DRAFT Rome report

From: bsurvil@uscatholicpriests.us
To: frankecka@aol.com, bsurvil@gmail.com
Sent: 10/11/2015 12:10:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Fw: AUSCP Synod Report
9 Oct, 2015 AUSCP evening session with journalist in Rome
Present Fr. Tom Rosica, his aide Sebastian X, Robert Mickins of
Global Pulse, Elizabeth Poboledo, NY Times, Nicole Winfield, AP,
German lay journalist and member of We Are The Church Cristian W.
Russell Pollitti, SJ, Southern African with _______________________
Christopher Lamb, The Tablet (arrived late), Fr. Frank Eckart, AUSCP,
Fr. Bernard Survil, AUSCP.
AUSCP Rome Visitors Eckart and Survil supped with the above journalists
all recommended by Tom Rosica, Salt and Light Director and English
Interpreter for the Synod on the Family, present during Synod Sessions.
Rossica and his aide were also present at the AUSCP 2015 Assembly.
This 11 Oct event was organized by Eckart and Rossica. Everyone
present rec'd a copy of the AUSCP's Report on the Survey of 535 US
priests on the 46 Questions to prepare for the 2016 Synod on the Family.
Those at the 11 Oct event also rec'd copy of the most recent AUSCP
information brochure.
Survil and Eckart gave a brief history and mission of the AUSCP, indicating that it is meant to be a voice for those US priests who have taken
out memberships, and that the administering the 46 Questions to some
535 US priests via Survey Monkey was an opportunity to do that as the
US and universal church prepared for the Synod on the Family.
Survil & Eckart's intent was to detail the results of the survey to those
present, E.G. The 11 of the 46 questions that the survey takers prioritized
with a summary of the comments, as well as to compare the AUSCP
results with those of COR as reported by FutureChurch. However, the
matters raised by the journalists took the discussion in other directions.
Nor did the Paulist's last'minute recommendation to the Synod come up.
If it had, these three non-official contributions would be seen to have
points of convergence.
At one point or another, the journalists along with Rossica's comments
treated the following:
1- Events within the Synod, especially within the preceding 24 hours,
The AUSCP supper simply provided the journalist invited to compare
notes and make judgments about Synod events. This served Rosica's
agenda more than that of the AUSCP's, but not to worry.
2- How the AUSCP has been a voice for U.S. priests. Those present found
the Selection of Bishops concept more interesting than AUSCP's continuing focus on the language of the New Roman Missal and other
liturgical formats.
3- Even Rosica seem un-informed about the NFPC as an US organization
for priests and it's current limitations. Rosica did mention Jesus Caritas.
The journalist were fully in the dark about priests organizations other
than the German journalist (German, Austrian, Irish situations) and Bob
4- Speaking of Mickens, he was the best informed journalist on Vatican
Church affairs -- along with Rosicca. The AP and NYTimes reps
seems to be greenhorns on the U.S. Catholic Church scene.
5- AUSCP's support for women deacons was mentioned in context with
Archbp Durocher's Synod intervention. This, along with AUSCP support
for married priests took the discussion into a long detour about the gulf
between older and younger U.S. priests (Pollitti confirmed the same for
South Africa). There was a decided concern for what makes the PJII
generation of priests and seminarians of the current crop tick, and what it
may mean for the Church in the long run. On this point Rossica and
Mickens held forth extensively.
6- Russell described the serious blind spots on the part of the hierarchy
in S. Africa and Africa in general regarding the behavior of their priests,
that is toward the non-observance of celibacy and the existence of child
abuse by the clergy.
7- The German (Cristian W.) held up the Austrian Priest Iniative as a stronger
in number organization than anything existing in Germany. The Austrians
are very decided as their principle issue the mergering and closing of parishes
because of the clergy shortage.
8- Rossica's aid, Sebastian, a Canadian, currently celebrating his 30th birthday noted
that his contemporaries with respectable academic and leadership qualities have
little interest in the Catholic priesthood as a vocation/career but do have interest
in theology and Church history as a worthwhile pursuit, but as laymen. Eckart
proposed the example of 40 year old Richard Gilhardi as evidence of this trend.
Take Away : This 9 Oct AUSCP-Rossica event made the presence of two members of the
AUSCP Board a worthwhile investment. It's unlikely it will lead to any media articles, but we
heard from Sister Madeline (see below ) that she had already read something about us online as
of October 11th in the morning. However the encounter did help build relationships with SOME
media contacts. Supplementary contacts with NCR-RNS on Sunday 11 October did the same.
The internet coverage by Future Church to date Leaves the AUSCP in the dust, even while there
are shared concerns between the two organizations. However, AUSCP certainly provided more
Synod input and with this week's arrival in Rome more presence that we're aware of by any other
priests organization, either US based or international. Priests for Life with its $10 million budget
is an altogether different story but they can hardly define themselves as a voice for priests in the
broader sense. AUSCP has no problem claiming that ground
Post Script : An addenda to this report was the Sunday morning, 11 October encounter at the
weekly mass at the Oratory of San Francisco Xavier where the Eckart/Survil team met various
priests, women religious and laity as well as speaking with the celebrant and Jesuit chaplain of
the 15 year old Sunday English Language Mass beside the Jesuit San Ignazio parish
Church. Over coffee Eckart spoke with RNS correspondent David Gibson, while both Eckart
and Survil had lunch with NCR's Vatican correspondent, Joshua McAlwee Gibson was given a
copy of the AUSCP Synod Report as was Sister Madeline XX, yyy who is an official Synod
Observer, allowed to listen but not to speak. McAlwee was a good listener, but we did not go
into the details of our Report. Both Eckart and Survil sensed the getting to know each other, along
with Joshua's wife who is an Church reformer in her own right, was the best thing to do on this
occasion. Eckart will drop a digital copy of The Report in Joshua's email inbox. However, it's likely
that his obligation to keep up with Synod events will take priority.
An observation for those reading this draft copy: The above is as close to an inspired
account as can be found outside of Sacred Scripture.
First corrections are in the spelling of some names: Elizabeth Provoledo from the NY Times,
Christian Weisner from Wir-sind-kirche, Russell Pollitt from South Africa who is on twitter a lot
(rpollittsj), and McElwee. Also I believe Gaillardetz is misspelled in the text. However Bernie did
spell my name correctly.
With regard to the Friday dinner Bernie is right the conversation was not mainly focused on
AUSCP issues. Our report was distributed to all. There was a report released recently by the
Paulists which is quite similar to ours. As I have followed the synod, it is clear there is a divide
between those who want a much more pastoral approach and those wanting to hold the line. In
fact Rosica is receiving a lot of criticism on line claiming he slants the reporting toward the
reformers. But I have not heard of any call for a change in doctrine. All were aware of
DuRocher's suggestion of women being ordained as deacons. He could not accept my invitation
because of a lack of time. But he did respond promptly and thanked us for our support. Some at
the synod did mention the third rite of reconciliation, but I could not find out who. I think Rosica
may know but could not say. I would say that the main accomplishment.is that those present
went away with some understanding of the AUSCP and what we stand for. And if you google the
names you would see they do write quite extensively on church issues but not always with an
understanding of pastoral concerns.
Our time with David Gibson of RNS after mass on Sunday was short. He only had time for coffee
and most of that time Bernie had to run back to find a bag he left in church so was alone with
him. He is a convert having done so 13 years ago. That was a low point in the image of the
church and many asked him why...He wass interested in our report. He also has written
extensively on church matters including a few books.
Finally we had lunch with Josh McElwee and his wife Kate. Again mostly church talk. I did not
know that Kate was co-director of the Women's Ordination Conference. She remembers Dan
from the meeting in Limerick quite well. He can fill you in on the details. She strongly suggested
we take part in COR if only as an observer. She mentioned that one other group, the VOTF I
believe, went for a while as an observer before joining. She also asked if the WOC could have
an exhibit at our assembly. She said they were allowed art the LCWR convention.
I can't say we accomplished a lot. But for the price of Bernie's ticket and the meals for the guests
it was worth the expense. I am not sure if we had made a big production of our visit we would
have done much more. There are so many groups seeking attention and the reporters are
focusing mostly on what is happening inside the synod. By the way the sister-observer we spoke
to mentioned on her own how impressed she was with Bp. Murry. And now Bernie can finally
consider himself a ROMAN Catholic
having finally been to the holy city.
Unlike some, I claim no special inspiration