October 2015 School Census – Data Checklist


October 2015 School Census – Data Checklist

Before you create your census return, please ensure that the following items are up to date on your system.

‘Adopted from care’ pupils

The census enables schools to identify pupils who left local authority care through being adopted, or because they were the subject of either a special guardianship order, a residence order or a child arrangement order. This information is used by the DfE to allocate Pupil Premium funding.

Note for SIMS Users

This data item is shown in a separate panel on the census return details screen, not on the pupil details screen.


Attendance data will be collected for all pupils who were age 4-15 at the beginning of the 2014/15 academic year. Primary & secondary school data will be collected for the 2015 summer term. Special school attendance data will be collected for the whole 2014/15 academic year.

Enrolment Status

– dual registrations

All pupils on roll at your school and another school/PRU must have the correct enrolment status recorded (i.e. M = Dual Main or S = Dual



Data on exclusions is collected two terms in arrears. Details will be therefore collected of all permanent and fixed period exclusions for the

2015 spring term.

First Language

First language will be collected for all pupils who were of statutory school age at the beginning of this academic year.

Free school meal eligibility start and end dates

FSM eligibility data is used by the DfE to calculate pupil premium allocations.

Note: KS1 pupils who receive a school lunch as part of the universal free lunch entitlement should only be recorded as FSM eligible if they meet the usual FSM eligibility criteria relating to family income.

Universal school meal taken on census day (KS1 pupils only)

For each pupil in NC Year Groups R, 1 & 2 the census collects details of whether a school lunch was taken on census day. This data will be used by the DfE for universal infant meal funding purposes.

Full time / part time status for pupils who are not of statutory school age (i.e. nursery or reception classes)

Please ensure that each pupil in these year groups is correctly shown as full time or part time.

Note for SIMS users

For any child starting part time in nursery or reception, a start date must be entered in the part-time details box on the registration panel.

For any child changing from part-time to full-time, an end date must be

entered in the part-time details box on the registration panel.

Funded hours for pupils aged 2, 3 or 4

Pupils born between 1/9/2010 and 31/03/2013 cannot exceed 15 funded hours per week.

Pupils born between 1/9/2009 and 31/08/2010 cannot exceed 25 funded hours per week.

Hours at setting for pupils aged 2, 3 or 4

Hours at setting must be equal to or greater than funded hours.

National Curriculum Year Group for Nursery Classes

Pupils aged 3 as at 31/08/14 are N2

Pupils aged 2 as at 31/08/14 are N1.

SEN Provision code

For all pupils receiving SEN support the census collects the appropriate provision code:

S = Statement; E = Education, Health and Care plan; K = SEN support

Please note that the categories of School Action

(code ‘A’) &

School Action Plus (code ‘P’) are no longer valid and have been replaced by SEN Support (code K).

Top-Up Funding Indicator

This indicator is a true/false flag to indicate those pupils for whom the school receives top-up funding from the local authority. Most pupils for whom top-up funding is paid will have a statement of special educational need or an EHC plan.

Note for SIMS Users

This data item is shown in a separate panel on the census return details screen, not on the pupil details screen.

Unique Learner Numbers (ULN)

A ULN must be recorded for all pupils who are age 14 and above as at the census date of 21 May 2015.

Unique Pupil Numbers (UPN)

Where a pupil has recently transferred to your school and you have been unable to obtain the UPN from the previous school, please contact our helpline for assistance before issuing a temporary UPN.

When you have created your census return we strongly recommend that you check the data for your school by running the School Census Summary Report from your census software . If you have any queries about interpreting the School

Summary please ring our helpline 0333 013 9856 .
