Introduction Built in the South Fork Zumbro River floodplain in southeastern Minnesota, the City of Rochester has experienced more than 20 major floods throughout the course of its history (Lisk 2000). Over two days in early July of 1978, intense rains fell on Rochester, including a three hour period in which 5 inches were recorded at the airport (USGS 2008). The resulting floods drove 5000 residents from their homes, killed 5 people, and caused $79 million in damage (List 2000 and Buckley 2004). Today, two-thirds of the city is located in the river floodplain (Buckley 2004). In response to the 1978 flood, Rochester, Olmsted County, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, the US Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) and Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) combined forces to design and implement the South Zumbro Watershed Flood Control Project. The project consists largely of upstream reservoirs designed by the NRCS and channel improvements made by USACE. Approved for operation in 1982 [by US congress?] (probably by the SZWFCP board), the project was completed in 1996 at a cost of $124 million (Rainford, 2004). The project is credited with saving the city millions of dollars in additional flood damage and won an Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award of Merit from the American Society of Civil Engineers in 2000 (Hunt 2000). FIGURE 1 The 1978 flood near its peak (City of Rochester). QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Brief history of the political and administrative aspects of the project The NCRS portion of the project cost came to $26 million, which includes design, construction, securing land rights, and implementing a sediment reduction program (Ulman 2008). The USACE part of the project cost $100 million (Rainford 2004). The City of Rochester and Olmsted County are responsible for the maintenance and operation costs of the project. The city has a one half cent sales tax, which, among other services, funds maintenance on the dams. Because of the flood control project, the 2007 floods that wreaked havoc on much of Southeastern Minnesota did little damage in Rochester. An estimated $70 million in damages was avoided (Ulman 2008). The U.S. Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act (Public Law 83-566) allows the NRCS to provide technical and financial assistance to local governments seeking to implement flood protection programs (NRCS 2005). With this authority, NRCS (known at the time as the Soil Conservation Service) designed and built 7 dams in the South Zumbro Watershed: 6 for flood control and one that provided flood control and recreational opportunities (Buckley 2004). The dams are located on 4 of the tributaries of the South Fork Zumbro River, all of which converge with the river in the City of Rochester: Cascade Creek, Silver Creek, Bear Creek, Willow Creek (SCS 1990). The dams reduce the peak flows of the Zumbro River by 16%, Cascade Creek by 21%, and Bear Creek by 35% (Ulman 2008 and Lisk 2000). NCRS designed the dams to hold 100 years of sediment before they needed to be cleaned out (Copeland 2008). To ensure that the reservoirs did not become clogged, the local NCRS office instructed landowners in how to reduce the amount of erosion coming off of their lands. By encouraging little- and no-till practices and strip cropping, 50% of the watershed is now at the tolerable level of 5 tons/acre-year of soil erosion (Copeland 2008). Project Summary One of the three flood control dams on Cascade Creek, known as KR-3, is the subject of our project and this report. The purpose of the project was to familiarize ourselves with the concepts of watershed engineering. To do so we investigated the existing KR3 structure and its watershed, and then determined for ourselves some of the important parameters needed to design KR3… Design Info: If there were two 100-year rainfall events spaced 10 days apart, the water level in the KR3 reservoir would be at the bottom of the spillway. The top of the dam was designed for the probable maximum precipitation: 26” in one day. Watershed 200,540 acres (Buckley 2004) topography: varies from nearly level to steep (SCS brocure), geology: “much of the drainage area [of entire Zumbro watershed] is within a geologic area known as the “Driftless Area,’ with topography comprised of a unique landform known as ‘krast.’ Krast features are characterized by numerous underground streams, sinkholes, blind valleys and springs, and are highly susceptible to groundwater contamination” soil types: mostly well drained silt loam land use: largely agricultural, pasture… climate: greater Zumbro watershed receives between 29 and 33 inches per year. (NRCS Zumbro Watershed) AWARDS & ACCOLADES Minnesota Watershed Recognized By American Society of Civil Engineers - The South Zumbro Watershed Project in southeastern Minnesota received an Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award of Merit from the American Society of Civil Engineers. The project, located in the city of Rochester, was one of five honored during an award ceremony in Washington D.C. on April 29. Several representatives from the Federal, State and local partnership that worked on the project attended the ceremony. Minnesota representatives included Rochester Mayor Charles Canfield; City Councilmen Dennis Hanson and Dave Semjen; NRCS State Conservationist William Hunt; Robert Romocki, NRCS Engineer, Southeast Minnesota; and two representatives from the Army Corps of Engineers. The strong partnership exhibited during the project was praised during the ceremony. Partners included Army Corps of Engineers, Olmsted and Upper Zumbro Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, City of Rochester, and Olmsted County. The South Zumbro Watershed Project in Dodge and Olmsted counties consists of seven floodcontrol structures placed strategically along streams in the watershed. NRCS contributed $24 million toward the project; the Corps of Engineers also completed $100 million in channel work in the watershed. South Zumbro, completed in 1996, provides flood protection, flood prevention and recreation to residents in Dodge and Olmsted counties. Watershed Response Solution approach The overall goal of this project is to reduce the downstream peak flow in the most effective and efficient way. A reduction of peak outflow to 100 cfs for the 6.17 inch (100 year, 24 hour) storm was deemed necessary. Assessing the incoming water volume was the first step in the design process. After delineating our watershed using a topographic map, we split the total watershed into five sub-watersheds using six given structure locations, shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Sub-watershed Specifications Parameters Several parameters are required to perform watershed analysis: the area of the watershed, the time of concentration (tc), and the watershed curve number (CN). We found the areas of the sub-watersheds using a digitizer. Also, using a topographic map, we determined the time of concentration for each subwatershed. The curve numbers were then calculated using the SCS tables with both observed and mapped land-use/land-cover (LULC) information. Analysis For our design, we considered three options: a single structure design located at structure 6 (KR-3), a two-structure design including the upstream structures 1 and 3, and a multiple-structure design including structure 6, structure 1, and structure 3. Upon SEDCAD analysis of these systems, we determined that a single structure design is the most effective method of flood control. Table 1, below, summarizes the peak discharge, runoff depth, and runoff volume for each subwatershed as well as the cumulative values (shown in bold). See the appendix for the SEDCAD outputs. Table 1: Summary of watershed runoff values – standard values Structure (#) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Subwatershed(s) (#) Peak Discharge (cfs) Runoff Depth (in) Runoff Volume (ac-ft) 1 347.75 3.43 41.79 1 347.75 3.43 41.79 2 222.00 1.37 28.24 1&2 551.44 3.39 70.02 3 601.91 3.23 98.41 3 601.91 3.23 98.41 4 274.45 0.80 31.96 3&4 777.47 3.28 130.37 1, 2, 3, & 4 1328.91 3.31 200.39 6 735.86 3.43 88.06 All 1829.24 3.35 288.45 To account for potential errors in our calculations of curve numbers and times of concentration, we performed two additional SEDCAD runs using inflated values of each, holding the other value constant. Table 2, below, shows these same values but with an increase of 15% in all curve numbers. Table 3 shows these same values with a 15% increase in all times of concentration. Table 2: Summary of watershed runoff values – CN increased by 15% Structure (#) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Subwatershed(s) (#) 1 1 2 1&2 3 3 4 3&4 1, 2, 3, & 4 6 All CN*1.15 86.00 85.00 84.00 86.00 86.00 Peak Discharge (cfs) 458.99 458.99 295.83 732.66 815.24 815.24 360.74 1056.69 1789.35 971.19 2457.66 Runoff Depth (in) 4.57 4.57 1.83 4.53 4.36 4.36 1.07 4.41 4.45 4.57 4.48 Runoff Volume (ac-ft) 55.73 55.73 37.86 93.59 132.71 132.71 42.63 175.33 268.93 117.44 386.37 Runoff Depth (in) 3.43 3.43 1.37 3.39 3.23 3.23 0.80 3.28 3.31 3.43 3.35 Runoff Volume (ac-ft) 41.79 41.79 28.24 70.02 98.41 98.41 31.96 130.37 200.39 88.06 288.45 Table 3: Summary of watershed runoff values – tc increased by 15% Structure (#) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Subwatershed(s) (#) 1 1 2 1&2 3 3 4 3&4 1, 2, 3, & 4 6 All Tc*1.15 (hours) 0.548 0.632 0.988 0.501 0.540 Peak Discharge (cfs) 329.42 329.42 208.42 522.88 568.20 568.20 261.25 740.97 1789.35 698.37 1685.14 From the above two tables of data it can be seen that an increase in curve number has a much greater impact on peak discharge and runoff volume. Clearly, time of concentration has no effect on runoff volume since it does not change the infiltration (i.e. the same excess depth occurs with a constant curve number), while a higher curve number correlates with higher excess depth. Thus, it is much more important to be accurate or appropriately conservative with curve numbers in a design than with time of concentration. One interesting observation regarding the runs involving CN and tc inflation is that the peak discharges through structure 5 are identical, even though the individual discharges through structures 1, 2, 3, and 4 are uniformly higher for the CN increase run. This may be purely coincidental, or could have something to do with channel routing restricting these values. As shown in (reference appropriate outflow hydrographs in appendix), channel routing had a small effect on peak flow. It reduced and delayed the peaks, but by a very small amount (nearly indiscernible on the graphs) because the actual lengths of the reaches were relatively short. Design of KR-3 Pond Storage information To develop the elevation storage curve, NRCS data was used. This data is listed in Table 4. Using this data, we determined the elevation storage values for KR-3. The calculations and results are listed in the appendix (Table 1A). Similar results can be obtained by using SEDCAD, which automatically develops an elevation-storage curve given elevation-area data. The elevation-storage curve for structure 6 (KR-3) is shown in Figure 3. Table 4. Elevation-area values for KR-3 Elevation (feet) 1092 1096 1100 1104 1108 1112 1116 1120 Surface Area (acre) 0.14 2.39 11.39 23.65 36.50 51.93 66.12 85.12 Figure 3. Elevation Storage Curve for Structure 6 (KR-3). Structure Six (KR-3) Elevation-Storage Curve 1000 900 800 Storage (ac-ft) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1092 1097 1102 1107 1112 1117 Elevation (ft) To determine the volume of the sediment, the NRCS Sediment Yield Curve, which is included in the appendix (Figure 1A), was used. Land use curve three and a reservoir sediment trap efficiency of 98% were used, and the total sediment mass and volume were computed for a deposition period of 100 years. It was also assumed that 80% of the sediment is submerged and had a bulk density of 50 lb/ft3 and that 20% of the sediment was aerated and had a bulk density of 75 lb/ft3. With these assumptions it was approximated that the bulk density was 60 lb/ft3. These calculations are listed in the appendix (Table 4A). The calculated sediment storage for KR-3 was 117.71 ac-ft. Spillway Design The elevation corresponding to the crest of the principal spillway can be determined using the elevation-storage curve and the calculated sediment volume, by setting the spillway crest elevation at the same elevation as the stored sediment. The value found using this method was 1104.7 feet. However, in our design the NRCS approximated value of 1108.5 feet was used, upon the recommendation of an executive in our engineering firm. Use of this higher elevation results in increased permanent pool depth and a larger dam. The diameter of the principal spillway was designed by specifying a target peak outflow of 100 cfs in response to the 6.17 inch (100 year, 24 hour) rainfall event. By trial and error using standard concrete (Manning’s n=0.011) pipe diameters in SEDCAD, the riser diameter of 48 inches and the barrel diameter of 30 inches were selected. The peak water surface elevation from the 100 year, 24 hour rainfall event corresponds to the elevation of the emergency spillway crest. This elevation was determined to be 1112.5 feet by the SEDCAD simulation. Design of the emergency spillway was based on NRCS guidelines. The design is based on a 6 hour rainfall depth for a class C structure. For this location, the rainfall depth was calculated to be 9.77 inches. The calculation for this rainfall depth is in the appendix. This depth was used in a SEDCAD simulation to determine the peak water surface elevation. This peak water elevation is used to design the emergency spillway embankment height. This elevation was 1115.1 feet. The elevation of the top of the dam was determined using the 6 hour probable maximum precipitation. For this location, this rainfall depth was 23.7 inches. SEDCAD was again used to simulate the event, and the peak water surface elevation was used to determine the elevation of the dam. This elevation was 1120.0 feet. Generate a schematic Hydrologic Impact The peak outflow from the watershed was greatly reduced when KR-3 was implemented in a SEDCAD simulation. For the 100 year, 24 hour storm, the peak outflow rate without the structure was 1829 cfs, and the peak outflow was 103 cfs with the structure. The hydrograph is shown in Figure 4. This reduction in peak flow will help prevent flooding in Rochester, MN and other nearby communities. Figure 4. Outflow and Inflow at Structure 6 (KR-3). Pond Storage Information of the Upstream Structures To develop the elevation storage curves for the two upstream ponds, elevation-area data was used. This data was determined by using GIS and a digitizer tablet to find areas bounded by contours on the topographic map of the site. This data is listed in Table 5. Using this data, we determined the elevation storage values for the upstream structures. The calculations and results are listed in the appendix (Tables 2A and 3A). Similar results can be obtained by using SEDCAD, which automatically develops an elevation-storage curve given elevation-area data. The elevation-storage curve for structures 1 and 3 are shown in Figures 5 and 6. Table 5. Elevation-area values for upstream structures 1 and 3. S1 S3 Elevation Area Elevation Area (ft) (ac) (ft) (ac) 1150 0.96 1140 0.97 1160 6.52 1150 12.12 1170 19.09 1160 37.33 1180 36.85 Figure 5. Elevation-storage curve for structure 1. Structure 1 Elevation-Storage Curve 450 400 Storage (ac-ft) 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1145 1150 1155 1160 1165 1170 1175 1180 1185 Elevation (ft) Figure 6. Elevation-storage curve for structure 3. Structure 3 Elevation-Storage Curve 350 300 Storage (ac-ft) 250 200 150 100 50 0 1135 1140 1145 1150 1155 1160 1165 Elevation (ft) The sediment volume was calculated in the same manner as for KR-3 (see previous section). The calculated sediment storage for structure 1 was 10.31 ac-ft and was 21.80 ac-ft for structure 3. Spillway Design of the Upstream Structures The elevation corresponding to the crests of the principal spillways were determined using the same method as was used in the design of KR-3. The values found using this method were 1154.0 feet and 1144.5 feet for structures 1 and 3, respectively. The diameters of the principal spillways were designed by specifying a target peak outflow of 10% of the peak inflow rate in response to the 6.17 inch (100 year, 24 hour) rainfall event. By trial and error using standard diameters of corrugated metal pipe (Manning’s n=0.025) in SEDCAD, riser diameters of 36 inches and barrel diameters of 24 inches were selected for both structures. The peak water surface elevation for each structure from the SEDCAD simulation corresponds to the elevations of the emergency spillways. These elevations were 1153.0 and 1243.1 feet for structures 1 and 3, respectively. Hydrologic Impact of the Upstream Structures At structure 1, the peak flow was reduced from 348 to 34 cfs. At structure 3, the peak flow was reduced from 602 to 48 cfs. With the upstream ponds, the peak inflow to KR-3 was reduced from 1829 to 1237 cfs, and the peak outflow at KR-3 was 99 cfs. The hydrographs for these three structures are shown in figures 7, 8, and 9. This data shows that the upstream structures, if used alone, would provide a 32% reduction in peak outflow from the watershed. The use of KR-3 alone results in a 94% reduction of peak outflow from the watershed. If all three structures are used, the peak flow reduction is 95%. From this, it is apparent that if all three structures are used, KR-3 is the structure that exhibits the greatest control over the outflow. The upstream structures should only be used if a decrease from 1829 to 1237 cfs is acceptable. If further peak flow reduction to approximately 100 cfs is desired, only KR-3 should be constructed. Under no circumstances should both the upstream structures and KR-3 be constructed, as the upstream structures exhibit little influence on the outflow from the watershed once KR-3 is in place. Figure 7. Hydrograph for structure 1. Figure 8. Hydrograph for structure 3. Figure 9. Hydrograph for KR-3 with upstream ponds in place. Conclusion Sources Buckley K. L. Minnesota Flood Control Project Offers Lessons to Future Engineers. Natural Resource Conservation Service; 2004 Oct [cited 6 Nov 2008]. Available from: City of Rochester. Available from: Copeland, Dave. Fieldtrip Lisk, Ian. After 150 Years Minnesota City Will See End of Major Flooding Problems. 2000 June [cited 13 Nov 2008]. Water Online. Available from: [NCRS] Natural Resource Conservation Service. Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention. United States Dept of Agriculture; updated 2005 [cited 6 Nov 2008]. Available from: Sylvia Rainford Friday, May 26, 2000 Washington, DC. NRCS This Week Pictures: Ulman, Elizabeth. Field trip USDA doc on watershed USDA United States Department of Agriculture. South Sumbro Watershed Flood Control Project. 1990 Feb. USDA Soil Conservation Service St. Paul MN USGS n.pdf Appendix Calculations and Results for Elevation-Storage Curve: Sample calculation: π΄π + π΄π−1 ππ = × (πΈππ − πΈππ−1 ) 2 Calculations and Results for Structure 6 (KR-3): Table 1A. Elevation-Storage Curve calculations for Structure 6 (KR-3). Elevation (ft) Area (ac) 1092 0.14 1096 1100 Structure 6 (KR-3) Avg ΔEL Area (feet) (acre) 1.265 4 5.06 6.89 4 27.56 2.39 5.06 11.39 32.62 1112 1116 70.08 102.7 4 120.3 36.5 223 44.215 4 176.86 59.025 4 236.1 51.93 399.86 66.12 635.96 75.62 1120 4 23.65 30.075 1108 Storage Vol (acre-ft) 0 17.52 1104 Vol (acre-ft) 4 302.48 85.12 938.44 Calculations and Results for Structure 1: Table 2A. Elevation-Storage Curve calculations for Structure 1. Structure 1 Avg Storage Elevation Area ΔEL Vol Area Vol (ft) (ac) (feet) (acre-ft) (acre) (acre-ft) 1150 0.96 0 3.74 1160 37.4 10 128.05 19.09 165.45 27.97 1180 37.4 6.52 12.805 1170 10 10 279.7 36.85 445.15 Calculations and Results for Structure 3: Table 3A. Elevation-Storage Curve calculations for Structure 3. Structure 3 Avg Storage Elevation ΔEL Vol Area (ac) Area Vol (ft) (feet) (acre-ft) (acre) (acre-ft) 1140 0.97 0 6.545 10 65.45 1150 12.12 65.45 24.725 1160 37.33 10 247.25 312.7 Calculations of sediment storage volume and mass: πππ π πππππ ππ‘ππ = (πΆπ’ππ£π 3 π£πππ’π) × πππ πππ ππππ × π΄πππ × 98% πππ π πππππ ππ‘ππ ππππ’ππ πππππ ππ‘ππ = ππ 60ππ‘ 3 Figure 1A. NRCS Sediment Yield Curve. Table 4A. Sediment storage mass and volume, and principal spillway elevation. Area Structure (sq mi) S1 0.21 S3 0.52 S6 (KR-3) 1.47 Curve 3 Value Mass Volume P.S. (tons/sq Deposited Deposited Elevation mi/y) (tons) (ac-ft) (ft) 1300 13477 10.31 1154.0 1100 28488 21.80 1144.5 1050 153825 117.71 1104.5 Calculations for the 6 hour rainfall depth for an NRCS class C structure: πΆπππ π πΆ ππππ‘β = π100 + 0.26 × (πππ − π100 ) 9.77 πππβππ = 4.88 πππβππ + 0.26 × (23.7 πππβππ − 4.88 πππβππ )