ttk2013990131s1 - IEEE Computer Society

Properties of Algorithm:
Lemma 1. For cost matrix 𝑐 = 𝑐[0. . 𝑛, 0. . π‘š], let c[0,0]=0
denotes the minimum cost of transforming the empty sequence into itself; c[0,j]=∑1≤β„Ž≤𝑗 𝑑𝐸 (πœ€, 𝑃[β„Ž]) denotes the minimum cost of inserting the first j letters of P into the empty
sequence; c[i,0]= ∑1≤β„Ž≤𝑖 𝑑(π‘Š[β„Ž], πœ€) denotes the minimum
cost of deleting the first i letters of W so as to form the empty
sequence; Thus, for every i ∈ 1..n, j ∈ 1..m, c[i,j]=min{c[i1,j]+
𝑑(π‘Š[𝑖], πœ€) ,c[i,j-1]+
𝑑(πœ€, 𝑃[𝑗]) ,
c[i-1,j1]+ 𝑑(π‘Š[𝑖], 𝑃[𝑗])}
Proof. We base on a fact that insertion and deletion can be
performed in any order. In particular, we consider the
three possible orderings of inserts and deletes that
leave the operations on W[i] and/or P[j] to be performed last:
One possibility is that W[i] should be deleted at a cost
of 𝑑(π‘Š[𝑖], πœ€) added to c[i-1,j]
A second possibility is that P[j] should be inserted at a
cost of 𝑑(πœ€, 𝑃[𝑗]) added to c[i,j-1]
The final possibility is that a substitution could take
place W[i] deleted and P[j] inserted – at a cost of
𝑑(π‘Š[𝑖], 𝑃[𝑗]) added to c[i-1,j-1]. Of course in the case
that W[i]=P[j], this increment would be zero. 
Based on lemma 1, for the initial values of the cost matrix: 𝑐[0, 𝑗] = 𝑑(πœ€, 𝑃[1. . 𝑗]) for every 𝑗 ∈ 1. . π‘š the cost of
inserting the prefix P[1. . 𝑗]
The initial values in column 1:
If W[1] = 𝑃[1] then 𝑐[𝑖, 1] ← 0
Else 𝑐[𝑖, 1] ← min{𝑐[𝑖 − 1,1] + 𝑑(π‘Š[𝑖], πœ€), 𝑑(π‘Š[𝑖], 𝑃[1]}
Once the boundary values in row 0 and column 1 have
been correctly computed, we may compute each element 𝑐[𝑖, 𝑗], 𝑖 ∈ 1. . 𝑛, 𝑗 ∈ 2. . π‘š , according the basic recurrence relation:
𝑐[𝑖, 𝑗] ←min{ c[i-1,j]+ 𝑑(π‘Š[𝑖], πœ€),c[i,j-1]+ 𝑑(πœ€, 𝑃[𝑗]),c[i-1,j1]+ 𝑑(π‘Š[𝑖], 𝑃[𝑗])}.ο€ 
Theorem 1. In refined mode, the average-time complexity of
Procedure 1 is 𝛰 (|W|+m), and in space
𝛰(| π‘πœŽ |q+|W|+m). In sketch mode, the average-time time
complexity of Procedure 1 is an O(c|W|logσm/m) approximate matching algorithm with error πœ‰= O((πœ† /m)t).
Proof. If the precision degree of pre-matching f is refined,
the main task is to compute π‘‘π‘ž (π‘₯, 𝑦) in step (2). In general we cannot assume that a q-gram v as such could
serve as an index. Rather, we need to map each of v to
an integer. A natural encoding is to interpret v directly
as |π‘πœŽ | integers.
Let v= z1 z2… zq and let π‘πœŽ ={N0, N1,…, π‘πœŽ−1 }. Then the
integer code of q-gram v is
𝑣̃ = 𝑧̃1 𝜎 π‘ž−1 + 𝑧̃2 𝜎 π‘ž−2 + β‹― + π‘§Μƒπ‘ž 𝜎 0
Where 𝑧̃𝑖 = 𝑗 if zi=Nj. Then, let x=a1…a|W| , and let
vi=ai…ai+q-1, 1≤i≤n-q+1, be the q-grams of x Obviously,
𝑣̃𝑖+1 = (𝑣̃𝑖 − π‘ŽΜƒπ‘– 𝜎 π‘ž−1 ) βˆ™ 𝜎 + π‘ŽΜƒπ‘–+π‘ž
By setting and then applying (7) for 1≤i≤n-q we get the
integer codes for all q-gram in an array G[0: 𝜎 π‘ž -1] by
setting G[𝑣̃𝑖 ]←G[𝑣̃𝑖 ]+1 for all i. At the end G[𝑣̃]=G(x)[v]
for each q-gram v. Moreover, we create a list L of codes
that really occur in x. Assuming that each application
takes constant time (this holds true at least for small 𝜎
and a). The total time for computing G and L is O(|x|).
Let us denote these G and L as G1 and L1. Similarly, we
get G=G2 and L=L2 for a string y in time O(|y|). Now
step (2) gets the form π‘‘π‘ž (π‘₯, 𝑦) = ∑𝑣̃∈𝐿1∪𝐿2|𝐺1 [𝑣̃] − 𝐺2 [𝑣̃]|
which, obviously, can be evaluated in time O(|x|+|y|).
So in refined mode, the average-time complexity of
Procedure 1 is Ο (|W|+m), and space complexity is
Ο(| π‘πœŽ |q+|W|+m).
If f equals sketch, Procedure 1 use sampling q-gram
technique to speed the execution of pre-matching. Let
w’= w − q + 1 be the number of q-grams (counting repetitions) in a window of length w. Let Pr denote the
probability that a randomly chosen q-gram is a substring of the pattern P, i.e. Pr =σ1π‘ž ·|{Pi..i+q−1 :i = 1, ...,m −
q + 1}|[25].
According to [26], If πœ‚ <(m − 2 π‘™π‘œπ‘”πœŽ π‘š )/(1 + 4 π‘™π‘œπ‘”πœŽ π‘š ),
then Procedure 1 is a algorithm with one-sided error πœ‰=
O(( πœ‚π‘™π‘œπ‘”πœŽ π‘š /m)c) for any constant c > 0. Clearly the running time of Procrdure 1 equal O(cq), i.e. O(clog 𝜎 m), so
in sketch mode, the average-time complexity of Procedure 1 is O(c|W| π‘™π‘œπ‘”πœŽ π‘š/π‘š)
The following lemma shows how t can be used to update the state s from position i-1 in the event sequence W
to position t:
Lemma 2. Let s(i) denote the string s that defines the state
corresponding to position i in the event sequence E. define
the initial state s(0)[0..m]=0(1m). Then for every i∈1..n and
every j∈1..m
s(i)[j]= s(i-1)[j-1]⋁t[x[i],j]
Where ⋁ is the logical OR operator.
Proof. Let i be the current position in E. Observe that, no
calculation is performed on s(i-1)[m]. Suppose first that
for any j∈1..m, s(i-1)[j-1]=0, so that by (7)
If t[W[i],j]=0, then by (8) it is moreover true that W[i]=
P[j], so that we should also set s(i)[j]←0. Conversely, If
t[W[i],j]=1, then by (8) it is moreover true that W[i]≠P[j],
and we should set s(i)[j]←1. Thus in each case the correct
result is ensured by the logical OR in (14).
Theorem 2. Suppose a event sequence W[1..n] and a set
P={P1,P2,…Pr} of patterns are given, let π‘š =
|P1|+|P2|+…+|Pr|. Then procedure 2 can compute all kapproximate occurrences in W of every pattern in P, using
𝛩((π‘˜⌈π‘š⁄𝑀⌉ + π‘š)𝑛) time and 𝛩((𝜎 + π‘˜)⌈π‘š⁄𝑀⌉) additional
space, where w is the computer word length. Where ⌈… ⌉ is
Supremum symbol; 𝛩 is a notation that the average runtime
describe the bounds on asymptotic growth rates of algorithm
Proof. If π‘š ≤ 𝑀, 𝑠[1. . π‘š] and 𝑑[β„Ž, 1. . π‘š] each occupy at
most one computer word, so that the calculation of s
can be viewed as a pair of constant-time operations: a
one-bit shift followed by a logical OR in a one-word
register. More generally (i.e. m>w), for arbitrary m,
𝑠[1. . π‘š] and 𝑑[β„Ž, 1. . π‘š] each occupy ⌈π‘š⁄𝑀⌉ computer
words and therefore each calculation of s requires
Θ(⌈π‘š⁄𝑀⌉) time. Procedure 2 must execute (7) (k+1)n
times in order to locate all k-approximate matches of P
in W. Each execution requires three right shifts, three
AND operations and OR operation on each word of
each sl, l=1,2,…k, hence constant time per word.
Observe that the array 𝑑= 𝑑[1..𝜎,1..m] can be computed
in the pre-matching phase that initially sets every word
to 1π‘š , then resets position 𝑑[𝑝[𝑗], 𝑗] ← 0 for every 𝑗 ∈
1. . π‘š , hence the array t can be computed in time
Θ(𝜎⌈π‘š⁄𝑀⌉ + m) and not cost the execution time of procedure 2.
The additional bit operations required to correct the 𝑠𝑙
can be performed in constant time, and since they are
all logical operations, they can be performed on words.
The time complexity of Step (10) to step (19) is
Θ(π‘Ÿ(π‘š⁄π‘Ÿ) ), where π‘š⁄π‘Ÿ denotes the average length of
pattern π‘ƒπ‘šπ‘’ , Thus, the time complexity of procedure 2 is
Θ((π‘˜⌈π‘š⁄𝑀⌉ + π‘š)𝑛), and (k+1) bit vectors and array t
need Θ((𝜎 + π‘˜)⌈π‘š⁄𝑀⌉) additional space.
[25] Ukkonen, E., “Approximate string-matching with q-grams and
vol. 92, no. 1, pp. 191-211, Jan. 6, 1992, doi:10.1016/03043975(92)90143-4.
[26] M. Kiwi1, G. Navarro, and C. Telha, “On-line approximate
string matching with bounded errors”, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 412, no. 45, pp. 6359–6370, 21 October 2011.