8-week Mindfulness course TESTIMONIALS

8-week Mindfulness course TESTIMONIALS
10/10 – i have given the course this rating because i found it extremely beneficial in all areas of my
life – physical and emotional. Thank you so much was a wonderful experience.
Diane, Belfast
I found this course, very practical, beneficial and useful. Bridgeen is lovely. It’s a fantastic course, it
has helped me personally and therefore professionally, thank you.
Jayne, Belfast
I am now aware i can be different. 8 weeks ago i found it hard to sit still for 5 minutes, now i find i
can do it and want to do it (and enjoy it!) for half an hour a day.
Jane, Belfast
This has been an awakening, watershed experience. The mindfulness exercises i learned helped me
experience life more fully with a subsequent sense of harmony and wellbeing.
Marie, Belfast
I didn’t really understand how mindfulness could help me previously, I now understand that it helps
me to stop and respond rather than react. Learning to breathe and use this as a coping strategy was
very good. I really understand why a day out in silence is so beneficial. I really felt the benefits of
the mindful eating and walking. I think there was accumulative effect.
Helena, Bangor
It’s changed my life! I’m more positive/real towards aspects of my life and have accepted myself.
Make everyone do this – its amazing! Thank you B!
Sarah, Belfast
I found the course life changing. As a result I have avoided anti-depressants and am almost off
sleeping tablets. I will be forever grateful. Thank you!! 
Tracey, Belfast
I am now aware of the value of a daily meditation practice to manage stress and work with others in
a useful and meaningful way. What was most meaningful was getting in touch with my own body,
looking inwards rather than focus on the external. Capturing the little moments of insights.
Anonymous, Belfast
10/10 the course helped me on many levels – helped lower stress, helped wake me up again to all of
life’s marvels. To remember to look around me helped in both personal and work life.
One day retreat was fantastic, would like to do this on a monthly basis.
Bridgeen was a fantastic teacher, felt really comfortable working with her.
Anonymous, Belfast
This is a really worthwhile course that has a lot to offer. I used the programme for stress
management and self care. Personally and professionally the programme has taught me to be more
aware, grounded and in control of stressful situations. It armed me with knowledge and skills that
have changed my life.
Anonymous, Belfast
I now have a commitment to myself to myself to have a mindfulness day once a month. I would
never have felt i had the time before but now i realise its about priorities and i’m important. Being
more present has made me more aware of hte positive things i have around me.
Anonymous, Belfast
What was most valuable in the programme was the experience of awaking to life – good, happy and
painful. I found the practice brought harmony and wellbeing to my days.
Anonymous, Belfast
I will use all my newly learned techniques to help me with my family life, to improve and enhance
our relationships. I will try and remember in my busy days to be kind to myself, to stop beating
myself up so often. I will try and accept and just be! 
Anonymous, Belfast
I want to continue the practice to help me take time out for myself and live in the here and now
rather than in my head.
Anonymous, Belfast
A very worthwhile course, Bridgeen was very motivational in her leading of the group.
Anonymous, Belfast
10/10 – im now in the process of dealing more rationally with stress and beginner to feel more at
peace. I thoroughly enjoyed the course – it was amazing!
Anonymous, Belfast
More aware coming from a place of loving kindness of self rather than just toward others. Thank you
for teaching this course. I really enjoyed the practice and will continue for life.