Integrity Watch Afghanistan has intended to develop a

Request for Proposal
Consulatant for Book, Booklet & Manual Development
Date of issue
Submission of Question Deadline
Submission Deadline:
Submission Place:
24.02.2014 ( 13/12/92)
11.03.2014 ( 20/12/92)
House 61, Qomandan Gada Street,
Opposite Municipality Blocks, Kolola
If you need information regarding to RFP, please contact the bellow E-maill
House 61, Qommandan Gada Street, Opposite Municipality Blocks, Kolola Pushta, Kabul, Afghanistan
+93 (0) 785431054 | |
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. About Integrity Watch Afghanistan ……………………………………………………………………………. 3
1.2. Background of Integrity Initiative Project …………………………………………………………………… 3
1.3. Objective of Consultancy Service ……………………………………………………………………………….. 3
2. Tender Guidelines
2.1. Instruction to interested applicants …………………………………………………………………………
2.1.1.Definition of Terms used in the Document ………………………………………………………….. 4
2.1.2.Proposal to be submitted …………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.1.3.Contract Funded by Donor …………………………………………………………………………………… 4
2.1.4.Service Title ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
2.1.5.Examination of the Document ………………………………………………………………………………. 4
2.1.6.Responsibility for Cost ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
2.1.7.Confidentiality ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
2.1.8.Language of Proposal ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
2.1.9.Proposal Submission Requirements ………………………………………………………………………. 5
2.1.10. Packaging ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
2.1.11. Authorized Signature …………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
2.1.12. Offeror Qualifications ………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
2.1.13. Prime Contractor Responsibility ………………………………………………………………………….6
2.1.14. Award ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
2.1.15. Conflict of interest and exclusion ……………………………………………………………………….
3. Award Criteria……………………………………………………………………………….. 7
4. Key Competencies ………………………………………………………………………… 7
5. Selection Criteria ……………………………………………………………………………7
6. Annex 1 Terms of Reference………………………………………………………………8
7. Deliverables ………………………………………………………………………………….11
8. Reporting Requirements …………………………………………………………………..11
9. Timeline ……………………………………………………………………………………….12
10. Financial and Technical Proposal …………………………………………………………………………………12
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About Integrity Watch Afghanistan
Integrity Watch is an Afghan civil society organization committed to increase transparency,
accountability, and integrity in Afghanistan.
The mission of Integrity Watch is to put corruption under the spotlight through community monitoring,
research, and advocacy. We mobilize and train communities to monitor infrastructure projects, public
services, courts, and extractives industries. We develop community monitoring tools, provide policyoriented research, facilitate policy dialogue, and advocate for integrity, transparency, and
accountability in Afghanistan.
Integrity Watch was created in October 2005 and established itself as an independent civil society
organization in 2006. It has approximately 90 staff members and 700 volunteers. The head office of
Integrity Watch is in Kabul with provincial programmatic outreach in Badakhshan, Balkh,Bamyan,
Herat, Kabul, Kapisa, Logar, Nangarhar, Parwan, Panjshir,Samangan,and Wardak.
Integrity Watch has four program pillars including Community Based Monitoring, Public Service
Monitoring, Extractive Industries Monitoring, and Community Trial Monitoring. Integrity Watch has two
cross-cutting units: Research Unit and Advocacy and Communication Unit.
Background of Integrity Initiative Project
Under Advocacy and Communication Unit, Integrity Watch is going to implement a project “Harakat
Integrity Initiative” with the financial support of Harakat and in cooperation with the Ministry of Irshad,
Hajj and Awqaf. The overall aim of the project is to reduce corruption through public awareness.
The objective of this project is to increase awareness, promote integrity and mobilize public opinion to
encourage collective action against corruption.
Integrity Watch Afghanistan has intended to develop a Book, Booklet and Manual that must explain
corruption in detail and from the perspective of Islam and meanwhile it must include a comprehensive
guidance to religious leaders (Ulema) to know how to fight corruption.
Objectives of Consultancy Service
To develop a Book, Booklet and Manual on corruption in the light of Islam
o This book should remain as a source for Ulema (Religious Leaders) to refer to, the
Ulema can use this source book when they speak to general public and in particular
when they talk to specific religious and legal persons and entities
o The Book should have two parts, the first part should be solely written from the
perspective of Islam
o The second part should be from the point of view of civil activist and lawyers. This part
must guide the reader to fight corruption effectively and efficiently
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To develop a booklet for the students of schools and Madrasas to help learn about corruption
and its impacts on the society and must enable them to catch things from it, then can take part
in the competition that will take place on regional and national level in the country
To develop a Training of Trainers Manual that should help Ulema to train other Ulema to learn
more about corruption and the knowhow of fighting corruption so that to take active part in
the fight against corruption
Tender Guidelines
2.1. Instructions to interested Offerors
2.1.1. Definition of Terms Used in the Document
The entity that needs technical assistance for the purpose of implementing the project,
hereafter Integrity Watch Afghanistan is called the applicant in this RFP.
Harakat-Afghanistan Investment Climate Facility Organization (Harakat-AICFO),
hereafter Harakat- Afghanistan Investment Climate Facility Organization called the
Donor in this RFP.
The total amount of money provided by Harakat-AICFO for the purpose of
implementing the project
Harakat Integrity Initiative Project
The entities are interested to provide the technical assistance for the Applicant and
participate in the bidding process of the project
2.1.2. Proposal to be submitted
Technical proposals are solicited from interested and qualified firms. The administrative and technical
requirement as detailed throughout the Request for proposal (RFP) will apply. Financial proposal shall
be submitted along with technical proposals. Upon detailed evaluation of the proposals, one firm will
be selected for contract negotiation
2.1.3. Contract funded by Donor
The contract will be funded by Harakat in accordance with the terms and conditions of its operations
2.1.4. Service Title
The Consultancy is called “Book, Booklet and Manual Development on Anti-Corruption in the Light of
2.1.5. Examination of the Document
Offerors should carefully examine this RFP. It will be assumed that Offerors have done such inspection
and that through examination, inquiries and investigations they have become familiarized with local
conditions and nature of problems to be solved during the execution of the Consultancy.
Offerors shall address all items as specified in this RFP. Failure to adhere to this format may disqualify
an Offeror from further consideration.
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Submission of a proposal shall constitute evidence that the Offeror has made all the above
examinations and investigations, and is free of any uncertainty with respect to conditions that would
affect the execution and completion of the Consultancy.
2.1.6. Responsibility for Cost
Offerors shall be fully responsible for all costs incurred in the development and submission of the
proposal or any cost incurred by Offeror prior to issuance of an agreement or contract. Integrity Watch
assumes no contractual obligation as a result of the issuance of the proposal request, the preparation
or submission of a proposal by an Offeror, the evaluation of proposals, or final selection.
2.1.7. Confidentiality
Integrity Watch will use its best efforts to preserve the confidentiality of any business proprietary or
confidential information submitted by the Offerors, which is clearly designated as such by the Offeror.
2.1.8. Language of Proposal
All proposal documents shall be prepared and submitted in national languages.
2.1.9. Proposal Submission Requirements
The Cover Letter in the proposal must be addressed to:
Abdul Qahir Tahiryan
Logistics and Procurement Officer
Integrity Watch Afghanistan
Address: House # 61, Commander Gada Street, Opposite Municipality Blocks, Kolola Pushta, Kabul
An original and two copies of the proposal must be received at the above address no later than 4:00
P.M. on Feb 28, 2014.
Proposals may be either sent by mail, overnight courier, or hand-delivered. Upon timely receipt, all
proposals become the property of Integrity Watch Afghanistan.
2.1.10. Packaging
Each proposal must be sealed to ensure confidentiality of the information. The proposals should be
individually wrapped and sealed, and labelled for the content including “Original” or “Copy number x”;
the original and two copies should be collectively wrapped and sealed, and clearly marked for content.
Integrity Watch will not be responsible for premature opening of proposals not properly labelled.
2.1.11. Authorized Signature
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The proposal must contain the signature of a duly authorized officer or agent of the Offeror
empowered with the right to bind the Offeror.
2.1.12. Offeror Qualifications
Offeror shall submit evidence of relevant past experience and proof of similar delivered advisory and
technical assistance services as required in Section 4.
2.1.13. Prime Contractor Responsibility
Offerors do not have the option of subcontracting all or parts of the services they propose.
2.1.14. Award
An award resulting from this RFP shall be made to the best qualified Offeror based on both quality and
cost, taking into consideration the evaluation factors set forth herein; however, the right is reserved to
reject any and all proposals received and, in all cases, Integrity Watch will be the judge as to whether a
proposal has or has not satisfactorily met the requirements of this RFP.
2.1.15. Conflict of Interest
Applicants must disclose in their completed proposals any circumstances, including personal financial
and business activities that will, or might, give rise to a real, potential or perceived conflict of interest
as a result of taking part in this procurement exercise or, if awarded, a contract for the Services. This
also applies to any sub-contractors proposed by applicants as part of their completed proposal or at
any subsequent stage of this procurement exercise. Where applicants identify any potential conflicts in
their completed proposal, they should state how they intend to avoid such conflicts. Integrity Watch
reserves the right to reject any application to pre-qualify or any subsequent tender for Services which,
in Integrity Watch opinion, gives rise, or could potentially give rise to, a conflict of interest.
Applicants are responsible for ensuring that no conflicts of interest exist as between, advisors
appointed by the applicant and those appointed by Integrity Watch Afghanistan or the applicant and
Integrity Watch or any advisor to Integrity Watch.
Applicants shall advise Integrity Watch as soon as they are aware of any circumstances that could give
rise to a conflict and shall propose measures that may be taken to eliminate such conflict. Conflicts
include potential, actual and perceived conflicts.
Failure to comply with this conflict of interest obligation could lead to the disqualification of the
applicant in question from this procurement process.
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Award Criteria
Individual proposals will be initially evaluated by a Selection Committee from Integrity Watch
Afghanistan which will come up with technically qualified firms. Qualified firms will be those firms
whose technical proposals have met the minimum technical requirements and deemed capable of
conducting the assignment. Companies whose bids meet the minimum technical requirements shall
proceed to financial evaluation where their financial proposal will be opened and the companies will be
ranked based on costs quoted. Integrity Watch will proceed to negotiate a contract with the least
priced technically qualified firm. If a satisfactory contract cannot be negotiated with the first least
priced, technically qualified company, negotiation will be formally terminated. Negotiations shall then
be undertaken with the second priced qualified Offeror and so forth.
Key Competencies
Agency must have experience in undertaking similar assignments. The experience must be
clearly demonstrated in the proposal and evidence attached.
Agency should provide documents in the form of work order, completion certificates of
completed assignments and any other documents to validate the experiences claimed.
Agency should demonstrate its capability in similar assignments relating to consumer
Agency must demonstrate organizational capacity, such as financial and project management
systems, to manage the assessment in a timely and per the expected quality.
Selection Criteria
The selection of the Contractor will be based on, but not limited to, the following criteria:
Max. Points
Relevant experience of the Offeror in Books, Booklet and Manual development, in
the context of Afghanistan.
Realistic work methodology and work plan with feasible and realistic timeframes
to conduct the assessment.
Institutional capability of the Offeror to satisfactorily manage the Service
Proposal quality and level of details around the methodology, work plan, timeline,
and eligibility details on the overall suitability of the Offeror for the assessment.
CVs of all staff proposed for this assignment should be included in the
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Annex1. Terms of Reference
The service will develop the needed Book on Anti-Corruption in the light of Islam. Around 5,000 books
will be printed and distributed to the religious scholars of the mosques across the country. In the light
of the book, Ulemas in the mosque will preach about corruption and its impact on the society. This
book will also guide the leaders to talk about how to fight corruption.
Around 20,000 copies of the booklet will be distributed to students in schools and Madrassas. The
booklet that is summary of the book on corruption can help students to take part in regional and
national competition. To this scope, Integrity Watch Afghanistan is seeking to recruit a consultancy firm
to develop the Book, Booklet and Manual with the following responsibilities, (to which the Offeror shall
address their capacities, point by point)
A highly qualified team of religious scholars who must have a strong background in religious
studies and broader knowledge in social, legal and political issues.
- There should be a team of experts who must have the ability to compile, edit and evaluate the
document from the perspective of sociology, communication, national and international law
- Inputs from anti-corruption experts should also be incorporated in the book to guide religious
leaders to help them teach the subject to the audience
- The consultant who work on the Book, Booklet and Manual should be regularly in touch with
Integrity Watch to update the project team about the progress and to make sure that there is
no unnecessary delay in the process
- As soon as the draft copy of the Book is developed, a copy of it must be submitted to Integrity
Watch to review it with the cooperation of the Ministry of Hajj and Religious Affairs
- Any suggestions made by the project team must be integrated into the document
Experts interested in developing the Book, Booklet and Manual are requested to consider the following
but should not be limited to these points when they submit the RFP to Integrity Watch.
Book Development
Introductory Part
o Acknowledgment
o Introduction
Part 1
o Basic Concepts
 What is corruption?
 Types of Corruption
 Vulnerable areas of corruption
 Factors of corruption
 Level of corruption
 Consequences of corruption
Part 2
o History of Anti-Corruption in Islamic Societies, example, from early times to present
o Transparency in Islam
o Accountability in Islam
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Part 3
o How to fight corruption?
 Community Based Monitoring of informed projects and public services
 Access to information and
 social audit
 Role of Ulemas in fighting corruption
 Role of Madrasas in fighting corruption (Recommendations)
 Role of youth in fighting corruption
 Role of families in fighting corruption
 Role of women against corruption
 How to report through mobile phones (call & SMS)
 What is “Report a bribe” website
Booklet Development
- Introduction
Short introduction of Integrity Watch, Harakat and Ministry of Hajj and
Religious Affairs (not more than one page/double side) with regards to
publishing of this publication
Current status of corruption in Afghanistan (not more than two pages)
Definition of corruption
Causes, factors and types of corruption and their definitions in plain language
Impact of corruption (economy, business, investment, social and political life
Corruption from the perspective of Islam
o Verses of the Holy Quran
o Ahadees Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon Him)
o Sayings of other great Islamic scholars
How to fight corruption
o Ways and Means
o Role of students in fight against corruption
o What will happen if not fought
o Explaining Report a bribe website
o How can one report a corrupt practice through their mobile phones (calling
and SMS)
Training Manual Development
Introduction to Manual
o Rational for Training
o Purpose of the Manual and the Target Group
o How to use the manual
o The Training Objectives
Section One
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o What is corruption
1. Bribery
2. Extortion
3. Fraud
4. Collusion
5. Money-Laundering
6. Relationship between bribery and fraud
o Who is liable for corruption offences?
1. Individual Liability
2. Corporate Liability
3. Range of Persons who may be Liable
4. Etc……..
o Why corruption should be avoided?
1. Risk of Criminal Prosecution
2. Risk of Financial Loss
3. The Moral Argument
Section Two
o Example of Corruption
1. Loser’s fee
2. Price fixing
3. Manipulation of pre-qualification
4. Bribery to obtain main contract award
5. Bribery during sub-contract procurement
6. Corruptly negotiated contract
7. Manipulation of design
8. Specification of overly sophisticated design .
9. Inflation of resources and time requirements
10. Obtaining a quotation only for price comparison
11. Concealment of financial status
12. Intention to withhold payment
13. Submission of false quotation
14. Falsely obtaining export credit insurance
15. Etc.
Section Three
o Corruption from the Point of View of Islam
1. Bribe
2. Embezzlement
3. Fraud
4. Money Laundering
5. Etc
o Role of Religious Leaders (Ulemas) in Curbing Corruption
1. Liabilities of Ulemas after having this training
2. Importance of Ulemas Preaches through pulpits in countering
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o How to fight corruption
1. Report a bribe website
2. Call Centre
3. Community Based Monitoring
4. Etc
No. of deliverables
Draft copies of the Book
5 copies
Final copy
5 copies
Draft Copies of Booklet
20 copies
Final Copies of Booklet
20 copies
Draft Copy of Training Manual
Final Copy of Training Manual
Reporting Requirements
The Offeror must update the Harakat Integrity Initiative Project team about the progress every fifth
day. For example if the work starts on Sunday, the Offeror is required to report the progress on
In light of the description above, it is required that the Offeror explains their methodology considering
the objectives, specific tasks and deliverables of project.
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Offeror must provide a detailed timeline for the assignment. Integrity Watch prefers the assignment to
be completed within 6 to 8 weeks from the date of award of the contract. However, the Offeror can
propose a different timeline, considering the scope of work required for the service.
Financial and Technical Proposal
The Offeror must, in response to this RFP, provide Integrity Watch with a separate financial and a
technical offer, before March 1, 2014.
Tax will be deducted by Integrity Watch and will be paid to the government.
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