The Effects of Woody Biomass Removal and Fire on Soil and Ecosystem Properties in the Pacific Northwest NARA Soil Sustainability Group, University of Washington Robert Harrison, Jason James, Stephani Michelsen-Correa, Marcela Menegale Draft Literature Review and Report June 30, 2013 The conversion of woody biomass to energy has become a prime national policy objective in recent years. Bioenergy from forest residues is preferable to ethanol made from corn because growth in the sector will not drive up food prices. While the emergence of a bioenergy market from woody biomass could impact the price of wood products, utilizing non-bole woody material can minimize these effects. In the Pacific Northwest, one of the premier wood-producing regions in the world, additional removal of woody material from harvest sites raises questions about maintained site productivity and long-term sustainability. However, different questions must be asked depending upon which side of the Cascade Range potential harvest sites are located, due to differences in tree species, climate, and source of non-bole woody biomass. The question of sustainability of additional biomass removal from the East and West side of the Cascades will be tackled separately in this document. Forests West of the Cascades Disturbance history plays an important role in the quality of ecosystem services provided by our nation’s forests and must be taken into account by the agencies charged with managing these landscapes. Of particular significance in the Pacific Northwest is the role of fire. In Washington State, the forests on the west side of the Cascades historically have relatively long fire return intervals. These historical fire return intervals range from 217 years for Douglas fir stands to 937 years for cedar, spruce, and hemlock forests (Agee et al 1990; Fahnestock and Agee, 1983; Agee, 1993). When fires do burn on the west side of the Cascades they tend to be high severity, stand replacing events. Federal and state agencies have been highly effective in their fire suppression efforts, which has increased fuel loading. In spite of these efforts and large amounts of resources directed towards suppression there has been a recent spike in the average number of acres burned each year (Stephens and Ruth, 2005). The shift from a suppression centric fire management policy to one that recognizes fire as a “critical natural process, [that] will be integrated into land and to resource management plans and activities” (NWCG, 2001) has been a significant change to the decades long policy of excluding fire from the landscape. Additionally, its significance lies in the documented recognition of fire as an essential component of healthy ecosystems and that short term benefits of fire exclusion are a detriment to the long term health of the forest (USDA Forest Service, 1995). Slash burning has been a common practice in Douglas-fir forests on the west side of the cascades starting in the early 1900’s. Concerns were raised in the 1970’s about smoke from these slash fires which was followed by a reduction in the slash burning through the late 1980’s (Agee, 1993, Radke et al, 1990). Smoke and particulate emissions from prescribed fire continue to be an issue. Smoke management plans for prescribed burns need to follow the standards for clean air outlined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (EPA, 1998). Despite these concerns prescribed burning is still an important method for reducing hazardous fuel loads (Weisshaupt et al, 2005). Removal of slash as opposed to burning on site and its effect on soil nutrient retention has not been adequately addressed in literature for western Washington. [This section is probably in the most need of more development] Forests East of the Cascades On the East side of the Cascade Range, many forest stands are in need of restoration for a variety of attributes because of fire suppression and/or a lack of harvesting. Compared to the wet, maritime influenced climate on the West side of the Cascades, East-side forests are considerably drier, and historically had short fire return intervals from 6 to 24 years (Hatten et al., 2005). Due to a century of fire suppression, many stands have missed at least one or two fire cycles, leading to increased stand densities, accumulation of understory/ladder fuels, and unnatural buildup of course woody debris (CWD) on the forest floor (Schwilk et al., 2009; Stephens et al., 2012). Consequently, stand-replacing wildfires in Eastern Washington and Oregon have increased beyond their natural extent or frequency (Wright and Agee, 2004; Stephens et al., 2012). The historical role of fire in these forests was low-intensity, high frequency burns that maintained relatively low stand densities of old Ponderosa Pine, Douglas-fir, Lodgepole Pine, and Engelmann Spruce (Wright and Agee, 2004). Precommercial thinning (PCT) is an effective strategy to restore these ecological conditions and reduce fire hazard by removing small, understory trees, as well as some larger trees, to return the stand to historical densities and fuel loads. If land managers use PCT as a source of biomass for energy production, they may partially offset the costs of forest restoration (Page-Dumroese et al., 2010). However, the effects of such thinning on soil quality, function, and productivity should be carefully considered both in the context of severe wildfire burns and sustainable supply of biomass for future harvests. Soil Effects of Severe Wildfire The effect of fire on soil is a function of fire intensity, which is defined by the maximum temperature of the fire and the time that temperature remains at a certain point (Bento-Goncalves et al., 2012). Burn severity, on the other hand, describes the response of the ecosystem to fire, including effects on soil properties, hydrological dynamics, flora and fauna, the atmosphere, and society (BentoGoncalves et al., 2012). In general, stand replacing fires have the most deleterious effects due to sustained high intensity and consequent severity of the burn. This also informs the importance of the shift from high frequency, low intensity fire in the dry forests east of the Cascade Range to high intensity, stand replacing burns. The most intuitive change in soil properties due to fire is the combustion of the forest floor and loss of organic matter. Depending on the severity of the fire, the impact can be a small volatilization of minor constituents, charring, or complete oxidation (Certini, 2005). One year after severe wildfire on the Eastern slopes of the Cascades, Baird et al. (1999) observed 10-30% (7-25 Mg ha-1) decrease in soil C and 13-46% (0.4-3.0 Mg ha-1) decrease in soil N relative to unburned forest. Subsequent surface erosion removed an additional 280-640 kg C ha-1 and 14-22 kg N ha-1. Despite the inevitable loss of organic matter immediately following fire, Johnson and Curtis (2001) demonstrated an increase of ~8% in C in the A horizon 10 years or more after fire. The authors suggested three reasons for this increase: (I) incorporation of unburned residues in mineral soil; (II) the transformation of OM to more recalcitrant molecular forms; and (III) the entrance of N-fixing species, which can significantly enhance C sequestration (Johnson and Curtis, 2001). Incomplete oxidation of biomass leads to the creation of pyrolysis compounds that can significantly impact C dynamics in soil, particularly the accumulation of C in stable pools (Gonzalez-Perez et al., 2004). Volatilization of organic N during fire can decrease soil N reserves, depending on burn severity (Certini, 2005). Low to moderate intensity fires result in a flush soil ammonium, which dissipates quickly (Weston and Attiwill, 1990). High severity fires, on the other hand, can result in complete loss of the organic N stock and nitrogen deficiency on the site (Certini, 2005). The recovery of the soil C and N stocks depend at least partly on the burn severity: more complete oxidation of OM leads less unburned material to be incorporated in the soil and less char. In the most severe burn areas, complete loss of the forest floor and volatilization of N can result in long-term nutrient deficiencies and alter both above- and below-ground species composition on the site (Neary et al., 1999). Fire can result in an enrichment of available soil P, but this also dissipates quickly. Other nutrients, including Ca, K, Mg, B, and trace metals show only ephemeral changes due to fire. Fire denatures organic acids in soil, leading to inexorable rise in soil pH. However, large increases only occur at temperatures in excess of 450-500°C because complete combustion of fuel releases base cations to the soil (Arocena and Opio, 2003). The effect of fire on soil physical properties is likewise tied to burn severity. In low to moderate intensity fires, structure is often enhanced by the formation of a hydrophobic film on aggregate surfaces, while organic cements and hydrophobic substances are disrupted or decomposed at high temperatures (Badia and Marti, 2003; Mataix-Solera and Doerr, 2004). More complete combustion of surface fuels as well as disruption of hydrophobic substances in severe fires can lead to significant threat of surface erosion, particularly sheet and rill erosion (Baird et al., 1999). Nutrient loss due to accelerated erosion and ash entrainment in smoke columns is of most concern following severe fires (Neary et al., 1999). The shift to high severity wildfire on the East side of the Cascade Range can significantly affect subsequent soil productivity. In a bioassay using lettuce, Baird et al. (1999) found increased growth in soils following low to moderate severity fire, but decreased growth in soils burned by high severity fire relative to an unburned control soil. Widespread fuel reduction in Eastern Washington and Oregon is a necessary step to prevent the rise of high severity fire and loss of productivity. However, the costs of such measures (including PCT and controlled burning) have been prohibitive for widespread application. The creation of a biofuel market capable of utilizing thinning and fuel reduction biomass could provide a means for landowners to recoup expenses for forest restoration (Page-Dumroese et al., 2010). These restoration and thinning practices, however, have their own effects on soil properties, and must be carefully considered. Soil Effects of Woody Biomass Removal Similar to wildfire, a primary effect of PCT and fuel reduction treatments is reduced organic matter, particularly on the forest floor as coarse woody debris (CWD). Organic matter is essential for maintaining many ecosystem functions, including soil C and N cycling, regulating gas exchange and water availability, and supporting biological diversity (Jurgensen et al., 1997; Page-Dumroese and Jurgensen, 2006). Periodic stand disturbances due to thinning could have negligible short-term impacts (Sanchez et al., 2006), or more significant impacts depending on soil type, ecosystem, and climatic regime (Grigal, 2000; Grigal and Vance, 2000). Organic matter removal can induce changes to soil physical properties that may be more important for soil productivity than nutrient removal. For example, loss of forest floor and mineral soil organic matter lowers soil moisture retention, cation exchange capacity, and subsequent tree growth in coarse-textured soils (Ginter et al., 1979). While noting that no thinning studies had specifically examined the effect of organic matter removal in the Western U.S., Page-Dumroese et al. (2010) speculated that repeated thinnings over the life of a stand might impact some soils, particularly those with poor water- and nutrient-holding capacities. Compaction is the most likely effect of thinning activities on soil physical properties. Compaction can have a number of impacts, including decreased soil porosity, reduced movement of air, water and nutrient through soil, and reduced microbial activity (Thibodeau et al., 2000; Bulmer and Simpson, 2005; von Wilpert and Schaffer, 2006; Beylich et al., 2010). Rock content, soil texture and bulk density can all affect the susceptibility of soil to compaction (Page-Dumroese et al., 2006; Powers, 2006). Compared to clear-cut harvesting, thinning operations are more likely to concentrate compaction on harvest traffic lanes (McIver et al., 2003). Other potential impacts include: puddling through smearing of soil pores, which alters soil structure and prevents infiltration; churning; loss of the top mineral soil layer (Heninger et al., 2002); and rutting, which can disrupt hydrological cycles by creating preferential overland flow paths (Curran et al., 2005). Page-Dumroese et al. (2010) recommend using a risk-rating system for evaluating site sensitivity to each of these impacts, since these disturbances can be more detrimental to tree growth in localized areas than compaction. Such a risk-rating system has been proposed by Wall (2012) based on a meta-analysis of 86 studies that examined the effects of stem-only, whole tree, and thinning treatments. The effects of nutrient removal due to thinning or biomass-to-fuel harvests depend upon the total and available nutrient stores in the soil before treatment. Knowing the size of the soil pools and the total amount of nutrients removed in a thinning operation would facilitate management planning to replace or retain nutrients (Page-Dumroese and Jurgensen, 2006). However, this information is costly to obtain and rarely available for a specific site; estimates based upon biomass removal levels and soil data within the literature should be used in concert with best management practice (BMP) guidelines. A primary concern of additional removal of woody biomass from a site is the effect of reduced CWD and organic matter (OM) on microbial communities in soil. Nitrogen is often the most limiting nutrient for tree growth in western forest soils (Chappell et al., 1991), and plant availability of N (as NH4 and NO3) depends upon soil microbial activity. Loss of surface OM and canopy cover generally raises soil temperature, which increases decomposition and N mineralization rates (Smethurst and Nambiar, 1990). On the other hand, if large amounts of logging slash are left after harvest, microbes can immobilized most soil N in their biomass until the residues are decayed (Thibodeau et al., 2000). The degree and extent to which these changes to N mineralization affect a site depend on how much of the stand biomass (thinning intensity) was removed from the site (Page-Dumroese et al., 2010). Grady and Hart (2006) found that in stands thinned of about 40% of their basal area, mineral soil mineralizable N amounts were significantly less than unharvested stands. While the potential for productivity decline due to nutrient and organic matter deficiencies and negative impacts to soil physical properties certainly is present for biomass-to-energy thinning treatments, these effects pale in comparison to stand-replacing fire. Indeed, in forests that have been excluded from both harvesting and fire for many decades, returning them to historical stand densities and stand dynamics should be a management priority. Utilizing harvest residues from these stands for bioenergy, while maintaining best management practices, provides a viable path forward for ecosystem health, economic feasibility, and security of human infrastructure in forests of the Eastern Cascades. Literature Cited Agee, J. (1990) The historical role of fire in Pacific Northwest forests. In Walstad, J. et al. (eds.), Natural and prescribed fire in the Pacific Northwest forests: pp25-38. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press. Agee, J. (1993). Fire Ecology of Pacific Northwest Forests. Washington D.C.: Island Press. Arocena, J.M., Opio, C., 2003. Prescribed fire-induced changes in properties of subboreal forest soils. Geoderma 113, 1-16. Badia, D., Marti, C., 2003. 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