6 0.8 10.2 21.4 23.3 26.5 18.0 0.6 23.6 25.3 16.4 0.9 13.9 21.0 23.5 24.7 16.0 0.8 25.0 25.6 14.9 0.4 11.2 23.1 24.9 25.2 15.2 0.4 50.0 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 Essex 20.0 East 15.0 1994 group 10.0 Sector 5.0 0.0 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2004-05 Page 25 of 29 56 - 65 66 and over 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2005-06 56 - 65 66 and over Essex East 1994 group Sector 2006-07 2007-08 25 and under 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 25 and under 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 17.5 21.7 19.2 23.1 18.2 0.3 24.3 19.2 17.1 21.6 17.1 0.9 9.8 21.2 23.5 26.5 18.3 0.7 9.4 21.7 23.9 26.0 18.3 0.6 12.8 21.5 23.4 24.9 16.6 0.8 12.9 21.7 23.7 24.5 16.4 0.9 10.8 23.5 24.9 25.0 15.4 0.4 10.7 23.6 24.9 24.8 15.4 0.5 50.0 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 Essex 25.0 East 20.0 1994 group 15.0 Sector 10.0 5.0 0.0 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2006-07 Page 26 of 29 56 - 65 66 and over 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2007-08 56 - 65 66 and over Essex East 1994 group Sector 2008-09 2009-10 25 and under 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 25 and under 26 -35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 + 19.4 21.8 18.5 21.5 17.6 1.2 20.6 22.0 19.2 21.2 15.3 1.7 9.4 22.2 23.8 25.5 18.3 0.8 8.0 23.0 24.0 25.9 18.3 0.8 13.0 22.0 23.6 24.1 16.2 1.0 11.8 22.7 24.1 24.4 15.9 1.0 10.8 23.8 24.8 24.7 15.3 0.6 10.7 24.2 24.8 24.7 15.0 0.7 50.0 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 Essex 25.0 East 20.0 1994 group 15.0 Sector 10.0 5.0 0.0 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2008-09 Page 27 of 29 56 - 65 66 and over 25 and under 26 -35 35 - 45 46 - 55 2009-10 56 - 65 66 and over Table 3g Non-academic staff by ethnicity Essex East 1994 Sector 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 White BME White BME White BME White BME White BME White BME 93.9 6.1 92.7 7.3 91.4 8.6 90.5 9.5 89.9 10.1 88.8 11.2 94.3 5.7 93.8 6.2 94.3 5.7 93.0 7.0 92.7 7.3 93.7 6.3 91.8 8.2 90.7 9.3 91.0 9.0 90.6 9.4 90.1 9.9 89.9 10.1 91.9 8.1 91.4 8.6 91.2 8.8 90.7 9.3 90.3 9.7 90.2 9.8 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 Essex 50.0 East 40.0 1994 30.0 Sector 20.0 10.0 0.0 White BME 2004-05 Page 28 of 29 White BME 2005-06 White BME 2006-07 White BME 2007-08 White BME 2008-09 White BME 2009-10 Table 3h. Non- academic staff (UK nationals) by ethnicity 2004/05 2005/06 Essex East 1994 Group Sector White UK national 97.7 96.8 98.7 94.5 BME UK national 2.3 3.2 5.0 5.5 White UK national 97.8 96.7 94.4 94.2 2006/07 BME UK national 2.2 3.3 5.6 5.8 White UK national 97.9 96.5 94.4 94.0 2007/08 BME UK national 2.1 3.5 5.6 6.0 White UK national 95.6 96.0 94.1 93.7 2008/09 BME UK national 4.4 4.0 5.9 6.3 White UK national 95.8 96.0 93.7 93.4 2009/10 BME UK national 4.2 4.0 6.3 6.6 White UK national 94.7 95.7 93.2 93.1 BME UK national 5.3 4.3 6.8 6.8 100.0 80.0 60.0 Essex East 40.0 1994 Group 20.0 Sector 0.0 White UK national BME UK national 2004/05 James Lewis Planning Office October 2011 Page 29 of 29 White UK national BME UK national 2005/06 White UK national BME UK national 2006/07 White UK national BME UK national 2007/08 White UK national BME UK national 2008/09 White UK national BME UK national 2009/10