Blitzing: ONE TEAM ONE MISSION WHAT IS A BLITZ CARD? o Our business card o A coupon for people to try our product discounted o Informational flyer essentially introducing The Ultimate Applicator and It Works! Global WHY BLITZ? o Gets you in front of more people o Raises confidence o Book Parties o Make contacts for your business/products o Builds team community o Builds confidence or newbies o Teaches newbies how to talk about our business and products o Raises Awareness and Credibility about WHO IWG is. WHAT DO I NEED TO BLITZ? o T-Shirt (It Works! Shirt of some sort!) Dress professional not sloppy. o Name Tag o Accessories with Black and/or Green (Stands out and gets attention) o Blitz Cards Labeled o Wrap Bag… (Wraps, Saran, Tape Measure, Measuring slips, Scissors o Before and Afters o Notepad or Cell phone for follow up info o Do a drawing maybe… o Blitz in Pairs when at all possible o Success Magazine for Additional Credibility o Ingredient List in Brag Book HOW DO I APPROACH, EXAMPLES OF WHAT TO SAY… o I’m introducing a new product in the area, here is a coupon… o I’m new in the area and introducing a new business and product to the area; I’d like to give you a coupon… o Simply, “Would you like a coupon?” o GUEST GIVE EXAMPLE of their approach. o My Wife is introducing a new Product in the area and I’m handing out coupons and booking appointments for folks to redeem their coupon…(If you’re a male) o Call local area businesses and just say, “Would you like to redeem your coupon for The Ultimate Body Applicator?” When they ask what o Cell Phone EXAMPLE o coupon, say “You don’t have a coupon for this NEW product? I’ll bring you one…” ha ha, you get the idea. WHO DO I APPROACH? AND WHERE DO I GO? o Anyone. o Facebook, Twitter, etc.… o Salons, Gyms, Chiropractors office, etc.… o ANYONE!!!! o Mom’s with children o Workers o DRIVE THROUGHS o BABY ISLES o KEEP SCOTCH TAPE/GAS PUMPS, bathroom doors, etc… o Put them in bills before you send out CASUAL BLITZER VS HARD CORE BLITZER o HARD CORE BLITZER Fully decked out daily in It Works! Attire! Regular Blitzing schedule with Team Blitzing with TEAM every week. Weekly giveaways to prospects Approaches cold contacts without a bat of an eye to introduce a The Ultimate Applicator with “Let me introduce a NEW Product on the Market…here’s a coupon. If you’d like to go ahead and schedule a time to redeem it we can do that too!” o Casual Blitzer PHANTOM BLIZING Leaves blitz cards behind wherever they go Bulletin boards, reading areas, etc.… Handing card out to others every day as part of regular routine but much more laid back about it Rarely “schedules” blitzing time, just does it all day long (unless launching a new Distributor or participating in a Team or Global Blitz day) Wears something that engages others to make contact with you first! (Green/Black clothing or Accessories, Name Tags, Shirts, etc.…) SCAVENGER BLITZ, GLOBAL BLITZ DAYS See Scavenger Blitz download on Way to build community and TEAM build. Teach team not only the art of blitzing, but how to follow up and create confidence in talking about their NEW business. Make few initial calls together or write a script for follow up. Do follow up as a group (MORE FUN) Help team build lead base, etc.… Book parties make new contacts Have more fun, less fear! Accountability to Blitz FOLLOW UP o Post Pics of Blitzing on Facebook etc.… to draw attention and get pp asking questions o Friends Leads on Facebook and in the message part introduce yourself; thank them for their time today, etc.… o The more immediately you follow up with contacts the much more likely you are to book appointments for them to redeem their coupons o Email, Call and Text Leads o Do Giveaways on Larger Blitz days. Award winners o When calling contacts say, “Would you like to redeem the coupon I gave you today…” SUCCESS FROM HOME MAGAZINE o Gives us INSTANT credibility o Label the front and back and stuff with blitz cards o Drop off in public reading areas, your bathroom at home, Dr. offices etc.… SCRIPT When Blitzing, after handing out the coupon and someone asks, “What is it?” Point to the side with the wrap on the body and say, “It looks like this and does this (as you flip the coupon over and show the before and after results). At this time I’d either stay quiet or point to the coupon and say, “when you are ready to redeem the coupon give me a call…” and WAIT. If they don’t say anything more move on…. If they do maybe add it can be worn anywhere and point to the sample pics. AND possibly ask for their information you’d love to follow up and possibly book an apt for them to redeem their coupon! Etc. *** Bring on upcoming leaders having MAJOR success blitzing! Edify, Empower and Encourage Leaders! MEN When you have engaged someone who is interested in learning more, redeeming their coupon or getting it on ASAP invite them to a wrap party, team meeting or wrap them if you feel comfortable. If they want to learn more and you are too new, 3 way call your upline in immediately! NEWBY If you are braving Blitzing on your own and you get interest and they ask, HOW DOES IT WORK? Simply say, “I am not really sure, all I know is the first time I tried it I got ____________________ results. If you are interested in learning more I’d love for you to join us (upcoming party or team event or do a 3 way call with upline immediately!)