BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH NAME Uno Wennergren eRA COMMONS USER NAME POSITION TITLE Associate Professor EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.) DEGREE INSTITUTION AND LOCATION YEAR(s) FIELD OF STUDY (if applicable) Linköping University M.S. . Ph.D. - Linköping University University of Washington, USA A. 1993 1993-1994 Majors in both Mathematics and Biology Theoretical Biology Dept of Zoology Positions and Honors. 2005 - present, 1994 - 2004, 1994-1998. 2000-2005 B. 1986 Associate Professor in Theoretical Biology, The Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Linköping University, Sweden Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, Linköping University, Sweden Director of Studies of Mathematics and Science, Linköping University Chairman of the Educational Board of Mathematics and Science. Linköping University Selected peer-reviewed publications (in chronological order). 1. Nöremark M, N Håkansson, T Lindström, U Wennergren, and S. Sternberg Lewerin. In press. Spatial and temporal investigations of reported movements, births and deaths of cattle and pigs in Sweden. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. 2. Lindström T, Sisson SA, Nöremark M, Jonsson A, Wennergren, U. 2009. Estimation of distance related probability of contact between farms through animal transports and implications for disease spread. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 91: 85-94 3. Westerberg L, Lindström T, Nilsson E, Wennergren U. 2008. The effect on dispersal from complex correlations in small-scale movement. Ecological Modelling. 213 (2): 263-272. 4. Lindström T, Håkansson N, Westerberg L, Wennergren U. 2008. Splitting the tail of the displacement kernel shows the unimportance of kurtosis. Ecology. 89 (7): 1784-1790. 5. Håkansson N., Henningsson M., Mikael Rönnqvist M., and Wennergren U. (2007). Route planning reduces the costs of animal transportation: animal welfare versus economics. XIII International Congress in Animal Hygiene, ISAH-2007. 6. Westerberg and Wennergren. 2005. Matrix models: a tool for landscape management? In: New Trends in Ecology Research. Editor: A R Burk. Pp 135-158. Nova Science Publishing, New York, USA. 7. Westerberg, Östman, and Wennergren. 2005. Movement of a habitat generalist in heterogeneous landscapes. Ecological Modelling. 188. 432-447. 8. Westerberg L. and Wennergren, U. 2003. Predicting the spatial distribution of a population in a heterogeneous landscape. Ecological Modelling. 166. 53-65 PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page Biographical Sketch Format Page Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): PI Name 9. Wennergren and Stark. 2000. Modeling long-term effects of pesticides on populations: beyond just counting dead animals. Ecological application. 10(1):295-302. 10. Kareiva, Stark and Wennergren. 1996 Using demographic theory, community ecology, and spatial models to illuminate ecotoxicology. In: Ecotoxicology: Ecological dimensions, Editor Maltby, L & Greig-Smith, P. Chapman Hall. 11. Ebenman, Johansson, Jonsson and Wennergren. 1996. Evolution of stable population dynamics through natural selection. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B. 263:1145-1151 12. Habtewold, Landin, Wennergren and Bergman. 1995. Life table of the tef grasshopper, Aiolopus longicornis, under laboratory conditions and the effects of the pathogen Nosema locustae on its demography. Biological Control. 5: 497-502. 13. Ebenman, Hedenström, Wennergren, Ekstam, Landin and Tyrberg. 1995. The relationship between population density and body size: the role of extinction and mobility. Oikos. 73: 225-230. 14. Stark and Wennergren. 1995. Can population effects of pesticides be predicted from demographic toxicological studies? J. Econ Entomol. 88(5): 1089-1096. 15. Wennergren, Ruckelshaus and Kareiva. 1995. The promise and limitations of spatial models in conservation biology. Oikos, 74, 343-356. 16. Kareiva and Wennergren. 1995. Connecting landscape patterns to ecosystem and population processes. Nature, 373, 299-302. 17. Wennergren, Weinerfeldt and Forsling. 1994. Comparative sensitivity analysis of stable stage structures and reproductive values. Bull. Math. Biol. 56(3):945-957. 18. Wennergren and Landin. 1993. Population growth and structure in a variable environment. I. Aphids and temperature variation. Oecologia 93(3):394-405. 19. Landin and Wennergren. 1987. Temperature effects on population growths of mustard aphids. Swed. J. Agric. Res. 17:13-18. C. Research Support. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Wenner-Gren Center and Swedish Institute: Postdoc 1993-94 SJFR project, 50% of full time per year during 1998-1999 SJFR project, 50% of full time per year during 2001 TFR/VR: Graduate student in NGSSC for 1998-2004, L Formas: 15% of full time. The landscape ecology of plant protection in organic farming. 2002-2005. Graduate students in NGSSC, National Graduate School of Scientific Computing: one 2003-2006, four students 2007-2009 7. Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency/Swedish Emergency Management Agency: Project leader (and PI) of ‘Spread of infectious diseases, a threat to Swedish livestock’. 2005-2009 8. Animal Welfare Agency and Swedish Agricultural Board: Project leader (and PI) of Animal welfare, transport and logistics. 2006-2009. Role in Current Project Dr. Wennergren is an expert in spatiotemporal modeling and estimating probabilities of movement patterns. Both areas applies to disease modeling. He has worked with animal disease modelling within Swedish farming system, analyzed and customized the Swedish transport/shipment data. He is also PI of a larger project optimizing transport planning and routes with regard to animal shipments to slaughterhouses. As co-PI of this project, he will be responsible for estimating probabilities of shipments and formulating the . disease modelling. D. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 2 Continuation Format Page